diff --git a/lbrynet/schema/uri.py b/lbrynet/schema/uri.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 60e9ef022..000000000
--- a/lbrynet/schema/uri.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,185 +0,0 @@
-import re
-PROTOCOL = 'lbry://'
-PATH_CHAR = '/'
-class URIParseError(Exception):
-    pass
-class URI(object):
-    __slots__ = ['name', 'claim_sequence', 'bid_position', 'claim_id', 'path']
-    def __init__(self, name, claim_sequence=None, bid_position=None, claim_id=None, path=None):
-        if len([v for v in [claim_sequence, bid_position, claim_id] if v is not None]) > 1:
-            raise ValueError(
-                "Only one of these may be present at a time: claim_sequence, bid_position, claim_id"
-            )
-        self.name = name
-        self.claim_sequence = claim_sequence
-        self.bid_position = bid_position
-        self.claim_id = claim_id
-        self.path = path
-        if self.path is not None and not self.contains_channel:
-            raise ValueError("Content claims cannot have paths")
-    def __str__(self):
-        return self.to_uri_string()
-    def __eq__(self, other):
-        for prop in self.__slots__:
-            if not hasattr(other, prop) or getattr(self, prop) != getattr(other, prop):
-                return False
-        return self.__class__ == other.__class__
-    @property
-    def channel_name(self):
-        return self.name if self.contains_channel else None
-    @property
-    def claim_name(self):
-        return self.name if not self.contains_channel else self.path
-    @property
-    def contains_channel(self):
-        return self.name.startswith(CHANNEL_CHAR)
-    @property
-    def is_channel(self):
-        return self.contains_channel and not self.path
-    def to_uri_string(self):
-        uri_string = PROTOCOL + "%s" % self.name
-        if self.claim_sequence is not None:
-            uri_string += CLAIM_SEQUENCE_CHAR + "%i" % self.claim_sequence
-        elif self.bid_position is not None:
-            uri_string += BID_POSITION_CHAR + "%i" % self.bid_position
-        elif self.claim_id is not None:
-            uri_string += CLAIM_ID_CHAR + "%s" % self.claim_id
-        if self.path is not None:
-            uri_string += PATH_CHAR + "%s" % self.path
-        return uri_string
-    def to_dict(self):
-        return {
-            "name": self.name,
-            'claim_sequence': self.claim_sequence,
-            'bid_position': self.bid_position,
-            'claim_id': self.claim_id,
-            'path': self.path,
-        }
-    @classmethod
-    def from_uri_string(cls, uri_string):
-        """
-        Parses LBRY uri into its components
-        :param uri_string: format - lbry://name:n$rank#id/path
-                           optional modifiers:
-                           claim_sequence (int): the nth claim to the name
-                           bid_position (int): the bid queue position of the claim for the name
-                           claim_id (str): the claim id for the claim
-                           path (str): claim within a channel
-        :return: URI
-        """
-        match = re.match(get_schema_regex(), uri_string)
-        if match is None:
-            raise URIParseError('Invalid URI')
-        if match.group('content_name') and match.group('path'):
-            raise URIParseError('Only channels may have paths')
-        return cls(
-            name=match.group("content_or_channel_name"),
-            claim_sequence=int(match.group("claim_sequence")) if match.group(
-                "claim_sequence") is not None else None,
-            bid_position=int(match.group("bid_position")) if match.group(
-                "bid_position") is not None else None,
-            claim_id=match.group("claim_id"),
-            path=match.group("path")
-        )
-    @classmethod
-    def from_dict(cls, uri_dict):
-        """
-        Creates URI from dict
-        :return: URI
-        """
-        return cls(**uri_dict)
-def get_schema_regex():
-    def _named(name, regex):
-        return "(?P<" + name + ">" + regex + ")"
-    def _group(regex):
-        return "(?:" + regex + ")"
-    # TODO: regex should include the fact that content names cannot have paths
-    #       right now this is only enforced in code, not in the regex
-    # Escape constants
-    claim_id_char = re.escape(CLAIM_ID_CHAR)
-    claim_sequence_char = re.escape(CLAIM_SEQUENCE_CHAR)
-    bid_position_char = re.escape(BID_POSITION_CHAR)
-    channel_char = re.escape(CHANNEL_CHAR)
-    path_char = re.escape(PATH_CHAR)
-    protocol = _named("protocol", re.escape(PROTOCOL))
