import asyncio import struct from binascii import unhexlify from collections import Counter, deque from decimal import Decimal from operator import itemgetter from typing import Optional, List, Iterable, Union from elasticsearch import AsyncElasticsearch, NotFoundError, ConnectionError from elasticsearch.helpers import async_streaming_bulk from lbry.crypto.base58 import Base58 from lbry.error import ResolveCensoredError, TooManyClaimSearchParametersError from lbry.schema.result import Outputs, Censor from lbry.schema.tags import clean_tags from lbry.schema.url import URL, normalize_name from lbry.utils import LRUCache from lbry.wallet.server.db.common import CLAIM_TYPES, STREAM_TYPES from lbry.wallet.server.db.elasticsearch.constants import INDEX_DEFAULT_SETTINGS, REPLACEMENTS, FIELDS, TEXT_FIELDS, \ RANGE_FIELDS, ALL_FIELDS from lbry.wallet.server.util import class_logger from lbry.wallet.server.db.common import ResolveResult class ChannelResolution(str): @classmethod def lookup_error(cls, url): return LookupError(f'Could not find channel in "{url}".') class StreamResolution(str): @classmethod def lookup_error(cls, url): return LookupError(f'Could not find claim at "{url}".') class IndexVersionMismatch(Exception): def __init__(self, got_version, expected_version): self.got_version = got_version self.expected_version = expected_version class SearchIndex: VERSION = 1 def __init__(self, index_prefix: str, search_timeout=3.0, elastic_host='localhost', elastic_port=9200): self.search_timeout = search_timeout self.sync_timeout = 600 # wont hit that 99% of the time, but can hit on a fresh import self.search_client: Optional[AsyncElasticsearch] = None self.sync_client: Optional[AsyncElasticsearch] = None self.index = index_prefix + 'claims' self.logger = class_logger(__name__, self.__class__.__name__) self.claim_cache = LRUCache(2 ** 15) self.short_id_cache = LRUCache(2 ** 17) self.search_cache = LRUCache(2 ** 17) self.resolution_cache = LRUCache(2 ** 17) self._elastic_host = elastic_host self._elastic_port = elastic_port async def get_index_version(self) -> int: try: template = await self.sync_client.indices.get_template(self.index) return template[self.index]['version'] except NotFoundError: return 0 async def set_index_version(self, version): await self.sync_client.indices.put_template( self.index, body={'version': version, 'index_patterns': ['ignored']}, ignore=400 ) async def start(self) -> bool: if self.sync_client: return False hosts = [{'host': self._elastic_host, 'port': self._elastic_port}] self.sync_client = AsyncElasticsearch(hosts, timeout=self.sync_timeout) self.search_client = AsyncElasticsearch(hosts, timeout=self.search_timeout) while True: try: await'yellow') break except ConnectionError: self.logger.warning("Failed to connect to Elasticsearch. Waiting for it!") await asyncio.sleep(1) res = await self.sync_client.indices.create(self.index, INDEX_DEFAULT_SETTINGS, ignore=400) acked = res.get('acknowledged', False) if acked: await self.set_index_version(self.VERSION) return acked index_version = await self.get_index_version() if index_version != self.VERSION: self.logger.error("es search index has an incompatible version: %s vs %s", index_version, self.VERSION) raise IndexVersionMismatch(index_version, self.VERSION) return acked def stop(self): clients = [self.sync_client, self.search_client] self.sync_client, self.search_client = None, None return asyncio.ensure_future(asyncio.gather(*(client.close() for client in clients))) def delete_index(self): return self.sync_client.indices.delete(self.index, ignore_unavailable=True) async def _consume_claim_producer(self, claim_producer): count = 0 async for op, doc in claim_producer: if op == 'delete': yield {'_index': self.index, '_op_type': 'delete', '_id': doc} else: yield extract_doc(doc, self.index) count += 1 if count % 100 == 0: self.logger.debug("Indexing in progress, %d claims.", count) if count:"Indexing done for %d claims.", count) else: self.logger.debug("Indexing done for %d claims.", count) async def claim_consumer(self, claim_producer): touched = set() async for ok, item in async_streaming_bulk(self.sync_client, self._consume_claim_producer(claim_producer), raise_on_error=False): if