From 5f043b9a784c5805cdb891a2bca46f085c397f1d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "Brendon J. Brewer" <>
Date: Thu, 12 Mar 2020 10:33:15 +1300
Subject: [PATCH] variable decay

 lbry/wallet/server/db/trending/    |   5 +-
 .../server/db/trending/      | 431 ++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 434 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 lbry/wallet/server/db/trending/

diff --git a/lbry/wallet/server/db/trending/ b/lbry/wallet/server/db/trending/
index cfa8ab38b..86d94bdc3 100644
--- a/lbry/wallet/server/db/trending/
+++ b/lbry/wallet/server/db/trending/
@@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
 from . import zscore
 from . import ar
+from . import variable_decay
     'zscore': zscore,
-    'ar': ar
+    'ar': ar,
+    'variable_decay': variable_decay
diff --git a/lbry/wallet/server/db/trending/ b/lbry/wallet/server/db/trending/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a64c0ff7c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lbry/wallet/server/db/trending/
@@ -0,0 +1,431 @@
+Delayed AR with variable decay rate.
+The spike height function is also simpler.
+import copy
+import time
+import apsw
+# Half life in blocks *for lower LBC claims* (it's shorter for whale claims)
+HALF_LIFE = 200
+# Whale threshold (higher -> less DB writing)
+# Decay coefficient per block
+DECAY = 0.5**(1.0/HALF_LIFE)
+# How frequently to write trending values to the db
+# Renormalisation interval
+# Assertion
+# Decay coefficient per renormalisation interval
+# Log trending calculations?
+def install(connection):
+    """
+    Install the trending algorithm.
+    """
+    check_trending_values(connection)
+        f = open("trending_variable_decay.log", "a")
+        f.close()
+# Stub
+def check_trending_values(connection):
+    """
+    If the trending values appear to be based on the zscore algorithm,
+    reset them. This will allow resyncing from a standard snapshot.
+    """
+    c = connection.cursor()
+    needs_reset = False
+    for row in c.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) num FROM claim WHERE trending_global <> 0;"):
+        if row[0] != 0:
+            needs_reset = True
+            break
+    if needs_reset:
+        print("Resetting some columns. This might take a while...", flush=True, end="")
+        c.execute(""" BEGIN;
+                      UPDATE claim SET trending_group = 0;
+                      UPDATE claim SET trending_mixed = 0;
+                      UPDATE claim SET trending_global = 0;
+                      UPDATE claim SET trending_local = 0;
+                      COMMIT;""")
+        print("done.")
+def spike_height(x, x_old):
+    """
+    Compute the size of a trending spike (normed - constant units).
+    """
+    # Sign of trending spike
+    sign = 1.0
+    if x < x_old:
+        sign = -1.0
+    # Magnitude
+    mag = abs(x**0.25 - x_old**0.25)
+    # Minnow boost
+    mag *= 1.0 + 2E4/(x + 100.0)**2
+    return sign*mag
+def get_time_boost(height):
+    """
+    Return the time boost at a given height.
+    """
+    return 1.0/DECAY**(height % RENORM_INTERVAL)
+def trending_log(s):
+    """
+    Log a string.
+    """
+        fout = open("trending_variable_decay.log", "a")
+        fout.write(s)
+        fout.flush()
+        fout.close()
+class TrendingData:
+    """
+    An object of this class holds trending data
+    """
+    def __init__(self):
+        # Dict from claim id to some trending info.
+        # Units are TIME VARIABLE in here
+ = {}
+        # Claims with >= WHALE_THRESHOLD LBC total amount
+        self.whales = set([])
+        # Have all claims been read from db yet?
+        self.initialised = False
+        # List of pending spikes.
+        # Units are CONSTANT in here
+        self.pending_spikes = []
+    def insert_claim_from_load(self, height, claim_hash, trending_score, total_amount):
+        assert not self.initialised
+[claim_hash] = {"trending_score": trending_score,
+                                   "total_amount": total_amount,
+                                   "changed": False}
+        if trending_score >= WHALE_THRESHOLD*get_time_boost(height):
+            self.add_whale(claim_hash)
+    def add_whale(self, claim_hash):
+        self.whales.add(claim_hash)
+    def apply_spikes(self, height):
+        """
+        Apply all pending spikes that are due at this height.
+        Apply with time boost ON.
