#!/usr/bin/env python import sys import os import site from lbrynet import __version__ LINUX = 1 DARWIN = 2 WINDOWS = 3 if sys.platform.startswith("linux"): platform = LINUX elif sys.platform.startswith("darwin"): platform = DARWIN elif sys.platform.startswith("win"): platform = WINDOWS else: raise Exception("Unknown os: %s" % sys.platform) base_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) package_name = "lbrynet" dist_name = "LBRY" description = "A decentralized media library and marketplace" author = "LBRY, Inc" url = "lbry.io" maintainer = "Jack Robison" maintainer_email = "jack@lbry.io" keywords = "LBRY" # TODO: find a way to keep this in sync with requirements.txt requires = [ 'Twisted==16.0.0', 'Yapsy==1.11.223', 'appdirs==1.4.0', 'argparse==1.2.1', 'colorama==0.3.7', 'dnspython==1.12.0', 'ecdsa==0.13', 'envparse==0.2.0', 'gmpy==1.17', 'jsonrpc==1.2', 'jsonrpclib==0.1.7', 'jsonschema==2.5.1', 'lbryum', 'loggly-python-handler==1.0.0', 'miniupnpc==1.9', 'pbkdf2==1.3', 'protobuf==3.0.0', 'pycrypto==2.6.1', 'qrcode==5.2.2', 'requests==2.9.1', 'requests_futures==0.9.7', 'seccure==', 'simplejson==3.8.2', 'six==1.9.0', 'slowaes==0.1a1', 'txJSON-RPC==0.3.1', 'unqlite==0.2.0', 'wsgiref==0.1.2', 'zope.interface==4.1.3', 'base58==0.2.2', 'googlefinance==0.7', 'pyyaml==3.12', 'service_identity==16.0.0', 'ndg-httpsclient==0.4.2', ] console_scripts = [ 'lbrynet-daemon = lbrynet.lbrynet_daemon.DaemonControl:start', 'stop-lbrynet-daemon = lbrynet.lbrynet_daemon.DaemonControl:stop', 'lbrynet-cli = lbrynet.lbrynet_daemon.DaemonCLI:main' ] def package_files(directory): for path, _, filenames in os.walk(directory): for filename in filenames: yield os.path.join('..', path, filename) if platform == LINUX: import ez_setup ez_setup.use_setuptools() from setuptools import setup, find_packages requires.append('service-identity') setup(name=package_name, description=description, version=__version__, maintainer=maintainer, maintainer_email=maintainer_email, url=url, author=author, keywords=keywords, packages=find_packages(base_dir), install_requires=requires, entry_points={'console_scripts': console_scripts}, package_data={ package_name: list(package_files('lbrynet/resources/ui')) } ) elif platform == DARWIN: import ez_setup ez_setup.use_setuptools() from setuptools import setup, find_packages setup(name=package_name, description=description, version=__version__, maintainer=maintainer, maintainer_email=maintainer_email, url=url, author=author, keywords=keywords, packages=find_packages(base_dir), install_requires=requires, entry_points={'console_scripts': console_scripts}, package_data={ package_name: list(package_files('lbrynet/resources/ui')) }, # If this is True, setuptools tries to build an egg # and py2app / modulegraph / imp.find_module # doesn't like that. zip_safe=False, ) elif platform == WINDOWS: import opcode import pkg_resources from cx_Freeze import setup, Executable import requests.certs app_dir = os.path.join('packaging', 'windows', 'lbry-win32-app') daemon_dir = os.path.join('lbrynet', 'lbrynet_daemon') win_icon = os.path.join(app_dir, 'icons', 'lbry256.ico') wordlist_path = pkg_resources.resource_filename('lbryum', 'wordlist') # Allow virtualenv to find distutils of base python installation distutils_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(opcode.__file__), 'distutils') schemas = os.path.join(site.getsitepackages()[1], "jsonschema", "schemas") onlyfiles = [f for f in os.listdir(schemas) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(schemas, f))] zipincludes = [(os.path.join(schemas, f), os.path.join("jsonschema", "schemas", f)) for f in onlyfiles] def find_data_file(filename): if getattr(sys, 'frozen', False): # The application is frozen data_dir = os.path.dirname(sys.executable) else: # The application is not frozen # Change this bit to match where you store your data files: data_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__) return os.path.join(data_dir, filename) shortcut_table = [ ('LBRYShortcut', # Shortcut 'DesktopFolder', # Directory 'LBRY', # Name 'TARGETDIR', # Component '[TARGETDIR]\{0}.exe'.format(dist_name), # Target None, # Arguments description, # Description None, # Hotkey None, # Icon None, # IconIndex None, # ShowCmd 'TARGETDIR', # WkDir ), # ('DaemonShortcut', # Shortcut # 'DesktopFolder', # Directory # 'lbrynet-daemon', # Name # 'TARGETDIR', # Component # '[TARGETDIR]\lbrynet-daemon.exe', # Target # '--log-to-console', # Arguments # description, # Description # None, # Hotkey # None, # Icon # None, # IconIndex # None, # ShowCmd # 'TARGETDIR', # WkDir # ), # ('DaemonCLIShortcut', # Shortcut # 'DesktopFolder', # Directory # 'lbrynet-cli', # Name # 'TARGETDIR', # Component # '[TARGETDIR]\lbrynet-cli.exe', # Target # None, # Arguments # description, # Description # None, # Hotkey # None, # Icon # None, # IconIndex # None, # ShowCmd # 'TARGETDIR', # WkDir # ), ('ProgramMenuLBRYShortcut', # Shortcut 'ProgramMenuFolder', # Directory # r'[ProgramMenuFolder]\lbrynet', # Directory 'LBRY', # Name 'TARGETDIR', # Component '[TARGETDIR]\{0}.exe'.format(dist_name), # Target None, # Arguments description, # Description None, # Hotkey None, # Icon None, # IconIndex None, # ShowCmd 'TARGETDIR', # WkDir ), ('ProgramMenuDaemonShortcut', # Shortcut 'ProgramMenuFolder', # Directory # r'[ProgramMenuFolder]\lbrynet', # Directory 'lbrynet-daemon', # Name 'TARGETDIR', # Component '[TARGETDIR]\lbrynet-daemon.exe', # Target '--log-to-console', # Arguments description, # Description None, # Hotkey None, # Icon None, # IconIndex None, # ShowCmd 'TARGETDIR', # WkDir ), ('ProgramMenuDaemonCLIShortcut', # Shortcut 'ProgramMenuFolder', # Directory # r'[ProgramMenuFolder]\lbrynet', # Directory 'lbrynet-cli', # Name 'TARGETDIR', # Component '[TARGETDIR]\lbrynet-cli.exe', # Target None, # Arguments description, # Description None, # Hotkey None, # Icon None, # IconIndex None, # ShowCmd 'TARGETDIR', # WkDir ), ] msi_data = {"Shortcut": shortcut_table} bdist_msi_options = { 'upgrade_code': '{18c0e933-ad08-44e8-a413-1d0ed624c100}', 'add_to_path': True, # Default install path is 'C:\Program Files\' for 32-bit or 'C:\Program Files (x86)\' for 64-bit # 'initial_target_dir': r'[LocalAppDataFolder]\{0}'.format(name), 'data': msi_data } build_exe_options = { 'include_msvcr': True, 'includes': [], 'packages': ['cython', 'twisted', 'yapsy', 'appdirs', 'argparse', 'base58', 'colorama', 'cx_Freeze', 'dns', 'ecdsa', 'envparse', 'gmpy', 'googlefinance', 'jsonrpc', 'jsonrpclib', 'lbryum', 'loggly', 'miniupnpc', 'pbkdf2', 'google.protobuf', 'Crypto', 'bitcoinrpc', 'win32api', 'qrcode', 'requests', 'requests_futures', 'seccure', 'simplejson', 'jsonschema', 'six', 'aes', 'txjsonrpc', 'unqlite', 'wsgiref', 'zope.interface', 'os', 'pkg_resources', 'yaml' ], 'excludes': ['distutils', 'collections.sys', 'collections._weakref', 'collections.abc', 'Tkinter', 'tk', 'tcl', 'PyQt4', 'nose', 'mock' 'zope.interface._zope_interface_coptimizations', 'leveldb'], 'include_files': [(distutils_path, 'distutils'), (requests.certs.where(), 'cacert.pem'), (os.path.join(app_dir, 'icons', 'lbry16.ico'), os.path.join('icons', 'lbry16.ico')), (os.path.join(app_dir, 'icons', 'lbry256.ico'), os.path.join('icons', 'lbry256.ico')), (os.path.join(wordlist_path, 'chinese_simplified.txt'), os.path.join('wordlist', 'chinese_simplified.txt')), (os.path.join(wordlist_path, 'english.txt'), os.path.join('wordlist', 'english.txt')), (os.path.join(wordlist_path, 'japanese.txt'), os.path.join('wordlist', 'japanese.txt')), (os.path.join(wordlist_path, 'portuguese.txt'), os.path.join('wordlist', 'portuguese.txt')), (os.path.join(wordlist_path, 'spanish.txt'), os.path.join('wordlist', 'spanish.txt')) ], 'namespace_packages': ['zope', 'google'], "zip_includes": zipincludes} tray_app = Executable( script=os.path.join(app_dir, 'LBRYWin32App.py'), base='Win32GUI', icon=win_icon, targetName='{0}.exe'.format(dist_name) ) daemon_exe = Executable( script=os.path.join(daemon_dir, 'DaemonControl.py'), icon=win_icon, targetName='lbrynet-daemon.exe' ) cli_exe = Executable( script=os.path.join(daemon_dir, 'DaemonCLI.py'), icon=win_icon, targetName='lbrynet-cli.exe' ) setup( name=package_name, description=description, version=__version__, maintainer=maintainer, maintainer_email=maintainer_email, url=url, author=author, keywords=keywords, data_files=[], options={ 'build_exe': build_exe_options, 'bdist_msi': bdist_msi_options }, executables=[ tray_app, daemon_exe, cli_exe ], package_data={ package_name: list(package_files('lbrynet/resources/ui')) } )