import asyncio
import logging
from binascii import unhexlify
from typing import Tuple, List, Dict

from torba.client.baseledger import BaseLedger
from torba.client.baseaccount import SingleKey
from lbrynet.schema.result import Outputs
from lbrynet.schema.url import URL
from lbrynet.wallet.dewies import dewies_to_lbc
from lbrynet.wallet.resolve import Resolver
from lbrynet.wallet.account import Account
from import Network
from lbrynet.wallet.database import WalletDatabase
from lbrynet.wallet.transaction import Transaction, Output
from lbrynet.wallet.header import Headers, UnvalidatedHeaders

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class MainNetLedger(BaseLedger):
    name = 'LBRY Credits'
    symbol = 'LBC'
    network_name = 'mainnet'

    headers: Headers

    account_class = Account
    database_class = WalletDatabase
    headers_class = Headers
    network_class = Network
    transaction_class = Transaction

    db: WalletDatabase

    secret_prefix = bytes((0x1c,))
    pubkey_address_prefix = bytes((0x55,))
    script_address_prefix = bytes((0x7a,))
    extended_public_key_prefix = unhexlify('0488b21e')
    extended_private_key_prefix = unhexlify('0488ade4')

    max_target = 0x0000ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
    genesis_hash = '9c89283ba0f3227f6c03b70216b9f665f0118d5e0fa729cedf4fb34d6a34f463'
    genesis_bits = 0x1f00ffff
    target_timespan = 150

    default_fee_per_byte = 50
    default_fee_per_name_char = 200000

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.fee_per_name_char = self.config.get('fee_per_name_char', self.default_fee_per_name_char)
        self.resolver = Resolver(self)

    async def _inflate_outputs(self, query):
        outputs = Outputs.from_base64(await query)
        txs = []
        if len(outputs.txs) > 0:
            txs = await asyncio.gather(*(self.cache_transaction(*tx) for tx in outputs.txs))
        return outputs.inflate(txs), outputs.offset,

    async def resolve(self, urls):
        txos = (await self._inflate_outputs([0]
        assert len(urls) == len(txos), "Mismatch between urls requested for resolve and responses received."
        result = {}
        for url, txo in zip(urls, txos):
            if txo and URL.parse(url).has_stream_in_channel:
                if not or not txo.is_signed_by(, self):
                    txo = None
            if txo:
                result[url] = txo
                result[url] = {'error': f'{url} did not resolve to a claim'}
        return result

    async def claim_search(self, **kwargs) -> Tuple[List, int, int]:
        return await self._inflate_outputs(**kwargs))

    async def get_claim_by_claim_id(self, claim_id) -> Dict[str, Output]:
        for claim in (await self.claim_search(claim_id=claim_id))[0]:
            return claim

    async def start(self):
        await super().start()
        await asyncio.gather(*(a.maybe_migrate_certificates() for a in self.accounts))
        await asyncio.gather(*(a.save_max_gap() for a in self.accounts))
        await self._report_state()

    async def _report_state(self):
            for account in self.accounts:
                balance = dewies_to_lbc(await account.get_balance())
                channel_count = await account.get_channel_count()
                claim_count = await account.get_claim_count()
                if isinstance(account.receiving, SingleKey):
          "Loaded single key account %s with %s LBC. "
                             "%d channels, %d certificates and %d claims",
                   , balance, channel_count, len(account.channel_keys), claim_count)
                    total_receiving = len((await account.receiving.get_addresses()))
                    total_change = len((await account.change.get_addresses()))
          "Loaded account %s with %s LBC, %d receiving addresses (gap: %d), "
                             "%d change addresses (gap: %d), %d channels, %d certificates and %d claims. ",
                   , balance, total_receiving,, total_change,
                   , channel_count, len(account.channel_keys), claim_count)
                'Failed to display wallet state, please file issue '
                'for this bug along with the traceback you see below:')

class TestNetLedger(MainNetLedger):
    network_name = 'testnet'
    pubkey_address_prefix = bytes((111,))
    script_address_prefix = bytes((196,))
    extended_public_key_prefix = unhexlify('043587cf')
    extended_private_key_prefix = unhexlify('04358394')

class RegTestLedger(MainNetLedger):
    network_name = 'regtest'
    headers_class = UnvalidatedHeaders
    pubkey_address_prefix = bytes((111,))
    script_address_prefix = bytes((196,))
    extended_public_key_prefix = unhexlify('043587cf')
    extended_private_key_prefix = unhexlify('04358394')

    max_target = 0x7fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
    genesis_hash = '6e3fcf1299d4ec5d79c3a4c91d624a4acf9e2e173d95a1a0504f677669687556'
    genesis_bits = 0x207fffff
    target_timespan = 1