diff --git a/lbry/db/queries/txio.py b/lbry/db/queries/txio.py
index e77f834d7..faccaaf88 100644
--- a/lbry/db/queries/txio.py
+++ b/lbry/db/queries/txio.py
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ import logging
 from datetime import date
 from typing import Tuple, List, Optional, Union
-from sqlalchemy import union, func, text, between, distinct
+from sqlalchemy import union, func, text, between, distinct, case
 from sqlalchemy.future import select, Select
 from ...blockchain.transaction import (
@@ -421,7 +421,7 @@ def rows_to_txos(rows: List[dict], include_tx=True) -> List[Output]:
                 tx_ref=TXRefImmutable.from_hash(row['tx_hash'], row['height'], row['timestamp']),
-        txo.spent_height = bool(row['spent_height'])
+        txo.spent_height = row['spent_height']
         if 'is_my_input' in row:
             txo.is_my_input = bool(row['is_my_input'])
         if 'is_my_output' in row:
@@ -534,8 +534,47 @@ def get_txo_sum(**constraints):
     return result[0]['total'] or 0
-def get_balance(**constraints):
-    return get_txo_sum(spent_height=0, **constraints)
+def get_balance(account_ids):
+    my_addresses = select(AccountAddress.c.address).where(in_account_ids(account_ids))
+    query = (
+        select(
+            func.sum(TXO.c.amount).label("total"),
+            func.sum(case(
+                [(TXO.c.txo_type != TXO_TYPES["other"], TXO.c.amount)],
+                else_=0
+            )).label("reserved"),
+            func.sum(case(
+                [(where_txo_type_in(CLAIM_TYPE_CODES), TXO.c.amount)],
+                else_=0
+            )).label("claims"),
+            func.sum(case(
+                [(where_txo_type_in(TXO_TYPES["support"]), TXO.c.amount)],
+                else_=0
+            )).label("supports"),
+            func.sum(case(
+                [(where_txo_type_in(TXO_TYPES["support"]) & (
+                   (TXI.c.address.isnot(None)) &
+                   (TXI.c.address.in_(my_addresses))
+                ), TXO.c.amount)],
+                else_=0
+            )).label("my_supports"),
+        )
+        .where((TXO.c.spent_height == 0) & (TXO.c.address.in_(my_addresses)))
+        .select_from(
+            TXO.join(TXI, (TXI.c.position == 0) & (TXI.c.tx_hash == TXO.c.tx_hash), isouter=True)
+        )
+    )
+    result = context().fetchone(query)
+    return {
+        "total": result["total"],
+        "available": result["total"] - result["reserved"],
+        "reserved": result["reserved"],
+        "reserved_subtotals": {
+            "claims": result["claims"],
+            "supports": result["my_supports"],
+            "tips": result["supports"] - result["my_supports"]
+        }
+    }
 def get_report(account_ids):
diff --git a/lbry/service/api.py b/lbry/service/api.py
index 59c5113b6..91a36fca1 100644
--- a/lbry/service/api.py
+++ b/lbry/service/api.py
@@ -755,13 +755,12 @@ class API:
     async def wallet_balance(
         wallet_id: str = None,  # balance for specific wallet, other than default wallet
-        confirmations=0         # only include transactions with this many confirmed blocks.
     ) -> dict:
         Return the balance of a wallet
-            wallet balance [<wallet_id>] [--confirmations=<confirmations>]
+            wallet balance [<wallet_id>]
         wallet = self.wallets.get_or_default(wallet_id)
@@ -911,20 +910,17 @@ class API:
         account_id: str = None,  # balance for specific account, default otherwise
         wallet_id: str = None,   # restrict operation to specific wallet
-        confirmations=0          # required confirmations of transactions included
     ) -> dict:
         Return the balance of an account
-            account balance [<account_id>] [--wallet_id=<wallet_id>] [--confirmations=<confirmations>]
+            account balance [<account_id>] [--wallet_id=<wallet_id>]
         wallet = self.wallets.get_or_default(wallet_id)
         account = wallet.accounts.get_or_default(account_id)
-        balance = await account.get_detailed_balance(
-            confirmations=confirmations, reserved_subtotals=True,
-        )
+        balance = await account.get_balance()
         return dict_values_to_lbc(balance)
     async def account_add(
@@ -1953,10 +1949,11 @@ class API:
         holding_account = wallet.accounts.get_or_default(stream_dict.pop('account_id'))
         funding_accounts = wallet.accounts.get_or_all(tx_dict.pop('fund_account_id'))
         signing_channel = None
-        if 'channel_id' in stream_dict or 'channel_name' in stream_dict:
+        channel_id = stream_dict.pop('channel_id')
+        channel_name = stream_dict.pop('channel_name')
+        if channel_id or channel_name:
             signing_channel = await wallet.channels.get_for_signing_or_none(
-                channel_id=stream_dict.pop('channel_id', None),
-                channel_name=stream_dict.pop('channel_name', None)
+                channel_id=channel_id, channel_name=channel_name
         holding_address = await holding_account.get_valid_receiving_address(
             stream_dict.pop('claim_address', None)
@@ -1999,103 +1996,63 @@ class API:
-        wallet = self.wallets.get_or_default(wallet_id)
-        assert not wallet.is_locked, "Cannot spend funds with locked wallet, unlock first."
