import time import asyncio import typing from struct import pack, unpack from concurrent.futures.thread import ThreadPoolExecutor from typing import Optional, List, Tuple from prometheus_client import Gauge, Histogram from collections import defaultdict import lbry from lbry.schema.claim import Claim from lbry.wallet.server.tx import Tx from lbry.wallet.server.db.writer import SQLDB from lbry.wallet.server.daemon import DaemonError from lbry.wallet.server.hash import hash_to_hex_str, HASHX_LEN from lbry.wallet.server.util import chunks, class_logger from lbry.crypto.hash import hash160 from lbry.wallet.server.leveldb import FlushData from lbry.wallet.server.db import DB_PREFIXES from lbry.wallet.server.db.claimtrie import StagedClaimtrieItem, StagedClaimtrieSupport from lbry.wallet.server.udp import StatusServer if typing.TYPE_CHECKING: from lbry.wallet.server.leveldb import LevelDB class Prefetcher: """Prefetches blocks (in the forward direction only).""" def __init__(self, daemon, coin, blocks_event): self.logger = class_logger(__name__, self.__class__.__name__) self.daemon = daemon self.coin = coin self.blocks_event = blocks_event self.blocks = [] self.caught_up = False # Access to fetched_height should be protected by the semaphore self.fetched_height = None self.semaphore = asyncio.Semaphore() self.refill_event = asyncio.Event() # The prefetched block cache size. The min cache size has # little effect on sync time. self.cache_size = 0 self.min_cache_size = 10 * 1024 * 1024 # This makes the first fetch be 10 blocks self.ave_size = self.min_cache_size // 10 self.polling_delay = 5 async def main_loop(self, bp_height): """Loop forever polling for more blocks.""" await self.reset_height(bp_height) while True: try: # Sleep a while if there is nothing to prefetch await self.refill_event.wait() if not await self._prefetch_blocks(): await asyncio.sleep(self.polling_delay) except DaemonError as e:'ignoring daemon error: {e}') def get_prefetched_blocks(self): """Called by block processor when it is processing queued blocks.""" blocks = self.blocks self.blocks = [] self.cache_size = 0 self.refill_event.set() return blocks async def reset_height(self, height): """Reset to prefetch blocks from the block processor's height. Used in blockchain reorganisations. This coroutine can be called asynchronously to the _prefetch_blocks coroutine so we must synchronize with a semaphore. """ async with self.semaphore: self.blocks.clear() self.cache_size = 0 self.fetched_height = height self.refill_event.set() daemon_height = await self.daemon.height() behind = daemon_height - height if behind > 0:'catching up to daemon height {daemon_height:,d} ' f'({behind:,d} blocks behind)') else:'caught up to daemon height {daemon_height:,d}') async def _prefetch_blocks(self): """Prefetch some blocks and put them on the queue. Repeats until the queue is full or caught up. """ daemon = self.daemon daemon_height = await daemon.height() async with self.semaphore: while self.cache_size < self.min_cache_size: # Try and catch up all blocks but limit to room in cache. # Constrain fetch count to between 0 and 500 regardless; # testnet can be lumpy. cache_room = self.min_cache_size // self.ave_size count = min(daemon_height - self.fetched_height, cache_room) count = min(500, max(count, 0)) if not count: self.caught_up = True return False first = self.fetched_height + 1 hex_hashes = await daemon.block_hex_hashes(first, count) if self.caught_up:'new block height {:,d} hash {}' .format(first + count-1, hex_hashes[-1])) blocks = await daemon.raw_blocks(hex_hashes) assert count == len(blocks) # Special handling for genesis block if first == 0: blocks[0] = self.coin.genesis_block(blocks[0])'verified genesis block with hash {hex_hashes[0]}') # Update our recent average block size estimate size = sum(len(block) for block in blocks) if count >= 10: self.ave_size = size // count else: self.ave_size = (size + (10 - count) * self.ave_size) // 10 self.blocks.extend(blocks) self.cache_size += size self.fetched_height += count self.blocks_event.set() self.refill_event.clear() return True class ChainError(Exception): """Raised on error processing blocks.""" NAMESPACE = "wallet_server" HISTOGRAM_BUCKETS = ( .005, .01, .025, .05, .075, .1, .25, .5, .75, 1.0, 2.5, 5.0, 7.5, 10.0, 15.0, 20.0, 30.0, 60.0, float('inf') ) class BlockProcessor: """Process blocks and update the DB state to match. Employ a prefetcher to prefetch blocks in batches for processing. Coordinate backing up in case of chain reorganisations. """ block_count_metric = Gauge( "block_count", "Number of processed blocks", namespace=NAMESPACE ) block_update_time_metric = Histogram( "block_time", "Block update times", namespace=NAMESPACE, buckets=HISTOGRAM_BUCKETS ) reorg_count_metric = Gauge( "reorg_count", "Number of reorgs", namespace=NAMESPACE ) def __init__(self, env, db: 'LevelDB', daemon, notifications): self.env = env self.db = db self.daemon = daemon self.notifications = notifications self.coin = env.coin self.blocks_event = asyncio.Event() self.prefetcher = Prefetcher(daemon, env.coin, self.blocks_event) self.logger = class_logger(__name__, self.__class__.__name__) self.executor = ThreadPoolExecutor(1) # Meta self.next_cache_check = 0 self.touched = set() self.reorg_count = 0 # Caches of unflushed items. self.headers = [] self.block_hashes = [] self.block_txs = [] self.undo_infos = [] # UTXO cache self.utxo_cache = {} self.db_deletes = [] # Claimtrie cache self.claimtrie_stash = [] self.undo_claims = [] # If the lock is successfully acquired, in-memory chain state # is consistent with self.height self.state_lock = asyncio.Lock() self.search_cache = {} self.history_cache = {} self.status_server = StatusServer() self.effective_amount_changes = defaultdict(list) self.pending_claims = {} self.pending_claim_txos = {} self.pending_supports = defaultdict(set) self.pending_support_txos = {} self.pending_abandon = set() async def run_in_thread_with_lock(self, func, *args): # Run in a thread to prevent blocking. Shielded so that # cancellations from shutdown don't lose work - when the task # completes the data will be flushed and then we shut down. # Take the state lock to be certain in-memory state is # consistent and not being updated elsewhere. async def run_in_thread_locked(): async with self.state_lock: return await asyncio.get_event_loop().run_in_executor(self.executor, func, *args) return await asyncio.shield(run_in_thread_locked()) async def check_and_advance_blocks(self, raw_blocks): """Process the list of raw blocks passed. Detects and handles reorgs. """ if not raw_blocks: return first = self.height + 1 blocks = [self.coin.block(raw_block, first + n) for n, raw_block in enumerate(raw_blocks)] headers = [block.header for block in blocks] hprevs = [self.coin.header_prevhash(h) for h in headers] chain = [self.tip] + [self.coin.header_hash(h) for h in headers[:-1]] if hprevs == chain: start = time.perf_counter() try: await self.run_in_thread_with_lock(self.advance_blocks, blocks) except: self.logger.exception("advance blocks failed") raise if self.sql: await self.db.search_index.claim_consumer(self.sql.claim_producer()) for cache in self.search_cache.values(): cache.clear() self.history_cache.clear() # TODO: is this needed? self.notifications.notified_mempool_txs.clear() processed_time = time.perf_counter() - start self.block_count_metric.set(self.height) self.block_update_time_metric.observe(processed_time) self.status_server.set_height(self.db.fs_height, self.db.db_tip) if not self.db.first_sync: s = '' if len(blocks) == 1 else 's''processed {:,d} block{} in {:.1f}s'.format(len(blocks), s, processed_time)) if self._caught_up_event.is_set(): if self.sql: await self.db.search_index.apply_filters(self.sql.blocked_streams, self.sql.blocked_channels, self.sql.filtered_streams, self.sql.filtered_channels) await