import os import logging import sqlite3 import typing import asyncio import binascii import time from operator import itemgetter from typing import Optional from lbry.wallet import SQLiteMixin from lbry.conf import Config from lbry.wallet.dewies import dewies_to_lbc, lbc_to_dewies from lbry.wallet.transaction import Transaction, Output from lbry.schema.claim import Claim from lbry.dht.constants import DATA_EXPIRATION from lbry.blob.blob_info import BlobInfo if typing.TYPE_CHECKING: from lbry.blob.blob_file import BlobFile from import StreamDescriptor log = logging.getLogger(__name__) def calculate_effective_amount(amount: str, supports: typing.Optional[typing.List[typing.Dict]] = None) -> str: return dewies_to_lbc( lbc_to_dewies(amount) + sum([lbc_to_dewies(support['amount']) for support in supports]) ) class StoredContentClaim: def __init__(self, outpoint: Optional[str] = None, claim_id: Optional[str] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, amount: Optional[int] = None, height: Optional[int] = None, serialized: Optional[str] = None, channel_claim_id: Optional[str] = None, address: Optional[str] = None, claim_sequence: Optional[int] = None, channel_name: Optional[str] = None): self.claim_id = claim_id self.outpoint = outpoint self.claim_name = name self.amount = amount self.height = height self.claim: typing.Optional[Claim] = None if not serialized else Claim.from_bytes( binascii.unhexlify(serialized) ) self.claim_address = address self.claim_sequence = claim_sequence self.channel_claim_id = channel_claim_id self.channel_name = channel_name @property def txid(self) -> typing.Optional[str]: return None if not self.outpoint else self.outpoint.split(":")[0] @property def nout(self) -> typing.Optional[int]: return None if not self.outpoint else int(self.outpoint.split(":")[1]) def as_dict(self) -> typing.Dict: return { "name": self.claim_name, "claim_id": self.claim_id, "address": self.claim_address, "claim_sequence": self.claim_sequence, "value": self.claim, "height": self.height, "amount": dewies_to_lbc(self.amount), "nout": self.nout, "txid": self.txid, "channel_claim_id": self.channel_claim_id, "channel_name": self.channel_name } def _get_content_claims(transaction: sqlite3.Connection, query: str, source_hashes: typing.List[str]) -> typing.Dict[str, StoredContentClaim]: claims = {} for claim_info in _batched_select(transaction, query, source_hashes): claims[claim_info[0]] = StoredContentClaim(*claim_info[1:]) return claims def get_claims_from_stream_hashes(transaction: sqlite3.Connection, stream_hashes: typing.List[str]) -> typing.Dict[str, StoredContentClaim]: query = ( "select content_claim.stream_hash, c.*, case when c.channel_claim_id is not null then " " (select claim_name from claim where claim_id==c.channel_claim_id) " " else null end as channel_name " " from content_claim " " inner join claim c on c.claim_outpoint=content_claim.claim_outpoint and content_claim.stream_hash in {}" " order by c.rowid desc" ) return _get_content_claims(transaction, query, stream_hashes) def get_claims_from_torrent_info_hashes(transaction: sqlite3.Connection, info_hashes: typing.List[str]) -> typing.Dict[str, StoredContentClaim]: query = ( "select content_claim.bt_infohash, c.*, case when c.channel_claim_id is not null then " " (select claim_name from claim where claim_id==c.channel_claim_id) " " else null end as channel_name " " from content_claim " " inner join claim c on c.claim_outpoint=content_claim.claim_outpoint and content_claim.bt_infohash in {}" " order by c.rowid desc" ) return _get_content_claims(transaction, query, info_hashes) def _batched_select(transaction, query, parameters, batch_size=900): for start_index in range(0, len(parameters), batch_size): current_batch = parameters[start_index:start_index+batch_size] bind = "({})".format(','.join(['?'] * len(current_batch))) yield from transaction.execute(query.format(bind), current_batch) def _get_lbry_file_stream_dict(rowid, added_on, stream_hash, file_name, download_dir, data_rate, status, sd_hash, stream_key, stream_name, suggested_file_name, claim, saved_file, raw_content_fee, fully_reflected): return { "rowid": rowid, "added_on": added_on, "stream_hash": stream_hash, "file_name": file_name, # hex "download_directory": download_dir, # hex "blob_data_rate": data_rate, "status": status, "sd_hash": sd_hash, "key": stream_key, "stream_name": stream_name, # hex "suggested_file_name": suggested_file_name, # hex "claim": claim, "saved_file": bool(saved_file), "content_fee": None if not raw_content_fee else Transaction( binascii.unhexlify(raw_content_fee) ), "fully_reflected": fully_reflected } def get_all_lbry_files(transaction: sqlite3.Connection) -> typing.List[typing.Dict]: files = [] signed_claims = {} for (rowid, stream_hash, _, file_name, download_dir, data_rate, status, saved_file, raw_content_fee, added_on, _, sd_hash, stream_key, stream_name, suggested_file_name, *claim_args) in transaction.execute( "select file.rowid, file.