diff --git a/torba/rpc/curio.py b/torba/rpc/curio.py
index cccac1d3b..b07f44b29 100644
--- a/torba/rpc/curio.py
+++ b/torba/rpc/curio.py
@@ -40,25 +40,9 @@ import logging
 import asyncio
 from collections import deque
 from contextlib import suppress
-from functools import partial
-from .util import normalize_corofunc, check_task
-__all__ = (
-    'spawn_sync', 'TaskGroup',
-    'TaskTimeout', 'TimeoutCancellationError', 'UncaughtTimeoutError',
-    'timeout_after', 'ignore_after'
-def spawn_sync(coro, *args, loop=None, report_crash=True):
-    coro = normalize_corofunc(coro, args)
-    loop = loop or asyncio.get_event_loop()
-    task = loop.create_task(coro)
-    if report_crash:
-        task.add_done_callback(partial(check_task, logging))
-    return task
+__all__ = 'TaskGroup',
 class TaskGroup:
@@ -120,7 +104,7 @@ class TaskGroup:
         '''Create a new task that’s part of the group. Returns a Task
-        task = spawn_sync(coro, *args, report_crash=False)
+        task = asyncio.create_task(coro)
         return task
@@ -214,151 +198,3 @@ class TaskGroup:
             await self.cancel_remaining()
             await self.join()
-class TaskTimeout(asyncio.CancelledError):
-    def __init__(self, secs):
-        self.secs = secs
-    def __str__(self):
-        return f'task timed out after {self.args[0]}s'
-class TimeoutCancellationError(asyncio.CancelledError):
-    pass
-class UncaughtTimeoutError(Exception):
-    pass
-def _set_new_deadline(task, deadline):
-    def timeout_task():
-        # Unfortunately task.cancel is all we can do with asyncio
-        task.cancel()
-        task._timed_out = deadline
-    task._deadline_handle = task._loop.call_at(deadline, timeout_task)
-def _set_task_deadline(task, deadline):
-    deadlines = getattr(task, '_deadlines', [])
-    if deadlines:
-        if deadline < min(deadlines):
-            task._deadline_handle.cancel()
-            _set_new_deadline(task, deadline)
-    else:
-        _set_new_deadline(task, deadline)
-    deadlines.append(deadline)
-    task._deadlines = deadlines
-    task._timed_out = None
-def _unset_task_deadline(task):
-    deadlines = task._deadlines
-    timed_out_deadline = task._timed_out
-    uncaught = timed_out_deadline not in deadlines
-    task._deadline_handle.cancel()
-    deadlines.pop()
-    if deadlines:
-        _set_new_deadline(task, min(deadlines))
-    return timed_out_deadline, uncaught
-class TimeoutAfter(object):
-    def __init__(self, deadline, *, ignore=False, absolute=False):
-        self._deadline = deadline
-        self._ignore = ignore
-        self._absolute = absolute
-        self.expired = False
-    async def __aenter__(self):
-        task = asyncio.current_task()
-        loop_time = task._loop.time()
-        if self._absolute:
-            self._secs = self._deadline - loop_time
-        else:
-            self._secs = self._deadline
-            self._deadline += loop_time
-        _set_task_deadline(task, self._deadline)
-        self.expired = False
-        self._task = task
-        return self
-    async def __aexit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):
-        timed_out_deadline, uncaught = _unset_task_deadline(self._task)
-        if exc_type not in (asyncio.CancelledError, TaskTimeout,
-                            TimeoutCancellationError):
-            return False
-        if timed_out_deadline == self._deadline:
-            self.expired = True
-            if self._ignore:
-                return True
-            raise TaskTimeout(self._secs) from None
-        if timed_out_deadline is None:
-            assert exc_type is asyncio.CancelledError
-            return False
-        if uncaught:
-            raise UncaughtTimeoutError('uncaught timeout received')
-        if exc_type is TimeoutCancellationError:
-            return False
-        raise TimeoutCancellationError(timed_out_deadline) from None
-async def _timeout_after_func(seconds, absolute, coro, args):
-    coro = normalize_corofunc(coro, args)
-    async with TimeoutAfter(seconds, absolute=absolute):
-        return await coro
-def timeout_after(seconds, coro=None, *args):
-    '''Execute the specified coroutine and return its result. However,
-    issue a cancellation request to the calling task after seconds
-    have elapsed.  When this happens, a TaskTimeout exception is
-    raised.  If coro is None, the result of this function serves
-    as an asynchronous context manager that applies a timeout to a
-    block of statements.
-    timeout_after() may be composed with other timeout_after()
-    operations (i.e., nested timeouts).  If an outer timeout expires
-    first, then TimeoutCancellationError is raised instead of
-    TaskTimeout.  If an inner timeout expires and fails to properly
-    TaskTimeout, a UncaughtTimeoutError is raised in the outer
-    timeout.
