diff --git a/lbry/wallet/server/block_processor.py b/lbry/wallet/server/block_processor.py
index ccb704d73..90d8cc039 100644
--- a/lbry/wallet/server/block_processor.py
+++ b/lbry/wallet/server/block_processor.py
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ from lbry.wallet.server.db.writer import SQLDB
 from lbry.wallet.server.daemon import DaemonError
 from lbry.wallet.server.hash import hash_to_hex_str, HASHX_LEN
 from lbry.wallet.server.util import chunks, class_logger
-from lbry.wallet.server.leveldb import FlushData
+from lbry.wallet.server.leveldb import FlushData, reopen_rocksdb_ctx
 class Prefetcher:
@@ -346,6 +346,7 @@ class BlockProcessor:
             self.db.flush_dbs(self.flush_data(), flush_utxos,
         await self.run_in_thread_with_lock(flush)
+        await reopen_rocksdb_ctx(self.db.executor)
     async def _maybe_flush(self):
         # If caught up, flush everything as client queries are
diff --git a/lbry/wallet/server/leveldb.py b/lbry/wallet/server/leveldb.py
index e0616070a..35ae51a83 100644
--- a/lbry/wallet/server/leveldb.py
+++ b/lbry/wallet/server/leveldb.py
@@ -25,18 +25,16 @@ from glob import glob
 from struct import pack, unpack
 from contextvars import ContextVar
 from dataclasses import dataclass
-from concurrent.futures.process import ProcessPoolExecutor
 from concurrent.futures.thread import ThreadPoolExecutor
+from concurrent.futures.process import ProcessPoolExecutor
 import attr
 from lbry.wallet.server import util
 from lbry.wallet.server.hash import hash_to_hex_str, HASHX_LEN
 from lbry.wallet.server.merkle import Merkle, MerkleCache
 from lbry.wallet.server.util import formatted_time, unpack_be_uint64, unpack_le_int32_from, pack_le_int32
-from lbry.wallet.server.storage import db_class
+from lbry.wallet.server.storage import db_class, RocksDB
 from lbry.wallet.server.history import History
-if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:
-    from lbry.wallet.server.storage import RocksDB
 UTXO = namedtuple("UTXO", "tx_num tx_pos tx_hash height value")
@@ -49,7 +47,7 @@ HISTORY_PREFIX = b'A'
 UTXO_STATE = b'state-utxo'
 HIST_STATE = b'state-hist'
@@ -72,12 +70,13 @@ class RocksDBState(typing.NamedTuple):
 class RocksReaderContext:
     db: 'RocksDB'
+    db_dir: str
     name: str
     merkle: Merkle
     tx_counts: List[int]
-    state: RocksDBState
     block_txs_cache: pylru.lrucache
     merkle_tx_cache: pylru.lrucache
+    txid_cache: pylru.lrucache
     def close(self):
@@ -92,24 +91,17 @@ class RocksReaderContext:
             for tx_count in self.db.iterator(prefix=TX_COUNT_PREFIX, include_key=False)
-        flush_count, = unpack_le_int32_from(self.db.get(STATE_PREFIX + b'flush_count', b'\xff\xff\xff\xff'))
-        comp_flush_count, = unpack_le_int32_from(
-            self.db.get(STATE_PREFIX + b'comp_flush_count', b'\xff\xff\xff\xff')
-        )
-        comp_cursor, = unpack_le_int32_from(self.db.get(STATE_PREFIX + b'comp_cursor', b'\xff\xff\xff\xff'))
-        db_version, = unpack_le_int32_from(self.db.get(STATE_PREFIX + b'db_version', b'\xff\xff\xff\xff'))
-        genesis = self.db.get(STATE_PREFIX + b'genesis')
-        tip = self.db.get(STATE_PREFIX + b'tip')