*, stream.*, c.*, " " case when (SELECT 1 FROM reflected_stream r WHERE r.sd_hash=stream.sd_hash) " " is null then 0 else 1 end as fully_reflected " "from file inner join stream on file.stream_hash=stream.stream_hash " "inner join content_claim cc on file.stream_hash=cc.stream_hash " "inner join claim c on cc.claim_outpoint=c.claim_outpoint " "order by c.rowid desc").fetchall(): claim_args, fully_reflected = tuple(claim_args[:-1]), claim_args[-1] claim = StoredContentClaim(*claim_args) if claim.channel_claim_id: if claim.channel_claim_id not in signed_claims: signed_claims[claim.channel_claim_id] = [] signed_claims[claim.channel_claim_id].append(claim) files.append( _get_lbry_file_stream_dict( rowid, added_on, stream_hash, file_name, download_dir, data_rate, status, sd_hash, stream_key, stream_name, suggested_file_name, claim, saved_file, raw_content_fee, fully_reflected ) ) for claim_name, claim_id in _batched_select( transaction, "select c.claim_name, c.claim_id from claim c where c.claim_id in {}", tuple(signed_claims.keys())): for claim in signed_claims[claim_id]: claim.channel_name = claim_name return files def store_stream(transaction: sqlite3.Connection, sd_blob: 'BlobFile', descriptor: 'StreamDescriptor'): # add all blobs, except the last one, which is empty transaction.executemany( "insert or ignore into blob values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", ((blob.blob_hash, blob.length, 0, 0, "pending", 0, 0, blob.added_on, blob.is_mine) for blob in (descriptor.blobs[:-1] if len(descriptor.blobs) > 1 else descriptor.blobs) + [sd_blob]) ).fetchall() # associate the blobs to the stream transaction.execute("insert or ignore into stream values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", (descriptor.stream_hash, sd_blob.blob_hash, descriptor.key, binascii.hexlify(descriptor.stream_name.encode()).decode(), binascii.hexlify(descriptor.suggested_file_name.encode()).decode())).fetchall() # add the stream transaction.executemany( "insert or ignore into stream_blob values (?, ?, ?, ?)", ((descriptor.stream_hash, blob.blob_hash, blob.blob_num, blob.iv) for blob in descriptor.blobs) ).fetchall() # ensure should_announce is set regardless if insert was ignored transaction.execute( "update blob set should_announce=1 where blob_hash in (?)", (sd_blob.blob_hash,) ).fetchall() def delete_stream(transaction: sqlite3.Connection, descriptor: 'StreamDescriptor'): blob_hashes = [(blob.blob_hash, ) for blob in descriptor.blobs[:-1]] blob_hashes.append((descriptor.sd_hash, )) transaction.execute("delete from content_claim where stream_hash=? ", (descriptor.stream_hash,)).fetchall() transaction.execute("delete from file where stream_hash=? ", (descriptor.stream_hash,)).fetchall() transaction.execute("delete from stream_blob where stream_hash=?", (descriptor.stream_hash,)).fetchall() transaction.execute("delete from stream where stream_hash=? ", (descriptor.stream_hash,)).fetchall() transaction.executemany("delete from blob where blob_hash=?", blob_hashes).fetchall() def delete_torrent(transaction: sqlite3.Connection, bt_infohash: str): transaction.execute("delete from content_claim where bt_infohash=?", (bt_infohash, )).fetchall() transaction.execute("delete from torrent_tracker where bt_infohash=?", (bt_infohash,)).fetchall() transaction.execute("delete from torrent_node where bt_infohash=?", (bt_infohash,)).fetchall() transaction.execute("delete from torrent_http_seed where bt_infohash=?", (bt_infohash,)).fetchall() transaction.execute("delete from file where bt_infohash=?", (bt_infohash,)).fetchall() transaction.execute("delete from torrent where bt_infohash=?", (bt_infohash,)).fetchall() def store_file(transaction: sqlite3.Connection, identifier_value: str, file_name: typing.Optional[str], download_directory: typing.Optional[str], data_payment_rate: float, status: str, content_fee: typing.Optional[Transaction], added_on: typing.Optional[int] = None) -> int: if not file_name and not download_directory: encoded_file_name, encoded_download_dir = None, None else: encoded_file_name = binascii.hexlify(file_name.encode()).decode() encoded_download_dir = binascii.hexlify(download_directory.encode()).decode() is_torrent = len(identifier_value) == 40 time_added = added_on or int(time.time()) transaction.execute( f"insert or replace into file values ({'NULL, ?' if is_torrent else '?, NULL'}, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", (identifier_value, encoded_file_name, encoded_download_dir, data_payment_rate, status, 1 if (file_name and download_directory and os.path.isfile(os.path.join(download_directory, file_name))) else 0, None if not content_fee else binascii.hexlify(content_fee.raw).decode(), time_added) ).fetchall() return