import os import time import asyncio import shutil import tempfile from binascii import hexlify, unhexlify from random import choice from lbry.conf import Config from lbry.db import Database from lbry.crypto.base58 import Base58 from lbry.schema.claim import Stream from lbry.blockchain.lbrycrd import Lbrycrd from lbry.blockchain.dewies import dewies_to_lbc, lbc_to_dewies from lbry.blockchain.transaction import Transaction, Output from lbry.constants import CENT from lbry.blockchain.ledger import RegTestLedger from lbry.testcase import AsyncioTestCase from lbry.service.full_node import FullNode from lbry.service.light_client import LightClient from lbry.service.daemon import Daemon from lbry.service.api import Client class BlockchainTestCase(AsyncioTestCase): async def asyncSetUp(self): await super().asyncSetUp() self.chain = Lbrycrd.temp_regtest() self.ledger = self.chain.ledger await self.chain.ensure() await self.chain.start('-maxblockfilesize=8', '-rpcworkqueue=128') self.addCleanup(self.chain.stop) class TestEvents(BlockchainTestCase): async def test_block_event(self): msgs = [] self.chain.subscribe() self.chain.on_block.listen(lambda e: msgs.append(e['msg'])) res = await self.chain.generate(5) await self.chain.on_block.where(lambda e: e['msg'] == 4) self.assertEqual([0, 1, 2, 3, 4], msgs) self.assertEqual(5, len(res)) self.chain.unsubscribe() res = await self.chain.generate(2) self.assertEqual(2, len(res)) await asyncio.sleep(0.1) # give some time to "miss" the new block events self.chain.subscribe() res = await self.chain.generate(3) await self.chain.on_block.where(lambda e: e['msg'] == 9) self.assertEqual(3, len(res)) self.assertEqual([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9], msgs) # 5, 6 "missed" class TestBlockchainSync(BlockchainTestCase): async def asyncSetUp(self): await super().asyncSetUp() self.service = FullNode( self.ledger, f'sqlite:///{self.chain.data_dir}/lbry.db', Lbrycrd(self.ledger) ) #self.service.conf.spv_address_filters = False self.sync = self.service.sync self.db = self.service.db await self.addCleanup(self.db.close) await self.addCleanup(self.sync.chain.close) async def test_multi_block_file_sync(self): names = ['one', 'two', 'three', 'four', 'five', 'six', 'seven', 'eight', 'nine', 'ten'] await self.chain.generate(101) address = Base58.decode(await self.chain.get_new_address()) start = time.perf_counter() for _ in range(190): tx = Transaction().add_outputs([ Output.pay_claim_name_pubkey_hash( CENT, f'{choice(names)}{i}', Stream().update( title='a claim title', description='Lorem ipsum '*400, tags=['crypto', 'health', 'space'], ).claim, address) for i in range(1, 20) ]) funded = await self.chain.fund_raw_transaction(hexlify(tx.raw).decode()) signed = await self.chain.sign_raw_transaction_with_wallet(funded['hex']) await self.chain.send_raw_transaction(signed['hex']) await self.chain.generate(1) print(f'generating {190*20} transactions took {time.perf_counter()-start}s') self.assertEqual( [(0, 191, 280), (1, 89, 178), (2, 12, 24)], [(file['file_number'], file['blocks'], file['txs']) for file in await self.chain.db.get_block_files()] ) self.assertEqual(191, len(await self.chain.db.get_file_details(0))) await self.sync.advance() print('here') class FullNodeTestCase(BlockchainTestCase): async def asyncSetUp(self): await super().asyncSetUp() self.current_height = 0 await self.generate(101, wait=False) self.service = FullNode(self.ledger, f'sqlite:///{self.chain.data_dir}/lbry.db') self.service.conf.spv_address_filters = False self.sync = self.service.sync self.db = self.service.db self.daemon = Daemon(self.service) self.api = self.daemon.api self.addCleanup(self.daemon.stop) await self.daemon.start() if False: #os.environ.get('TEST_LBRY_API', 'light_client') == 'light_client': light_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() self.addCleanup(shutil.rmtree, light_dir, True) ledger = RegTestLedger(Config( data_dir=light_dir, wallet_dir=light_dir, api='localhost:5389', )) self.light_client = self.service = LightClient( ledger, f'sqlite:///{light_dir}/light_client.db' ) self.light_api = Daemon(self.service) await self.light_api.start() self.addCleanup(self.light_api.stop) #else: # self.service = self.full_node #self.client = Client(self.service, self.ledger.conf.api_connection_url) async def generate(self, blocks, wait=True): block_hashes = await self.chain.generate(blocks) self.current_height += blocks if wait: await self.service.sync.on_block.where( lambda b: self.current_height == b.height ) return block_hashes class TestFullNode(FullNodeTestCase): async def test_foo(self): await self.generate(10) wallet = self.service.wallet_manager.default_wallet #create_wallet('test_wallet') account = wallet.accounts[0] addresses = await account.ensure_address_gap() await self.chain.send_to_address(addresses[0], '5.0') await self.generate(1) self.assertEqual(await account.get_balance(), lbc_to_dewies('5.0')) #self.assertEqual((await self.client.account_balance())['total'], '5.0') tx = await wallet.create_channel('@foo', lbc_to_dewies('1.0'), account, [account], addresses[0]) await self.service.broadcast(tx) await self.generate(1) channels = await wallet.get_channels() print(channels) class TestClaimtrieSync(FullNodeTestCase): async def asyncSetUp(self): await super().asyncSetUp() self.last_block_hash = None self.address = await self.chain.get_new_address() def find_claim_txo(self, tx): for txo in tx.outputs: if txo.is_claim: return txo async def get_transaction(self, txid): raw = await self.chain.get_raw_transaction(txid) return Transaction(unhexlify(raw)) async def claim_name(self, title, amount): claim = Stream().update(title=title).claim return await self.chain.claim_name( 'foo', hexlify(claim.to_bytes()).decode(), amount ) async def claim_update(self, tx, amount): claim = self.find_claim_txo(tx).claim return await self.chain.update_claim( tx.outputs[0], hexlify(claim.to_bytes()).decode(), amount ) async def claim_abandon(self, tx): return await self.chain.abandon_claim(, self.address) async def support_claim(self, tx, amount): txo = self.find_claim_txo(tx) response = await self.chain.support_claim( txo.claim_name, txo.claim_id, amount ) return response['txId'] async def advance(self, new_height, ops): blocks = (new_height-self.current_height)-1 if blocks > 0: await self.generate(blocks) txs = [] for op in ops: if len(op) == 3: op_type, value, amount = op else: (op_type, value), amount = op, None if op_type == 'claim': txid = await self.claim_name(value, amount) elif op_type == 'update': txid = await self.claim_update(value, amount) elif op_type == 'abandon': txid = await self.claim_abandon(value) elif op_type == 'support': txid = await self.support_claim(value, amount) else: raise ValueError(f'"{op_type}" is unknown operation') txs.append(await self.get_transaction(txid)) self.last_block_hash, = await self.generate(1) self.current_height = new_height return txs async def get_last_block(self): return await self.chain.get_block(self.last_block_hash) async def get_controlling(self): sql = f""" select tx.height, tx.raw, txo.position, effective_amount, activation_height from claimtrie join claim using (claim_hash) join txo using (txo_hash) join tx using (tx_hash) where txo.txo_type in (1, 2) and expiration_height > {self.current_height} """ for claim in await self.db.execute_fetchall(sql): tx = Transaction(claim['raw'], height=claim['height']) txo = tx.outputs[claim['position']] return (, dewies_to_lbc(txo.amount), dewies_to_lbc(claim['effective_amount']), claim['activation_height'] ) async def get_active(self): controlling = await self.get_controlling() active = [] sql = f""" select tx.height, tx.raw, txo.position, effective_amount, activation_height from txo join tx using (tx_hash) join claim using (claim_hash) where txo.txo_type in (1, 2) and activation_height <= {self.current_height} and expiration_height > {self.current_height} """ for claim in await self.db.execute_fetchall(sql): tx = Transaction(claim['raw'], height=claim['height']) txo = tx.outputs[claim['position']] if controlling and controlling[0] == continue active.append((, dewies_to_lbc(txo.amount), dewies_to_lbc(claim['effective_amount']), claim['activation_height'] )) return active async def get_accepted(self): accepted = [] sql = f""" select tx.height, tx.raw, txo.position, effective_amount, activation_height from txo join tx using (tx_hash) join claim using (claim_hash) where txo.txo_type in (1, 2) and activation_height > {self.current_height} and expiration_height > {self.current_height} """ for claim in await self.db.execute_fetchall(sql): tx = Transaction(claim['raw'], height=claim['height']) txo = tx.outputs[claim['position']] accepted.append((, dewies_to_lbc(txo.amount), dewies_to_lbc(claim['effective_amount']), claim['activation_height'] )) return accepted async def state(self, controlling=None, active=None, accepted=None): self.assertEqual(controlling, await self.get_controlling()) self.assertEqual(active or [], await self.get_active()) self.assertEqual(accepted or [], await self.get_accepted()) async def test_example_from_spec(self): # advance, state = self.advance, self.state stream, = await advance(113, [('claim', 'Claim A', '10.0')]) await state( controlling=('Claim A', '10.0', '10.0', 113), active=[], accepted=[] ) await advance(501, [('claim', 'Claim B', '20.0')]) await state( controlling=('Claim A', '10.0', '10.0', 113), active=[], accepted=[('Claim B', '20.0', '0.0', 513)] ) await