-        height, = unpack_le_int32_from(self.db.get(STATE_PREFIX + b'height', b'\xff\xff\xff\xff'))
-        tx_count, = unpack_le_int32_from(self.db.get(STATE_PREFIX + b'tx_count', b'\xff\xff\xff\xff'))
-        utxo_flush_count, = unpack_le_int32_from(self.db.get(STATE_PREFIX + b'utxo_flush_count', b'\xff\xff\xff\xff'))
-        wall_time, = unpack_le_int32_from(self.db.get(STATE_PREFIX + b'wall_time', b'\xff\xff\xff\xff'))
-        first_sync, = unpack_le_int32_from(self.db.get(STATE_PREFIX + b'first_sync', b'\xff\xff\xff\xff'))
-        self.state = RocksDBState(
-            db_version, genesis, height, tx_count, tip, utxo_flush_count, wall_time, first_sync == -1,
-            flush_count, comp_flush_count, comp_cursor
-        )
+    def ctx_tx_hash(self, tx_num):
+        tx_height = bisect_right(self.tx_counts, tx_num)
+        if tx_height > len(self.tx_counts):
+            return None, tx_height
+        key = TX_HASH_PREFIX + util.pack_be_uint64(tx_num)
+        if key in self.txid_cache:
+            return self.txid_cache[key], tx_height
+        tx_hash = self.db.get(key)
+        if tx_height + 100 <= len(self.tx_counts):
+            self.txid_cache[key] = tx_hash
+        return tx_hash, tx_height
 proc_ctx: ContextVar[Optional[RocksReaderContext]] = ContextVar('proc_ctx')
@@ -120,17 +112,27 @@ def _update_rocksdb_ctx():
+def _reopen_rocksdb_ctx():
+    ctx = proc_ctx.get()
+    ctx.db.close()
+    ctx.db = RocksDB(ctx.db_dir, ctx.name, for_sync=False, read_only=True)
+    ctx.update_state()
 async def update_rocksdb_ctx(executor: ProcessPoolExecutor):
     loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
     await asyncio.wait([loop.run_in_executor(executor, _update_rocksdb_ctx) for _ in range(executor._max_workers)])
+async def reopen_rocksdb_ctx(executor: ProcessPoolExecutor):
+    loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
+    await asyncio.wait([loop.run_in_executor(executor, _reopen_rocksdb_ctx) for _ in range(executor._max_workers)])
 def _initializer(path, name):
     db = RocksDB(path, name, for_sync=False, read_only=True)
-    state = RocksDBState(-1, '', -1, -1, b'', -1, -1, True, -1, -1, -1)
-    proc_ctx.set(RocksReaderContext(db, name, Merkle(), [], state, pylru.lrucache(50000), pylru.lrucache(100000)))
+    proc_ctx.set(RocksReaderContext(db, path, name, Merkle(), [], pylru.lrucache(50000), pylru.lrucache(100000),
+                                    pylru.lrucache(1000000)))
 def _teardown():
@@ -159,6 +161,187 @@ async def teardown_executor(executor: ProcessPoolExecutor):
+def lookup_hashXs_utxos(prevouts):
+    """Return (hashX, suffix) pairs, or None if not found,
+    for each prevout.
+    """
+    ctx = proc_ctx.get()
+    iterator = ctx.db.iterator
+    get = ctx.db.get
+    def lookup_hashXs():
+        """Return (hashX, suffix) pairs, or None if not found,
+        for each prevout.
+        """
+        def lookup_hashX(tx_hash, tx_idx):
+            idx_packed = pack('<H', tx_idx)
+            # Key: b'h' + compressed_tx_hash + tx_idx + tx_num
+            # Value: hashX
+            prefix = b'h' + tx_hash[:4] + idx_packed
+            # Find which entry, if any, the TX_HASH matches.
