import os import sys import time from typing import Dict, Any from tempfile import TemporaryFile import tqdm from lbry import __version__ from lbry.service.base import Service from lbry.service.full_node import FullNode from lbry.service.light_client import LightClient class RedirectOutput: silence_lines = [ b'libprotobuf ERROR google/protobuf/', ] def __init__(self, stream_type: str): assert stream_type in ('stderr', 'stdout') self.stream_type = stream_type self.stream_no = getattr(sys, stream_type).fileno() self.last_flush = time.time() self.last_read = 0 def __enter__(self): self.backup = os.dup(self.stream_no) setattr(sys, self.stream_type, os.fdopen(self.backup, 'w')) self.file = TemporaryFile() self.backup = os.dup2(self.file.fileno(), self.stream_no) def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): self.file.close() os.dup2(self.backup, self.stream_no) os.close(self.backup) setattr(sys, self.stream_type, os.fdopen(self.stream_no, 'w')) def capture(self): self.__enter__() def release(self): self.__exit__(None, None, None) def flush(self, writer, force=False): if not force and (time.time() - self.last_flush) < 5: return for line in self.file.readlines(): silence = False for bad_line in self.silence_lines: if bad_line in line: silence = True break if not silence: writer(line.decode().rstrip()) self.last_read = self.file.tell() self.last_flush = time.time() class Console: def __init__(self, service: Service): self.service = service def starting(self): pass def stopping(self): pass class Basic(Console): def __init__(self, service: Service): super().__init__(service) self.service.sync.on_progress.listen(self.on_sync_progress) def starting(self): conf = self.service.conf s = [f'LBRY v{__version__}'] if isinstance(self.service, FullNode): s.append('Full Node') elif isinstance(self.service, LightClient): s.append('Light Client') if conf.processes == -1: s.append('Threads Only') elif conf.processes == 0: s.append(f'{os.cpu_count()} Process(es)') else: s.append(f'{conf.processes} Process(es)') s.append(f'({os.cpu_count()} CPU(s) available)') print(' '.join(s)) @staticmethod def stopping(): print('bye.') @staticmethod def on_sync_progress(event): print(event) class Advanced(Basic): FORMAT = '{l_bar}{bar}| {n_fmt:>8}/{total_fmt:>8} [{elapsed:>7}<{remaining:>8}, {rate_fmt:>17}]' def __init__(self, service: Service): super().__init__(service) self.bars: Dict[Any, tqdm.tqdm] = {} self.is_single_sync_bar = False self.single_bar_relative_steps = 0 self.last_stats = "" self.block_savers = 0 self.block_readers = 0 self.stderr = RedirectOutput('stderr') def starting(self): self.stderr.capture() super().starting() def stopping(self): super().stopping() self.stderr.flush(self.bars['read'].write, True) self.stderr.release() def get_or_create_bar(self, name, desc, unit, total, leave=False, bar_format=None, postfix=None, position=None): bar = self.bars.get(name) if bar is None: bar = self.bars[name] = tqdm.tqdm( desc=desc, unit=unit, total=total, bar_format=bar_format or self.FORMAT, leave=leave, postfix=postfix, position=position ) return bar def sync_start(self, d): self.bars.clear() if d['ending_height']-d['starting_height'] > 0: label = f"sync {d['starting_height']:,d}-{d['ending_height']:,d}" else: label = f"sync {d['ending_height']:,d}" print(label) self.last_stats = f"{d['txs']:,d} txs, {d['claims']:,d} claims and {d['supports']:,d} supports" self.get_or_create_bar("read", "├─ blocks read", "blocks", d['blocks'], True) self.get_or_create_bar("save", "└─┬ txs saved", "txs", d['txs'], True) def update_progress(self, e, d): if e in ('', ''): self.update_block_bars(e, d) else: self.update_other_bars(e, d) def update_block_bars(self, event, d): total_bar = self.bars[event[-4:]] if event.endswith("read") and self.block_readers == 0: total_bar.unpause() if event.endswith("read") and d['step'] == d['total']: self.block_readers -= 1 bar_name = f"block-{d['block_file']}" bar = self.bars.get(bar_name) if bar is None: self.block_readers += 1 return self.get_or_create_bar( bar_name, f" ├─ blk{d['block_file']:05}.dat reading", 'blocks', d['total'] ) if event.endswith("save") and bar.unit == "blocks": if self.block_savers == 0: total_bar.unpause() self.block_savers += 1 bar.desc = f" ├─ blk{d['block_file']:05}.dat saving" bar.unit = "txs" bar.reset(d['total']) return diff = d['step']-bar.last_print_n bar.update(diff) if event.endswith("save") and d['step'] == d['total']: self.block_savers -= 1 bar.close() total_bar.update(diff) if == total_bar.last_print_n: if total_bar.desc.endswith('txs saved'): total_bar.desc = "├─ txs saved" total_bar.refresh() def update_other_bars(self, e, d): if d['total'] == 0: return bar = self.bars.get(e) if not bar: name = ( ' '.join(e.split('.')[-2:]) .replace('support', 'suprt') .replace('channels', 'chanls') .replace('signatures', 'sigs') ) bar = self.get_or_create_bar(e, f"├─ {name:>12}", d['unit'], d['total'], True) diff = d['step']-bar.last_print_n bar.update(diff) #if d['step'] == d['total']: #bar.close() def sync_complete(self): self.bars['read'].postfix = (self.last_stats,) for bar in self.bars.values(): bar.close() def on_sync_progress(self, event): e, d = event['event'], event.get('data', {}) if e.endswith("sync.start"): self.sync_start(d) self.stderr.flush(self.bars['read'].write) elif e.endswith("sync.complete"): self.stderr.flush(self.bars['read'].write, True) self.sync_complete() else: self.stderr.flush(self.bars['read'].write) self.update_progress(e, d)