import logging import asyncio from asyncio import wrap_future from concurrent.futures.thread import ThreadPoolExecutor from operator import itemgetter from typing import Tuple, List, Union, Callable, Any, Awaitable, Iterable import sqlite3 from torba.hash import TXRefImmutable from torba.basetransaction import BaseTransaction from torba.baseaccount import BaseAccount log = logging.getLogger(__name__) class AIOSQLite: def __init__(self): # has to be single threaded as there is no mapping of thread:connection self.executor = ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=1) self.connection: sqlite3.Connection = None @classmethod async def connect(cls, path: Union[bytes, str], *args, **kwargs): db = cls() db.connection = await wrap_future(db.executor.submit(sqlite3.connect, path, *args, **kwargs)) return db async def close(self): def __close(conn): self.executor.submit(conn.close) self.executor.shutdown(wait=True) conn = self.connection self.connection = None return asyncio.get_event_loop_policy().get_event_loop().call_later(0.01, __close, conn) def executescript(self, script: str) -> Awaitable: return wrap_future(self.executor.submit(self.connection.executescript, script)) def execute_fetchall(self, sql: str, parameters: Iterable = None) -> Awaitable[Iterable[sqlite3.Row]]: parameters = parameters if parameters is not None else [] def __fetchall(conn: sqlite3.Connection, *args, **kwargs): return conn.execute(*args, **kwargs).fetchall() return wrap_future(self.executor.submit(__fetchall, self.connection, sql, parameters)) def execute(self, sql: str, parameters: Iterable = None) -> Awaitable[sqlite3.Cursor]: parameters = parameters if parameters is not None else [] return conn, sql, parameters: conn.execute(sql, parameters), sql, parameters) def run(self, fun, *args, **kwargs) -> Awaitable: return wrap_future(self.executor.submit(self.__run_transaction, fun, *args, **kwargs)) def __run_transaction(self, fun: Callable[[sqlite3.Connection, Any, Any], Any], *args, **kwargs): self.connection.execute('begin') try: fun(self.connection, *args, **kwargs) # type: ignore except (Exception, OSError): self.connection.rollback() raise else: self.connection.commit() def constraints_to_sql(constraints, joiner=' AND ', prepend_key=''): sql, values = [], {} for key, constraint in constraints.items(): col, op, key = key, '=', key.replace('.', '_') if key.startswith('$'): values[key] = constraint continue elif key.endswith('__not'): col, op = col[:-len('__not')], '!=' elif key.endswith('__lt'): col, op = col[:-len('__lt')], '<' elif key.endswith('__lte'): col, op = col[:-len('__lte')], '<=' elif key.endswith('__gt'): col, op = col[:-len('__gt')], '>' elif key.endswith('__like'): col, op = col[:-len('__like')], 'LIKE' elif key.endswith('__in') or key.endswith('__not_in'): if key.endswith('__in'): col, op = col[:-len('__in')], 'IN' else: col, op = col[:-len('__not_in')], 'NOT IN' if isinstance(constraint, (list, set)): items = ', '.join( "'{}'".format(item) if isinstance(item, str) else str(item) for item in constraint ) elif isinstance(constraint, str): items = constraint else: raise ValueError("{} requires a list, set or string as constraint value.".format(col)) sql.append('{} {} ({})'.format(col, op, items)) continue elif key.endswith('__any'): where, subvalues = constraints_to_sql(constraint, ' OR ', key+'_') sql.append('({})'.format(where)) values.update(subvalues) continue sql.append('{} {} :{}'.format(col, op, prepend_key+key)) values[prepend_key+key] = constraint return joiner.join(sql) if sql else '', values def query(select, **constraints): sql = [select] limit = constraints.pop('limit', None) offset = constraints.pop('offset', None) order_by = constraints.pop('order_by', None) constraints.pop('my_account', None) account = constraints.pop('account', None) if account is not None: if not isinstance(account, list): account = [account] constraints['account__in'] = [ (a.public_key.address if isinstance(a, BaseAccount) else a) for a in account ] where, values = constraints_to_sql(constraints) if where: sql.append('WHERE') sql.append(where) if order_by is not None: sql.append('ORDER BY') if isinstance(order_by, str): sql.append(order_by) elif isinstance(order_by, list): sql.append(', '.join(order_by)) else: raise ValueError("order_by must be string or list") if limit is not None: sql.append('LIMIT {}'.format(limit)) if offset is not None: sql.append('OFFSET {}'.format(offset)) return ' '.join(sql), values def rows_to_dict(rows, fields): if rows: return [dict(zip(fields, r)) for r in rows] else: return [] class SQLiteMixin: CREATE_TABLES_QUERY: str def __init__(self, path): self._db_path = path self.db: AIOSQLite = None self.ledger = None async def open(self):"connecting to database: %s", self._db_path) self.db = await AIOSQLite.connect(self._db_path) await self.db.executescript(self.CREATE_TABLES_QUERY) async def close(self): await self.db.close() @staticmethod def _insert_sql(table: str, data: dict) -> Tuple[str, List]: columns, values = [], [] for column, value in data.items(): columns.append(column) values.append(value) sql = "INSERT INTO {} ({}) VALUES ({})".format( table, ', '.join(columns), ', '.join(['?'] * len(values)) ) return sql, values @staticmethod def _update_sql(table: str, data: dict, where: str, constraints: Union[list, tuple]) -> Tuple[str, list]: columns, values = [], [] for column, value in data.items(): columns.append("{} = ?".format(column)) values.append(value) values.extend(constraints) sql = "UPDATE {} SET {} WHERE {}".format( table, ', '.join(columns), where ) return sql, values class BaseDatabase(SQLiteMixin): PRAGMAS = """ pragma journal_mode=WAL; """ CREATE_PUBKEY_ADDRESS_TABLE = """ create table if not exists pubkey_address ( address text primary key, account text not null, chain integer not null, position integer not null, pubkey blob not null, history text, used_times integer not null default 0 ); """ CREATE_PUBKEY_ADDRESS_INDEX = """ create index if not exists pubkey_address_account_idx on pubkey_address (account); """ CREATE_TX_TABLE = """ create table if not exists tx ( txid text primary key, raw blob not null, height integer not null, position integer not null, is_verified boolean not null default 0 ); """ CREATE_TXO_TABLE = """ create table if not exists txo ( txid text references tx, txoid text primary key, address text references pubkey_address, position integer not null, amount integer not null, script blob not null, is_reserved boolean not null default 0 ); """ CREATE_TXO_INDEX = """ create index if not exists txo_address_idx on txo (address); """ CREATE_TXI_TABLE = """ create table if not exists txi ( txid text references tx, txoid text references txo, address text references pubkey_address ); """ CREATE_TXI_INDEX = """ create index if not exists txi_address_idx on txi (address); create index if not exists txi_txoid_idx on txi (txoid); """ CREATE_TABLES_QUERY = ( PRAGMAS + CREATE_TX_TABLE + CREATE_PUBKEY_ADDRESS_TABLE + CREATE_PUBKEY_ADDRESS_INDEX + CREATE_TXO_TABLE + CREATE_TXO_INDEX + CREATE_TXI_TABLE + CREATE_TXI_INDEX ) @staticmethod def txo_to_row(tx, address, txo): return { 'txid':, 'txoid':, 'address': address, 'position': txo.position, 'amount': txo.amount, 'script': sqlite3.Binary(txo.script.source) } def save_transaction_io(self, save_tx, tx: BaseTransaction, address, txhash, history): def _transaction(conn: sqlite3.Connection, save_tx, tx: BaseTransaction, address, txhash, history): if save_tx == 'insert': conn.execute(*self._insert_sql('tx', { 'txid':, 'raw': sqlite3.Binary(tx.raw), 'height': tx.height, 'position': tx.position, 'is_verified': tx.is_verified })) elif save_tx == 'update': conn.execute(*self._update_sql("tx", { 'height': tx.height, 'position': tx.position, 'is_verified': tx.is_verified }, 'txid = ?', (,))) existing_txos = set(map(itemgetter(0), conn.execute(*query( "SELECT position FROM txo", )))) for txo in tx.outputs: if txo.position in existing_txos: continue if txo.script.is_pay_pubkey_hash and txo.script.values['pubkey_hash'] == txhash: conn.execute(*self._insert_sql("txo", self.txo_to_row(tx, address, txo))) elif txo.script.is_pay_script_hash: # TODO: implement script hash payments log.warning('Database.save_transaction_io: pay script hash is not implemented!') # lookup the address associated with each TXI (via its TXO) txoid_to_address = {r[0]: r[1] for r in conn.execute(*query( "SELECT txoid, address FROM txo", txoid__in=[ for txi in tx.inputs] ))} # list of TXIs that have already been added existing_txis = {r[0] for r in conn.execute(*query( "SELECT txoid FROM txi", ))} for txi in tx.inputs: txoid = new_txi = txoid not in existing_txis address_matches = txoid_to_address.get(txoid) == address if new_txi and address_matches: conn.execute(*self._insert_sql("txi", { 'txid':, 'txoid': txoid, 'address': address, })) conn.execute( "UPDATE pubkey_address SET history = ?, used_times = ? WHERE address = ?", (history, history.count(':')//2, address) ) return, save_tx, tx, address, txhash, history) async def reserve_outputs(self, txos, is_reserved=True): txoids = [ for txo in txos] await self.db.execute( "UPDATE txo SET is_reserved = ? WHERE txoid IN ({})".format( ', '.join(['?']