
986 lines
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Raw Normal View History

2020-01-03 04:18:49 +01:00
import os
import zlib
import base64
2018-10-15 23:16:43 +02:00
import asyncio
2018-07-10 06:30:13 +02:00
import logging
2020-01-03 04:18:49 +01:00
from io import StringIO
from datetime import datetime
2020-01-03 04:18:49 +01:00
from functools import partial
from operator import itemgetter
2020-02-21 04:11:25 +01:00
from collections import defaultdict
2020-01-03 04:18:49 +01:00
from binascii import hexlify, unhexlify
2020-02-21 04:11:25 +01:00
from typing import Dict, Tuple, Type, Iterable, List, Optional, DefaultDict, NamedTuple
2018-06-12 17:53:29 +02:00
2020-01-03 04:50:27 +01:00
import pylru
from lbry.schema.result import Outputs, INVALID, NOT_FOUND
2019-06-21 02:55:47 +02:00
from lbry.schema.url import URL
2020-01-03 04:18:49 +01:00
from lbry.crypto.hash import hash160, double_sha256, sha256
from lbry.crypto.base58 import Base58
from .tasks import TaskGroup
from .database import Database
from .stream import StreamController
from .dewies import dewies_to_lbc
from .account import Account, AddressManager, SingleKey
from .network import Network
from .transaction import Transaction, Output
from .header import Headers, UnvalidatedHeaders
from .constants import TXO_TYPES, COIN, NULL_HASH32
from .bip32 import PubKey, PrivateKey
from .coinselection import CoinSelector
2018-07-10 06:30:13 +02:00
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
2020-01-03 04:18:49 +01:00
LedgerType = Type['BaseLedger']
class LedgerRegistry(type):
ledgers: Dict[str, LedgerType] = {}
def __new__(mcs, name, bases, attrs):
cls: LedgerType = super().__new__(mcs, name, bases, attrs)
if not (name == 'BaseLedger' and not bases):
ledger_id = cls.get_id()
assert ledger_id not in mcs.ledgers, \
f'Ledger with id "{ledger_id}" already registered.'
mcs.ledgers[ledger_id] = cls
return cls
def get_ledger_class(mcs, ledger_id: str) -> LedgerType:
return mcs.ledgers[ledger_id]
2020-02-21 04:11:25 +01:00
class TransactionEvent(NamedTuple):
address: str
tx: Transaction
2020-01-03 04:18:49 +01:00
2020-02-21 04:11:25 +01:00
class AddressesGeneratedEvent(NamedTuple):
address_manager: AddressManager
addresses: List[str]
2020-01-03 04:18:49 +01:00
2020-02-21 04:11:25 +01:00
class BlockHeightEvent(NamedTuple):
height: int
change: int
2020-01-03 04:18:49 +01:00
class TransactionCacheItem:
__slots__ = '_tx', 'lock', 'has_tx'
def __init__(self, tx: Optional[Transaction] = None, lock: Optional[asyncio.Lock] = None):
self.has_tx = asyncio.Event()
self.lock = lock or asyncio.Lock()
self._tx = self.tx = tx
2018-07-10 06:30:13 +02:00
2020-01-03 04:18:49 +01:00
def tx(self) -> Optional[Transaction]:
return self._tx
def tx(self, tx: Transaction):
self._tx = tx
if tx is not None:
class Ledger(metaclass=LedgerRegistry):
2018-06-12 17:53:29 +02:00
name = 'LBRY Credits'
symbol = 'LBC'
2018-06-14 06:53:38 +02:00
network_name = 'mainnet'
2018-06-12 17:53:29 +02:00
headers_class = Headers
2019-03-24 21:55:04 +01:00
2018-10-15 23:16:43 +02:00
secret_prefix = bytes((0x1c,))
pubkey_address_prefix = bytes((0x55,))
script_address_prefix = bytes((0x7a,))
2018-07-01 23:21:18 +02:00
extended_public_key_prefix = unhexlify('0488b21e')
extended_private_key_prefix = unhexlify('0488ade4')
2018-06-14 06:53:38 +02:00
max_target = 0x0000ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
genesis_hash = '9c89283ba0f3227f6c03b70216b9f665f0118d5e0fa729cedf4fb34d6a34f463'
genesis_bits = 0x1f00ffff
target_timespan = 150
2018-06-12 17:53:29 +02:00
default_fee_per_byte = 50
default_fee_per_name_char = 200000
2020-01-03 04:18:49 +01:00
def __init__(self, config=None):
self.config = config or {}
self.db: Database = self.config.get('db') or Database(
os.path.join(self.path, "blockchain.db")
self.db.ledger = self
self.headers: Headers = self.config.get('headers') or self.headers_class(
os.path.join(self.path, "headers")
) Network = self.config.get('network') or Network(self)
self.accounts = []
self.fee_per_byte: int = self.config.get('fee_per_byte', self.default_fee_per_byte)
self._on_transaction_controller = StreamController()
