diff --git a/lbry/wallet/server/leveldb.py b/lbry/wallet/server/leveldb.py
index 5de62bce6..59ea16ea4 100644
--- a/lbry/wallet/server/leveldb.py
+++ b/lbry/wallet/server/leveldb.py
@@ -697,49 +697,44 @@ class LevelDB:
     async def claims_producer(self, claim_hashes: Set[bytes]):
-        batch = []
-        results = []
         loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
-        def produce_claim(claim_hash):
-            if claim_hash not in self.claim_to_txo:
-                self.logger.warning("can't sync non existent claim to ES: %s", claim_hash.hex())
-                return
-            name = self.claim_to_txo[claim_hash].normalized_name
-            if not self.prefix_db.claim_takeover.get(name):
-                self.logger.warning("can't sync non existent claim to ES: %s", claim_hash.hex())
-                return
-            claim_txo = self.claim_to_txo.get(claim_hash)
-            if not claim_txo:
-                return
-            activation = self.get_activation(claim_txo.tx_num, claim_txo.position)
-            claim = self._prepare_resolve_result(
-                claim_txo.tx_num, claim_txo.position, claim_hash, claim_txo.name, claim_txo.root_tx_num,
-                claim_txo.root_position, activation, claim_txo.channel_signature_is_valid
-            )
-            if claim:
-                batch.append(claim)
+        def produce_claims(claims):
+            batch = []
+            results = []
-        def get_metadata(claim):
-            meta = self._prepare_claim_metadata(claim.claim_hash, claim)
-            if meta:
-                results.append(meta)
+            for claim_hash in claims:
+                if claim_hash not in self.claim_to_txo:
+                    self.logger.warning("can't sync non existent claim to ES: %s", claim_hash.hex())
+                    return
+                name = self.claim_to_txo[claim_hash].normalized_name
+                if not self.prefix_db.claim_takeover.get(name):
+                    self.logger.warning("can't sync non existent claim to ES: %s", claim_hash.hex())
+                    return
+                claim_txo = self.claim_to_txo.get(claim_hash)
+                if not claim_txo:
+                    return
+                activation = self.get_activation(claim_txo.tx_num, claim_txo.position)
+                claim = self._prepare_resolve_result(
+                    claim_txo.tx_num, claim_txo.position, claim_hash, claim_txo.name, claim_txo.root_tx_num,
+                    claim_txo.root_position, activation, claim_txo.channel_signature_is_valid
+                )
+                if claim:
+                    batch.append(claim)
+            batch.sort(key=lambda x: x.tx_hash)
+            for claim in batch:
+                meta = self._prepare_claim_metadata(claim.claim_hash, claim)
+                if meta:
+                    results.append(meta)
+            return results
         if claim_hashes:
-            await asyncio.wait(
-                [loop.run_in_executor(None, produce_claim, claim_hash) for claim_hash in claim_hashes]
-            )
-        batch.sort(key=lambda x: x.tx_hash)
+            results = await loop.run_in_executor(None, produce_claims, claim_hashes)
-        if batch:
-            await asyncio.wait(
-                [loop.run_in_executor(None, get_metadata, claim) for claim in batch]
-            )
-        for meta in results:
-            yield meta
-        batch.clear()
+            for meta in results:
+                yield meta
     def get_activated_at_height(self, height: int) -> DefaultDict[PendingActivationValue, List[PendingActivationKey]]:
         activated = defaultdict(list)