not ok: self.logger.warning("indexing failed for an item: %s", item) else: item = item.popitem()[1] touched.add(item['_id']) await self.sync_client.indices.refresh(self.index) self.logger.debug("Indexing done.") def update_filter_query(self, censor_type, blockdict, channels=False): blockdict = {key.hex(): value.hex() for key, value in blockdict.items()} if channels: update = expand_query(channel_id__in=list(blockdict.keys()), censor_type=f"<{censor_type}") else: update = expand_query(claim_id__in=list(blockdict.keys()), censor_type=f"<{censor_type}") key = 'channel_id' if channels else 'claim_id' update['script'] = { "source": f"ctx._source.censor_type={censor_type}; ctx._source.censoring_channel_id=params[ctx._source.{key}]", "lang": "painless", "params": blockdict } return update async def apply_filters(self, blocked_streams, blocked_channels, filtered_streams, filtered_channels): if filtered_streams: await self.sync_client.update_by_query( self.index, body=self.update_filter_query(Censor.SEARCH, filtered_streams), slices=4) await self.sync_client.indices.refresh(self.index) if filtered_channels: await self.sync_client.update_by_query( self.index, body=self.update_filter_query(Censor.SEARCH, filtered_channels), slices=4) await self.sync_client.indices.refresh(self.index) await self.sync_client.update_by_query( self.index, body=self.update_filter_query(Censor.SEARCH, filtered_channels, True), slices=4) await self.sync_client.indices.refresh(self.index) if blocked_streams: await self.sync_client.update_by_query( self.index, body=self.update_filter_query(Censor.RESOLVE, blocked_streams), slices=4) await self.sync_client.indices.refresh(self.index) if blocked_channels: await self.sync_client.update_by_query( self.index, body=self.update_filter_query(Censor.RESOLVE, blocked_channels), slices=4) await self.sync_client.indices.refresh(self.index) await self.sync_client.update_by_query( self.index, body=self.update_filter_query(Censor.RESOLVE, blocked_channels, True), slices=4) await self.sync_client.indices.refresh(self.index) self.clear_caches() def clear_caches(self): self.search_cache.clear() self.short_id_cache.clear() self.claim_cache.clear() self.resolution_cache.clear() async def cached_search(self, kwargs): total_referenced = [] cache_item = ResultCacheItem.from_cache(str(kwargs), self.search_cache) if cache_item.result is not None: return cache_item.result async with cache_item.lock: if cache_item.result: return cache_item.result censor = Censor(Censor.SEARCH) if kwargs.get('no_totals'): response, offset, total = await**kwargs, censor_type=Censor.NOT_CENSORED) else: response, offset, total = await**kwargs) censor.apply(response) total_referenced.extend(response) if censor.censored: response, _, _ = await**kwargs, censor_type=Censor.NOT_CENSORED) total_referenced.extend(response) response = [ ResolveResult( name=r['claim_name'], claim_hash=r['claim_hash'], tx_num=r['tx_num'], position=r['tx_nout'], tx_hash=r['tx_hash'], height=r['height'], amount=r['amount'], short_url=r['short_url'], is_controlling=r['is_controlling'], canonical_url=r['canonical_url'], creation_height=r['creation_height'], activation_height=r['activation_height'], expiration_height=r['expiration_height'], effective_amount=r['effective_amount'], support_amount=r['support_amount'], last_takeover_height=r['last_take_over_height'], claims_in_channel=r['claims_in_channel'], channel_hash=r['channel_hash'], reposted_claim_hash=r['reposted_claim_hash'], reposted=r['reposted'], signature_valid=r['signature_valid'] ) for r in response ] extra = [ ResolveResult( name=r['claim_name'], claim_hash=r['claim_hash'], tx_num=r['tx_num'], position=r['tx_nout'], tx_hash=r['tx_hash'], height=r['height'], amount=r['amount'], short_url=r['short_url'], is_controlling=r['is_controlling'], canonical_url=r['canonical_url'], creation_height=r['creation_height'], activation_height=r['activation_height'], expiration_height=r['expiration_height'], effective_amount=r['effective_amount'], support_amount=r['support_amount'], last_takeover_height=r['last_take_over_height'], claims_in_channel=r['claims_in_channel'], channel_hash=r['channel_hash'], reposted_claim_hash=r['reposted_claim_hash'], reposted=r['reposted'], signature_valid=r['signature_valid'] ) for