self.on_transaction =
lambda e:
'(%s) on_transaction: address=%s, height=%s, is_verified=%s,',
self.get_id(), e.address, e.tx.height, e.tx.is_verified,
self._on_address_controller = StreamController()
self.on_address =
lambda e:'(%s) on_address: %s', self.get_id(), e.addresses)
self._on_header_controller = StreamController()
self.on_header =
lambda change:
'%s: added %s header blocks, final height %s',
self.get_id(), change, self.headers.height
self._download_height = 0
self._on_ready_controller = StreamController()
self.on_ready =
self._tx_cache = pylru.lrucache(100000)
self._update_tasks = TaskGroup()
self._utxo_reservation_lock = asyncio.Lock()
self._header_processing_lock = asyncio.Lock()
2020-01-10 05:02:58 +01:00
self._address_update_locks: DefaultDict[str, asyncio.Lock] = defaultdict(asyncio.Lock)
2020-01-03 04:18:49 +01:00
self.coin_selection_strategy = None
self._known_addresses_out_of_sync = set()
2018-06-12 17:53:29 +02:00
self.fee_per_name_char = self.config.get('fee_per_name_char', self.default_fee_per_name_char)
self._balance_cache = pylru.lrucache(100000)
2020-01-03 04:18:49 +01:00
def get_id(cls):
return '{}_{}'.format(cls.symbol.lower(), cls.network_name.lower())
def hash160_to_address(cls, h160):
raw_address = cls.pubkey_address_prefix + h160
return Base58.encode(bytearray(raw_address + double_sha256(raw_address)[0:4]))
def address_to_hash160(address):
return Base58.decode(address)[1:21]
def is_valid_address(cls, address):
decoded = Base58.decode_check(address)
return decoded[0] == cls.pubkey_address_prefix[0]
def public_key_to_address(cls, public_key):
return cls.hash160_to_address(hash160(public_key))
def private_key_to_wif(private_key):
return b'\x1c' + private_key + b'\x01'
def path(self):
return os.path.join(self.config['data_path'], self.get_id())
def add_account(self, account: Account):
async def _get_account_and_address_info_for_address(self, wallet, address):
match = await self.db.get_address(accounts=wallet.accounts, address=address)
if match:
for account in wallet.accounts:
if match['account'] == account.public_key.address:
return account, match
async def get_private_key_for_address(self, wallet, address) -> Optional[PrivateKey]:
match = await self._get_account_and_address_info_for_address(wallet, address)
if match:
account, address_info = match
return account.get_private_key(address_info['chain'], address_info['pubkey'].n)
return None
async def get_public_key_for_address(self, wallet, address) -> Optional[PubKey]:
match = await self._get_account_and_address_info_for_address(wallet, address)
if match:
_, address_info = match
return address_info['pubkey']
return None
async def get_account_for_address(self, wallet, address):
match = await self._get_account_and_address_info_for_address(wallet, address)
if match:
return match[0]
async def get_effective_amount_estimators(self, funding_accounts: Iterable[Account]):
estimators = []
for account in funding_accounts:
utxos = await account.get_utxos()
for utxo in utxos:
return estimators
async def get_addresses(self, **constraints):
return await self.db.get_addresses(**constraints)
def get_address_count(self, **constraints):
return self.db.get_address_count(**constraints)
async def get_spendable_utxos(self, amount: int, funding_accounts):
async with self._utxo_reservation_lock:
txos = await self.get_effective_amount_estimators(funding_accounts)
fee = Output.pay_pubkey_hash(COIN, NULL_HASH32).get_fee(self)
selector = CoinSelector(amount, fee)
spendables =, self.coin_selection_strategy)
if spendables:
await self.reserve_outputs(s.txo for s in spendables)
return spendables
def reserve_outputs(self, txos):
return self.db.reserve_outputs(txos)
def release_outputs(self, txos):
return self.db.release_outputs(txos)
def release_tx(self, tx):
return self.release_outputs([txi.txo_ref.txo for txi in tx.inputs])
def get_utxos(self, **constraints):
return self.db.get_utxos(**constraints)
def get_utxo_count(self, **constraints):
return self.db.get_utxo_count(**constraints)
2020-03-07 06:34:47 +01:00
async def get_txos(self, resolve=False, **constraints):
txos = await self.db.get_txos(**constraints)