self.notifications.on_block(self.touched, self.height) self.touched = set() elif hprevs[0] != chain[0]: await self.reorg_chain() else: # It is probably possible but extremely rare that what # bitcoind returns doesn't form a chain because it # reorg-ed the chain as it was processing the batched # block hash requests. Should this happen it's simplest # just to reset the prefetcher and try again. self.logger.warning('daemon blocks do not form a chain; ' 'resetting the prefetcher') await self.prefetcher.reset_height(self.height) async def reorg_chain(self, count: Optional[int] = None): """Handle a chain reorganisation. Count is the number of blocks to simulate a reorg, or None for a real reorg.""" if count is None:'chain reorg detected') else:'faking a reorg of {count:,d} blocks') async def get_raw_blocks(last_height, hex_hashes): heights = range(last_height, last_height - len(hex_hashes), -1) try: blocks = [await self.db.read_raw_block(height) for height in heights]'read {len(blocks)} blocks from disk') return blocks except FileNotFoundError: return await self.daemon.raw_blocks(hex_hashes) try: await self.flush(True) start, last, hashes = await self.reorg_hashes(count) # Reverse and convert to hex strings. hashes = [hash_to_hex_str(hash) for hash in reversed(hashes)]"reorg %i block hashes", len(hashes)) for hex_hashes in chunks(hashes, 50): raw_blocks = await get_raw_blocks(last, hex_hashes)"got %i raw blocks", len(raw_blocks)) await self.run_in_thread_with_lock(self.backup_blocks, raw_blocks) last -= len(raw_blocks) await self.prefetcher.reset_height(self.height) except: self.logger.exception("boom") raise finally:"done with reorg") async def reorg_hashes(self, count): """Return a pair (start, last, hashes) of blocks to back up during a reorg. The hashes are returned in order of increasing height. Start is the height of the first hash, last of the last. """ start, count = await self.calc_reorg_range(count) last = start + count - 1 s = '' if count == 1 else 's''chain was reorganised replacing {count:,d} ' f'block{s} at heights {start:,d}-{last:,d}') return start, last, await self.db.fs_block_hashes(start, count) async def calc_reorg_range(self, count: Optional[int]): """Calculate the reorg range""" def diff_pos(hashes1, hashes2): """Returns the index of the first difference in the hash lists. If both lists match returns their length.""" for n, (hash1, hash2) in enumerate(zip(hashes1, hashes2)): if hash1 != hash2: return n return len(hashes) if count is None: # A real reorg start = self.height - 1 count = 1 while start > 0: hashes = await self.db.fs_block_hashes(start, count) hex_hashes = [hash_to_hex_str(hash) for hash in hashes] d_hex_hashes = await self.daemon.block_hex_hashes(start, count) n = diff_pos(hex_hashes, d_hex_hashes) if n > 0: start += n break count = min(count * 2, start) start -= count count = (self.height - start) + 1 else: start = (self.height - count) + 1 return start, count def estimate_txs_remaining(self): # Try to estimate how many txs there are to go daemon_height = self.daemon.cached_height() coin = self.coin tail_count = daemon_height - max(self.height, coin.TX_COUNT_HEIGHT) # Damp the initial enthusiasm realism = max(2.0 - 0.9 * self.height / coin.TX_COUNT_HEIGHT, 1.0) return (tail_count * coin.TX_PER_BLOCK + max(coin.TX_COUNT - self.tx_count, 0)) * realism # - Flushing def flush_data(self): """The data for a flush. The lock must be taken.""" assert self.state_lock.locked() return FlushData(self.height, self.tx_count, self.headers, self.block_hashes, self.block_txs, self.claimtrie_stash, self.undo_infos, self.utxo_cache, self.db_deletes, self.tip, self.undo_claims) async def flush(self, flush_utxos): def flush(): self.db.flush_dbs(self.flush_data(), self.estimate_txs_remaining) await self.run_in_thread_with_lock(flush) async def _maybe_flush(self): # If caught up, flush everything as client queries are # performed on the DB. if