+            for db_key, hashX in iterator(prefix=prefix):
+                tx_num_packed = db_key[-4:]
+                tx_num, = unpack('<I', tx_num_packed)
+                hash, height = ctx.ctx_tx_hash(tx_num)
+                if hash == tx_hash:
+                    return hashX, idx_packed + tx_num_packed
+            return None, None
+        return [lookup_hashX(*prevout) for prevout in prevouts]
+    def lookup_utxo(hashX, suffix):
+        if not hashX:
+            # This can happen when the daemon is a block ahead
+            # of us and has mempool txs spending outputs from
+            # that new block
+            return None
+        # Key: b'u' + address_hashX + tx_idx + tx_num
+        # Value: the UTXO value as a 64-bit unsigned integer
+        db_value = get(b'u' + hashX + suffix)
+        if not db_value:
+            # This can happen if the DB was updated between
+            # getting the hashXs and getting the UTXOs
+            return None
+        value, = unpack('<Q', db_value)
+        return hashX, value
+    return [lookup_utxo(*hashX_pair) for hashX_pair in lookup_hashXs()]
+def get_counts():
+    return tuple(
+        util.unpack_be_uint64(tx_count)
+        for tx_count in proc_ctx.get().db.iterator(prefix=TX_COUNT_PREFIX, include_key=False)
+    )
+def read_txids():
+    return list(proc_ctx.get().db.iterator(prefix=TX_HASH_PREFIX, include_key=False))
+def read_headers():
+    return [
+        header for header in proc_ctx.get().db.iterator(prefix=HEADER_PREFIX, include_key=False)
+    ]
+def tx_hash(self, tx_num):
+    """Return a par (tx_hash, tx_height) for the given tx number.
+    If the tx_height is not on disk, returns (None, tx_height)."""
+    tx_height = bisect_right(self.tx_counts, tx_num)
+    if tx_height > self.db_height:
+        return None, tx_height
+    return self.total_transactions[tx_num], tx_height
+def read_utxos(hashX):
+    utxos = []
+    utxos_append = utxos.append
+    s_unpack = unpack
+    # Key: b'u' + address_hashX + tx_idx + tx_num
+    # Value: the UTXO value as a 64-bit unsigned integer
+    for db_key, db_value in proc_ctx.get().db.iterator(prefix=UTXO_PREFIX + hashX):
+        tx_pos, tx_num = s_unpack('<HI', db_key[-6:])
+        value, = unpack('<Q', db_value)
+        utxos_append((tx_num, tx_pos, value))
+    return utxos
+def limited_history(hashX, limit=None):
+    ctx = proc_ctx.get()
+    tx_counts = ctx.tx_counts
+    db_height = len(tx_counts)
+    cnt = 0
+    txs = []
+    for hist in ctx.db.iterator(prefix=HASHX_HISTORY_PREFIX + hashX, include_key=False):
+        a = array.array('I')
+        a.frombytes(hist)
+        for tx_num in a:
+            tx_height = bisect_right(tx_counts, tx_num)
+            if tx_height > db_height:
+                return
+            txs.append((tx_num, tx_height))
+            cnt += 1
+            if limit and cnt >= limit:
+                break
+        if limit and cnt >= limit:
+            break
+    return txs
+def tx_merkle(tx_num, tx_height):
+    ctx = proc_ctx.get()
+    db = ctx.db
+    tx_counts = ctx.tx_counts
+    db_height = len(tx_counts)
+    if tx_height == -1:
+        return {
+            'block_height': -1
+        }
+    tx_pos = tx_num - tx_counts[tx_height - 1]
+    uncached = None
+    if (tx_num, tx_height) in ctx.merkle_tx_cache:
+        return ctx.merkle_tx_cache[(tx_num, tx_height)]
+    if tx_height not in ctx.block_txs_cache:
+        block_txs = list(db.iterator(
+            start=TX_HASH_PREFIX + util.pack_be_uint64(tx_counts[tx_height - 1]),
+            stop=None if tx_height + 1 == len(tx_counts) else
+            TX_HASH_PREFIX + util.pack_be_uint64(tx_counts[tx_height]), include_key=False
+        ))
+        if tx_height + 100 <= db_height:
