diff --git a/lbry/extras/daemon/daemon.py b/lbry/extras/daemon/daemon.py
index 55f72afea..9fcf5d5a2 100644
--- a/lbry/extras/daemon/daemon.py
+++ b/lbry/extras/daemon/daemon.py
@@ -991,7 +991,7 @@ class Daemon(metaclass=JSONRPCServerType):
             --urls=<urls>              : (str, list) one or more urls to resolve
             --wallet_id=<wallet_id>    : (str) wallet to check for claim purchase reciepts
-           --new_sdk_server=<new_sdk_server> : (str) use the new SDK server (EXPERIMENTAL)
+           --new_sdk_server=<new_sdk_server> : (str) URL of the new SDK server (EXPERIMENTAL)
            --include_purchase_receipt  : (bool) lookup and include a receipt if this wallet
                                                 has purchased the claim being resolved
             --include_is_my_output     : (bool) lookup and include a boolean indicating
@@ -2435,7 +2435,7 @@ class Daemon(metaclass=JSONRPCServerType):
                                                      has purchased the claim
             --include_is_my_output          : (bool) lookup and include a boolean indicating
                                                      if claim being resolved is yours
-           --new_sdk_server=<new_sdk_server> : (str) use the new SDK server (EXPERIMENTAL)
+           --new_sdk_server=<new_sdk_server> : (str) URL of the new SDK server (EXPERIMENTAL)
         Returns: {Paginated[Output]}