import os import time import traceback import functools from io import BytesIO import multiprocessing as mp from decimal import Decimal from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Tuple from dataclasses import dataclass, field from contextvars import ContextVar from sqlalchemy import create_engine, inspect, bindparam, func, exists, event as sqlalchemy_event from sqlalchemy.future import select from sqlalchemy.engine import Engine from sqlalchemy.sql import Insert, text try: from pgcopy import CopyManager except ImportError: CopyManager = None from lbry.event import EventQueuePublisher from lbry.blockchain.ledger import Ledger from lbry.blockchain.transaction import Transaction, Output, Input from lbry.schema.tags import clean_tags from lbry.schema.result import Censor from lbry.schema.mime_types import guess_stream_type from .utils import pg_insert from .tables import ( Block, BlockFilter, TX, TXFilter, TXO, TXI, Claim, Tag, Support ) from .constants import TXO_TYPES, STREAM_TYPES _context: ContextVar['QueryContext'] = ContextVar('_context') @dataclass class QueryContext: engine: Engine ledger: Ledger message_queue: mp.Queue stop_event: mp.Event stack: List[List] metrics: Dict is_tracking_metrics: bool blocked_streams: Dict blocked_channels: Dict filtered_streams: Dict filtered_channels: Dict pid: int # QueryContext __enter__/__exit__ state current_timer_name: Optional[str] = None current_timer_time: float = 0 current_progress: Optional['ProgressContext'] = None copy_managers: Dict[str, CopyManager] = field(default_factory=dict) _variable_limit: Optional[int] = None @property def is_postgres(self): return == 'postgresql' @property def is_sqlite(self): return == 'sqlite' @property def variable_limit(self): if self._variable_limit is not None: return self._variable_limit if self.is_sqlite: for result in self.fetchall(text('PRAGMA COMPILE_OPTIONS;')): for _, value in result.items(): if value.startswith('MAX_VARIABLE_NUMBER'): self._variable_limit = int(value.split('=')[1]) return self._variable_limit self._variable_limit = 999 # todo: default for 3.32.0 is 32766, but we are still hitting 999 somehow else: self._variable_limit = 32766 return self._variable_limit def raise_unsupported_dialect(self): raise RuntimeError(f'Unsupported database dialect: {}.') @classmethod def get_resolve_censor(cls) -> Censor: return Censor(Censor.RESOLVE) @classmethod def get_search_censor(cls) -> Censor: return Censor(Censor.SEARCH) def pg_copy(self, table, rows): with self.engine.begin() as c: copy_manager = self.copy_managers.get( if copy_manager is None: self.copy_managers[] = copy_manager = CopyManager( c.connection,, rows[0].keys() ) copy_manager.conn = c.connection copy_manager.copy(map(dict.values, rows), BytesIO) copy_manager.conn = None def pg_has_pk_constraint(self, table_name): claim_constraints = self.fetchall(text( f"select * from information_schema.table_constraints as tc " f"where tc.table_name='{table_name}' and constraint_type='PRIMARY KEY'" )) return len(claim_constraints) > 0 def connect_without_transaction(self): return self.engine.connect().execution_options(isolation_level="AUTOCOMMIT") def connect_streaming(self): return self.engine.connect().execution_options(stream_results=True) def execute_notx(self, sql, *args): with self.connect_without_transaction() as c: return c.execute(sql, *args) def execute(self, sql, *args): with self.engine.begin() as c: return c.execute(sql, *args) def fetchone(self, sql, *args): with self.engine.begin() as c: row = c.execute(sql, *args).fetchone() return dict(row._mapping) if row else row def fetchall(self, sql, *args): with self.engine.begin() as c: rows = c.execute(sql, *args).fetchall() return [dict(row._mapping) for row in rows] def fetchtotal(self, condition) -> int: sql = select(func.count('*').label('total')).where(condition) return self.fetchone(sql)['total'] def fetchmax(self, column, default: int) -> int: sql = select(func.coalesce(func.max(column), default).label('max_result')) return self.fetchone(sql)['max_result'] def has_records(self, table) -> bool: sql = select(exists([1], from_obj=table).label('result')) return bool(self.fetchone(sql)['result']) def insert_or_ignore(self, table): if self.is_sqlite: return table.insert().prefix_with("OR IGNORE") elif self.is_postgres: return pg_insert(table).on_conflict_do_nothing() else: self.raise_unsupported_dialect() def insert_or_replace(self, table, replace): if self.is_sqlite: return table.insert().prefix_with("OR REPLACE") elif self.is_postgres: insert = pg_insert(table) return insert.on_conflict_do_update( table.primary_key, set_={col: getattr(insert.excluded, col) for col in replace} ) else: self.raise_unsupported_dialect() def has_table(self, table): return inspect(self.engine).has_table(table) def get_bulk_loader(self) -> 'BulkLoader': return BulkLoader(self) def reset_metrics(self): self.stack = [] self.metrics = {} def with_timer(self, timer_name: str) -> 'QueryContext': self.current_timer_name = timer_name return self @property def elapsed(self): return time.perf_counter() - self.current_timer_time def __enter__(self) -> 'QueryContext': self.current_timer_time = time.perf_counter() return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): self.current_timer_name = None self.current_timer_time = 0 self.current_progress = None def context(with_timer: str = None) -> 'QueryContext': if isinstance(with_timer, str): return _context.get().with_timer(with_timer) return _context.get() def set_postgres_settings(connection, _): cursor = connection.cursor() cursor.execute('SET work_mem="500MB";') cursor.execute('COMMIT;') cursor.close() def set_sqlite_settings(connection, _): connection.isolation_level = None cursor = connection.cursor() cursor.execute('PRAGMA journal_mode=WAL;') cursor.close() def do_sqlite_begin(connection): # see: connection.exec_driver_sql("BEGIN") def initialize( ledger: Ledger, message_queue: mp.Queue, stop_event: mp.Event, track_metrics=False, block_and_filter=None): url = ledger.conf.db_url_or_default engine = create_engine(url) if == "postgresql": sqlalchemy_event.listen(engine, "connect", set_postgres_settings) elif == "sqlite": sqlalchemy_event.listen(engine, "connect", set_sqlite_settings) sqlalchemy_event.listen(engine, "begin", do_sqlite_begin) if block_and_filter is not None: blocked_streams, blocked_channels, filtered_streams, filtered_channels = block_and_filter else: blocked_streams = blocked_channels = filtered_streams = filtered_channels = {} _context.set( QueryContext( pid=os.getpid(), engine=engine, ledger=ledger, message_queue=message_queue, stop_event=stop_event, stack=[], metrics={}, is_tracking_metrics=track_metrics, blocked_streams=blocked_streams, blocked_channels=blocked_channels, filtered_streams=filtered_streams, filtered_channels=filtered_channels, ) ) def uninitialize(): ctx = _context.get(None) if ctx is not None: ctx.engine.dispose() _context.set(None) class Event: _events: List['Event'] = [] __slots__ = 'id', 'name', 'units' def __init__(self, name: str, units: Tuple[str]): = None = name self.units = units @classmethod def get_by_id(cls, event_id) -> 'Event': return cls._events[event_id] @classmethod def get_by_name(cls, name) -> 'Event': for event in cls._events: if == name: return event @classmethod def add(cls, name: str, *units: str) -> 'Event': assert cls.get_by_name(name) is None, f"Event {name} already exists." assert name.count('.') == 3, f"Event {name} does not follow pattern of: [module].sync.[phase].