+            ctx.block_txs_cache[tx_height] = block_txs
+    else:
+        block_txs = ctx.block_txs_cache.get(tx_height, uncached)
+    branch, root = ctx.merkle.branch_and_root(block_txs, tx_pos)
+    merkle = {
+        'block_height': tx_height,
+        'merkle': [
+            hash_to_hex_str(hash)
+            for hash in branch
+        ],
+        'pos': tx_pos
+    }
+    if tx_height + 100 < db_height:
+        ctx.merkle_tx_cache[(tx_num, tx_height)] = merkle
+    return merkle
+def transaction_info_get_batch(txids: Iterable[str]):
+    ctx = proc_ctx.get()
+    db_height = len(ctx.tx_counts)
+    tx_counts = ctx.tx_counts
+    tx_db_get = ctx.db.get
+    tx_infos = {}
+    for tx_hash in txids:
+        tx_hash_bytes = bytes.fromhex(tx_hash)[::-1]
+        tx_num = tx_db_get(TX_NUM_PREFIX + tx_hash_bytes)
+        tx = None
+        tx_height = -1
+        if tx_num is not None:
+            tx_num = unpack_be_uint64(tx_num)
+            tx_height = bisect_right(tx_counts, tx_num)
+            if tx_height < db_height:
+                tx = tx_db_get(TX_PREFIX + tx_hash_bytes)
+        tx_infos[tx_hash] = (
+            None if not tx else tx.hex(), {'block_height': -1} if tx_height == -1 else tx_merkle(
+                tx_num, tx_height
+            )
+        )
+    return tx_infos
+def _update_block_txs_cache(tx_num, tx_height):
+    ctx = proc_ctx.get()
+    db = ctx.db
+    tx_counts = ctx.tx_counts
+    db_height = len(tx_counts)
@@ -218,12 +401,6 @@ class LevelDB:
         # tx_counts[N] has the cumulative number of txs at the end of
         # height N.  So tx_counts[0] is 1 - the genesis coinbase
-        def get_counts():
-            return tuple(
-                util.unpack_be_uint64(tx_count)
-                for tx_count in self.db.iterator(prefix=TX_COUNT_PREFIX, include_key=False)
-            )
         tx_counts = await asyncio.get_event_loop().run_in_executor(self.executor, get_counts)
         assert len(tx_counts) == self.db_height + 1, f"{len(tx_counts)} vs {self.db_height + 1}"
         self.tx_counts = array.array('I', tx_counts)
@@ -235,12 +412,9 @@ class LevelDB:
             assert self.db_tx_count == 0
     async def _read_txids(self):
-        def get_txids():
-            return list(self.db.iterator(prefix=TX_HASH_PREFIX, include_key=False))
         start = time.perf_counter()
         self.logger.info("loading txids")
-        txids = await asyncio.get_event_loop().run_in_executor(self.executor, get_txids)
+        txids = await asyncio.get_event_loop().run_in_executor(self.executor, read_txids)
         assert len(txids) == len(self.tx_counts) == 0 or len(txids) == self.tx_counts[-1]
         self.total_transactions = txids
         ts = time.perf_counter() - start
@@ -250,28 +424,19 @@ class LevelDB:
         if self.headers is not None:
-        def get_headers():
-            return [
-                header for header in self.db.iterator(prefix=HEADER_PREFIX, include_key=False)
-            ]
-        headers = await asyncio.get_event_loop().run_in_executor(self.executor, get_headers)
+        headers = await asyncio.get_event_loop().run_in_executor(self.executor, read_headers)
         assert len(headers) - 1 == self.db_height, f"{len(headers)} vs {self.db_height}"
         self.headers = headers
     async def _open_dbs(self, for_sync, compacting):
+        name = f'lbry-{self.env.db_engine}'
         if self.executor is None:
-            self.executor = ThreadPoolExecutor(max(1, os.cpu_count() - 1))
-        coin_path = os.path.join(self.env.db_dir, 'COIN')
-        if not os.path.isfile(coin_path):
-            with util.open_file(coin_path, create=True) as f:
-                f.write(f'ElectrumX databases and metadata for '
-                        f'{self.coin.NAME} {self.coin.NET}'.encode())