if resolve:
return await self._resolve_for_local_results(constraints.get('accounts', []), txos)
return txos
def get_txo_count(self, **constraints):
return self.db.get_txo_count(**constraints)
2020-01-03 04:18:49 +01:00
def get_transactions(self, **constraints):
return self.db.get_transactions(**constraints)
def get_transaction_count(self, **constraints):
return self.db.get_transaction_count(**constraints)
async def get_local_status_and_history(self, address, history=None):
if not history:
address_details = await self.db.get_address(address=address)
history = (address_details['history'] if address_details else '') or ''
2020-01-03 04:18:49 +01:00
parts = history.split(':')[:-1]
return (
hexlify(sha256(history.encode())).decode() if history else None,
list(zip(parts[0::2], map(int, parts[1::2])))
def get_root_of_merkle_tree(branches, branch_positions, working_branch):
for i, branch in enumerate(branches):
other_branch = unhexlify(branch)[::-1]
other_branch_on_left = bool((branch_positions >> i) & 1)
if other_branch_on_left:
combined = other_branch + working_branch
combined = working_branch + other_branch
working_branch = double_sha256(combined)
return hexlify(working_branch[::-1])
async def start(self):
if not os.path.exists(self.path):
await asyncio.wait([,
first_connection =
await first_connection
async with self._header_processing_lock:
await self._update_tasks.add(self.initial_headers_sync())
await asyncio.gather(*(a.maybe_migrate_certificates() for a in self.accounts))
await asyncio.gather(*(a.save_max_gap() for a in self.accounts))
if len(self.accounts) > 10:"Loaded %i accounts", len(self.accounts))
await self._report_state()
async def join_network(self, *_):"Subscribing and updating accounts.")
async with self._header_processing_lock:
await self.update_headers()
await self.subscribe_accounts()
await self._update_tasks.done.wait()
async def stop(self):
await self._update_tasks.done.wait()
await self.db.close()
await self.headers.close()
def local_height_including_downloaded_height(self):
return max(self.headers.height, self._download_height)
async def initial_headers_sync(self):
target = + 1
current = len(self.headers)
get_chunk = partial(,, count=4096, b64=True)
chunks = [asyncio.create_task(get_chunk(height)) for height in range(current, target, 4096)]
total = 0
async with self.headers.checkpointed_connector() as buffer:
for chunk in chunks:
headers = await chunk
total += buffer.write(
zlib.decompress(base64.b64decode(headers['base64']), wbits=-15, bufsize=600_000)
self._download_height = current + total // self.headers.header_size"Headers sync: %s / %s", self._download_height, target)
async def update_headers(self, height=None, headers=None, subscription_update=False):
rewound = 0
while True:
if height is None or height > len(self.headers):
# sometimes header subscription updates are for a header in the future
# which can't be connected, so we do a normal header sync instead
height = len(self.headers)
headers = None
subscription_update = False
if not headers:
header_response = await, height, 2001)
headers = header_response['hex']
if not headers:
# Nothing to do, network thinks we're already at the latest height.
added = await self.headers.connect(height, unhexlify(headers))
if added > 0:
height += added
BlockHeightEvent(self.headers.height, added))
if rewound > 0:
# we started rewinding blocks and apparently found
# a new chain
rewound = 0
await self.db.rewind_blockchain(height)
if subscription_update:
# subscription updates are for latest header already
# so we don't need to check if there are newer / more
# on another loop of update_headers(), just return instead
elif added == 0:
# we had headers to connect but none got connected, probably a reorganization
height -= 1
rewound += 1
"Blockchain Reorganization: attempting rewind to height %s from starting height %s",
height, height+rewound
raise IndexError(f"headers.connect() returned negative number ({added})")
if height < 0:
raise IndexError(
"Blockchain reorganization rewound all the way back to genesis hash. "
"Something is very wrong. Maybe you are on the wrong blockchain?"