-    # Define basic building blocks
-    valid_name_char = "[^=&#:$@%?/]"  # from the grammar section of https://spec.lbry.io/
-    name_content = valid_name_char + '+'
-    name_min_channel_length = valid_name_char + '{' + str(CHANNEL_NAME_MIN_LENGTH) + ',}'
-    positive_number = "[1-9][0-9]*"
-    number = '\-?' + positive_number
-    # Define URI components
-    content_name = _named("content_name", name_content)
-    channel_name = _named("channel_name", channel_char + name_min_channel_length)
-    content_or_channel_name = _named("content_or_channel_name", content_name + "|" + channel_name)
-    claim_id_piece = _named("claim_id", "[0-9a-f]{1," + str(CLAIM_ID_MAX_LENGTH) + "}")
-    claim_id = _group(claim_id_char + claim_id_piece)
-    bid_position_piece = _named("bid_position", number)
-    bid_position = _group(bid_position_char + bid_position_piece)
-    claim_sequence_piece = _named("claim_sequence", number)
-    claim_sequence = _group(claim_sequence_char + claim_sequence_piece)
-    modifier = _named("modifier", claim_id + "|" + bid_position + "|" + claim_sequence)
-    path_piece = _named("path", name_content)
-    path = _group(path_char + path_piece)
-    # Combine components
-    uri = _named("uri", (
-        '^' +
-        protocol + '?' +
-        content_or_channel_name +
-        modifier + '?' +
-        path + '?' +
-        '$'
-    ))
-    return uri
-def parse_lbry_uri(lbry_uri):
-    return URI.from_uri_string(lbry_uri)
diff --git a/lbrynet/schema/url.py b/lbrynet/schema/url.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ab80fa85c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lbrynet/schema/url.py
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+import re
+from typing import NamedTuple, Tuple
+def _create_url_regex():
+    # see https://spec.lbry.io/
+    def _named(name, regex):
+        return "(?P<" + name + ">" + regex + ")"
+    def _group(regex):
+        return "(?:" + regex + ")"
+    def _oneof(*choices):
+        return _group('|'.join(choices))
+    def _claim(name, prefix=""):
+        return _group(
+            _named(name+"_name", prefix + "[^=&#:$@%?/]+") +
+            _oneof(
+                _group('#' + _named(name+"_claim_id", "[0-9a-f]{1,40}")),
+                _group(':' + _named(name+"_sequence", '[1-9][0-9]*')),
+                _group(r'\$' + _named(name+"_amount_order", '[1-9][0-9]*'))
+            ) + '?'
+        )
+    return (
+        '^' +
+        _named("scheme", "lbry://") + '?' +
+        _oneof(
+            _group(_claim("channel_with_stream", "@") + "/" + _claim("stream_in_channel")),
+            _claim("channel", "@"),
+            _claim("stream")
+        ) +
+        '$'
+    )
+URL_REGEX = _create_url_regex()
+class PathSegment(NamedTuple):
+    name: str
+    claim_id: str = None
+    sequence: int = None
+    amount_order: int = None
+    def __str__(self):
+        if self.claim_id is not None:
+            return f"{self.name}#{self.claim_id}"
+        elif self.sequence is not None:
+            return f"{self.name}:{self.sequence}"
+        elif self.amount_order is not None:
+            return f"{self.name}${self.amount_order}"
+        return self.name
+class URL(NamedTuple):
+    stream: PathSegment
+    channel: PathSegment
+    @property
+    def has_channel(self):
+        return self.channel is not None
+    @property
+    def has_stream(self):
+        return self.stream is not None
+    @property
+    def parts(self) -> Tuple:
+        if self.has_channel:
+            if self.has_stream:
+                return self.channel, self.stream
+            return self.channel,
+        return self.stream,
+    @property
+    def first(self):
+        return self.parts[0]
+    def __str__(self):
+        return f"lbry://{'/'.join(str(p) for p in self.parts)}"
+    @classmethod
+    def parse(cls, url):
+        match = re.match(URL_REGEX, url)
+        if match is None:
+            raise ValueError('Invalid LBRY URL')
+        segments = {}
+        parts = match.groupdict()
+        for segment in ('channel', 'stream', 'channel_with_stream', 'stream_in_channel'):
+            if parts[f'{segment}_name'] is not None:
+                segments[segment] = PathSegment(
+                    parts[f'{segment}_name'],
+                    parts[f'{segment}_claim_id'],
+                    parts[f'{segment}_sequence'],
+                    parts[f'{segment}_amount_order']
+                )
+        if 'channel_with_stream' in segments:
+            segments['channel'] = segments['channel_with_stream']
+            segments['stream'] = segments['stream_in_channel']