+            self.executor, self.db = await initialize_executor(
+                max(1, os.cpu_count() - 1), self.env.db_dir, for_sync, name
+            )
-        assert self.db is None
-        self.db = self.db_class(f'lbry-{self.env.db_engine}', for_sync)
         if self.db.is_new:
-            self.logger.info('created new db: %s', f'lbry-{self.env.db_engine}')
+            self.logger.info('created new db: %s', name)
         self.logger.info(f'opened DB (for sync: {for_sync})')
@@ -416,13 +581,11 @@ class LevelDB:
             for i, header in enumerate(flush_data.headers):
                 batch_put(HEADER_PREFIX + util.pack_be_uint64(self.fs_height + i + 1), header)
-        flush_data.headers.clear()
+            flush_data.headers.clear()
-        height_start = self.fs_height + 1
-        tx_num = prior_tx_count
+            height_start = self.fs_height + 1
+            tx_num = prior_tx_count
-        with self.db.write_batch() as batch:
-            batch_put = batch.put
             for block_hash, (tx_hashes, txs) in zip(flush_data.block_hashes, flush_data.block_txs):
                 tx_count = self.tx_counts[height_start]
                 batch_put(BLOCK_HASH_PREFIX + util.pack_be_uint64(height_start), block_hash[::-1])
@@ -441,9 +604,13 @@ class LevelDB:
         self.fs_height = flush_data.height
         self.fs_tx_count = flush_data.tx_count
         elapsed = time.perf_counter() - start_time
         self.logger.info(f'flushed filesystem data in {elapsed:.2f}s')
     def flush_history(self):
@@ -468,8 +635,8 @@ class LevelDB:
             # suffix = tx_idx + tx_num
             hashX = value[:-12]
             suffix = key[-2:] + value[-12:-8]
-            batch_put(b'h' + key[:4] + suffix, hashX)
-            batch_put(b'u' + hashX + suffix, value[-8:])
+            batch_put(HASHX_UTXO_PREFIX + key[:4] + suffix, hashX)
+            batch_put(UTXO_PREFIX + hashX + suffix, value[-8:])
         # New undo information
@@ -601,39 +768,10 @@ class LevelDB:
             self._merkle_tx_cache[(tx_num, tx_height)] = merkle
         return merkle
-    def _fs_transactions(self, txids: Iterable[str]) -> List[Tuple[str, Optional[str], int, int]]:
-        unpack_be_uint64 = util.unpack_be_uint64
-        tx_counts = self.tx_counts
-        tx_db_get = self.db.get
-        tx_infos = []
-        for tx_hash in txids:
-            tx_hash_bytes = bytes.fromhex(tx_hash)[::-1]
-            tx_num = tx_db_get(TX_NUM_PREFIX + tx_hash_bytes)
-            tx = None
-            tx_height = -1
-            if tx_num is not None:
-                tx_num = unpack_be_uint64(tx_num)
-                tx_height = bisect_right(tx_counts, tx_num)
-                if tx_height < self.db_height:
-                    tx = tx_db_get(TX_PREFIX + tx_hash_bytes)
-            tx_infos.append((tx_hash, None if not tx else tx.hex(), tx_num, tx_height))
-        return tx_infos
     async def fs_transactions(self, txids):
-        txs = await asyncio.get_event_loop().run_in_executor(
-            self.executor, self._fs_transactions, txids
+        return await asyncio.get_event_loop().run_in_executor(
+            self.executor, transaction_info_get_batch, txids
-        unsorted_result = {}
-        async def add_result(item):
-            _txid, _tx, _tx_num, _tx_height = item
-            unsorted_result[_txid] = (_tx, await self.tx_merkle(_tx_num, _tx_height))
-        if txs:
-            await asyncio.gather(*map(add_result, txs))
-        return {txid: unsorted_result[txid] for txid, _, _, _ in txs}
     async def fs_block_hashes(self, height, count):
         if height + count > len(self.headers):
@@ -647,49 +785,9 @@ class LevelDB:
         transactions.  By default returns at most 1000 entries.  Set
         limit to None to get them all.