-        funding_accounts = wallet.accounts.get_or_all(fund_account_id)
-        if account_id:
-            account = wallet.get_account_or_error(account_id)
-            accounts = [account]
-        else:
-            account = wallet.default_account
-            accounts = wallet.accounts
+        stream_dict, kwargs = pop_kwargs('stream_edit', extract_stream_edit(**stream_edit_and_tx_kwargs))
+        tx_dict, kwargs = pop_kwargs('tx', extract_tx(**kwargs))
+        assert_consumed_kwargs(kwargs)
+        wallet = self.wallets.get_or_default_for_spending(tx_dict.pop('wallet_id'))
+        holding_account = wallet.accounts.get_or_default(stream_dict.pop('account_id'))
+        funding_accounts = wallet.accounts.get_or_all(tx_dict.pop('fund_account_id'))
+        replace = stream_dict.pop('replace')
-        existing_claims = await self.ledger.get_claims(
-            wallet=wallet, accounts=accounts, claim_id=claim_id
-        )
-        if len(existing_claims) != 1:
-            account_ids = ', '.join(f"'{account.id}'" for account in accounts)
+        old = await wallet.claims.get(claim_id=claim_id)
+        if not old.claim.is_stream:
             raise Exception(
-                f"Can't find the stream '{claim_id}' in account(s) {account_ids}."
-            )
-        old_txo = existing_claims[0]
-        if not old_txo.claim.is_stream:
-            raise Exception(
-                f"A claim with id '{claim_id}' was found but it is not a stream claim."
+                f"A claim with id '{claim_id}' was found but "
+                f"it is not a stream claim."
         if bid is not None:
-            amount = self.get_dewies_or_error('bid', bid, positive_value=True)
+            amount = self.ledger.get_dewies_or_error('bid', bid, positive_value=True)
-            amount = old_txo.amount
+            amount = old.amount
-        if claim_address is not None:
-            self.valid_address_or_error(claim_address)
+        claim_address = stream_dict.pop('claim_address')
+        if claim_address:
+            holding_address = await holding_account.get_valid_receiving_address(claim_address)
-            claim_address = old_txo.get_address(account.ledger)
+            holding_address = old.get_address(self.ledger)
-        channel = None
+        signing_channel = None
+        channel_id = stream_dict.pop('channel_id')
+        channel_name = stream_dict.pop('channel_name')
+        clear_channel = stream_dict.pop('clear_channel')
         if channel_id or channel_name:
-            channel = await self.get_channel_or_error(
-                wallet, channel_account_id, channel_id, channel_name, for_signing=True)
-        elif old_txo.claim.is_signed and not clear_channel and not replace:
-            channel = old_txo.channel
-        fee_address = self.get_fee_address(kwargs, claim_address)
-        if fee_address:
-            kwargs['fee_address'] = fee_address
-        file_path, spec = await self._video_file_analyzer.verify_or_repair(
-            validate_file, optimize_file, file_path, ignore_non_video=True
-        )
-        kwargs.update(spec)
-        if replace:
-            claim = Claim()
-            claim.stream.message.source.CopyFrom(
-                old_txo.claim.stream.message.source
+            signing_channel = await wallet.channels.get_for_signing_or_none(