r in await self._get_referenced_rows(total_referenced) ] result = Outputs.to_base64( response, extra, offset, total, censor ) cache_item.result = result return result # async def resolve(self, *urls): # censor = Censor(Censor.RESOLVE) # results = [await self.resolve_url(url) for url in urls] # # just heat the cache # await self.populate_claim_cache(*filter(lambda x: isinstance(x, str), results)) # results = [self._get_from_cache_or_error(url, result) for url, result in zip(urls, results)] # # censored = [ # result if not isinstance(result, dict) or not censor.censor(result) # else ResolveCensoredError(url, result['censoring_channel_hash']) # for url, result in zip(urls, results) # ] # return results, censored, censor def _get_from_cache_or_error(self, url: str, resolution: Union[LookupError, StreamResolution, ChannelResolution]): cached = self.claim_cache.get(resolution) return cached or (resolution if isinstance(resolution, LookupError) else resolution.lookup_error(url)) async def get_many(self, *claim_ids): await self.populate_claim_cache(*claim_ids) return filter(None, map(self.claim_cache.get, claim_ids)) async def populate_claim_cache(self, *claim_ids): missing = [claim_id for claim_id in claim_ids if self.claim_cache.get(claim_id) is None] if missing: results = await self.search_client.mget( index=self.index, body={"ids": missing} ) for result in expand_result(filter(lambda doc: doc['found'], results["docs"])): self.claim_cache.set(result['claim_id'], result) async def full_id_from_short_id(self, name, short_id, channel_id=None): key = '#'.join((channel_id or '', name, short_id)) if key not in self.short_id_cache: query = {'name': name, 'claim_id': short_id} if channel_id: query['channel_id'] = channel_id query['order_by'] = ['^channel_join'] query['signature_valid'] = True else: query['order_by'] = '^creation_height' result, _, _ = await**query, limit=1) if len(result) == 1: result = result[0]['claim_id'] self.short_id_cache[key] = result return self.short_id_cache.get(key, None) async def search(self, **kwargs): if 'channel' in kwargs: kwargs['channel_id'] = await self.resolve_url(kwargs.pop('channel')) if not kwargs['channel_id'] or not isinstance(kwargs['channel_id'], str): return [], 0, 0 try: return await self.search_ahead(**kwargs) except NotFoundError: return [], 0, 0 # return expand_result(result['hits']), 0, result.get('total', {}).get('value', 0) async def search_ahead(self, **kwargs): # 'limit_claims_per_channel' case. Fetch 1000 results, reorder, slice, inflate and return per_channel_per_page = kwargs.pop('limit_claims_per_channel', 0) or 0 remove_duplicates = kwargs.pop('remove_duplicates', False) page_size = kwargs.pop('limit', 10) offset = kwargs.pop('offset', 0) kwargs['limit'] = 1000 cache_item = ResultCacheItem.from_cache(f"ahead{per_channel_per_page}{kwargs}", self.search_cache) if cache_item.result is not None: reordered_hits = cache_item.result else: async with cache_item.lock: if cache_item.result: reordered_hits = cache_item.result else: query = expand_query(**kwargs) search_hits = deque((await query, index=self.index, track_total_hits=False, _source_includes=['_id', 'channel_id', 'reposted_claim_id', 'creation_height'] ))['hits']['hits']) if remove_duplicates: search_hits = self.__remove_duplicates(search_hits) if per_channel_per_page > 0: reordered_hits = self.__search_ahead(search_hits, page_size, per_channel_per_page) else: reordered_hits = [(hit['_id'], hit['_source']['channel_id']) for hit in search_hits] cache_item.result = reordered_hits result = list(await self.get_many(*(claim_id for claim_id, _ in reordered_hits[offset:(offset + page_size)]))) return result, 0, len(reordered_hits) def __remove_duplicates(self, search_hits: deque) -> deque: known_ids = {} # claim_id -> (creation_height, hit_id), where hit_id is either reposted claim id or original dropped = set() for hit in search_hits: hit_height, hit_id = hit['_source']['creation_height'], hit['_source']['reposted_claim_id'] or hit['_id'] if hit_id not in known_ids: known_ids[hit_id] = (hit_height, hit['_id']) else: previous_height, previous_id = known_ids[hit_id] if hit_height < previous_height: known_ids[hit_id] = (hit_height, hit['_id']) dropped.add(previous_id) else: dropped.add(hit['_id']) return deque(hit for hit in search_hits if hit['_id'] not in dropped) def __search_ahead(self, search_hits: list, page_size: int, per_channel_per_page: int): reordered_hits = [] channel_counters = Counter() next_page_hits_maybe_check_later = deque() while search_hits or next_page_hits_maybe_check_later: if reordered_hits and len(reordered_hits) % page_size == 0: channel_counters.clear() elif not reordered_hits: pass else: break # means last page was incomplete and we are left with bad replacements for _ in range(len(next_page_hits_maybe_check_later)): claim_id, channel_id = next_page_hits_maybe_check_later.popleft() if per_channel_per_page > 0 and channel_counters[channel_id] < per_channel_per_page: reordered_hits.append((claim_id, channel_id)) channel_counters[channel_id] += 1 else: next_page_hits_maybe_check_later.append((claim_id, channel_id)) while search_hits: hit = search_hits.popleft() hit_id, hit_channel_id = hit['_id'], hit['_source']['channel_id'] if hit_channel_id is None or per_channel_per_page <= 0: reordered_hits.append((hit_id, hit_channel_id)) elif channel_counters[hit_channel_id] < per_channel_per_page: reordered_hits.append((hit_id, hit_channel_id)) channel_counters[hit_channel_id] += 1 if len(reordered_hits) % page_size == 0: break else: next_page_hits_maybe_check_later.append((hit_id, hit_channel_id)) return reordered_hits async def resolve_url(self, raw_url): if raw_url not in self.resolution_cache: self.resolution_cache[raw_url] = await self._resolve_url(raw_url) return self.resolution_cache[raw_url] async def _resolve_url(self, raw_url): try: url = URL.parse(raw_url) except ValueError as e: return e stream = LookupError(f'Could not find claim at "{raw_url}".') channel_id = await self.resolve_channel_id(url) if isinstance(channel_id, LookupError): return channel_id stream = (await self.resolve_stream(url, channel_id if isinstance(channel_id, str) else None)) or stream if url.has_stream: return StreamResolution(stream) else: return ChannelResolution(channel_id) async def resolve_channel_id(self, url: URL): if not url.has_channel: return if return if channel_id = await self.full_id_from_short_id(, if not channel_id: return LookupError(f'Could not find channel in "{url}".') return channel_id query = if set(query) == {'name'}: query['is_controlling'] = True else: query['order_by'] = ['^creation_height'] matches, _, _ = await**query, limit=1) if matches: channel_id = matches[0]['claim_id'] else: return LookupError(f'Could not find channel in "{url}".') return channel_id async def resolve_stream(self, url: URL, channel_id: str = None): if not url.has_stream: return None if url.has_channel and channel_id is None: return None query = if is not None: if claim_id = else: claim_id = await self.full_id_from_short_id(query['name'], query['claim_id'], channel_id) return claim_id if channel_id is not None: if set(query) == {'name'}: # temporarily emulate is_controlling for claims in channel query['order_by'] = ['effective_amount', '^height'] else: query['order_by'] = ['^channel_join'] query['channel_id'] = channel_id query['signature_valid'] = True elif set(query) == {'name'}: query['is_controlling'] = True matches, _, _ = await**query, limit=1) if matches: return matches[0]['claim_id'] async def _get_referenced_rows(self, txo_rows: List[dict]): txo_rows = [row for row in txo_rows if isinstance(row, dict)] referenced_ids = set(filter(None, map(itemgetter('reposted_claim_id'), txo_rows))) referenced_ids |= set(filter(None, (row['channel_id'] for row in txo_rows))) referenced_ids |= set(filter(None, (row['censoring_channel_id'] for row in txo_rows))) referenced_txos = [] if referenced_ids: referenced_txos.extend(await self.get_many(*referenced_ids)) referenced_ids = set(filter(None, (row['channel_id'] for row in referenced_txos))) if referenced_ids: referenced_txos.extend(await self.get_many(*referenced_ids)) return referenced_txos def extract_doc(doc, index): doc['claim_id'] = doc.pop('claim_hash')[::-1].hex() if doc['reposted_claim_hash'] is not None: doc['reposted_claim_id'] = doc.pop('reposted_claim_hash').hex() else: doc['reposted_claim_id'] = None channel_hash = doc.pop('channel_hash') doc['channel_id'] = channel_hash[::-1].hex() if channel_hash else channel_hash channel_hash = doc.pop('censoring_channel_hash') doc['censoring_channel_hash'] = channel_hash.hex() if channel_hash else channel_hash # txo_hash = doc.pop('txo_hash') # doc['tx_id'] = txo_hash[:32][::-1].hex() # doc['tx_nout'] = struct.unpack('<I', txo_hash[32:])[0] doc['repost_count'] = doc.pop('reposted') doc['is_controlling'] = bool(doc['is_controlling']) doc['signature'] = (doc.pop('signature') or b'').hex() or None doc['signature_digest'] = doc['signature'] doc['public_key_bytes'] = (doc.pop('public_key_bytes') or b'').hex() or None doc['public_key_id'] = (doc.pop('public_key_hash') or b'').hex() or None doc['is_signature_valid'] = bool(doc['signature_valid']) doc['claim_type'] = doc.get('claim_type', 0) or 0 doc['stream_type'] = int(doc.get('stream_type', 0) or 0) doc['has_source'] = bool(doc['has_source']) doc['normalized_name'] = doc.pop('normalized') doc = {key: value for key, value in doc.items() if key in ALL_FIELDS} return {'doc': doc, '_id': doc['claim_id'], '_index': index, '_op_type': 'update', 'doc_as_upsert': True} def expand_query(**kwargs): if "amount_order" in kwargs: kwargs["limit"] = 1 kwargs["order_by"] = "effective_amount" kwargs["offset"] = int(kwargs["amount_order"]) - 1 if 'name' in kwargs: kwargs['name'] = normalize_name(kwargs.pop('name')) if kwargs.get('is_controlling') is False: kwargs.pop('is_controlling') query = {'must': [], 'must_not': []} collapse = None if 'fee_currency' in kwargs and kwargs['fee_currency'] is not None: kwargs['fee_currency'] = kwargs['fee_currency'].upper() for key, value in kwargs.items(): key = key.replace('claim.', '') many = key.endswith('__in') or isinstance(value, list) if many and len(value) > 2048: raise TooManyClaimSearchParametersError(key, 2048) if many: key = key.replace('__in', '') value = list(filter(None, value)) if value is None or isinstance(value, list) and len(value) == 0: continue key = REPLACEMENTS.get(key, key) if key in FIELDS: partial_id = False if key == 'claim_type': if isinstance(value, str): value = CLAIM_TYPES[value] else: value = [CLAIM_TYPES[claim_type] for claim_type in value] elif key == 'stream_type': value = STREAM_TYPES[value] if isinstance(value, str) else list(map(STREAM_TYPES.get, value)) if key == '_id': if isinstance(value, Iterable): value = [item[::-1].hex() for item in value] else: value = value[::-1].hex() if not many and key in ('_id', 'claim_id') and len(value) < 20: partial_id = True if key == 'public_key_id': value = Base58.decode(value)[1:21].hex() if key in ('signature_valid', 'has_source'): continue # handled later if key in TEXT_FIELDS: key += '.keyword' ops = {'<=': 'lte', '>=': 'gte', '<': 'lt', '>': 'gt'} if partial_id: query['must'].append({"prefix": {"claim_id": value}}) elif key in RANGE_FIELDS and isinstance(value, str) and value[0] in ops: operator_length = 2 if value[:2] in ops else 1 operator, value = value[:operator_length], value[operator_length:] if key == 'fee_amount': value = str(Decimal(value)*1000) query['must'].append({"range": {key: {ops[operator]: value}}}) elif many: query['must'].append({"terms": {key: value}}) else: if key == 'fee_amount': value = str(Decimal(value)*1000) query['must'].append({"term": {key: {"value": value}}}) elif key == 'not_channel_ids': for channel_id in value: query['must_not'].append({"term": {'channel_id.keyword': channel_id}}) query['must_not'].append({"term": {'_id': channel_id}}) elif key == 'channel_ids': query['must'].append({"terms": {'channel_id.keyword': value}}) elif key == 'claim_ids': query['must'].append({"terms": {'claim_id.keyword': value}}) elif key == 'media_types': query['must'].append({"terms": {'media_type.keyword': value}}) elif key == 'any_languages': query['must'].append({"terms": {'languages': clean_tags(value)}}) elif key == 'any_languages': query['must'].append({"terms": {'languages': value}}) elif key == 