import os import re import io import sys import json import argparse import unittest from datetime import date from getpass import getpass try: import github3 except ImportError: print('To run release tool you need to install') print('') print(' $ pip install') print('') sys.exit(1) AREA_RENAME = { 'api': 'API', 'dht': 'DHT' } def get_github(): config_path = os.path.expanduser('~/.lbry-release-tool.json') if os.path.exists(config_path): with open(config_path, 'r') as config_file: config = json.load(config_file) return github3.login(token=config['token']) token = os.environ.get("GH_TOKEN") if not token: print('GitHub Credentials') username = input('username: ') password = getpass('password: ') gh = github3.authorize( username, password, ['repo'], 'lbry release tool', two_factor_callback=lambda: input('Enter 2FA: ') ) with open(config_path, 'w') as config_file: json.dump({'token': gh.token}, config_file) token = gh.token return github3.login(token=token) def get_labels(pr, prefix): for label in pr.labels: label_name = label['name'] if label_name.startswith(f'{prefix}: '): yield label_name[len(f'{prefix}: '):] def get_label(pr, prefix): for label in get_labels(pr, prefix): return label BACKWARDS_INCOMPATIBLE = 'backwards-incompatible:' RELEASE_TEXT = 'release-text:' RELEASE_TEXT_LINES = 'release-text-lines:' def get_backwards_incompatible(desc: str): for line in desc.splitlines(): if line.startswith(BACKWARDS_INCOMPATIBLE): yield line[len(BACKWARDS_INCOMPATIBLE):] def get_release_text(desc: str): in_release_lines = False for line in desc.splitlines(): if in_release_lines: yield line.rstrip() elif line.startswith(RELEASE_TEXT_LINES): in_release_lines = True elif line.startswith(RELEASE_TEXT): yield line[len(RELEASE_TEXT):].strip() yield '' class Version: def __init__(self, major=0, minor=0, micro=0): self.major = int(major) self.minor = int(minor) self.micro = int(micro) @classmethod def from_string(cls, version_string): (major, minor, micro), rc = version_string.split('.'), None if 'rc' in micro: micro, rc = micro.split('rc') return cls(major, minor, micro) @classmethod def from_content(cls, content): src = content.decoded.decode('utf-8') version ='__version__ = "(.*?)"', src).group(1) return cls.from_string(version) def increment(self, action): cls = self.__class__ if action == 'major': return cls(self.major+1) elif action == 'minor': return cls(self.major, self.minor+1) elif action == 'micro': return cls(self.major, self.minor, self.micro+1) raise ValueError(f'unknown action: {action}') @property def tag(self): return f'v{self}' def __str__(self): return '.'.join(str(p) for p in [self.major, self.minor, self.micro]) def release(args): gh = get_github() repo = gh.repository('lbryio', 'lbry-sdk') version_file = repo.file_contents('lbry/') if not args.confirm: print("\nDRY RUN ONLY. RUN WITH --confirm TO DO A REAL RELEASE.\n") current_version = Version.from_content(version_file) print(f'Current Version: {current_version}') if args.action == 'current': new_version = current_version else: new_version = current_version.increment(args.action) print(f' New Version: {new_version}') previous_release = repo.release_from_tag(args.start_tag or current_version.tag) print(f' Changelog From: {previous_release.tag_name} ({previous_release.created_at})') print() incompats = [] release_texts = [] unlabeled = [] fixups = [] areas = {} for pr in gh.search_issues(f"merged:>={previous_release._json_data['created_at']} repo:lbryio/lbry-sdk"): area_labels = list(get_labels(pr, 'area')) type_label = get_label(pr, 'type') pr_url = f'[#{pr.number}]({pr.html_url})' user_url = f'[{pr.user["login"]}]({pr.user["html_url"]})' if area_labels and type_label: for area_name in area_labels: for incompat in get_backwards_incompatible(pr.body or ""): incompats.append(f' * [{area_name}] {incompat.strip()} ({pr_url})') for release_text in get_release_text(pr.body or ""): release_texts.append(release_text) if type_label == 'fixup': fixups.append(f' * {pr.title} ({pr_url}) by {user_url}') else: area = areas.setdefault(area_name, []) area.append(f' * [{type_label}] {pr.title} ({pr_url}) by {user_url}') else: unlabeled.append(f' * {pr.title} ({pr_url}) by {user_url}') area_names = list(areas.keys()) area_names.sort() body = io.StringIO() w = lambda s: body.write(s+'\n') w(f'## [{new_version}] - {}') if release_texts: w('') for release_text in release_texts: w(release_text) if incompats: w('') w(f'### Backwards Incompatible Changes') for incompat in incompats: w(incompat) for area in area_names: prs = areas[area] area = AREA_RENAME.get(area.lower(), area.capitalize()) w('') w(f'### {area}') for pr in prs: w(pr) print(body.getvalue()) if unlabeled: print('The following PRs were skipped and not included in changelog:') for skipped in unlabeled: print(skipped) if fixups: print('The following PRs were marked as fixups and not included in changelog:') for skipped in fixups: print(skipped) if args.confirm: commit = version_file.update( new_version.tag, version_file.decoded.decode('utf-8').replace(str(current_version), str(new_version)).encode() )['commit'] repo.create_tag( tag=new_version.tag, message=new_version.tag, sha=commit.sha, obj_type='commit', tagger=commit.committer ) repo.create_release( new_version.tag, name=new_version.tag, body=body.getvalue(), draft=True, ) return 0 class TestReleaseTool(unittest.TestCase): def test_version_parsing(self): self.assertTrue(str(Version.from_string('1.2.3')), '1.2.3') self.assertTrue(str(Version.from_string('1.2.3rc4')), '1.2.3rc4') def test_version_increment(self): v = Version.from_string('1.2.3') self.assertTrue(str(v.increment('major')), '2.0.0') self.assertTrue(str(v.increment('minor')), '1.3.0') self.assertTrue(str(v.increment('micro')), '1.2.4') def test(): runner = unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=2) loader = unittest.TestLoader() suite = loader.loadTestsFromTestCase(TestReleaseTool) return 0 if else 1 def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("--confirm", default=False, action="store_true", help="without this flag, it will only print what it will do but will not actually do it") parser.add_argument("--start-tag", help="custom starting tag for changelog generation") parser.add_argument("action", choices=['test', 'current', 'major', 'minor', 'micro']) args = parser.parse_args() if args.action == "test": code = test() else: code = release(args) print() return code if __name__ == "__main__": sys.exit(main())