[task]" event = cls(name, units) cls._events.append(event) = cls._events.index(event) return event def event_emitter(name: str, *units: str, throttle=1): event = Event.add(name, *units) def wrapper(f): @functools.wraps(f) def with_progress(*args, **kwargs): with progress(event, throttle=throttle) as p: try: return f(*args, **kwargs, p=p) except BreakProgress: raise except: traceback.print_exc() raise return with_progress return wrapper class ProgressPublisher(EventQueuePublisher): def message_to_event(self, message): total, extra = None, None if len(message) == 3: event_id, progress_id, done = message elif len(message) == 5: event_id, progress_id, done, total, extra = message else: raise TypeError("progress message must be tuple of 3 or 5 values.") event = Event.get_by_id(event_id) d = { "event":, "data": {"id": progress_id, "done": done} } if total is not None: d['data']['total'] = total d['data']['units'] = event.units if isinstance(extra, dict): d['data'].update(extra) return d class BreakProgress(Exception): """Break out of progress when total is 0.""" class Progress: def __init__(self, message_queue: mp.Queue, event: Event, throttle=1): self.message_queue = message_queue self.event = event self.progress_id = 0 self.throttle = throttle self.last_done = (0,)*len(event.units) self.last_done_queued = (0,)*len(event.units) self.totals = (0,)*len(event.units) def __enter__(self) -> 'Progress': return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): if self.last_done != self.last_done_queued: self.message_queue.put((, self.progress_id, self.last_done)) self.last_done_queued = self.last_done if exc_type == BreakProgress: return True if self.last_done != self.totals: # or exc_type is not None: # TODO: add exception info into closing message if there is any self.message_queue.put((, self.progress_id, (-1,)*len(self.event.units) )) def start(self, *totals: int, progress_id=0, label=None, extra=None): assert len(totals) == len(self.event.units), \ f"Totals {totals} do not match up with units {self.event.units}." if not any(totals): raise BreakProgress self.totals = totals self.progress_id = progress_id extra = {} if extra is None else extra.copy() if label is not None: extra['label'] = label self.step(*((0,)*len(totals)), force=True, extra=extra) def step(self, *done: int, force=False, extra=None): if done == (): assert len(self.totals) == 1, "Incrementing step() only works with one unit progress." done = (self.last_done[0]+1,) assert len(done) == len(self.totals), \ f"Done elements {done} don't match total elements {self.totals}." self.last_done = done send_condition = force or extra is not None or ( # throttle rate of events being generated (only throttles first unit value) (self.throttle == 1 or done[0] % self.throttle == 0) and # deduplicate finish event by not sending a step where done == total any(i < j for i, j in zip(done, self.totals)) and # deduplicate same event done != self.last_done_queued ) if send_condition: if extra is not None: self.message_queue.put_nowait( (, self.progress_id, done, self.totals, extra) ) else: self.message_queue.put_nowait( (, self.progress_id, done) ) self.last_done_queued = done def add(self, *done: int, force=False, extra=None): assert len(done) == len(self.last_done), \ f"Done elements {done} don't match total elements {self.last_done}." self.step( *(i+j for i, j in zip(self.last_done, done)), force=force, extra=extra ) def iter(self, items: List): self.start(len(items)) for item in items: yield item self.step() class ProgressContext(Progress): def __init__(self, ctx: QueryContext, event: Event, throttle=1): super().__init__(ctx.message_queue, event, throttle) self.ctx = ctx def __enter__(self) -> 'ProgressContext': self.ctx.__enter__() return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): return any(( self.ctx.__exit__(exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb), super().