if rewound >= 100:
raise IndexError(
"Blockchain reorganization dropped {} headers. This is highly unusual. "
"Will not continue to attempt reorganizing. Please, delete the ledger "
"synchronization directory inside your wallet directory (folder: '{}') and "
"restart the program to synchronize from scratch."
2020-01-03 04:50:27 +01:00
.format(rewound, self.get_id())
2020-01-03 04:18:49 +01:00
headers = None # ready to download some more headers
# if we made it this far and this was a subscription_update
# it means something went wrong and now we're doing a more
# robust sync, turn off subscription update shortcut
subscription_update = False
async def receive_header(self, response):
async with self._header_processing_lock:
header = response[0]
await self.update_headers(
height=header['height'], headers=header['hex'], subscription_update=True
async def subscribe_accounts(self):
if and self.accounts:
2020-01-10 05:05:49 +01:00"Subscribe to %i accounts", len(self.accounts))
2020-01-03 04:18:49 +01:00
await asyncio.wait([
self.subscribe_account(a) for a in self.accounts
async def subscribe_account(self, account: Account):
for address_manager in account.address_managers.values():
await self.subscribe_addresses(address_manager, await address_manager.get_addresses())
await account.ensure_address_gap()
async def unsubscribe_account(self, account: Account):
for address in await account.get_addresses():
async def announce_addresses(self, address_manager: AddressManager, addresses: List[str]):
await self.subscribe_addresses(address_manager, addresses)
await self._on_address_controller.add(
AddressesGeneratedEvent(address_manager, addresses)
2020-01-10 05:05:49 +01:00
async def subscribe_addresses(self, address_manager: AddressManager, addresses: List[str], batch_size: int = 1000):
2020-01-03 04:18:49 +01:00
if and addresses:
2020-01-10 05:05:49 +01:00
addresses_remaining = list(addresses)
while addresses_remaining:
batch = addresses_remaining[:batch_size]
2020-01-10 19:57:52 +01:00
results = await*batch)
for address, remote_status in zip(batch, results):
self._update_tasks.add(self.update_history(address, remote_status, address_manager))
addresses_remaining = addresses_remaining[batch_size:]"subscribed to %i/%i addresses on %s:%i", len(addresses) - len(addresses_remaining),
len(addresses), *
"finished subscribing to %i addresses on %s:%i", len(addresses),
2020-01-03 04:18:49 +01:00
def process_status_update(self, update):
address, remote_status = update
self._update_tasks.add(self.update_history(address, remote_status))
2020-01-10 05:02:58 +01:00
async def update_history(self, address, remote_status, address_manager: AddressManager = None):
async with self._address_update_locks[address]:
2020-01-03 04:18:49 +01:00
local_status, local_history = await self.get_local_status_and_history(address)
if local_status == remote_status:
return True
remote_history = await, address)
remote_history = list(map(itemgetter('tx_hash', 'height'), remote_history))
we_need = set(remote_history) - set(local_history)
if not we_need:
return True
cache_tasks: List[asyncio.Future[Transaction]] = []
synced_history = StringIO()
for i, (txid, remote_height) in enumerate(remote_history):
if i < len(local_history) and local_history[i] == (txid, remote_height) and not cache_tasks:
check_local = (txid, remote_height) not in we_need
self.cache_transaction(txid, remote_height, check_local=check_local)
synced_txs = []
for task in cache_tasks:
tx = await task
check_db_for_txos = []
for txi in tx.inputs:
if txi.txo_ref.txo is not None:
cache_item = self._tx_cache.get(
if cache_item is not None:
if cache_item.tx is None:
await cache_item.has_tx.wait()
assert cache_item.tx is not None
txi.txo_ref = cache_item.tx.outputs[txi.txo_ref.position].ref