+        return cls(segments.get('stream', None), segments.get('channel', None))
diff --git a/tests/unit/schema/test_uri.py b/tests/unit/schema/test_uri.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 85371cabe..000000000
--- a/tests/unit/schema/test_uri.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,113 +0,0 @@
-import unittest
-from lbrynet.schema.uri import URI, URIParseError
-claim_id_1 = "63f2da17b0d90042c559cc73b6b17f853945c43e"
-parsed_uri_matches = [
-    ("test", URI("test"), False, False, "test", None),
-    ("test#%s" % claim_id_1, URI("test", claim_id=claim_id_1), False, False, "test", None),
-    ("test:1", URI("test", claim_sequence=1), False, False, "test", None),
-    ("test$1", URI("test", bid_position=1), False, False, "test", None),
-    ("lbry://test", URI("test"), False, False, "test", None),
-    ("lbry://test#%s" % claim_id_1, URI("test", claim_id=claim_id_1), False, False, "test", None),
-    ("lbry://test:1", URI("test", claim_sequence=1), False, False, "test", None),
-    ("lbry://test$1", URI("test", bid_position=1), False, False, "test", None),
-    ("@test", URI("@test"), True, True, None, "@test"),
-    ("@test#%s" % claim_id_1, URI("@test", claim_id=claim_id_1), True, True, None, "@test"),
-    ("@test:1", URI("@test", claim_sequence=1), True, True, None, "@test"),
-    ("@test$1", URI("@test", bid_position=1), True, True, None, "@test"),
-    ("lbry://@test1:1/fakepath", URI("@test1", claim_sequence=1, path="fakepath"), True, False, "fakepath", "@test1"),
-    ("lbry://@test1$1/fakepath", URI("@test1", bid_position=1, path="fakepath"), True, False, "fakepath", "@test1"),
-    ("lbry://@test1#abcdef/fakepath", URI("@test1", claim_id="abcdef", path="fakepath"), True, False, "fakepath",
-     "@test1"),
-    ("@z", URI("@z"), True, True, None, "@z"),
-    ("@yx", URI("@yx"), True, True, None, "@yx"),
-    ("@abc", URI("@abc"), True, True, None, "@abc")
-parsed_uri_raises = [
-    ("lbry://", URIParseError),
-    ("lbry://test:3$1", URIParseError),
-    ("lbry://test$1:1", URIParseError),
-    ("lbry://test#x", URIParseError),
-    ("lbry://test#x/page", URIParseError),
-    ("lbry://test$", URIParseError),
-    ("lbry://test#", URIParseError),
-    ("lbry://test:", URIParseError),
-    ("lbry://test$x", URIParseError),
-    ("lbry://test:x", URIParseError),
-    ("lbry://@test@", URIParseError),
-    ("lbry://@test:", URIParseError),
-    ("lbry://test@", URIParseError),
-    ("lbry://tes@t", URIParseError),
-    ("lbry://test:1#%s" % claim_id_1, URIParseError),
-    ("lbry://test:0", URIParseError),
-    ("lbry://test$0", URIParseError),
-    ("lbry://test/path", URIParseError),
-    ("lbry://@test1#abcdef/fakepath:1", URIParseError),
-    ("lbry://@test1:1/fakepath:1", URIParseError),
-    ("lbry://@test1:1ab/fakepath", URIParseError),
-    ("lbry://test:1:1:1", URIParseError),
-    ("whatever/lbry://test", URIParseError),
-    ("lbry://lbry://test", URIParseError),
-    ("lbry://@/what", URIParseError),
-    ("lbry://abc:0x123", URIParseError),
-    ("lbry://abc:0x123/page", URIParseError),
-    ("lbry://@test1#ABCDEF/fakepath", URIParseError),
-    ("test:0001", URIParseError),
-    ("lbry://@test1$1/fakepath?arg1&arg2&arg3", URIParseError)
-class TestURIParser(unittest.TestCase):
-    maxDiff = 4000
-    longMessage = True
-    def test_uri_parse(self):
-        for test_string, expected_uri_obj, contains_channel, is_channel, claim_name, channel_name in parsed_uri_matches:
-            try:
-                # string -> URI
-                self.assertEqual(URI.from_uri_string(test_string), expected_uri_obj, test_string)
-                # URI -> dict -> URI
-                self.assertEqual(URI.from_dict(expected_uri_obj.to_dict()), expected_uri_obj,
-                                  test_string)
-                # contains_channel
-                self.assertEqual(URI.from_uri_string(test_string).contains_channel, contains_channel,
-                                  test_string)
-                # is_channel
-                self.assertEqual(URI.from_uri_string(test_string).is_channel, is_channel,
-                                  test_string)
-                # claim_name
-                self.assertEqual(URI.from_uri_string(test_string).claim_name, claim_name,
-                                  test_string)
-                # channel_name
-                self.assertEqual(URI.from_uri_string(test_string).channel_name, channel_name,
-                                  test_string)
-                # convert-to-string test only works if protocol is present in test_string
-                if test_string.startswith('lbry://'):
-                    # string -> URI -> string
