from math import sqrt TRENDING_WINDOW = 650 # number of blocks, ~24hr period TRENDING_DATA_POINTS = 7 # WINDOW * DATA_POINTS = ~1 week worth of trending data CREATE_TREND_TABLE = """ create table if not exists trend ( claim_hash bytes not null, height integer not null, amount integer not null, primary key (claim_hash, height) ) without rowid; """ class ZScore: __slots__ = 'count', 'total', 'power', 'last' def __init__(self): self.count = 0 = 0 self.power = 0 self.last = None def step(self, value): if self.last is not None: self.count += 1 += self.last self.power += self.last**2 self.last = value @property def mean(self): return / self.count @property def standard_deviation(self): return sqrt((self.power / self.count) - self.mean**2) def finalize(self): if self.count == 0: return self.last return (self.last - self.mean) / (self.standard_deviation or 1) def register_trending_functions(connection): connection.create_aggregate("zscore", 1, ZScore) def calculate_trending(db, height, is_first_sync, final_height): # don't start tracking until we're at the end of initial sync if is_first_sync and height < (final_height - (TRENDING_WINDOW*TRENDING_DATA_POINTS)): return if height % TRENDING_WINDOW != 0: return db.execute(f""" DELETE FROM trend WHERE height < {height-(TRENDING_WINDOW*TRENDING_DATA_POINTS)} """) start = (height-TRENDING_WINDOW)+1 db.execute(f""" INSERT INTO trend (claim_hash, height, amount) SELECT claim_hash, {start}, COALESCE( (SELECT SUM(amount) FROM support WHERE claim_hash=claim.claim_hash AND height >= {start}), 0 ) AS support_sum FROM claim WHERE support_sum > 0 """) zscore = ZScore() for (global_sum,) in db.execute("SELECT AVG(amount) FROM trend GROUP BY height"): zscore.step(global_sum) global_mean, global_deviation = 0, 1 if zscore.count > 0: global_mean = zscore.mean global_deviation = zscore.standard_deviation db.execute(f""" UPDATE claim SET trending_local = COALESCE(( SELECT zscore(amount) FROM trend WHERE claim_hash=claim.claim_hash ORDER BY height DESC ), 0), trending_global = COALESCE(( SELECT (amount - {global_mean}) / {global_deviation} FROM trend WHERE claim_hash=claim.claim_hash AND height = {start} ), 0), trending_group = 0, trending_mixed = 0 """) # trending_group and trending_mixed determine how trending will show in query results # normally the SQL will be: "ORDER BY trending_group, trending_mixed" # changing the trending_group will have significant impact on trending results # changing the value used for trending_mixed will only impact trending within a trending_group db.execute(f""" UPDATE claim SET trending_group = CASE WHEN trending_local > 0 AND trending_global > 0 THEN 4 WHEN trending_local <= 0 AND trending_global > 0 THEN 3 WHEN trending_local > 0 AND trending_global <= 0 THEN 2 WHEN trending_local <= 0 AND trending_global <= 0 THEN 1 END, trending_mixed = CASE WHEN trending_local > 0 AND trending_global > 0 THEN trending_global WHEN trending_local <= 0 AND trending_global > 0 THEN trending_local WHEN trending_local > 0 AND trending_global <= 0 THEN trending_local WHEN trending_local <= 0 AND trending_global <= 0 THEN trending_global END WHERE trending_local <> 0 OR trending_global <> 0 """)