""" Utility for creating Crypt Streams, which are encrypted blobs and associated metadata. """ import os import logging from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.ciphers.algorithms import AES from twisted.internet import defer from lbrynet.cryptstream.CryptBlob import CryptStreamBlobMaker log = logging.getLogger(__name__) class CryptStreamCreator: """ Create a new stream with blobs encrypted by a symmetric cipher. Each blob is encrypted with the same key, but each blob has its own initialization vector which is associated with the blob when the blob is associated with the stream. """ #implements(interfaces.IConsumer) def __init__(self, blob_manager, name=None, key=None, iv_generator=None): """@param blob_manager: Object that stores and provides access to blobs. @type blob_manager: BlobManager @param name: the name of the stream, which will be presented to the user @type name: string @param key: the raw AES key which will be used to encrypt the blobs. If None, a random key will be generated. @type key: string @param iv_generator: a generator which yields initialization vectors for the blobs. Will be called once for each blob. @type iv_generator: a generator function which yields strings @return: None """ self.blob_manager = blob_manager self.name = name self.key = key if iv_generator is None: self.iv_generator = self.random_iv_generator() else: self.iv_generator = iv_generator self.stopped = True self.producer = None self.streaming = None self.blob_count = -1 self.current_blob = None self.finished_deferreds = [] def registerProducer(self, producer, streaming): from twisted.internet import reactor self.producer = producer self.streaming = streaming self.stopped = False if streaming is False: reactor.callLater(0, self.producer.resumeProducing) def unregisterProducer(self): self.stopped = True self.producer = None def _close_current_blob(self): # close the blob that was being written to # and save it to blob manager should_announce = self.blob_count == 0 d = self.current_blob.close() d.addCallback(self._blob_finished) d.addCallback(lambda blob_info: self.blob_manager.creator_finished(blob_info, should_announce)) self.finished_deferreds.append(d) self.current_blob = None def stop(self): """Stop creating the stream. Create the terminating zero-length blob.""" log.debug("stop has been called for StreamCreator") self.stopped = True if self.current_blob is not None: self._close_current_blob() d = self._finalize() d.addCallback(lambda _: self._finished()) return d # TODO: move the stream creation process to its own thread and # remove the reactor from this process. def write(self, data): from twisted.internet import reactor self._write(data) if self.stopped is False and self.streaming is False: reactor.callLater(0, self.producer.resumeProducing) @staticmethod def random_iv_generator(): while 1: yield os.urandom(AES.block_size // 8) def setup(self): """Create the symmetric key if it wasn't provided""" if self.key is None: self.key = os.urandom(AES.block_size // 8) return defer.succeed(True) @defer.inlineCallbacks def _finalize(self): """ Finalize a stream by adding an empty blob at the end, this is to indicate that the stream has ended. This empty blob is not saved to the blob manager """ yield defer.DeferredList(self.finished_deferreds) self.blob_count += 1 iv = next(self.iv_generator) final_blob = self._get_blob_maker(iv, self.blob_manager.get_blob_creator()) stream_terminator = yield final_blob.close() terminator_info = yield self._blob_finished(stream_terminator) defer.returnValue(terminator_info) def _write(self, data): while len(data) > 0: if self.current_blob is None: self.next_blob_creator = self.blob_manager.get_blob_creator() self.blob_count += 1 iv = next(self.iv_generator) self.current_blob = self._get_blob_maker(iv, self.next_blob_creator) done, num_bytes_written = self.current_blob.write(data) data = data[num_bytes_written:] if done is True: self._close_current_blob() def _get_blob_maker(self, iv, blob_creator): return CryptStreamBlobMaker(self.key, iv, self.blob_count, blob_creator) def _finished(self): raise NotImplementedError() def _blob_finished(self, blob_info): raise NotImplementedError()