-                    self.assertEqual(URI.from_uri_string(test_string).to_uri_string(), test_string,
-                                      test_string)
-                    # string -> URI -> dict -> URI -> string
-                    uri_dict = URI.from_uri_string(test_string).to_dict()
-                    self.assertEqual(URI.from_dict(uri_dict).to_uri_string(), test_string,
-                                      test_string)
-                    # URI -> dict -> URI -> string
-                    self.assertEqual(URI.from_dict(expected_uri_obj.to_dict()).to_uri_string(),
-                                      test_string, test_string)
-            except URIParseError as err:
-                print("ERROR: " + test_string)
-                raise
-    def test_uri_errors(self):
-        for test_str, err in parsed_uri_raises:
-            try:
-                URI.from_uri_string(test_str)
-            except URIParseError:
-                pass
-            else:
-                print("\nSuccessfully parsed invalid url: " + test_str)
-            self.assertRaises(err, URI.from_uri_string, test_str)
diff --git a/tests/unit/schema/test_url.py b/tests/unit/schema/test_url.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0e465b132
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/unit/schema/test_url.py
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+import unittest
+from lbrynet.schema.url import URL
+claim_id = "63f2da17b0d90042c559cc73b6b17f853945c43e"
+class TestURLParsing(unittest.TestCase):
+    segments = 'stream', 'channel'
+    fields = 'name', 'claim_id', 'sequence', 'amount_order'
+    def _assert_url(self, url_string, **kwargs):
+        url = URL.parse(url_string)
+        self.assertEqual(url_string, str(url))
+        present = {}
+        for key in kwargs:
+            for segment_name in self.segments:
+                if key.startswith(segment_name):
+                    present[segment_name] = True
+                    break
+        for segment_name in self.segments:
+            segment = getattr(url, segment_name)
+            if segment_name not in present:
+                self.assertIsNone(segment)
+            else:
+                for field in self.fields:
+                    self.assertEqual(
+                        getattr(segment, field),
+                        kwargs.get(f'{segment_name}_{field}', None)
+                    )
+    def _fail_url(self, url):
+        with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, 'Invalid LBRY URL'):
+            URL.parse(url)
+    def test_parser_valid_urls(self):
+        url = self._assert_url
+        # stream
+        url('test', stream_name='test')
+        url('test:1', stream_name='test', stream_sequence='1')
+        url('test$1', stream_name='test', stream_amount_order='1')
+        url(f'test#{claim_id}', stream_name='test', stream_claim_id=claim_id)
+        # channel
+        url('@test', channel_name='@test')
+        url('@test:1', channel_name='@test', channel_sequence='1')
+        url('@test$1', channel_name='@test', channel_amount_order='1')
+        url(f'@test#{claim_id}', channel_name='@test', channel_claim_id=claim_id)
+        # channel/stream
+        url('lbry://@test/stuff', channel_name='@test', stream_name='stuff')
+        url('lbry://@test:1/stuff', channel_name='@test', channel_sequence='1', stream_name='stuff')
+        url('lbry://@test$1/stuff', channel_name='@test', channel_amount_order='1', stream_name='stuff')
+        url(f'lbry://@test#{claim_id}/stuff', channel_name='@test', channel_claim_id=claim_id, stream_name='stuff')
+    def test_parser_invalid_urls(self):
+        fail = self._fail_url
+        fail("lbry://")
+        fail("lbry://test:3$1")
+        fail("lbry://test$1:1")
+        fail("lbry://test#x")
+        fail("lbry://test#x/page")
+        fail("lbry://test$")
+        fail("lbry://test#")
+        fail("lbry://test:")
+        fail("lbry://test$x")
+        fail("lbry://test:x")
+        fail("lbry://@test@")
+        fail("lbry://@test:")
+        fail("lbry://test@")
+        fail("lbry://tes@t")
+        fail(f"lbry://test:1#{claim_id}")
+        fail("lbry://test:0")
+        fail("lbry://test$0")
+        fail("lbry://test/path")
+        fail("lbry://@test1:1ab/fakepath")
+        fail("lbry://test:1:1:1")
+        fail("whatever/lbry://test")
+        fail("lbry://lbry://test")
+        fail("lbry://@/what")
+        fail("lbry://abc:0x123")
+        fail("lbry://abc:0x123/page")
+        fail("lbry://@test1#ABCDEF/fakepath")
+        fail("test:0001")
+        fail("lbry://@test1$1/fakepath?arg1&arg2&arg3")