self._caught_up_event.is_set(): await self.flush(True) elif time.perf_counter() > self.next_cache_check: await self.flush(True) self.next_cache_check = time.perf_counter() + 30 def check_cache_size(self): """Flush a cache if it gets too big.""" # Good average estimates based on traversal of subobjects and # requesting size from Python (see deep_getsizeof). one_MB = 1000*1000 utxo_cache_size = len(self.utxo_cache) * 205 db_deletes_size = len(self.db_deletes) * 57 hist_cache_size = len(self.db.hist_unflushed) * 180 + self.db.hist_unflushed_count * 4 # Roughly ntxs * 32 + nblocks * 42 tx_hash_size = ((self.tx_count - self.db.fs_tx_count) * 32 + (self.height - self.db.fs_height) * 42) utxo_MB = (db_deletes_size + utxo_cache_size) // one_MB hist_MB = (hist_cache_size + tx_hash_size) // one_MB'our height: {:,d} daemon: {:,d} ' 'UTXOs {:,d}MB hist {:,d}MB' .format(self.height, self.daemon.cached_height(), utxo_MB, hist_MB)) # Flush history if it takes up over 20% of cache memory. # Flush UTXOs once they take up 80% of cache memory. cache_MB = self.env.cache_MB if utxo_MB + hist_MB >= cache_MB or hist_MB >= cache_MB // 5: return utxo_MB >= cache_MB * 4 // 5 return None def advance_blocks(self, blocks): """Synchronously advance the blocks. It is already verified they correctly connect onto our tip. """ min_height = self.db.min_undo_height(self.daemon.cached_height()) height = self.height # print("---------------------------------\nFLUSH\n---------------------------------") for block in blocks: height += 1 # print(f"***********************************\nADVANCE {height}\n***********************************") undo_info, undo_claims = self.advance_block(block, height) if height >= min_height: self.undo_infos.append((undo_info, height)) self.undo_claims.append((undo_claims, height)) self.db.write_raw_block(block.raw, height) for touched_claim_hash, amount_changes in self.effective_amount_changes.items(): new_effective_amount = sum(amount_changes) assert new_effective_amount >= 0, f'{new_effective_amount}, {touched_claim_hash.hex()}' self.claimtrie_stash.extend( self.db.get_update_effective_amount_ops(touched_claim_hash, new_effective_amount) ) # print("update effective amount to", touched_claim_hash.hex(), new_effective_amount) headers = [block.header for block in blocks] self.height = height self.headers.extend(headers) self.tip = self.coin.header_hash(headers[-1]) self.db.flush_dbs(self.flush_data(), self.estimate_txs_remaining) # print("+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\nFLUSHED\n+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++") self.effective_amount_changes.clear() self.pending_claims.clear() self.pending_claim_txos.clear() self.pending_supports.clear() self.pending_support_txos.clear() self.pending_abandon.clear() for cache in self.search_cache.values(): cache.clear() self.history_cache.clear() self.notifications.notified_mempool_txs.clear() def _add_claim_or_update(self, txo, script, tx_hash, idx, tx_count, txout, spent_claims): try: claim_name = txo.normalized_name except UnicodeDecodeError: claim_name = ''.join(chr(c) for c in txo.script.values['claim_name']) if script.is_claim_name: claim_hash = hash160(tx_hash + pack('>I', idx))[::-1] # print(f"\tnew lbry://{claim_name}#{claim_hash.hex()} ({tx_count} {txout.value})") else: claim_hash = txo.claim_hash[::-1] signing_channel_hash = None channel_claims_count = 0 activation_height = 0 try: signable = txo.signable except: # google.protobuf.message.DecodeError: Could not parse JSON. signable = None if signable and signable.signing_channel_hash: signing_channel_hash = txo.signable.signing_channel_hash[::-1] # if signing_channel_hash in self.pending_claim_txos: # pending_channel = self.pending_claims[self.pending_claim_txos[signing_channel_hash]] # channel_claims_count = pending_channel. channel_claims_count = self.db.get_claims_in_channel_count(signing_channel_hash) + 1 if script.is_claim_name: support_amount = 0 root_tx_num, root_idx = tx_count, idx else: if claim_hash not in spent_claims: print(f"\tthis is a wonky tx, contains unlinked claim update {claim_hash.hex()}") return [] support_amount = self.db.get_support_amount(claim_hash) (prev_tx_num, prev_idx, _) = spent_claims.pop(claim_hash) # print(f"\tupdate lbry://{claim_name}#{claim_hash.hex()} {tx_hash[::-1].hex()} {txout.value}") if (prev_tx_num, prev_idx) in self.pending_claims: previous_claim = self.pending_claims.pop((prev_tx_num, prev_idx)) root_tx_num = previous_claim.root_claim_tx_num root_idx = previous_claim.root_claim_tx_position # prev_amount = previous_claim.amount else: root_tx_num, root_idx, prev_amount, _, _, _ = self.db.get_root_claim_txo_and_current_amount( claim_hash ) pending = StagedClaimtrieItem( claim_name, claim_hash, txout.value, support_amount + txout.value, activation_height, tx_count, idx, root_tx_num, root_idx, signing_channel_hash, channel_claims_count ) self.pending_claims[(tx_count, idx)] = pending self.pending_claim_txos[claim_hash] = (tx_count, idx) self.effective_amount_changes[claim_hash].append(txout.value) return pending.get_add_claim_utxo_ops() def _add_support(self, txo, txout, idx, tx_count): supported_claim_hash = txo.claim_hash[::-1] if supported_claim_hash in self.effective_amount_changes: # print(f"\tsupport claim {supported_claim_hash.hex()} {starting_amount}+{txout.value}={starting_amount + txout.value}") self.effective_amount_changes[supported_claim_hash].append(txout.value) self.pending_supports[supported_claim_hash].add((tx_count, idx)) self.pending_support_txos[(tx_count, idx)] = supported_claim_hash, txout.value return StagedClaimtrieSupport( supported_claim_hash, tx_count, idx, txout.value ).get_add_support_utxo_ops() elif supported_claim_hash not in self.pending_claims and supported_claim_hash not in self.pending_abandon: if self.db.claim_exists(supported_claim_hash): _, _, _, name, supported_tx_num, supported_pos = self.db.get_root_claim_txo_and_current_amount( supported_claim_hash ) starting_amount = self.db.get_effective_amount(supported_claim_hash) if supported_claim_hash not in self.effective_amount_changes: self.effective_amount_changes[supported_claim_hash].append(starting_amount) self.effective_amount_changes[supported_claim_hash].append(txout.value) self.pending_supports[supported_claim_hash].add((tx_count, idx)) self.pending_support_txos[(tx_count, idx)] = supported_claim_hash, txout.value # print(f"\tsupport claim {supported_claim_hash.hex()} {starting_amount}+{txout.value}={starting_amount + txout.value}") return StagedClaimtrieSupport( supported_claim_hash, tx_count, idx, txout.value ).get_add_support_utxo_ops() else: print(f"\tthis is a wonky tx, contains unlinked support for non existent {supported_claim_hash.hex()}") return [] def _add_claim_or_support(self, tx_hash, tx_count, idx, txo, txout, script, spent_claims): if script.is_claim_name or script.is_update_claim: return self._add_claim_or_update(txo, script, tx_hash, idx, tx_count, txout, spent_claims) elif script.is_support_claim or script.is_support_claim_data: return self._add_support(txo, txout, idx, tx_count) return [] def _spend_support(self, txin): txin_num = self.db.transaction_num_mapping[txin.prev_hash] if (txin_num, txin.prev_idx) in self.pending_support_txos: spent_support, support_amount = self.pending_support_txos.pop((txin_num, txin.prev_idx)) self.pending_supports[spent_support].remove((txin_num, txin.prev_idx)) else: spent_support, support_amount = self.db.get_supported_claim_from_txo(txin_num, txin.prev_idx) if spent_support and support_amount is not None and spent_support not in self.pending_abandon: # print(f"\tspent support for {spent_support.hex()} -{support_amount} ({txin_num}, {txin.prev_idx})") if spent_support not in self.effective_amount_changes: assert spent_support not in self.pending_claims prev_effective_amount = self.db.get_effective_amount(spent_support) self.effective_amount_changes[spent_support].append(prev_effective_amount) self.effective_amount_changes[spent_support].append(-support_amount) return StagedClaimtrieSupport( spent_support, txin_num, txin.prev_idx, support_amount ).get_spend_support_txo_ops() return [] def _spend_claim(self, txin, spent_claims): txin_num = self.db.transaction_num_mapping[txin.prev_hash] if (txin_num, txin.prev_idx) in self.pending_claims: spent = self.pending_claims[(txin_num, txin.prev_idx)] name = spent_claims[spent.claim_hash] = (txin_num, txin.prev_idx, name) # print(f"spend lbry://{name}#{spent.claim_hash.hex()}") else: spent_claim_hash_and_name = self.db.claim_hash_and_name_from_txo( txin_num, txin.prev_idx ) if not spent_claim_hash_and_name: # txo is not a claim return [] prev_claim_hash, txi_len_encoded_name = spent_claim_hash_and_name prev_signing_hash = self.db.get_channel_for_claim(prev_claim_hash) prev_claims_in_channel_count = None if prev_signing_hash: prev_claims_in_channel_count = self.db.get_claims_in_channel_count( prev_signing_hash ) prev_effective_amount = self.db.get_effective_amount( prev_claim_hash ) claim_root_tx_num, claim_root_idx, prev_amount, name, tx_num, position = self.db.get_root_claim_txo_and_current_amount(prev_claim_hash) activation_height = 0 spent = StagedClaimtrieItem( name, prev_claim_hash, prev_amount, prev_effective_amount, activation_height, txin_num, txin.prev_idx, claim_root_tx_num, claim_root_idx, prev_signing_hash, prev_claims_in_channel_count ) spent_claims[prev_claim_hash] = (txin_num, txin.prev_idx, name) # print(f"spend lbry://{spent_claims[prev_claim_hash][2]}#{prev_claim_hash.hex()}") if spent.claim_hash not in self.effective_amount_changes: self.effective_amount_changes[spent.claim_hash].append(spent.effective_amount) self.effective_amount_changes[spent.claim_hash].append(-spent.amount) return spent.get_spend_claim_txo_ops() def _spend_claim_or_support(self, txin, spent_claims): spend_claim_ops = self._spend_claim(txin, spent_claims) if spend_claim_ops: return spend_claim_ops return self._spend_support(txin) def _abandon(self, spent_claims): # Handle abandoned claims ops = [] for abandoned_claim_hash, (prev_tx_num, prev_idx, name) in spent_claims.items(): # print(f"\tabandon lbry://{name}#{abandoned_claim_hash.hex()} {prev_tx_num} {prev_idx}") if (prev_tx_num, prev_idx) in self.pending_claims: pending = self.pending_claims.pop((prev_tx_num, prev_idx)) claim_root_tx_num = pending.root_claim_tx_num claim_root_idx = pending.root_claim_tx_position prev_amount = pending.amount prev_signing_hash = pending.signing_hash prev_effective_amount = pending.effective_amount prev_claims_in_channel_count = pending.claims_in_channel_count else: claim_root_tx_num, claim_root_idx, prev_amount, _, _, _ = self.db.get_root_claim_txo_and_current_amount( abandoned_claim_hash ) prev_signing_hash = self.db.get_channel_for_claim(abandoned_claim_hash) prev_claims_in_channel_count = None if prev_signing_hash: prev_claims_in_channel_count = self.db.get_claims_in_channel_count( prev_signing_hash ) prev_effective_amount = self.db.get_effective_amount( abandoned_claim_hash ) for (support_tx_num, support_tx_idx) in self.pending_supports[abandoned_claim_hash]: _, support_amount = self.pending_support_txos.pop((support_tx_num, support_tx_idx)) ops.extend( StagedClaimtrieSupport( abandoned_claim_hash, support_tx_num, support_tx_idx, support_amount ).get_spend_support_txo_ops() ) # print(f"\tremove pending support for abandoned lbry://{name}#{abandoned_claim_hash.hex()} {support_tx_num} {support_tx_idx}") self.pending_supports[abandoned_claim_hash].clear() self.pending_supports.pop(abandoned_claim_hash) for (support_tx_num, support_tx_idx, support_amount) in self.db.get_supports(abandoned_claim_hash): ops.extend( StagedClaimtrieSupport( abandoned_claim_hash, support_tx_num, support_tx_idx, support_amount ).get_spend_support_txo_ops() ) # print(f"\tremove