from coincurve import PublicKey, PrivateKey as _PrivateKey from lbry.crypto.hash import hmac_sha512, hash160, double_sha256 from lbry.crypto.base58 import Base58 from .util import cachedproperty class DerivationError(Exception): """ Raised when an invalid derivation occurs. """ class _KeyBase: """ A BIP32 Key, public or private. """ def __init__(self, ledger, chain_code, n, depth, parent): if not isinstance(chain_code, (bytes, bytearray)): raise TypeError('chain code must be raw bytes') if len(chain_code) != 32: raise ValueError('invalid chain code') if not 0 <= n < 1 << 32: raise ValueError('invalid child number') if not 0 <= depth < 256: raise ValueError('invalid depth') if parent is not None: if not isinstance(parent, type(self)): raise TypeError('parent key has bad type') self.ledger = ledger self.chain_code = chain_code self.n = n self.depth = depth self.parent = parent def _hmac_sha512(self, msg): """ Use SHA-512 to provide an HMAC, returned as a pair of 32-byte objects. """ hmac = hmac_sha512(self.chain_code, msg) return hmac[:32], hmac[32:] def _extended_key(self, ver_bytes, raw_serkey): """ Return the 78-byte extended key given prefix version bytes and serialized key bytes. """ if not isinstance(ver_bytes, (bytes, bytearray)): raise TypeError('ver_bytes must be raw bytes') if len(ver_bytes) != 4: raise ValueError('ver_bytes must have length 4') if not isinstance(raw_serkey, (bytes, bytearray)): raise TypeError('raw_serkey must be raw bytes') if len(raw_serkey) != 33: raise ValueError('raw_serkey must have length 33') return ( ver_bytes + bytes((self.depth,)) + self.parent_fingerprint() + self.n.to_bytes(4, 'big') + self.chain_code + raw_serkey ) def identifier(self): raise NotImplementedError def extended_key(self): raise NotImplementedError def fingerprint(self): """ Return the key's fingerprint as 4 bytes. """ return self.identifier()[:4] def parent_fingerprint(self): """ Return the parent key's fingerprint as 4 bytes. """ return self.parent.fingerprint() if self.parent else bytes((0,)*4) def extended_key_string(self): """ Return an extended key as a base58 string. """ return Base58.encode_check(self.extended_key()) class PubKey(_KeyBase): """ A BIP32 public key. """ def __init__(self, ledger, pubkey, chain_code, n, depth, parent=None): super().__init__(ledger, chain_code, n, depth, parent) if isinstance(pubkey, PublicKey): self.verifying_key = pubkey else: self.verifying_key = self._verifying_key_from_pubkey(pubkey) @classmethod def _verifying_key_from_pubkey(cls, pubkey): """ Converts a 33-byte compressed pubkey into an PublicKey object. """ if not isinstance(pubkey, (bytes, bytearray)): raise TypeError('pubkey must be raw bytes') if len(pubkey) != 33: raise ValueError('pubkey must be 33 bytes') if pubkey[0] not in (2, 3): raise ValueError('invalid pubkey prefix byte') return PublicKey(pubkey) @cachedproperty def pubkey_bytes(self): """ Return the compressed public key as 33 bytes. """ return self.verifying_key.format(True) @cachedproperty def address(self): """ The public key as a P2PKH address. """ return self.ledger.public_key_to_address(self.pubkey_bytes) def ec_point(self): return self.verifying_key.point() def child(self, n: int): """ Return the derived child extended pubkey at index N. """ if not 0 <= n < (1 << 31): raise ValueError('invalid BIP32 public key child number') msg = self.pubkey_bytes + n.to_bytes(4, 'big') L_b, R_b = self._hmac_sha512(msg) # pylint: disable=invalid-name derived_key = self.verifying_key.add(L_b) return PubKey(self.ledger, derived_key, R_b, n, self.depth + 1, self) def identifier(self): """ Return the key's identifier as 20 bytes. """ return hash160(self.pubkey_bytes) def extended_key(self): """ Return a raw extended public key. """ return self._extended_key( self.ledger.extended_public_key_prefix, self.pubkey_bytes ) class PrivateKey(_KeyBase): """A BIP32 private key.""" HARDENED = 1 << 31 def __init__(self, ledger, privkey, chain_code, n, depth, parent=None): super().