default: image: python:3.7 #cache: # directories: # - $HOME/venv # - $HOME/.cache/pip # - $HOME/Library/Caches/pip # - $HOME/Library/Caches/Homebrew # - $TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/.tox stages: - test - build - release test:lint: stage: test script: - make install - make lint test:lbry-unit: stage: test script: - make install - cd lbry && HOME=/tmp coverage run -p --source=lbry -m unittest discover -vv tests.unit test:lbry-integ: stage: test script: - pip install coverage tox-travis - cd lbry && tox .torba-tests: &torba_tests stage: test script: - pip install coverage tox-travis - cd torba && tox test:torba-unit: before_script: - export TESTTYPE=unit <<: *torba_tests test:torba-integ: before_script: - export TESTTYPE=integration <<: *torba_tests test:json-api: stage: test script: - make install - cd lbry && HOME=/tmp coverage run -p --source=lbry scripts/ .build: stage: build artifacts: expire_in: 1 day paths: - lbrynet-${OS}.zip script: - pip install pyinstaller - pip install -e torba/. - cd lbry - python3.7 scripts/ - pip install -e . - pyinstaller --onefile --name lbrynet lbry/extras/ - cd dist - chmod +x lbrynet - zip --junk-paths ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/lbrynet-${OS}.zip lbrynet # gitlab expects artifacts to be in $CI_PROJECT_DIR - openssl dgst -sha256 ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/lbrynet-${OS}.zip | egrep -o [0-9a-f]+$ # get sha256 of asset. works on mac and ubuntu - ./lbrynet --version build:linux: extends: .build image: ubuntu:18.04 # cant use python3.7 image - binary won't run on ubuntu variables: OS: linux before_script: - apt-get update - apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends software-properties-common zip curl build-essential - add-apt-repository -y ppa:deadsnakes/ppa - apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends python3.7-dev python3-setuptools python3-wheel - python3.7 <(curl -q # make sure we get pip with python3.7 build:mac: extends: .build tags: [macos] # makes gitlab use the mac runner variables: OS: mac GIT_DEPTH: 5 VENV: /tmp/gitlab-lbry-sdk-venv before_script: # - brew upgrade python || true - python3 --version | grep -q '^Python 3\.7\.' # dont upgrade python on every run. just make sure we're on the right Python # - pip3 install --user --upgrade pip virtualenv - pip3 --version | grep -q '\(python 3\.7\)' - virtualenv --python=python3.7 "${VENV}" - source "${VENV}/bin/activate" after_script: - rm -rf "${VENV}" build:windows: extends: .build tags: [windows] # makes gitlab use the windows runner variables: OS: windows GIT_DEPTH: 5 before_script: - ./build/install_choco.ps1 - choco install -y --x86 python3 7zip checksum # - python --version | findstr /B "Python 3\.7\." # dont upgrade python on every run. just make sure we're on the right Python # - pip --version | findstr /E '\(python 3\.7\)' - pip install virtualenv pywin32 - virtualenv venv - venv/Scripts/activate.ps1 after_script: - rmdir -Recurse venv script: - pip install pyinstaller - pip install -e torba\. - cd lbry - python scripts\ - pip install -e . - pyinstaller --additional-hooks-dir=scripts/. --icon=icons/lbry256.ico -F -n lbrynet lbry/extras/ - cd dist - 7z a -tzip $env:CI_PROJECT_DIR/lbrynet-${OS}.zip lbrynet.exe - checksum --type=sha256 --file=$env:CI_PROJECT_DIR/lbrynet-${OS}.zip - ./lbrynet.exe --version # upload could be done by making it a yaml alias and putting it right into the build step. that way if one OS fails, the others still get uploaded .upload: stage: release variables: GIT_STRATEGY: none script: - pip install awscli - S3_PATH="daemon/gitlab-build-${CI_PIPELINE_ID}_commit-${CI_COMMIT_SHA:0:7}$( if [ ! -z ${CI_COMMIT_TAG} ]; then echo _tag-${CI_COMMIT_TAG}; else echo _branch-${CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME}; fi )" - AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=${ARTIFACTS_KEY} AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=${ARTIFACTS_SECRET} AWS_REGION=${ARTIFACTS_REGION} aws s3 cp lbrynet-${OS}.zip s3://${ARTIFACTS_BUCKET}/${S3_PATH}/lbrynet-${OS}.zip s3:linux: extends: .upload variables: OS: linux dependencies: - build:linux s3:mac: extends: .upload variables: OS: mac dependencies: - build:mac s3:windows: extends: .upload variables: OS: windows dependencies: - build:windows #release:linux: # stage: release # only: [tags] # variables: # OS: linux # GIT_STRATEGY: none # dependencies: [build:linux] # script: # - pip install githubrelease # - githubrelease asset lbryio/lbry-sdk upload ${CI_COMMIT_TAG} lbrynet-${OS}.zip