support for abandoned lbry://{name}#{abandoned_claim_hash.hex()} {support_tx_num} {support_tx_idx}") activation_height = 0 if abandoned_claim_hash in self.effective_amount_changes: # print("pop") self.effective_amount_changes.pop(abandoned_claim_hash) self.pending_abandon.add(abandoned_claim_hash) # print(f"\tabandoned lbry://{name}#{abandoned_claim_hash.hex()}") ops.extend( StagedClaimtrieItem( name, abandoned_claim_hash, prev_amount, prev_effective_amount, activation_height, prev_tx_num, prev_idx, claim_root_tx_num, claim_root_idx, prev_signing_hash, prev_claims_in_channel_count ).get_abandon_ops(self.db.db)) return ops def advance_block(self, block, height: int): from lbry.wallet.transaction import OutputScript, Output txs: List[Tuple[Tx, bytes]] = block.transactions # header = self.coin.electrum_header(block.header, height) block_hash = self.coin.header_hash(block.header) self.block_hashes.append(block_hash) self.block_txs.append((b''.join(tx_hash for tx, tx_hash in txs), [tx.raw for tx, _ in txs])) first_tx_num = self.tx_count undo_info = [] hashXs_by_tx = [] tx_count = self.tx_count # Use local vars for speed in the loops put_utxo = self.utxo_cache.__setitem__ claimtrie_stash = [] claimtrie_stash_extend = claimtrie_stash.extend spend_utxo = self.spend_utxo undo_info_append = undo_info.append update_touched = self.touched.update append_hashX_by_tx = hashXs_by_tx.append hashX_from_script = self.coin.hashX_from_script unchanged_effective_amounts = {k: sum(v) for k, v in self.effective_amount_changes.items()} for tx, tx_hash in txs: # print(f"{tx_hash[::-1].hex()} @ {height}") spent_claims = {} hashXs = [] # hashXs touched by spent inputs/rx outputs append_hashX = hashXs.append tx_numb = pack('= 0, f'{new_effective_amount}, {touched_claim_hash.hex()}' # if touched_claim_hash not in unchanged_effective_amounts or unchanged_effective_amounts[touched_claim_hash] != new_effective_amount: # claimtrie_stash_extend( # self.db.get_update_effective_amount_ops(touched_claim_hash, new_effective_amount) # ) # # print("update effective amount to", touched_claim_hash.hex(), new_effective_amount) undo_claims = b''.join(op.invert().pack() for op in claimtrie_stash) self.claimtrie_stash.extend(claimtrie_stash) # print("%i undo bytes for %i (%i claimtrie stash ops)" % (len(undo_claims), height, len(claimtrie_stash))) return undo_info, undo_claims def backup_blocks(self, raw_blocks): """Backup the raw blocks and flush. The blocks should be in order of decreasing height, starting at. self.height. A flush is performed once the blocks are backed up. """ self.db.assert_flushed(self.flush_data()) assert self.height >= len(raw_blocks) coin = self.coin for raw_block in raw_blocks:"backup block %i", self.height) print("backup", self.height) # Check and update self.tip block = coin.block(raw_block, self.height) header_hash = coin.header_hash(block.header) if header_hash != self.tip: raise ChainError('backup block {} not tip {} at height {:,d}' .format(hash_to_hex_str(header_hash), hash_to_hex_str(self.tip), self.height)) self.tip = coin.header_prevhash(block.header) self.backup_txs(block.transactions) self.height -= 1 self.db.tx_counts.pop() # self.touched can include other addresses which is # harmless, but remove None. self.touched.discard(None) self.db.flush_backup(self.flush_data(), self.touched)'backed up to height {self.height:,d}') def backup_txs(self, txs): # Prevout values, in order down the block (coinbase first if present) # undo_info is in reverse block order undo_info, undo_claims = self.db.read_undo_info(self.height) if undo_info is None: raise ChainError(f'no undo information found for height {self.height:,d}') n = len(undo_info) # Use local vars for speed in the loops s_pack = pack undo_entry_len = 12 + HASHX_LEN for tx, tx_hash in reversed(txs): for idx, txout in enumerate(tx.outputs): # Spend the TX outputs. Be careful with unspendable # outputs - we didn't save those in the first place. hashX = self.coin.hashX_from_script(txout.pk_script) if hashX: cache_value = self.spend_utxo(tx_hash, idx) self.touched.add(cache_value[:-12]) # Restore the inputs for txin in reversed(tx.inputs): if txin.is_generation(): continue n -= undo_entry_len undo_item = undo_info[n:n + undo_entry_len] self.utxo_cache[txin.prev_hash + s_pack(' 1: tx_num, = unpack('False state. first_sync = self.db.first_sync self.db.first_sync = False await self.flush(True) if first_sync:'{lbry.