+        """
+        time_boost = get_time_boost(height)
+        for spike in self.pending_spikes:
+            if spike["height"] > height:
+                # Ignore
+                pass
+            if spike["height"] == height:
+                # Apply
+      [spike["claim_hash"]]["trending_score"] += time_boost*spike["size"]
+      [spike["claim_hash"]]["changed"] = True
+                if[spike["claim_hash"]]["trending_score"] >= WHALE_THRESHOLD*time_boost:
+                    self.add_whale(spike["claim_hash"])
+                if spike["claim_hash"] in self.whales and \
+          [spike["claim_hash"]]["trending_score"] < WHALE_THRESHOLD*time_boost:
+                    self.whales.remove(spike["claim_hash"])
+        # Keep only future spikes
+        self.pending_spikes = [s for s in self.pending_spikes \
+                               if s["height"] > height]
+    def update_claim(self, height, claim_hash, total_amount):
+        """
+        Update trending data for a claim, given its new total amount.
+        """
+        assert self.initialised
+        # Extract existing total amount and trending score
+        # or use starting values if the claim is new
+        if claim_hash in
+            old_state = copy.deepcopy([claim_hash])
+        else:
+            old_state = {"trending_score": 0.0,
+                         "total_amount": 0.0,
+                         "changed": False}
+        # Calculate LBC change
+        change = total_amount - old_state["total_amount"]
+        # Modify data if there was an LBC change
+        if change != 0.0:
+            spike = spike_height(total_amount,
+                                 old_state["total_amount"])
+            delay = min(int((total_amount + 1E-8)**0.4), HALF_LIFE)
+            if change < 0.0:
+                # How big would the spike be for the inverse movement?
+                reverse_spike = spike_height(old_state["total_amount"], total_amount)
+                # Remove that much spike from future pending ones
+                for future_spike in self.pending_spikes:
+                    if future_spike["claim_hash"] == claim_hash:
+                        if reverse_spike >= future_spike["size"]:
+                            reverse_spike -= future_spike["size"]
+                            future_spike["size"] = 0.0
+                        elif reverse_spike > 0.0:
+                            future_spike["size"] -= reverse_spike
+                            reverse_spike = 0.0
+                delay = 0
+                spike = -reverse_spike
+            self.pending_spikes.append({"height": height + delay,
+                                        "claim_hash": claim_hash,
+                                        "size": spike})
+  [claim_hash] = {"total_amount": total_amount,
+                                       "trending_score": old_state["trending_score"],
+                                       "changed": False}
+    def process_whales(self, height):
+        """
+        Whale claims decay faster.
+        """
+        if height % SAVE_INTERVAL != 0:
+            return
+        for claim_hash in self.whales:
+            trending_normed =[claim_hash]["trending_score"]/get_time_boost(height)
+            # Overall multiplication factor for decay rate
+            decay_rate_factor = trending_normed/WHALE_THRESHOLD
+            # The -1 is because this is just the *extra* part being applied
+            factor = (DECAY**SAVE_INTERVAL)**(decay_rate_factor - 1.0)
+            # print(claim_hash, trending_normed, decay_rate_factor)
+  [claim_hash]["trending_score"] *= factor
+  [claim_hash]["changed"] = True
+def test_trending():
+    """
+    Quick trending test for claims with different support patterns.
+    Actually use the run() function.