*len(txoids)) ), [is_reserved]+txoids ) async def release_outputs(self, txos): await self.reserve_outputs(txos, is_reserved=False) async def rewind_blockchain(self, above_height): # pylint: disable=no-self-use # TODO: # 1. delete transactions above_height # 2. update address histories removing deleted TXs return True async def select_transactions(self, cols, account=None, **constraints): if 'txid' not in constraints and account is not None: constraints['$account'] = account.public_key.address constraints['txid__in'] = """ SELECT txo.txid FROM txo JOIN pubkey_address USING (address) WHERE pubkey_address.account = :$account UNION SELECT txi.txid FROM txi JOIN pubkey_address USING (address) WHERE pubkey_address.account = :$account """ return await self.db.execute_fetchall( *query("SELECT {} FROM tx".format(cols), **constraints) ) async def get_transactions(self, my_account=None, **constraints): my_account = my_account or constraints.get('account', None) tx_rows = await self.select_transactions( 'txid, raw, height, position, is_verified', order_by=["height DESC", "position DESC"], **constraints ) if not tx_rows: return [] txids, txs = [], [] for row in tx_rows: txids.append(row[0]) txs.append(self.ledger.transaction_class( raw=row[1], height=row[2], position=row[3], is_verified=bool(row[4]) )) annotated_txos = { txo for txo in (await self.get_txos( my_account=my_account, txid__in=txids )) } referenced_txos = { txo for txo in (await self.get_txos( my_account=my_account, txoid__in=query("SELECT txoid FROM txi", **{'txid__in': txids})[0] )) } for tx in txs: for txi in tx.inputs: txo = referenced_txos.get( if txo: txi.txo_ref = txo.ref for txo in tx.outputs: _txo = annotated_txos.get( if _txo: txo.update_annotations(_txo) else: txo.update_annotations(None) return txs async def get_transaction_count(self, **constraints): constraints.pop('offset', None) constraints.pop('limit', None) constraints.pop('order_by', None) count = await self.select_transactions('count(*)', **constraints) return count[0][0] async def get_transaction(self, **constraints): txs = await self.get_transactions(limit=1, **constraints) if txs: return txs[0] async def select_txos(self, cols, **constraints): return await self.db.execute_fetchall(*query( "SELECT {} FROM txo" " JOIN pubkey_address USING (address)" " JOIN tx USING (txid)".format(cols), **constraints )) async def get_txos(self, my_account=None, **constraints): my_account = my_account or constraints.get('account', None) if isinstance(my_account, BaseAccount): my_account = my_account.public_key.address rows = await self.select_txos( "amount, script, txid, tx.height, txo.position, chain, account", **constraints ) output_class = self.ledger.transaction_class.output_class return [ output_class( amount=row[0], script=output_class.script_class(row[1]), tx_ref=TXRefImmutable.from_id(row[2], row[3]), position=row[4], is_change=row[5] == 1, is_my_account=row[6] == my_account ) for row in rows ] async def get_txo_count(self, **constraints): constraints.pop('offset', None) constraints.pop('limit', None) constraints.pop('order_by', None) count = await self.select_txos('count(*)', **constraints) return count[0][0] @staticmethod def constrain_utxo(constraints): constraints['is_reserved'] = False constraints['txoid__not_in'] = "SELECT txoid FROM txi" def get_utxos(self, **constraints): self.constrain_utxo(constraints) return self.get_txos(**constraints) def get_utxo_count(self, **constraints): self.constrain_utxo(constraints) return self.get_txo_count(**constraints) async def get_balance(self, **constraints): self.constrain_utxo(constraints) balance = await self.select_txos('SUM(amount)', **constraints) return balance[0][0] or 0 async def select_addresses(self, cols, **constraints): return await self.db.execute_fetchall(*query( "SELECT {} FROM pubkey_address".format(cols), **constraints )) async def get_addresses(self, cols=('address', 'account', 'chain', 'position', 'used_times'), **constraints): addresses = await self.select_addresses(', '.join(cols), **constraints) return rows_to_dict(addresses, cols) async def get_address_count(self, **constraints): count = await self.select_addresses('count(*)', **constraints) return count[0][0] async def get_address(self, **constraints): addresses = await self.get_addresses( cols=('address', 'account', 'chain', 'position', 'pubkey', 'history', 'used_times'), limit=1, **constraints ) if addresses: return addresses[0] async def add_keys(self, account, chain, keys): sql = ( "insert into pubkey_address " "(address, account, chain, position, pubkey) " "values " ) + ', '.join(['(?, ?, ?, ?, ?)'] * len(keys)) values = [] for position, pubkey in keys: values.extend(( pubkey.address, account.public_key.address, chain, position, sqlite3.Binary(pubkey.pubkey_bytes) )) await self.db.execute(sql, values) async def _set_address_history(self, address, history): await self.db.execute( "UPDATE pubkey_address SET history = ?, used_times = ? WHERE address = ?", (history, history.count(':')//2, address) ) async def set_address_history(self, address, history): await self._set_address_history(address, history)