-        # def read_history():
-        #     hashx_history = []
-        #     for key, hist in self.history.db.iterator(prefix=hashX):
-        #         a = array.array('I')
-        #         a.frombytes(hist)
-        #         for tx_num in a:
-        #             tx_height = bisect_right(self.tx_counts, tx_num)
-        #             if tx_height > self.db_height:
-        #                 tx_hash = None
-        #             else:
-        #                 tx_hash = self.tx_db.get(TX_HASH_PREFIX + util.pack_be_uint64(tx_num))
-        #
-        #             hashx_history.append((tx_hash, tx_height))
-        #             if limit and len(hashx_history) >= limit:
-        #                 return hashx_history
-        #     return hashx_history
-        def read_history():
-            db_height = self.db_height
-            tx_counts = self.tx_counts
-            tx_db_get = self.db.get
-            pack_be_uint64 = util.pack_be_uint64
-            cnt = 0
-            txs = []
-            for hist in self.history.db.iterator(prefix=HASHX_HISTORY_PREFIX + hashX, include_key=False):
-                a = array.array('I')
-                a.frombytes(hist)
-                for tx_num in a:
-                    tx_height = bisect_right(tx_counts, tx_num)
-                    if tx_height > db_height:
-                        return
-                    txs.append((tx_num, tx_height))
-                    cnt += 1
-                    if limit and cnt >= limit:
-                        break
-                if limit and cnt >= limit:
-                    break
-            return txs
         while True:
-            history = await asyncio.get_event_loop().run_in_executor(self.executor, read_history)
+            history = await asyncio.get_event_loop().run_in_executor(self.executor, limited_history, hashX, limit)
             if history is not None:
                 return [(self.total_transactions[tx_num], tx_height) for (tx_num, tx_height) in history]
             self.logger.warning(f'limited_history: tx hash '
@@ -704,7 +802,7 @@ class LevelDB:
     def undo_key(self, height):
         """DB key for undo information at the given height."""
-        return b'U' + pack('>I', height)
+        return UNDO_PREFIX + pack('>I', height)
     def read_undo_info(self, height):
         """Read undo information from a file for the current height."""
@@ -744,10 +842,9 @@ class LevelDB:
     def clear_excess_undo_info(self):
         """Clear excess undo info.  Only most recent N are kept."""
-        prefix = b'U'
         min_height = self.min_undo_height(self.db_height)
         keys = []
-        for key, hist in self.db.iterator(prefix=prefix):
+        for key, hist in self.db.iterator(prefix=UNDO_PREFIX):
             height, = unpack('>I', key[-4:])
             if height >= min_height:
@@ -844,23 +941,9 @@ class LevelDB:
     async def all_utxos(self, hashX):
         """Return all UTXOs for an address sorted in no particular order."""
-        def read_utxos():
-            utxos = []
-            utxos_append = utxos.append
-            s_unpack = unpack
-            fs_tx_hash = self.fs_tx_hash
-            # Key: b'u' + address_hashX + tx_idx + tx_num
-            # Value: the UTXO value as a 64-bit unsigned integer
-            prefix = b'u' + hashX
-            for db_key, db_value in self.db.iterator(prefix=prefix):
-                tx_pos, tx_num = s_unpack('<HI', db_key[-6:])
-                value, = unpack('<Q', db_value)
-                tx_hash, height = fs_tx_hash(tx_num)
-                utxos_append(UTXO(tx_num, tx_pos, tx_hash, height, value))
-            return utxos
         while True:
             utxos = await asyncio.get_event_loop().run_in_executor(self.executor, read_utxos)
+            utxos = [UTXO(tx_num, tx_pos, *self.fs_tx_hash(tx_num), value=value) for (tx_num, tx_pos, value) in utxos]
             if all(utxo.tx_hash is not None for utxo in utxos):
                 return utxos
             self.logger.warning(f'all_utxos: tx hash not '
@@ -873,45 +956,4 @@ class LevelDB:
         Used by the mempool code.
-        def lookup_hashXs():
-            """Return (hashX, suffix) pairs, or None if not found,
-            for each prevout.