referenced_txos = {} if not check_db_for_txos else { txo for txo in await self.db.get_txos(txoid__in=check_db_for_txos, no_tx=True)
for txi in tx.inputs:
if txi.txo_ref.txo is not None:
referenced_txo = referenced_txos.get(
if referenced_txo is not None:
txi.txo_ref = referenced_txo.ref
await self.db.save_transaction_io_batch(
synced_txs, address, self.address_to_hash160(address), synced_history.getvalue()
await asyncio.wait([
self._on_transaction_controller.add(TransactionEvent(address, tx))
for tx in synced_txs
if address_manager is None:
address_manager = await self.get_address_manager_for_address(address)
if address_manager is not None:
await address_manager.ensure_address_gap()
local_status, local_history = \
await self.get_local_status_and_history(address, synced_history.getvalue())
if local_status != remote_status:
if local_history == remote_history:
return True
"Wallet is out of sync after syncing. Remote: %s with %d items, local: %s with %d items",
remote_status, len(remote_history), local_status, len(local_history)
log.warning("local: %s", local_history)
log.warning("remote: %s", remote_history)
return False
return True
async def cache_transaction(self, txid, remote_height, check_local=True):
cache_item = self._tx_cache.get(txid)
if cache_item is None:
cache_item = self._tx_cache[txid] = TransactionCacheItem()
elif cache_item.tx is not None and \
cache_item.tx.height >= remote_height and \
(cache_item.tx.is_verified or remote_height < 1):
return cache_item.tx # cached tx is already up-to-date
async with cache_item.lock:
tx = cache_item.tx
if tx is None and check_local:
# check local db
tx = cache_item.tx = await self.db.get_transaction(txid=txid)
if tx is None:
# fetch from network
_raw = await, txid, remote_height)
tx = Transaction(unhexlify(_raw))
cache_item.tx = tx # make sure it's saved before caching it
await self.maybe_verify_transaction(tx, remote_height)
return tx
async def maybe_verify_transaction(self, tx, remote_height):
tx.height = remote_height
if 0 < remote_height < len(self.headers):
merkle = await,, remote_height)
merkle_root = self.get_root_of_merkle_tree(merkle['merkle'], merkle['pos'], tx.hash)
header = self.headers[remote_height]
tx.position = merkle['pos']
tx.is_verified = merkle_root == header['merkle_root']
async def get_address_manager_for_address(self, address) -> Optional[AddressManager]:
details = await self.db.get_address(address=address)
for account in self.accounts:
if == details['account']:
return account.address_managers[details['chain']]
return None
def broadcast(self, tx):
# broadcast can't be a retriable call yet
async def wait(self, tx: Transaction, height=-1, timeout=1):
addresses = set()
for txi in tx.inputs:
if txi.txo_ref.txo is not None:
for txo in tx.outputs:
if txo.has_address:
records = await self.db.get_addresses(address__in=addresses)
_, pending = await asyncio.wait([
lambda a, e: a == e.address and e.tx.height >= height and ==,
)) for address_record in records
], timeout=timeout)
if pending:
records = await self.db.get_addresses(address__in=addresses)
2020-01-03 04:18:49 +01:00
for record in records:
found = False
local_history = (await self.get_local_status_and_history(
record['address'], history=record['history']
))[1] if record['history'] else []
2020-01-03 04:18:49 +01:00
for txid, local_height in local_history:
if txid == and local_height >= height:
found = True
if not found:
print(record['history'], addresses,
raise asyncio.TimeoutError('Timed out waiting for transaction.')
async def _inflate_outputs(self, query, accounts) -> Tuple[List[Output], dict, int, int]:
encoded_outputs = await query
outputs = Outputs.from_base64(encoded_outputs or b'') # TODO: why is the server returning None?