advance(510, [('support', stream, '14')]) await state( controlling=('Claim A', '10.0', '24.0', 113), active=[], accepted=[('Claim B', '20.0', '0.0', 513)] ) await advance(512, [('claim', 'Claim C', '50.0')]) await state( controlling=('Claim A', '10.0', '24.0', 113), active=[], accepted=[ ('Claim B', '20.0', '0.0', 513), ('Claim C', '50.0', '0.0', 524)] ) await advance(513, []) await state( controlling=('Claim A', '10.0', '24.0', 113), active=[('Claim B', '20.0', '20.0', 513)], accepted=[('Claim C', '50.0', '0.0', 524)] ) await advance(520, [('claim', 'Claim D', '60.0')]) await state( controlling=('Claim A', '10.0', '24.0', 113), active=[('Claim B', '20.0', '20.0', 513)], accepted=[ ('Claim C', '50.0', '0.0', 524), ('Claim D', '60.0', '0.0', 532)] ) await advance(524, []) await state( controlling=('Claim D', '60.0', '60.0', 524), active=[ ('Claim A', '10.0', '24.0', 113), ('Claim B', '20.0', '20.0', 513), ('Claim C', '50.0', '50.0', 524)], accepted=[] ) # beyond example await advance(525, [('update', stream, '70.0')]) await state( controlling=('Claim A', '70.0', '84.0', 525), active=[ ('Claim B', '20.0', '20.0', 513), ('Claim C', '50.0', '50.0', 524), ('Claim D', '60.0', '60.0', 524), ], accepted=[] ) async def test_competing_claims_subsequent_blocks_height_wins(self): advance, state = self.advance, self.state await advance(113, [('claim', 'Claim A', '1.0')]) await state( controlling=('Claim A', '1.0', '1.0', 113), active=[], accepted=[] ) await advance(114, [('claim', 'Claim B', '1.0')]) await state( controlling=('Claim A', '1.0', '1.0', 113), active=[('Claim B', '1.0', '1.0', 114)], accepted=[] ) await advance(115, [('claim', 'Claim C', '1.0')]) await state( controlling=('Claim A', '1.0', '1.0', 113), active=[ ('Claim B', '1.0', '1.0', 114), ('Claim C', '1.0', '1.0', 115)], accepted=[] ) async def test_competing_claims_in_single_block_position_wins(self): claim_a, claim_b = await self.advance(113, [ ('claim', 'Claim A', '1.0'), ('claim', 'Claim B', '1.0') ]) block = await self.get_last_block() # order of tx in block is non-deterministic, # figure out what ordered we ended up with if block['tx'][1] == winner, other = 'Claim A', 'Claim B' else: winner, other = 'Claim B', 'Claim A' await self.state( controlling=(winner, '1.0', '1.0', 113), active=[(other, '1.0', '1.0', 113)], accepted=[] ) async def test_competing_claims_in_single_block_effective_amount_wins(self): await self.advance(113, [ ('claim', 'Claim A', '1.0'), ('claim', 'Claim B', '2.0') ]) await self.state( controlling=('Claim B', '2.0', '2.0', 113), active=[('Claim A', '1.0', '1.0', 113)], accepted=[] ) async def test_winning_claim_deleted(self): claim1, claim2 = await self.advance(113, [ ('claim', 'Claim A', '1.0'), ('claim', 'Claim B', '2.0') ]) await self.state( controlling=('Claim B', '2.0', '2.0', 113), active=[('Claim A', '1.0', '1.0', 113)], accepted=[] ) await self.advance(114, [('abandon', claim2)]) await self.state( controlling=('Claim A', '1.0', '1.0', 113), active=[], accepted=[] ) async def test_winning_claim_deleted_and_new_claim_becomes_winner(self): claim1, claim2 = await self.advance(113, [ ('claim', 'Claim A', '1.0'), ('claim', 'Claim B', '2.0') ]) await self.state( controlling=('Claim B', '2.0', '2.0', 113), active=[('Claim A', '1.0', '1.0', 113)], accepted=[] ) await self.advance(115, [ ('abandon', claim2), ('claim', 'Claim C', '3.0') ]) await self.state( controlling=('Claim C', '3.0', '3.0', 115), active=[('Claim A', '1.0', '1.0', 113)], accepted=[] ) async def test_winning_claim_expires_and_another_takes_over(self): await self.advance(110, [('claim', 'Claim A', '2.0')]) await self.advance(120, [('claim', 'Claim B', '1.0')]) await self.state( controlling=('Claim A', '2.0', '2.0', 110), active=[('Claim B', '1.0', '1.0', 120)], accepted=[] ) await self.advance(610, []) await self.state( controlling=('Claim B', '1.0', '1.0', 120), active=[], accepted=[] ) await self.advance(620, []) await self.state( controlling=None, active=[], accepted=[] ) async def test_create_and_multiple_updates_in_same_block(self): await self.chain.generate(10) txid = await self.claim_name('Claim A', '1.0') txid = await self.claim_update(await self.get_transaction(txid), '2.0') await self.claim_update(await self.get_transaction(txid), '3.0') await self.chain.generate(1) await self.sync.advance() self.current_height += 11 await self.state( controlling=('Claim A', '3.0', '3.0', 112), active=[], accepted=[] ) async def test_create_and_abandon_in_same_block(self): await self.chain.generate(10) txid = await self.claim_name('Claim A', '1.0') await self.claim_abandon(await self.get_transaction(txid)) await self.chain.generate(1) await self.sync.advance() self.current_height += 11 await self.state( controlling=None, active=[], accepted=[] )