diff --git a/lbry/lbry/extras/daemon/Daemon.py b/lbry/lbry/extras/daemon/Daemon.py
index 3fac4f971..0d5e6efd4 100644
--- a/lbry/lbry/extras/daemon/Daemon.py
+++ b/lbry/lbry/extras/daemon/Daemon.py
@@ -3497,40 +3497,33 @@ class Daemon(metaclass=JSONRPCServerType):
             response['is_claim_signature_valid'] = is_comment_signed_by_channel(response, channel)
         return response
-    async def jsonrpc_comment_abandon(self, comment_id, channel_name=None, channel_id=None, channel_account_id=None):
+    async def jsonrpc_comment_abandon(self, comment_id):
         Delete a comment published under your channel identity
             comment_delete  (<comment_id> | --comment_id=<comment_id>)
-                            (--channel_id=<channel_id> | --channel_name=<channel_name>)
-                            [--channel_account_id=<channel_account_id>...]
             --comment_id=<comment_id>                   : (str) The ID of the comment to be deleted.
-            --channel_id=<channel_id>                   : (str) The ID of the channel that posted the comment.
-            --channel_name=<channel_name>               : (str) The Name of the channel that posted the comment..
-            --channel_account_id=<channel_account_id>   : (str) one or more account ids for accounts to look in
-                                                          for channel certificates, defaults to all accounts.
         abandon_comment_body = {'comment_id': comment_id}
-        if not channel_name and not channel_id:
-            chan = await jsonrpc_post(
-                self.conf.comment_server, 'get_channel_from_comment_id', comment_id=comment_id
-            )
-            channel_id = chan.get('channel_id')
-            channel_name = chan.get('channel_name')
-        channel = await self.get_channel_or_none(channel_account_id, channel_id, channel_name, for_signing=True)
+        channel = await jsonrpc_post(
+            self.conf.comment_server, 'get_channel_from_comment_id', comment_id=comment_id
+        )
         if not channel:
-            raise Exception('You must own the channel to delete the comment')
+            return {comment_id: {'deleted': False}}
+        channel = await self.get_channel_or_none(None, **channel)
             'channel_id': channel.claim_id,
             'channel_name': channel.claim_name,
         sign_abandon_comment(abandon_comment_body, channel)
-        return await jsonrpc_post(self.conf.comment_server, 'delete_comment', abandon_comment_body)
+        resp = await jsonrpc_post(self.conf.comment_server, 'delete_comment', abandon_comment_body)
+        return {comment_id: resp}
     async def broadcast_or_release(self, account, tx, blocking=False):