2019-04-29 06:38:58 +02:00
txs = []
if len(outputs.txs) > 0:
txs: List[Transaction] = await asyncio.gather(*(
self.cache_transaction(*tx) for tx in outputs.txs
if accounts:
priced_claims = []
for tx in txs:
for txo in tx.outputs:
if txo.has_price:
if priced_claims:
receipts = {
txo.purchased_claim_id: txo for txo in
await self.db.get_purchases(
purchased_claim_id__in=[c.claim_id for c in priced_claims]
for txo in priced_claims:
txo.purchase_receipt = receipts.get(txo.claim_id)
txos, blocked = outputs.inflate(txs)
return txos, blocked, outputs.offset,
2018-10-15 23:16:43 +02:00
async def resolve(self, accounts, urls):
2019-09-16 10:26:32 +02:00
resolve = partial(,
txos = (await self._inflate_outputs(resolve(urls), accounts))[0]
2019-04-29 06:38:58 +02:00
assert len(urls) == len(txos), "Mismatch between urls requested for resolve and responses received."
result = {}
for url, txo in zip(urls, txos):
if txo:
if isinstance(txo, Output) and URL.parse(url).has_stream_in_channel:
if not or not txo.is_signed_by(, self):
txo = {'error': {'name': INVALID, 'text': f'{url} has invalid channel signature'}}
txo = {'error': {'name': NOT_FOUND, 'text': f'{url} did not resolve to a claim'}}
result[url] = txo
return result
2018-10-15 23:16:43 +02:00
async def claim_search(self, accounts, **kwargs) -> Tuple[List[Output], dict, int, int]:
return await self._inflate_outputs(**kwargs), accounts)
2019-03-31 00:40:01 +01:00
async def get_claim_by_claim_id(self, accounts, claim_id) -> Output:
for claim in (await self.claim_search(accounts, claim_id=claim_id))[0]:
2019-04-29 06:38:58 +02:00
return claim
2018-06-12 17:53:29 +02:00
2018-10-15 23:16:43 +02:00
async def _report_state(self):
for account in self.accounts:
balance = dewies_to_lbc(await account.get_balance(include_claims=True))
channel_count = await account.get_channel_count()
claim_count = await account.get_claim_count()
if isinstance(account.receiving, SingleKey):"Loaded single key account %s with %s LBC. "
"%d channels, %d certificates and %d claims",, balance, channel_count, len(account.channel_keys), claim_count)
total_receiving = len(await account.receiving.get_addresses())
total_change = len(await account.change.get_addresses())"Loaded account %s with %s LBC, %d receiving addresses (gap: %d), "
"%d change addresses (gap: %d), %d channels, %d certificates and %d claims. ",, balance, total_receiving,, total_change,, channel_count, len(account.channel_keys), claim_count)
2020-01-10 18:27:56 +01:00
except Exception as err:
if isinstance(err, asyncio.CancelledError): # TODO: remove when updated to 3.8
'Failed to display wallet state, please file issue '
'for this bug along with the traceback you see below:')
2018-07-12 05:18:59 +02:00
async def _reset_balance_cache(self, e: TransactionEvent):
account_ids = [
r['account'] for r in await self.db.get_addresses(('account',), address=e.address)
for account_id in account_ids:
if account_id in self._balance_cache:
del self._balance_cache[account_id]
2019-08-12 07:16:15 +02:00
def constraint_spending_utxos(constraints):
constraints['txo_type__in'] = (0, TXO_TYPES['purchase'])
async def get_purchases(self, resolve=False, **constraints):
purchases = await self.db.get_purchases(**constraints)
if resolve:
claim_ids = [p.purchased_claim_id for p in purchases]
2020-01-19 03:43:10 +01:00
resolved, _, _, _ = await self.claim_search([], claim_ids=claim_ids)
2020-01-10 18:27:56 +01:00
except Exception as err:
if isinstance(err, asyncio.CancelledError): # TODO: remove when updated to 3.8
log.exception("Resolve failed while looking up purchased claim ids:")
resolved = []
lookup = {claim.claim_id: claim for claim in resolved}
for purchase in purchases:
purchase.purchased_claim = lookup.get(purchase.purchased_claim_id)
return purchases
def get_purchase_count(self, resolve=False, **constraints):
return self.db.get_purchase_count(**constraints)