+    """
+    # Create a fake "claims.db" for testing
+    # pylint: disable=I1101
+    dbc = apsw.Connection(":memory:")
+    db = dbc.cursor()
+    # Create table
+    db.execute("""
+        BEGIN;
+        CREATE TABLE claim (claim_hash     TEXT PRIMARY KEY,
+                            amount         REAL NOT NULL DEFAULT 0.0,
+                            support_amount REAL NOT NULL DEFAULT 0.0,
+                            trending_mixed REAL NOT NULL DEFAULT 0.0);
+        COMMIT;
+        """)
+    # Insert initial states of claims
+    everything = {"huge_whale": 0.01,
+                  "huge_whale_botted": 0.01,
+                  "medium_whale": 0.01,
+                  "small_whale": 0.01,
+                  "minnow": 0.01}
+    def to_list_of_tuples(stuff):
+        l = []
+        for key in stuff:
+            l.append((key, stuff[key]))
+        return l
+    db.executemany("""
+        INSERT INTO claim (claim_hash, amount) VALUES (?, 1E8*?);
+        """, to_list_of_tuples(everything))
+    height = 0
+    run(db, height, height, everything.keys())
+    # Save trajectories for plotting
+    trajectories = {}
+    for key in
+        trajectories[key] = [[key]["trending_score"]]
+    # Main loop
+    for height in range(1, 1000):
+        # One-off supports
+        if height == 1:
+            everything["huge_whale"] += 5E5
+            everything["medium_whale"] += 5E4
+            everything["small_whale"] += 5E3
+        # Every block
+        if height < 500:
+            everything["huge_whale_botted"] += 5E5/500
+            everything["minnow"] += 1
+        # Remove supports
+        if height == 500:
+            for key in everything:
+                everything[key] = 0.01
+        # Whack into the db
+        db.executemany("""
+            UPDATE claim SET amount = 1E8*? WHERE claim_hash = ?;
+            """, [(y, x) for (x, y) in to_list_of_tuples(everything)])
+        # Call run()
+        run(db, height, height, everything.keys())
+        for key in
+            trajectories[key].append([key]["trending_score"]\
+                                        /get_time_boost(height))
+    dbc.close()
+    # pylint: disable=C0415
+    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+    for key in
+        plt.plot(trajectories[key], label=key)
+    plt.legend()
+# One global instance
+# pylint: disable=C0103
+trending_data = TrendingData()
+def run(db, height, final_height, recalculate_claim_hashes):
+    if height < final_height - 5*HALF_LIFE:
+        trending_log("Skipping variable_decay trending at block {h}.\n".format(h=height))
+        return
+    start = time.time()
+    trending_log("Calculating variable_decay trending at block {h}.\n".format(h=height))
+    trending_log("    Length of trending data = {l}.\n"\
+                        .format(l=len(
+    # Renormalise trending scores and mark all as having changed
+    if height % RENORM_INTERVAL == 0:
+        trending_log("    Renormalising trending scores...")
+        keys =
+        trending_data.whales = set([])
+        for key in keys:
+            if[key]["trending_score"] != 0.0:
+      [key]["trending_score"] *= DECAY_PER_RENORM
+      [key]["changed"] = True
+                # Tiny becomes zero
+                if abs([key]["trending_score"]) < 1E-3:
+          [key]["trending_score"] = 0.0
+                # Re-mark whales
+                if[key]["trending_score"] >= WHALE_THRESHOLD*get_time_boost(height):
+                    trending_data.add_whale(key)
+        trending_log("done.\n")
+    # Regular message.
+    trending_log("    Reading total_amounts from db and updating"\
+                        + " trending scores in RAM...")
+    # Update claims from db
+    if not trending_data.initialised:
+        trending_log("initial load...")
+        # On fresh launch
+        for row in db.execute("""
+                              SELECT claim_hash, trending_mixed,
+                                     (amount + support_amount)
+                                         AS total_amount
+                              FROM claim;
+                              """):
+            trending_data.insert_claim_from_load(height, row[0], row[1], 1E-8*row[2])
+        trending_data.initialised = True
+    else:
+        for row in db.execute(f"""
+                              SELECT claim_hash,
+                                     (amount + support_amount)
+                                         AS total_amount
+                              FROM claim
+                              WHERE claim_hash IN
+                            ({','.join('?' for _ in recalculate_claim_hashes)});
+                              """, recalculate_claim_hashes):
+            trending_data.update_claim(height, row[0], 1E-8*row[1])
+        # Apply pending spikes
+        trending_data.apply_spikes(height)
+    trending_log("done.\n")
+    # Write trending scores to DB
+    if height % SAVE_INTERVAL == 0:
+        trending_log("    Finding and processing whales...")
+        trending_log(str(len(trending_data.whales)) + " whales found...")
+        trending_data.process_whales(height)
+        trending_log("done.\n")
+        trending_log("    Writing trending scores to db...")
+        the_list = []
+        keys =
+        for key in keys:
+            if[key]["changed"]:
+                the_list.append(([key]["trending_score"], key))
+      [key]["changed"] = False
+        trending_log("{n} scores to write...".format(n=len(the_list)))
+        db.executemany("UPDATE claim SET trending_mixed=? WHERE claim_hash=?;",
+                       the_list)
+        trending_log("done.\n")
+    trending_log("Trending operations took {time} seconds.\n\n"\
+                            .format(time=time.time() - start))
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    test_trending()