__init__(ledger, chain_code, n, depth, parent) if isinstance(privkey, _PrivateKey): self.signing_key = privkey else: self.signing_key = self._signing_key_from_privkey(privkey) @classmethod def _signing_key_from_privkey(cls, private_key): """ Converts a 32-byte private key into an coincurve.PrivateKey object. """ return _PrivateKey.from_int(PrivateKey._private_key_secret_exponent(private_key)) @classmethod def _private_key_secret_exponent(cls, private_key): """ Return the private key as a secret exponent if it is a valid private key. """ if not isinstance(private_key, (bytes, bytearray)): raise TypeError('private key must be raw bytes') if len(private_key) != 32: raise ValueError('private key must be 32 bytes') return int.from_bytes(private_key, 'big') @classmethod def from_seed(cls, ledger, seed): # This hard-coded message string seems to be coin-independent... hmac = hmac_sha512(b'Bitcoin seed', seed) privkey, chain_code = hmac[:32], hmac[32:] return cls(ledger, privkey, chain_code, 0, 0) @cachedproperty def private_key_bytes(self): """ Return the serialized private key (no leading zero byte). """ return self.signing_key.secret @cachedproperty def public_key(self): """ Return the corresponding extended public key. """ verifying_key = self.signing_key.public_key parent_pubkey = self.parent.public_key if self.parent else None return PubKey(self.ledger, verifying_key, self.chain_code, self.n, self.depth, parent_pubkey) def ec_point(self): return self.public_key.ec_point() def secret_exponent(self): """ Return the private key as a secret exponent. """ return self.signing_key.to_int() def wif(self): """ Return the private key encoded in Wallet Import Format. """ return self.ledger.private_key_to_wif(self.private_key_bytes) def address(self): """ The public key as a P2PKH address. """ return self.public_key.address def child(self, n): """ Return the derived child extended private key at index N.""" if not 0 <= n < (1 << 32): raise ValueError('invalid BIP32 private key child number') if n >= self.HARDENED: serkey = b'\0' + self.private_key_bytes else: serkey = self.public_key.pubkey_bytes msg = serkey + n.to_bytes(4, 'big') L_b, R_b = self._hmac_sha512(msg) # pylint: disable=invalid-name derived_key = self.signing_key.add(L_b) return PrivateKey(self.ledger, derived_key, R_b, n, self.depth + 1, self) def sign(self, data): """ Produce a signature for piece of data by double hashing it and signing the hash. """ return self.signing_key.sign(data, hasher=double_sha256) def identifier(self): """Return the key's identifier as 20 bytes.""" return self.public_key.identifier() def extended_key(self): """Return a raw extended private key.""" return self._extended_key( self.ledger.extended_private_key_prefix, b'\0' + self.private_key_bytes ) def _from_extended_key(ledger, ekey): """Return a PubKey or PrivateKey from an extended key raw bytes.""" if not isinstance(ekey, (bytes, bytearray)): raise TypeError('extended key must be raw bytes') if len(ekey) != 78: raise ValueError('extended key must have length 78') depth = ekey[4] n = int.from_bytes(ekey[9:13], 'big') chain_code = ekey[13:45] if ekey[:4] == ledger.extended_public_key_prefix: pubkey = ekey[45:] key = PubKey(ledger, pubkey, chain_code, n, depth) elif ekey[:4] == ledger.extended_private_key_prefix: if ekey[45] != 0: raise ValueError('invalid extended private key prefix byte') privkey = ekey[46:] key = PrivateKey(ledger, privkey, chain_code, n, depth) else: raise ValueError('version bytes unrecognised') return key def from_extended_key_string(ledger, ekey_str): """Given an extended key string, such as xpub6BsnM1W2Y7qLMiuhi7f7dbAwQZ5Cz5gYJCRzTNainXzQXYjFwtuQXHd 3qfi3t3KJtHxshXezfjft93w4UE7BGMtKwhqEHae3ZA7d823DVrL return a PubKey or PrivateKey. """ return _from_extended_key(ledger, Base58.decode_check(ekey_str))