import binascii import collections import logging import time from twisted.internet import defer from lbrynet.core import utils log = logging.getLogger(__name__) class DHTHashAnnouncer(object): ANNOUNCE_CHECK_INTERVAL = 60 CONCURRENT_ANNOUNCERS = 5 """This class announces to the DHT that this peer has certain blobs""" def __init__(self, dht_node, peer_port): self.dht_node = dht_node self.peer_port = peer_port self.suppliers = [] self.next_manage_call = None self.hash_queue = collections.deque() self._concurrent_announcers = 0 def run_manage_loop(self): if self.peer_port is not None: self._announce_available_hashes() self.next_manage_call = utils.call_later(self.ANNOUNCE_CHECK_INTERVAL, self.run_manage_loop) def stop(self):"Stopping DHT hash announcer.") if self.next_manage_call is not None: self.next_manage_call.cancel() self.next_manage_call = None def add_supplier(self, supplier): self.suppliers.append(supplier) def immediate_announce(self, blob_hashes): if self.peer_port is not None: return self._announce_hashes(blob_hashes, immediate=True) else: return defer.succeed(False) def hash_queue_size(self): return len(self.hash_queue) def _announce_available_hashes(self): log.debug('Announcing available hashes') ds = [] for supplier in self.suppliers: d = supplier.hashes_to_announce() d.addCallback(self._announce_hashes) ds.append(d) dl = defer.DeferredList(ds) return dl def _announce_hashes(self, hashes, immediate=False): if not hashes: return log.debug('Announcing %s hashes', len(hashes)) # TODO: add a timeit decorator start = time.time() ds = [] for h in hashes: announce_deferred = defer.Deferred() ds.append(announce_deferred) if immediate: self.hash_queue.appendleft((h, announce_deferred)) else: self.hash_queue.append((h, announce_deferred)) log.debug('There are now %s hashes remaining to be announced', self.hash_queue_size()) def announce(): if len(self.hash_queue): h, announce_deferred = self.hash_queue.popleft() log.debug('Announcing blob %s to dht', h) d = self.dht_node.announceHaveBlob(binascii.unhexlify(h), self.peer_port) d.chainDeferred(announce_deferred) d.addBoth(lambda _: utils.call_later(0, announce)) else: self._concurrent_announcers -= 1 for i in range(self._concurrent_announcers, self.CONCURRENT_ANNOUNCERS): self._concurrent_announcers += 1 announce() d = defer.DeferredList(ds) d.addCallback(lambda _: log.debug('Took %s seconds to announce %s hashes', time.time() - start, len(hashes))) return d class DHTHashSupplier(object): # 1 hour is the min time hash will be reannounced MIN_HASH_REANNOUNCE_TIME = 60*60 # conservative assumption of the time it takes to announce # a single hash SINGLE_HASH_ANNOUNCE_DURATION = 1 """Classes derived from this class give hashes to a hash announcer""" def __init__(self, announcer): if announcer is not None: announcer.add_supplier(self) self.hash_announcer = announcer def hashes_to_announce(self): pass def get_next_announce_time(self, num_hashes_to_announce=1): """ Hash reannounce time is set to current time + MIN_HASH_REANNOUNCE_TIME, unless we are announcing a lot of hashes at once which could cause the the announce queue to pile up. To prevent pile up, reannounce only after a conservative estimate of when it will finish to announce all the hashes. Args: num_hashes_to_announce: number of hashes that will be added to the queue Returns: timestamp for next announce time """ queue_size = self.hash_announcer.hash_queue_size()+num_hashes_to_announce reannounce = max(self.MIN_HASH_REANNOUNCE_TIME, queue_size*self.SINGLE_HASH_ANNOUNCE_DURATION) return time.time() + reannounce