import sys import asyncio from binascii import hexlify from lbry.wallet.server.db.writer import SQLDB from lbry.wallet.server.coin import LBC from lbry.wallet.server.daemon import Daemon def hex_reverted(value: bytes) -> str: return hexlify(value[::-1]).decode() def match(name, what, value, expected): if value != expected: print(f'{name}: {what} mismatch, {value} is not {expected}') return value == expected def checkrecord(record, expected_winner, expected_claim): assert record['is_controlling'] == record['claim_hash'], dict(record) name = record['normalized'] claim_id = hex_reverted(record['claim_hash']) takover = record['activation_height'] if not expected_winner: print(f"{name} not on lbrycrd. We have {claim_id} at {takover} takeover height.") return if not match(name, 'claim id', claim_id, expected_winner['claimId']): print(f"-- {name} has the wrong winner") if not expected_claim: print(f'{name}: {claim_id} not found, we possibly have an abandoned claim as winner') return match(name, 'height', record['height'], expected_claim['height']) match(name, 'activation height', takover, expected_claim['valid at height']) match(name, 'name', record['normalized'], expected_claim['normalized_name']) match(name, 'amount', record['amount'], expected_claim['amount']) match(name, 'effective amount', record['effective_amount'], expected_claim['effective amount']) match(name, 'txid', hex_reverted(record['txo_hash'][:-4]), expected_claim['txid']) match(name, 'nout', int.from_bytes(record['txo_hash'][-4:], 'little', signed=False), expected_claim['n']) async def checkcontrolling(daemon: Daemon, db: SQLDB): records, names, futs = [], [], [] for record in db.get_claims('claimtrie.claim_hash as is_controlling, claim.*', is_controlling=True): records.append(record) claim_id = hex_reverted(record['claim_hash']) names.append((record['normalized'], (claim_id,), "", True)) # last parameter is IncludeValues if len(names) > 50000: futs.append(daemon._send_vector('getclaimsfornamebyid', names)) names.clear() if names: futs.append(daemon._send_vector('getclaimsfornamebyid', names)) names.clear() while futs: winners, claims = futs.pop(0), futs.pop(0) for winner, claim in zip(await winners, await claims): checkrecord(records.pop(0), winner, claim) if __name__ == '__main__': if len(sys.argv) != 3: print("usage: <db_file_path> <lbrycrd_url>") sys.exit(1) db_path, lbrycrd_url = sys.argv[1:] # pylint: disable=W0632 daemon = Daemon(LBC(), url=lbrycrd_url) db = SQLDB(None, db_path) asyncio.get_event_loop().run_until_complete(checkcontrolling(daemon, db))