-    '''
-    if coro:
-        return _timeout_after_func(seconds, False, coro, args)
-    return TimeoutAfter(seconds)
-async def _ignore_after_func(seconds, absolute, coro, args, timeout_result):
-    coro = normalize_corofunc(coro, args)
-    async with TimeoutAfter(seconds, absolute=absolute, ignore=True):
-        return await coro
-    return timeout_result
-def ignore_after(seconds, coro=None, *args, timeout_result=None):
-    '''Execute the specified coroutine and return its result. Issue a
-    cancellation request after seconds have elapsed. When a timeout
-    occurs, no exception is raised. Instead, timeout_result is
-    returned.
-    If coro is None, the result is an asynchronous context manager
-    that applies a timeout to a block of statements. For the context
-    manager case, the resulting context manager object has an expired
-    attribute set to True if time expired.
-    Note: ignore_after() may also be composed with other timeout
-    operations. TimeoutCancellationError and UncaughtTimeoutError
-    exceptions might be raised according to the same rules as for
-    timeout_after().
-    '''
-    if coro:
-        return _ignore_after_func(seconds, False, coro, args, timeout_result)
-    return TimeoutAfter(seconds, ignore=True)
diff --git a/torba/rpc/session.py b/torba/rpc/session.py
index 5be1a7dfc..3c465abd6 100644
--- a/torba/rpc/session.py
+++ b/torba/rpc/session.py
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ from contextlib import suppress
 from .jsonrpc import Request, JSONRPCConnection, JSONRPCv2, JSONRPC, Batch, Notification
 from .jsonrpc import RPCError, ProtocolError
-from .curio import TaskGroup, TaskTimeout, spawn_sync, ignore_after, timeout_after
+from .curio import TaskGroup
 from .framing import BadMagicError, BadChecksumError, OversizedPayloadError, BitcoinFramer, NewlineFramer
 from .util import Concurrency
@@ -151,17 +151,15 @@ class SessionBase(asyncio.Protocol):
         task_group = self._task_group
         async with task_group:
-            await self.spawn(self._receive_messages)
-            await self.spawn(collect_tasks)
+            await self.spawn(self._receive_messages())
+            await self.spawn(collect_tasks())
     async def _limited_wait(self, secs):
-        # Wait at most secs seconds to send, otherwise abort the connection
-            async with timeout_after(secs):
-                await self._can_send.wait()
-        except TaskTimeout:
+            await asyncio.wait_for(self._can_send.wait(), secs)
+        except asyncio.TimeoutError:
-            raise
+            raise asyncio.CancelledError(f'task timed out after {secs}s')
     async def _send_message(self, message):
         if not self._can_send.is_set():
@@ -221,7 +219,7 @@ class SessionBase(asyncio.Protocol):
             self._proxy_address = peer_address
             self._address = peer_address
-        self._pm_task = spawn_sync(self._process_messages(), loop=self.loop)
+        self._pm_task = self.loop.create_task(self._process_messages())
     def connection_lost(self, exc):
         '''Called by asyncio when the connection closes.
@@ -281,8 +279,7 @@ class SessionBase(asyncio.Protocol):
         if self._pm_task:
             with suppress(CancelledError):
-                async with ignore_after(force_after):
-                    await self._pm_task
+                await asyncio.wait([self._pm_task], timeout=force_after)
                 await self._pm_task
diff --git a/torba/server/peers.py b/torba/server/peers.py
index af319c29a..f764ba548 100644
--- a/torba/server/peers.py
+++ b/torba/server/peers.py
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ from collections import defaultdict, Counter
 from torba.rpc import (
     Connector, RPCSession, SOCKSProxy, Notification, handler_invocation,
-    SOCKSError, RPCError, TaskTimeout, TaskGroup, ignore_after, timeout_after
+    SOCKSError, RPCError, TaskGroup
 from torba.server.peer import Peer
 from torba.server.util import class_logger, protocol_tuple
@@ -194,8 +194,8 @@ class PeerManager:
                 pause = STALE_SECS - WAKEUP_SECS * 2
                 pause = WAKEUP_SECS * 2 ** peer.try_count
-            async with ignore_after(pause):
-                await peer.retry_event.wait()
+            pending, done = await asyncio.wait([peer.retry_event.wait()], timeout=pause)
+            if done:
     async def _should_drop_peer(self, peer):
@@ -224,10 +224,12 @@ class PeerManager:
             peer_text = f'[{peer}:{port} {kind}]'
-                async with timeout_after(120 if peer.is_tor else 30):
-                    async with Connector(PeerSession, peer.host, port,
-                                         **kwargs) as session:
-                        await self._verify_peer(session, peer)
+                async with Connector(PeerSession, peer.host, port,
+                                     **kwargs) as session:
+                    await asyncio.wait_for(
+                        self._verify_peer(session, peer),
+                        120 if peer.is_tor else 30
+                    )
                 is_good = True
             except BadPeerError as e:
@@ -237,7 +239,7 @@ class PeerManager:
             except RPCError as e:
                 self.logger.error(f'{peer_text} RPC error: {e.message} '
-            except (OSError, SOCKSError, ConnectionError, TaskTimeout) as e:
+            except (OSError, SOCKSError, ConnectionError, asyncio.TimeoutError) as e:
                 self.logger.info(f'{peer_text} {e}')
         if is_good: