# ===== known_dht_nodes =====
# A comma-separated list of dht nodes to use to bootstrap into the
# DHT network. The nodes must be specified in dotted quad format
# followed by a colon and the port number. For example:
# known_dht_nodes =

# ===== download_directory =====
# On Windows, the default location for "download_directory" is the
# directory the user has registered with the OS as the default
# download directory, usually the 'Downloads' folder in the user's
# home directory. On Linux, it is the current directory.
# download_directory = /path/to/example_directory

# ===== data_dir =====
# The data directory is the directory in which the application
# stores information about the encrypted chunks stored on disk
# and the streams they belong to, the encrypted chunks themselves,
# and any other metadata. By default, set to '.lbrydownloader'
# in the user's home directory.
# data_dir = /path/to/home/.lbrydownloader

# ===== run_server =====
# Turn on or off the server, which uploads encrypted chunks of data
# to other clients on the network.
# run_server = True

# ===== start_lbrycrdd =====
# Whether to launch an lbyrcrdd server to use to send and receive
# LBC and to look up names regisered on the LBRYcrd network.
# Defaults to True on Windows and False on Linux.
# start_lbrycrdd = True/False

# ===== lbrycrdd_path =====
# If start_lbrycrdd is set to True, the path the application will
# use to try to run lbrycrdd. On Windows, the default path will
# be "lbrycrdd.exe". On Linux, the default path will be "./lbrycrdd".
# lbrycrdd_path = /path/to/lbrycrdd

# ===== wallet_dir =====
# The directory which the lbrycrdd instance will be given as the
# base directory for the instance of lbrycrdd, if it is launched
# by the application. By default, it is set to the .lbrycrd
# directory in the user's home directory.
# wallet_dir = /path/to/home/.lbrycrd

# ===== wallet_conf =====
# The configuration file used by the lbrycrd server which will be
# used by the application to send and receive LBC and to look up
# registered names on the LBRYcrd network. By default, this is
# set to the file lbrycrd.conf in the wallet_dir directory.
# wallet_conf = /path/to/home/.lbrycrd/lbrycrd.conf

# ===== use_upnp =====
# Whether to try to use UPnP to open ports in a firewall so that
# other applications on the network can connect to the application
# use_upnp = True

# ===== default_blob_data_payment_rate =====
# The amount of LBC per megabyte to send to uploaders of data, by
# default. Must be a positive floating point number.
# default_blob_data_payment_rate = 0.5

# ===== dht_port =====
# The UPD port which other applications will connect to in order
# to announce their association with sha384 hashsums and to
# find other applications which are associated with sha384
# hashsums.
# dht_port = 4444

# ===== peer_port =====
# The TCP port which other applications will connect to in order
# to download encrypted chunks of data from this application,
# if this application is acting as a server.
# peer_port = 3333

# ===== delete_blobs_on_stream_remove =====
# If this is set to True, all blobs associated with the stream
# will be deleted when the stream is removed from the GUI,
# whether by clicking the 'x' or by closing the application.
# If this is set to False, they will not be deleted then.
# However, they may be deleted otherwise. For example if the
# option to allow reuploading is set to False, they will be
# deleted as soon as they're outputted by the application.
# delete_blobs_on_stream_remove = True