async def _resolve_for_local_results(self, accounts, txos):
results = []
2020-03-07 06:34:47 +01:00
response = await self.resolve(
accounts, [txo.permanent_url for txo in txos if txo.can_decode_claim]
for txo in txos:
2020-03-07 06:34:47 +01:00
resolved = response.get(txo.permanent_url) if txo.can_decode_claim else None
if isinstance(resolved, Output):
if isinstance(resolved, dict) and 'error' in resolved:
txo.meta['error'] = resolved['error']
return results
async def get_claims(self, resolve=False, **constraints):
claims = await self.db.get_claims(**constraints)
if resolve:
return await self._resolve_for_local_results(constraints.get('accounts', []), claims)
return claims
def get_claim_count(self, **constraints):
return self.db.get_claim_count(**constraints)
async def get_streams(self, resolve=False, **constraints):
streams = await self.db.get_streams(**constraints)
if resolve:
return await self._resolve_for_local_results(constraints.get('accounts', []), streams)
return streams
def get_stream_count(self, **constraints):
return self.db.get_stream_count(**constraints)
async def get_channels(self, resolve=False, **constraints):
channels = await self.db.get_channels(**constraints)
if resolve:
return await self._resolve_for_local_results(constraints.get('accounts', []), channels)
return channels
def get_channel_count(self, **constraints):
return self.db.get_channel_count(**constraints)
2019-11-14 03:16:27 +01:00
async def resolve_collection(self, collection, offset=0, page_size=1):
claim_ids =[offset:page_size+offset]
2020-01-19 02:58:30 +01:00
resolve_results, _, _, _ = await self.claim_search([], claim_ids=claim_ids)
2020-01-10 18:27:56 +01:00
except Exception as err:
if isinstance(err, asyncio.CancelledError): # TODO: remove when updated to 3.8
2019-11-14 03:16:27 +01:00
log.exception("Resolve failed while looking up collection claim ids:")
return []
claims = []
for claim_id in claim_ids:
found = False
for txo in resolve_results:
if txo.claim_id == claim_id:
found = True
if not found:
return claims
async def get_collections(self, resolve_claims=0, **constraints):
2019-11-13 23:50:35 +01:00
collections = await self.db.get_collections(**constraints)
2019-11-14 03:16:27 +01:00
if resolve_claims > 0:
2019-11-13 23:50:35 +01:00
for collection in collections:
2019-11-14 03:16:27 +01:00 = await self.resolve_collection(collection, page_size=resolve_claims)
2019-11-13 23:50:35 +01:00
return collections
2019-11-14 03:16:27 +01:00
def get_collection_count(self, resolve_claims=0, **constraints):
2019-11-12 18:17:35 +01:00
return self.db.get_collection_count(**constraints)
def get_supports(self, **constraints):
return self.db.get_supports(**constraints)
def get_support_count(self, **constraints):
return self.db.get_support_count(**constraints)
2020-02-21 04:11:25 +01:00
async def get_transaction_history(self, read_only: bool = False, **constraints):
txs: List[Transaction] = await self.db.get_transactions(read_only=read_only, **constraints)
headers = self.headers
history = []
2020-01-03 04:50:27 +01:00
for tx in txs: # pylint: disable=too-many-nested-blocks
ts = headers[tx.height]['timestamp'] if tx.height > 0 else None
item = {
'timestamp': ts,
'date': datetime.fromtimestamp(ts).isoformat(' ')[:-3] if tx.height > 0 else None,
'confirmations': (headers.height+1) - tx.height if tx.height > 0 else 0,
'claim_info': [],
'update_info': [],
'support_info': [],
'abandon_info': [],
'purchase_info': []
is_my_inputs = all([txi.is_my_account for txi in tx.inputs])
if is_my_inputs:
# fees only matter if we are the ones paying them
item['value'] = dewies_to_lbc(tx.net_account_balance+tx.fee)
item['fee'] = dewies_to_lbc(-tx.fee)
# someone else paid the fees
item['value'] = dewies_to_lbc(tx.net_account_balance)
item['fee'] = '0.0'
for txo in tx.my_claim_outputs:
'address': txo.get_address(self),