__exit__(exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb) )) def progress(e: Event, throttle=1) -> ProgressContext: ctx = context( ctx.current_progress = ProgressContext(ctx, e, throttle=throttle) return ctx.current_progress class BulkLoader: def __init__(self, ctx: QueryContext): self.ctx = ctx self.ledger = ctx.ledger self.blocks = [] self.txs = [] self.txos = [] self.txis = [] self.supports = [] = [] self.tags = [] self.update_claims = [] self.delete_tags = [] self.tx_filters = [] self.block_filters = [] @staticmethod def block_to_row(block: Block) -> dict: return { 'block_hash': block.block_hash, 'previous_hash': block.prev_block_hash, 'file_number': block.file_number, 'height': 0 if block.is_first_block else block.height, 'timestamp': block.timestamp, } @staticmethod def tx_to_row(block_hash: bytes, tx: Transaction) -> dict: row = { 'tx_hash': tx.hash, #'block_hash': block_hash, 'raw': tx.raw, 'height': tx.height, 'position': tx.position, 'is_verified': tx.is_verified, 'timestamp': tx.timestamp, 'day':, 'purchased_claim_hash': None, } txos = tx.outputs if len(txos) >= 2 and txos[1].can_decode_purchase_data: txos[0].purchase = txos[1] row['purchased_claim_hash'] = txos[1].purchase_data.claim_hash return row @staticmethod def txi_to_row(tx: Transaction, txi: Input) -> dict: return { 'tx_hash': tx.hash, 'txo_hash': txi.txo_ref.hash, 'position': txi.position, 'height': tx.height, } def txo_to_row(self, tx: Transaction, txo: Output) -> dict: row = { 'tx_hash': tx.hash, 'txo_hash': txo.hash, 'address': txo.get_address(self.ledger) if txo.has_address else None, 'position': txo.position, 'amount': txo.amount, 'height': tx.height, 'script_offset': txo.script.offset, 'script_length': txo.script.length, 'txo_type': 0, 'claim_id': None, 'claim_hash': None, 'claim_name': None, 'channel_hash': None, 'signature': None, 'signature_digest': None, 'reposted_claim_hash': None, 'public_key': None, 'public_key_hash': None } if txo.is_claim: if txo.can_decode_claim: claim = txo.claim row['txo_type'] = TXO_TYPES.get(claim.claim_type, TXO_TYPES['stream']) if claim.is_channel: row['public_key'] = row['public_key_hash'] = self.ledger.address_to_hash160( self.ledger.public_key_to_address( ) elif claim.is_repost: row['reposted_claim_hash'] = claim.repost.reference.claim_hash else: row['txo_type'] = TXO_TYPES['stream'] elif txo.is_support: row['txo_type'] = TXO_TYPES['support'] elif txo.purchase is not None: row['txo_type'] = TXO_TYPES['purchase'] row['claim_id'] = txo.purchased_claim_id row['claim_hash'] = txo.purchased_claim_hash if txo.script.is_claim_involved: signable = txo.can_decode_signable if signable and signable.is_signed: row['channel_hash'] = signable.signing_channel_hash row['signature'] = txo.get_encoded_signature() row['signature_digest'] = txo.get_signature_digest(self.ledger) row['claim_id'] = txo.claim_id row['claim_hash'] = txo.claim_hash try: row['claim_name'] = txo.claim_name.replace('\x00', '') except UnicodeDecodeError: pass return row def claim_to_rows( self, txo: Output, staked_support_amount: int, staked_support_count: int, reposted_count: int, signature: bytes = None, signature_digest: bytes = None, channel_public_key: bytes = None, ) -> Tuple[dict, List]: tx = txo.tx_ref d = { 'claim_type': None, 'address': txo.get_address(self.ledger), 'txo_hash': txo.hash, 'amount': txo.amount, 'height': tx.height, 'timestamp': tx.timestamp, # support 'staked_amount': txo.amount + staked_support_amount, 'staked_support_amount': staked_support_amount, 'staked_support_count': staked_support_count, # basic metadata 'title': None, 'description': None, 'author': None, # streams 'stream_type': None, 'media_type': None, 'duration': None, 'release_time': None, 'fee_amount': 0, 'fee_currency': None, # reposts 'reposted_claim_hash': None, 'reposted_count': reposted_count, # signed claims 'channel_hash': None, 'is_signature_valid': None, } claim = txo.can_decode_claim if not claim: return d, [] if claim.is_stream: d['claim_type'] = TXO_TYPES['stream'] d['media_type'] = d['stream_type'] = STREAM_TYPES[guess_stream_type(d['media_type'])] d['title'] ='\x00', '') d['description'] ='\x00', '') d['author'] ='\x00', '') if and d['duration'] = if and d['duration'] = if d['release_time'] = if fee = if isinstance(fee.amount, Decimal): d['fee_amount'] = int(fee.amount*1000) if isinstance(fee.currency, str): d['fee_currency'] = fee.currency.lower() elif