+                channel_id=channel_id, channel_name=channel_name
-            stream_type = old_txo.claim.stream.stream_type
-            if stream_type:
-                old_stream_type = getattr(old_txo.claim.stream.message, stream_type)
-                new_stream_type = getattr(claim.stream.message, stream_type)
-                new_stream_type.CopyFrom(old_stream_type)
-            claim.stream.update(file_path=file_path, **kwargs)
-        else:
-            claim = Claim.from_bytes(old_txo.claim.to_bytes())
-            claim.stream.update(file_path=file_path, **kwargs)
-        tx = await Transaction.claim_update(
-            old_txo, claim, amount, claim_address, funding_accounts, funding_accounts[0], channel
+        elif old.claim.is_signed and not clear_channel and not replace:
+            signing_channel = old.channel
+        kwargs['fee_address'] = self.ledger.get_fee_address(kwargs, holding_address)
+        stream_dict.pop('validate_file')
+        stream_dict.pop('optimize_file')
+        # TODO: fix
+        #file_path, spec = await self._video_file_analyzer.verify_or_repair(
+        #    validate_file, optimize_file, file_path, ignore_non_video=True
+        #)
+        #kwargs.update(spec)
+        class FakeManagedStream:
+            sd_hash = 'beef'
+        async def create_file_stream(path):
+            return FakeManagedStream()
+        tx, fs = await wallet.streams.update(
+            old=old, amount=amount, file_path=stream_dict.pop('file_path'),
+            create_file_stream=create_file_stream, replace=replace,
+            holding_address=holding_address, funding_accounts=funding_accounts,
+            signing_channel=signing_channel, **remove_nulls(stream_dict)
-        new_txo = tx.outputs[0]
-        stream_hash = None
-        if not preview:
-            old_stream = self.stream_manager.streams.get(old_txo.claim.stream.source.sd_hash, None)
-            if file_path is not None:
-                if old_stream:
-                    await self.stream_manager.delete_stream(old_stream, delete_file=False)
-                file_stream = await self.stream_manager.create_stream(file_path)
-                new_txo.claim.stream.source.sd_hash = file_stream.sd_hash
-                new_txo.script.generate()
-                stream_hash = file_stream.stream_hash
-            elif old_stream:
-                stream_hash = old_stream.stream_hash
-        if channel:
-            new_txo.sign(channel)
-        await tx.sign(funding_accounts)
-        if not preview:
-            await self.broadcast_or_release(tx, blocking)
-            await self.storage.save_claims([self._old_get_temp_claim_info(
-                tx, new_txo, claim_address, new_txo.claim, new_txo.claim_name, dewies_to_lbc(amount)
-            )])
-            if stream_hash:
-                await self.storage.save_content_claim(stream_hash, new_txo.id)
-            self.component_manager.loop.create_task(self.analytics_manager.send_claim_action('publish'))
-        else:
-            await account.ledger.release_tx(tx)
+        await self.service.maybe_broadcast_or_release(tx, tx_dict['preview'], tx_dict['no_wait'])
         return tx
     async def stream_abandon(
@@ -2403,33 +2360,21 @@ class API:
-        wallet = self.wallets.get_or_default(wallet_id)
-        assert not wallet.is_locked, "Cannot spend funds with locked wallet, unlock first."
