#!/usr/bin/env python # # This library is free software, distributed under the terms of # the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 3, or any later version. # See the COPYING file included in this archive # # The docstrings in this module contain epytext markup; API documentation # may be created by processing this file with epydoc: http://epydoc.sf.net """ This module defines the charaterizing constants of the Kademlia network C{checkRefreshInterval} and C{udpDatagramMaxSize} are implementation-specific constants, and do not affect general Kademlia operation. """ ######### KADEMLIA CONSTANTS ########### #: Small number Representing the degree of parallelism in network calls alpha = 3 #: Maximum number of contacts stored in a bucket; this should be an even number k = 8 #: Timeout for network operations (in seconds) rpcTimeout = 5 # Delay between iterations of iterative node lookups (for loose parallelism) (in seconds) iterativeLookupDelay = rpcTimeout / 2 #: If a k-bucket has not been used for this amount of time, refresh it (in seconds) refreshTimeout = 3600 # 1 hour #: The interval at which nodes replicate (republish/refresh) data they are holding replicateInterval = refreshTimeout # The time it takes for data to expire in the network; the original publisher of the data # will also republish the data at this time if it is still valid dataExpireTimeout = 86400 # 24 hours tokenSecretChangeInterval = 300 # 5 minutes peer_request_timeout = 10 ######## IMPLEMENTATION-SPECIFIC CONSTANTS ########### #: The interval in which the node should check its whether any buckets need refreshing, #: or whether any data needs to be republished (in seconds) checkRefreshInterval = refreshTimeout/5 #: Max size of a single UDP datagram, in bytes. If a message is larger than this, it will #: be spread accross several UDP packets. udpDatagramMaxSize = 8192 # 8 KB key_bits = 384