claim.is_repost: d['claim_type'] = TXO_TYPES['repost'] d['reposted_claim_hash'] = claim.repost.reference.claim_hash elif claim.is_channel: d['claim_type'] = TXO_TYPES['channel'] if claim.is_signed: d['channel_hash'] = claim.signing_channel_hash d['is_signature_valid'] = ( all((signature, signature_digest, channel_public_key)) and Output.is_signature_valid( signature, signature_digest, channel_public_key ) ) tags = [] if claim.message.tags: claim_hash = txo.claim_hash tags = [ {'claim_hash': claim_hash, 'tag': tag} for tag in clean_tags(claim.message.tags) ] return d, tags def support_to_row( self, txo: Output, channel_public_key: bytes = None, signature: bytes = None, signature_digest: bytes = None ): tx = txo.tx_ref d = { 'txo_hash': txo.ref.hash, 'claim_hash': txo.claim_hash, 'address': txo.get_address(self.ledger), 'amount': txo.amount, 'height': tx.height, 'timestamp': tx.timestamp, 'emoji': None, 'channel_hash': None, 'is_signature_valid': None, } support = txo.can_decode_support if support: d['emoji'] = support.emoji if support.is_signed: d['channel_hash'] = support.signing_channel_hash d['is_signature_valid'] = ( all((signature, signature_digest, channel_public_key)) and Output.is_signature_valid( signature, signature_digest, channel_public_key ) ) return d def add_block(self, block: Block): self.blocks.append(self.block_to_row(block)) for tx in block.txs: self.add_transaction(block.block_hash, tx) return self def add_block_filter(self, height: int, factor: int, address_filter: bytes): self.block_filters.append({ 'height': height, 'factor': factor, 'address_filter': address_filter }) def add_transaction(self, block_hash: bytes, tx: Transaction): self.txs.append(self.tx_to_row(block_hash, tx)) for txi in tx.inputs: if txi.coinbase is None: self.txis.append(self.txi_to_row(tx, txi)) for txo in tx.outputs: self.txos.append(self.txo_to_row(tx, txo)) return self def add_transaction_filter(self, tx_hash: bytes, height: int, address_filter: bytes): self.tx_filters.append({ 'tx_hash': tx_hash, 'height': height, 'address_filter': address_filter }) def add_support(self, txo: Output, **extra): self.supports.append(self.support_to_row(txo, **extra)) def add_claim( self, txo: Output, short_url: str, creation_height: int, activation_height: int, expiration_height: int, takeover_height: int = None, **extra ): try: claim_name = txo.claim_name.replace('\x00', '') normalized_name = txo.normalized_name except UnicodeDecodeError: claim_name = normalized_name = '' d, tags = self.claim_to_rows(txo, **extra) d['claim_hash'] = txo.claim_hash d['claim_id'] = txo.claim_id d['claim_name'] = claim_name d['normalized'] = normalized_name d['short_url'] = short_url d['creation_height'] = creation_height d['activation_height'] = activation_height d['expiration_height'] = expiration_height d['takeover_height'] = takeover_height d['is_controlling'] = takeover_height is not None self.tags.extend(tags) return self def update_claim(self, txo: Output, **extra): d, tags = self.claim_to_rows(txo, **extra) d['pk'] = txo.claim_hash self.update_claims.append(d) self.delete_tags.append({'pk': txo.claim_hash}) self.tags.extend(tags) return self def get_queries(self): return ( (Block.insert(), self.blocks), (BlockFilter.insert(), self.block_filters), (TX.insert(), self.txs), (TXFilter.insert(), self.tx_filters), (TXO.insert(), self.txos), (TXI.insert(), self.txis), (Claim.insert(),, (Tag.delete().where(Tag.c.claim_hash == bindparam('pk')), self.delete_tags), (Claim.update().where(Claim.c.claim_hash == bindparam('pk')), self.update_claims), (Tag.insert(), self.tags), (Support.insert(), self.supports), ) def flush(self, return_row_count_for_table) -> int: done = 0 for sql, rows in self.get_queries(): if not rows: continue if self.ctx.is_postgres and isinstance(sql, Insert): self.ctx.pg_copy(sql.table, rows) else: self.ctx.execute(sql, rows) if sql.table == return_row_count_for_table: done += len(rows) rows.clear() return done