-            """
-            def lookup_hashX(tx_hash, tx_idx):
-                idx_packed = pack('<H', tx_idx)
-                # Key: b'h' + compressed_tx_hash + tx_idx + tx_num
-                # Value: hashX
-                prefix = b'h' + tx_hash[:4] + idx_packed
-                # Find which entry, if any, the TX_HASH matches.
-                for db_key, hashX in self.db.iterator(prefix=prefix):
-                    tx_num_packed = db_key[-4:]
-                    tx_num, = unpack('<I', tx_num_packed)
-                    hash, height = self.fs_tx_hash(tx_num)
-                    if hash == tx_hash:
-                        return hashX, idx_packed + tx_num_packed
-                return None, None
-            return [lookup_hashX(*prevout) for prevout in prevouts]
-        def lookup_utxos(hashX_pairs):
-            def lookup_utxo(hashX, suffix):
-                if not hashX:
-                    # This can happen when the daemon is a block ahead
-                    # of us and has mempool txs spending outputs from
-                    # that new block
-                    return None
-                # Key: b'u' + address_hashX + tx_idx + tx_num
-                # Value: the UTXO value as a 64-bit unsigned integer
-                key = b'u' + hashX + suffix
-                db_value = self.db.get(key)
-                if not db_value:
-                    # This can happen if the DB was updated between
-                    # getting the hashXs and getting the UTXOs
-                    return None
-                value, = unpack('<Q', db_value)
-                return hashX, value
-            return [lookup_utxo(*hashX_pair) for hashX_pair in hashX_pairs]
-        hashX_pairs = await asyncio.get_event_loop().run_in_executor(self.executor, lookup_hashXs)
-        return await asyncio.get_event_loop().run_in_executor(self.executor, lookup_utxos, hashX_pairs)
+        return await asyncio.get_event_loop().run_in_executor(self.executor, lookup_hashXs_utxos, prevouts)
diff --git a/lbry/wallet/server/session.py b/lbry/wallet/server/session.py
index 3696f8bc8..4a2a06a1b 100644
--- a/lbry/wallet/server/session.py
+++ b/lbry/wallet/server/session.py
@@ -1274,11 +1274,11 @@ class LBRYElectrumX(SessionBase):
         hashX = self.address_to_hashX(address)
         return await self.hashX_unsubscribe(hashX, address)
-    async def get_balance(self, hashX):
-        utxos = await self.db.all_utxos(hashX)
-        confirmed = sum(utxo.value for utxo in utxos)
-        unconfirmed = await self.mempool.balance_delta(hashX)
-        return {'confirmed': confirmed, 'unconfirmed': unconfirmed}
+    # async def get_balance(self, hashX):
+    #     utxos = await self.db.all_utxos(hashX)
+    #     confirmed = sum(utxo.value for utxo in utxos)
+    #     unconfirmed = await self.mempool.balance_delta(hashX)
+    #     return {'confirmed': confirmed, 'unconfirmed': unconfirmed}
     async def scripthash_get_balance(self, scripthash):
         """Return the confirmed and unconfirmed balance of a scripthash."""
@@ -1543,15 +1543,12 @@ class LBRYElectrumX(SessionBase):
                 batch_result[tx_hash] = [raw_tx, {'block_height': -1}]
-        def threaded_get_merkle():
-            for tx_hash, (raw_tx, block_txs, pos, block_height) in needed_merkles.items():
-                batch_result[tx_hash] = raw_tx, {
-                    'merkle': self._get_merkle_branch(block_txs, pos),
-                    'pos': pos,
-                    'block_height': block_height
-                }
-        if needed_merkles:
-            await asyncio.get_running_loop().run_in_executor(self.db.executor, threaded_get_merkle)
+        for tx_hash, (raw_tx, block_txs, pos, block_height) in needed_merkles.items():
+            batch_result[tx_hash] = raw_tx, {
+                'merkle': self._get_merkle_branch(block_txs, pos),
+                'pos': pos,
+                'block_height': block_height
+            }
         return batch_result