'all_languages': query['must'].extend([{"term": {'languages': tag}} for tag in value]) elif key == 'any_tags': query['must'].append({"terms": {'tags.keyword': clean_tags(value)}}) elif key == 'all_tags': query['must'].extend([{"term": {'tags.keyword': tag}} for tag in clean_tags(value)]) elif key == 'not_tags': query['must_not'].extend([{"term": {'tags.keyword': tag}} for tag in clean_tags(value)]) elif key == 'not_claim_id': query['must_not'].extend([{"term": {'claim_id.keyword': cid}} for cid in value]) elif key == 'limit_claims_per_channel': collapse = ('channel_id.keyword', value) if kwargs.get('has_channel_signature'): query['must'].append({"exists": {"field": "signature_digest"}}) if 'signature_valid' in kwargs: query['must'].append({"term": {"is_signature_valid": bool(kwargs["signature_valid"])}}) elif 'signature_valid' in kwargs: query.setdefault('should', []) query["minimum_should_match"] = 1 query['should'].append({"bool": {"must_not": {"exists": {"field": "signature_digest"}}}}) query['should'].append({"term": {"is_signature_valid": bool(kwargs["signature_valid"])}}) if 'has_source' in kwargs: query.setdefault('should', []) query["minimum_should_match"] = 1 is_stream_or_repost = {"terms": {"claim_type": [CLAIM_TYPES['stream'], CLAIM_TYPES['repost']]}} query['should'].append( {"bool": {"must": [{"match": {"has_source": kwargs['has_source']}}, is_stream_or_repost]}}) query['should'].append({"bool": {"must_not": [is_stream_or_repost]}}) query['should'].append({"bool": {"must": [{"term": {"reposted_claim_type": CLAIM_TYPES['channel']}}]}}) if kwargs.get('text'): query['must'].append( {"simple_query_string": {"query": kwargs["text"], "fields": [ "claim_name^4", "channel_name^8", "title^1", "description^.5", "author^1", "tags^.5" ]}}) query = { "_source": {"excludes": ["description", "title"]}, 'query': {'bool': query}, "sort": [], } if "limit" in kwargs: query["size"] = kwargs["limit"] if 'offset' in kwargs: query["from"] = kwargs["offset"] if 'order_by' in kwargs: if isinstance(kwargs["order_by"], str): kwargs["order_by"] = [kwargs["order_by"]] for value in kwargs['order_by']: if 'trending_group' in value: # fixme: trending_mixed is 0 for all records on variable decay, making sort slow. continue is_asc = value.startswith('^') value = value[1:] if is_asc else value value = REPLACEMENTS.get(value, value) if value in TEXT_FIELDS: value += '.keyword' query['sort'].append({value: "asc" if is_asc else "desc"}) if collapse: query["collapse"] = { "field": collapse[0], "inner_hits": { "name": collapse[0], "size": collapse[1], "sort": query["sort"] } } return query def expand_result(results): inner_hits = [] expanded = [] for result in results: if result.get("inner_hits"): for _, inner_hit in result["inner_hits"].items(): inner_hits.extend(inner_hit["hits"]["hits"]) continue result = result['_source'] result['claim_hash'] = unhexlify(result['claim_id'])[::-1] if result['reposted_claim_id']: result['reposted_claim_hash'] = unhexlify(result['reposted_claim_id'])[::-1] else: result['reposted_claim_hash'] = None result['channel_hash'] = unhexlify(result['channel_id'])[::-1] if result['channel_id'] else None result['txo_hash'] = unhexlify(result['tx_id'])[::-1] + struct.pack('<I', result['tx_nout']) result['tx_hash'] = unhexlify(result['tx_id'])[::-1] result['reposted'] = result.pop('repost_count') result['signature_valid'] = result.pop('is_signature_valid') result['normalized'] = result.pop('normalized_name') # if result['censoring_channel_hash']: # result['censoring_channel_hash'] = unhexlify(result['censoring_channel_hash'])[::-1] expanded.append(result) if inner_hits: return expand_result(inner_hits) return expanded class ResultCacheItem: __slots__ = '_result', 'lock', 'has_result' def __init__(self): self.has_result = asyncio.Event() self.lock = asyncio.Lock() self._result = None @property def result(self) -> str: return self._result @result.setter def result(self, result: str): self._result = result if result is not None: self.has_result.set() @classmethod def from_cache(cls, cache_key, cache): cache_item = cache.get(cache_key) if cache_item is None: cache_item = cache[cache_key] = ResultCacheItem() return cache_item