'balance_delta': dewies_to_lbc(-txo.amount),
'amount': dewies_to_lbc(txo.amount),
'claim_id': txo.claim_id,
'claim_name': txo.claim_name,
'nout': txo.position,
'is_spent': txo.is_spent,
for txo in tx.my_update_outputs:
if is_my_inputs: # updating my own claim
previous = None
for txi in tx.inputs:
if txi.txo_ref.txo is not None:
other_txo = txi.txo_ref.txo
if (other_txo.is_claim or other_txo.script.is_support_claim) \
and other_txo.claim_id == txo.claim_id:
previous = other_txo
if previous is not None:
'address': txo.get_address(self),
'balance_delta': dewies_to_lbc(previous.amount-txo.amount),
'amount': dewies_to_lbc(txo.amount),
'claim_id': txo.claim_id,
'claim_name': txo.claim_name,
'nout': txo.position,
'is_spent': txo.is_spent,
else: # someone sent us their claim
'address': txo.get_address(self),
'balance_delta': dewies_to_lbc(0),
'amount': dewies_to_lbc(txo.amount),
'claim_id': txo.claim_id,
'claim_name': txo.claim_name,
'nout': txo.position,
'is_spent': txo.is_spent,
for txo in tx.my_support_outputs:
'address': txo.get_address(self),
'balance_delta': dewies_to_lbc(txo.amount if not is_my_inputs else -txo.amount),
'amount': dewies_to_lbc(txo.amount),
'claim_id': txo.claim_id,
'claim_name': txo.claim_name,
'is_tip': not is_my_inputs,
'nout': txo.position,
'is_spent': txo.is_spent,
if is_my_inputs:
for txo in tx.other_support_outputs:
'address': txo.get_address(self),
'balance_delta': dewies_to_lbc(-txo.amount),
'amount': dewies_to_lbc(txo.amount),
'claim_id': txo.claim_id,
'claim_name': txo.claim_name,
'is_tip': is_my_inputs,
'nout': txo.position,
'is_spent': txo.is_spent,
for txo in tx.my_abandon_outputs:
'address': txo.get_address(self),
'balance_delta': dewies_to_lbc(txo.amount),
'amount': dewies_to_lbc(txo.amount),
'claim_id': txo.claim_id,
'claim_name': txo.claim_name,
'nout': txo.position
for txo in tx.any_purchase_outputs:
'address': txo.get_address(self),
'balance_delta': dewies_to_lbc(txo.amount if not is_my_inputs else -txo.amount),
'amount': dewies_to_lbc(txo.amount),
'claim_id': txo.purchased_claim_id,
'nout': txo.position,
'is_spent': txo.is_spent,
return history
2020-02-21 04:11:25 +01:00
def get_transaction_history_count(self, read_only: bool = False, **constraints):
return self.db.get_transaction_count(read_only=read_only, **constraints)
async def get_detailed_balance(self, accounts, confirmations=0):
result = {
'total': 0,
'available': 0,
'reserved': 0,
'reserved_subtotals': {
'claims': 0,
'supports': 0,
'tips': 0
2019-10-14 01:32:10 +02:00
for account in accounts:
balance = self._balance_cache.get(
if not balance:
balance = self._balance_cache[] =\
await account.get_detailed_balance(confirmations, reserved_subtotals=True)
for key, value in balance.items():
if key == 'reserved_subtotals':
for subkey, subvalue in value.items():
result['reserved_subtotals'][subkey] += subvalue
result[key] += value
2019-10-14 01:32:10 +02:00
return result
2018-06-12 17:53:29 +02:00
2020-01-03 04:18:49 +01:00
class TestNetLedger(Ledger):
2018-06-12 17:53:29 +02:00
network_name = 'testnet'
2018-10-15 23:16:43 +02:00
pubkey_address_prefix = bytes((111,))
script_address_prefix = bytes((196,))
2018-06-12 17:53:29 +02:00
extended_public_key_prefix = unhexlify('043587cf')
extended_private_key_prefix = unhexlify('04358394')
2020-01-03 04:18:49 +01:00
class RegTestLedger(Ledger):
2018-06-12 17:53:29 +02:00
network_name = 'regtest'
2018-08-16 07:38:28 +02:00
headers_class = UnvalidatedHeaders
2018-10-15 23:16:43 +02:00
pubkey_address_prefix = bytes((111,))
script_address_prefix = bytes((196,))
2018-06-12 17:53:29 +02:00
extended_public_key_prefix = unhexlify('043587cf')
extended_private_key_prefix = unhexlify('04358394')
max_target = 0x7fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
genesis_hash = '6e3fcf1299d4ec5d79c3a4c91d624a4acf9e2e173d95a1a0504f677669687556'
genesis_bits = 0x207fffff
target_timespan = 1