-        funding_accounts = wallet.accounts.get_or_all(fund_account_id)
-        amount = self.ledger.get_dewies_or_error("amount", amount)
-        claim = await self.ledger.get_claim_by_claim_id(wallet.accounts, claim_id)
-        claim_address = claim.get_address(self.ledger.ledger)
+        tx_dict, kwargs = pop_kwargs('tx', extract_tx(**tx_kwargs))
+        assert_consumed_kwargs(kwargs)
+        wallet = self.wallets.get_or_default_for_spending(tx_dict.pop('wallet_id'))
+        amount = self.ledger.get_dewies_or_error('amount', amount, positive_value=True)
+        funding_accounts = wallet.accounts.get_or_all(tx_dict.pop('fund_account_id'))
+        claim = await wallet.claims.get(claim_id=claim_id)
+        claim_address = claim.get_address(self.ledger)
         if not tip:
-            account = wallet.accounts.get_or_default(account_id)
-            claim_address = await account.receiving.get_or_create_usable_address()
+            holding_account = wallet.accounts.get_or_default(account_id)
+            claim_address = await holding_account.receiving.get_or_create_usable_address()
-        tx = await Transaction.support(
+        tx = await wallet.supports.create(
             claim.claim_name, claim_id, amount, claim_address, funding_accounts, funding_accounts[0]
-        if not preview:
-            await self.broadcast_or_release(tx, blocking)
-            await self.storage.save_supports({claim_id: [{
-                'txid': tx.id,
-                'nout': tx.position,
-                'address': claim_address,
-                'claim_id': claim_id,
-                'amount': dewies_to_lbc(amount)
-            }]})
-            self.component_manager.loop.create_task(self.analytics_manager.send_claim_action('new_support'))
-        else:
-            await self.ledger.release_tx(tx)
+        await self.service.maybe_broadcast_or_release(tx, tx_dict['preview'], tx_dict['no_wait'])
         return tx
     async def support_list(
diff --git a/lbry/wallet/account.py b/lbry/wallet/account.py
index 1a7b065b1..ce6508958 100644
--- a/lbry/wallet/account.py
+++ b/lbry/wallet/account.py
@@ -431,14 +431,6 @@ class Account:
     def get_public_key(self, chain: int, index: int) -> PubKey:
         return self.address_managers[chain].get_public_key(index)
-    def get_balance(self, confirmations=0, include_claims=False, **constraints):
-        if not include_claims:
-            constraints.update({'txo_type__in': (TXO_TYPES['other'], TXO_TYPES['purchase'])})
-        if confirmations > 0:
-            height = self.ledger.headers.height - (confirmations-1)
-            constraints.update({'height__lte': height, 'height__gt': 0})
-        return self.db.get_balance(account=self, **constraints)
     async def get_max_gap(self):
         change_gap = await self.change.get_max_gap()
         receiving_gap = await self.receiving.get_max_gap()
@@ -497,35 +489,5 @@ class Account:
                 gap_changed = True
         return gap_changed
-    def get_support_summary(self):
-        return self.db.get_supports_summary(account=self)
-    async def get_detailed_balance(self, confirmations=0, reserved_subtotals=False):
-        tips_balance, supports_balance, claims_balance = 0, 0, 0
-        get_total_balance = partial(self.get_balance, confirmations=confirmations,
-                                    include_claims=True)
-        total = await get_total_balance()
-        if reserved_subtotals:
-            claims_balance = await get_total_balance(txo_type__in=CLAIM_TYPE_CODES)
-            for txo in await self.get_support_summary():
-                if confirmations > 0 and not 0 < txo.tx_ref.height <= self.ledger.headers.height - (confirmations - 1):
-                    continue
-                if txo.is_my_input:
-                    supports_balance += txo.amount
-                else:
-                    tips_balance += txo.amount
-            reserved = claims_balance + supports_balance + tips_balance
-        else:
-            reserved = await self.get_balance(
-                confirmations=confirmations, include_claims=True, txo_type__gt=0
-            )
-        return {
-            'total': total,
-            'available': total - reserved,
-            'reserved': reserved,
-            'reserved_subtotals': {
-                'claims': claims_balance,
-                'supports': supports_balance,
-                'tips': tips_balance
-            } if reserved_subtotals else None
-        }
+    async def get_balance(self, **constraints):
+        return await self.db.get_balance(account=self, **constraints)
diff --git a/lbry/wallet/wallet.py b/lbry/wallet/wallet.py
index 0ba899b7b..ba2c82161 100644
--- a/lbry/wallet/wallet.py
+++ b/lbry/wallet/wallet.py
@@ -388,11 +388,8 @@ class Wallet:
                     f"Use --allow-duplicate-name flag to override."
-    async def get_balance(self):
-        balance = {"total": 0}
-        for account in self.accounts:
-            balance["total"] += await account.get_balance()
-        return balance
+    async def get_balance(self, **constraints):
+        return await self.db.get_balance(accounts=self.accounts, **constraints)
 class AccountListManager:
@@ -533,7 +530,7 @@ class ClaimListManager(BaseListManager):
         return await self.wallet.create_transaction(
-            [Input.spend(previous_claim)], [updated_claim], funding_accounts, change_account, sign=False
+            [Input.spend(previous_claim)], [updated_claim], funding_accounts, change_account
     async def delete(self, claim_id=None, txid=None, nout=None):
@@ -554,7 +551,7 @@ class ClaimListManager(BaseListManager):
             key, value, constraints = 'name', claim_name, {'claim_name': claim_name}
             raise ValueError(f"Couldn't find {self.name} because an {self.name}_id or name was not provided.")