__version__} synced to ' f'height {self.height:,d}') # Reopen for serving await self.db.open_for_serving() async def _first_open_dbs(self): await self.db.open_for_sync() self.height = self.db.db_height self.tip = self.db.db_tip self.tx_count = self.db.db_tx_count # --- External API async def fetch_and_process_blocks(self, caught_up_event): """Fetch, process and index blocks from the daemon. Sets caught_up_event when first caught up. Flushes to disk and shuts down cleanly if cancelled. This is mainly because if, during initial sync ElectrumX is asked to shut down when a large number of blocks have been processed but not written to disk, it should write those to disk before exiting, as otherwise a significant amount of work could be lost. """ self._caught_up_event = caught_up_event try: await self._first_open_dbs() self.status_server.set_height(self.db.fs_height, self.db.db_tip) await asyncio.wait([ self.prefetcher.main_loop(self.height), self._process_prefetched_blocks() ]) except asyncio.CancelledError: raise except: self.logger.exception("Block processing failed!") raise finally: self.status_server.stop() # Shut down block processing'flushing to DB for a clean shutdown...') await self.flush(True) self.db.close() self.executor.shutdown(wait=True) def force_chain_reorg(self, count): """Force a reorg of the given number of blocks. Returns True if a reorg is queued, false if not caught up. """ if self._caught_up_event.is_set(): self.reorg_count = count self.blocks_event.set() return True return False class Timer: def __init__(self, name): = name = 0 self.count = 0 self.sub_timers = {} self._last_start = None def add_timer(self, name): if name not in self.sub_timers: self.sub_timers[name] = Timer(name) return self.sub_timers[name] def run(self, func, *args, forward_timer=False, timer_name=None, **kwargs): t = self.add_timer(timer_name or func.__name__) t.start() try: if forward_timer: return func(*args, **kwargs, timer=t) else: return func(*args, **kwargs) finally: t.stop() def start(self): self._last_start = time.time() return self def stop(self): += (time.time() - self._last_start) self.count += 1 self._last_start = None return self def show(self, depth=0, height=None): if depth == 0: print('='*100) if height is not None: print(f'STATISTICS AT HEIGHT {height}') print('='*100) else: print( f"{' '*depth} {}mins {}" # f"{}sec/call, " ) for sub_timer in self.sub_timers.values(): if depth == 0: print('='*100) class LBRYBlockProcessor(BlockProcessor): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) if self.env.coin.NET == "regtest": self.prefetcher.polling_delay = 0.5 self.should_validate_signatures = self.env.boolean('VALIDATE_CLAIM_SIGNATURES', False)"LbryumX Block Processor - Validating signatures: {self.should_validate_signatures}") self.sql: SQLDB = self.db.sql self.timer = Timer('BlockProcessor') def advance_blocks(self, blocks): if self.sql: self.sql.begin() try:, blocks) except: self.logger.exception(f'Error while advancing transaction in new block.') raise finally: if self.sql: self.sql.commit() def advance_txs(self, height, txs, header, block_hash): timer = self.timer.sub_timers['advance_blocks'] undo =, height, txs, header, block_hash, timer_name='super().advance_txs') if self.sql:, height, txs, header, self.daemon.cached_height(), forward_timer=True) if (height % 10000 == 0 or not self.db.first_sync) and self.logger.isEnabledFor(10): return undo