-        claims = await self.list(**constraints)
+        claims = await self.list(is_spent=False, **constraints)
         if len(claims) == 1:
             return claims[0]
         elif len(claims) > 1:
@@ -574,8 +571,9 @@ class ChannelListManager(ClaimListManager):
     __slots__ = ()
     async def create(
-            self, name: str, amount: int, holding_account: Account,
-            funding_accounts: List[Account], save_key=True, **kwargs) -> Transaction:
+        self, name: str, amount: int, holding_account: Account,
+        funding_accounts: List[Account], save_key=True, **kwargs
+    ) -> Transaction:
         holding_address = await holding_account.receiving.get_or_create_usable_address()
@@ -600,9 +598,10 @@ class ChannelListManager(ClaimListManager):
         return tx
     async def update(
-            self, old: Output, amount: int, new_signing_key: bool, replace: bool,
-            holding_account: Account, funding_accounts: List[Account],
-            save_key=True, **kwargs) -> Transaction:
+        self, old: Output, amount: int, new_signing_key: bool, replace: bool,
+        holding_account: Account, funding_accounts: List[Account],
+        save_key=True, **kwargs
+    ) -> Transaction:
         moving_accounts = False
         holding_address = old.get_address(self.wallet.ledger)
@@ -664,11 +663,12 @@ class StreamListManager(ClaimListManager):
     __slots__ = ()
     async def create(
-            self, name: str, amount: int, file_path: str,
-            create_file_stream: Callable[[str], Awaitable[ManagedStream]],
-            holding_address: str, funding_accounts: List[Account],
-            signing_channel: Optional[Output] = None,
-            preview=False, **kwargs) -> Tuple[Transaction, ManagedStream]:
+        self, name: str, amount: int, file_path: str,
+        create_file_stream: Callable[[str], Awaitable[ManagedStream]],
+        holding_address: str, funding_accounts: List[Account],
+        signing_channel: Optional[Output] = None,
+        preview=False, **kwargs
+    ) -> Tuple[Transaction, ManagedStream]:
         claim = Claim()
         claim.stream.update(file_path=file_path, sd_hash='0' * 96, **kwargs)
@@ -702,6 +702,61 @@ class StreamListManager(ClaimListManager):
         return tx, file_stream
+    async def update(
+        self, old: Output, amount: int, file_path: str,
+        create_file_stream: Callable[[str], Awaitable[ManagedStream]],
+        holding_address: str, funding_accounts: List[Account],
+        signing_channel: Optional[Output] = None,
+        preview=False, replace=False, **kwargs
+    ) -> Tuple[Transaction, ManagedStream]:
+        if replace:
+            claim = Claim()
+            # stream file metadata is not replaced
+            claim.stream.message.source.CopyFrom(old.claim.stream.message.source)
+            stream_type = old.claim.stream.stream_type
+            if stream_type:
+                old_stream_type = getattr(old.claim.stream.message, stream_type)
+                new_stream_type = getattr(claim.stream.message, stream_type)
+                new_stream_type.CopyFrom(old_stream_type)
+        else:
+            claim = Claim.from_bytes(old.claim.to_bytes())
+        claim.stream.update(file_path=file_path, **kwargs)
+        # before creating file stream, create TX to ensure we have enough LBC
+        tx = await super().update(
+            old, claim, amount, holding_address,
+            funding_accounts, funding_accounts[0],
+            signing_channel
+        )
+        txo = tx.outputs[0]
+        file_stream = None
+        try:
+            # we have enough LBC to create TX, now try create the file stream
+            if not preview:
+                old_stream = None  # TODO: get old stream
+                if file_path is not None:
+                    if old_stream is not None:
+                        # TODO: delete the old stream
+                        pass
+                    file_stream = await create_file_stream(file_path)
+                    claim.stream.source.sd_hash = file_stream.sd_hash
+                    txo.script.generate()
+            # creating TX and file stream was successful, now sign all the things
+            if signing_channel is not None:
+                txo.sign(signing_channel)
+            await self.wallet.sign(tx)
+        except Exception as e:
+            # creating file stream or something else went wrong, release txos
+            await self.wallet.db.release_tx(tx)
+            raise e
+        return tx, file_stream
     async def list(self, **constraints) -> Result[Output]:
         return await self.wallet.db.get_streams(wallet=self.wallet, **constraints)