transaction.execute( f"select rowid from file where {'bt_infohash' if is_torrent else 'stream_hash'}=?", (identifier_value, )).fetchone()[0] class SQLiteStorage(SQLiteMixin): CREATE_TABLES_QUERY = """ pragma foreign_keys=on; pragma journal_mode=WAL; create table if not exists blob ( blob_hash char(96) primary key not null, blob_length integer not null, next_announce_time integer not null, should_announce integer not null default 0, status text not null, last_announced_time integer, single_announce integer, added_on integer not null, is_mine integer not null default 0 ); create table if not exists stream ( stream_hash char(96) not null primary key, sd_hash char(96) not null references blob, stream_key text not null, stream_name text not null, suggested_filename text not null ); create table if not exists stream_blob ( stream_hash char(96) not null references stream, blob_hash char(96) references blob, position integer not null, iv char(32) not null, primary key (stream_hash, blob_hash) ); create table if not exists claim ( claim_outpoint text not null primary key, claim_id char(40) not null, claim_name text not null, amount integer not null, height integer not null, serialized_metadata blob not null, channel_claim_id text, address text not null, claim_sequence integer not null ); create table if not exists torrent ( bt_infohash char(20) not null primary key, tracker text, length integer not null, name text not null ); create table if not exists torrent_node ( -- BEP-0005 bt_infohash char(20) not null references torrent, host text not null, port integer not null ); create table if not exists torrent_tracker ( -- BEP-0012 bt_infohash char(20) not null references torrent, tracker text not null ); create table if not exists torrent_http_seed ( -- BEP-0017 bt_infohash char(20) not null references torrent, http_seed text not null ); create table if not exists file ( stream_hash char(96) references stream, bt_infohash char(20) references torrent, file_name text, download_directory text, blob_data_rate real not null, status text not null, saved_file integer not null, content_fee text, added_on integer not null ); create table if not exists content_claim ( stream_hash char(96) references stream, bt_infohash char(20) references torrent, claim_outpoint text unique not null references claim ); create table if not exists support ( support_outpoint text not null primary key, claim_id text not null, amount integer not null, address text not null ); create table if not exists reflected_stream ( sd_hash text not null, reflector_address text not null, timestamp integer, primary key (sd_hash, reflector_address) ); create table if not exists peer ( node_id char(96) not null primary key, address text not null, udp_port integer not null, tcp_port integer, unique (address, udp_port) ); create index if not exists blob_data on blob(blob_hash, blob_length, is_mine); """ def __init__(self, conf: Config, path, loop=None, time_getter: typing.Optional[typing.Callable[[], float]] = None): super().__init__(path) self.conf = conf self.content_claim_callbacks = {} self.loop = loop or asyncio.get_event_loop() self.time_getter = time_getter or time.time async def run_and_return_one_or_none(self, query, *args): for row in await self.db.execute_fetchall(query, args): if len(row) == 1: return row[0] return row async def run_and_return_list(self, query, *args): rows = list(await self.db.execute_fetchall(query, args)) return [col[0] for col in rows] if rows else [] # # # # # # # # # blob functions # # # # # # # # # async def add_blobs(self, *blob_hashes_and_lengths: typing.Tuple[str, int, int, int], finished=False): def _add_blobs(transaction: sqlite3.Connection): transaction.executemany( "insert or ignore into blob values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", ( (blob_hash, length, 0, 0, "pending" if not finished else "finished", 0, 0, added_on, is_mine) for blob_hash, length, added_on, is_mine in blob_hashes_and_lengths ) ).fetchall() if finished: transaction.executemany( "update blob set status='finished' where blob.blob_hash=?", ( (blob_hash, ) for blob_hash, _, _, _ in blob_hashes_and_lengths ) ).fetchall() return await def get_blob_status(self, blob_hash: str): return self.run_and_return_one_or_none( "select status from blob where blob_hash=?", blob_hash ) def set_announce(self, *blob_hashes): return self.db.execute_fetchall( "update blob set should_announce=1 where blob_hash in (?, ?)", blob_hashes ) def update_last_announced_blobs(self, blob_hashes: typing.List[str]): def _update_last_announced_blobs(transaction: sqlite3.Connection): last_announced = self.time_getter() return transaction.executemany( "update blob set next_announce_time=?, last_announced_time=?, single_announce=0 " "where blob_hash=?", ((int(last_announced + (DATA_EXPIRATION / 2)), int(last_announced), blob_hash) for blob_hash in blob_hashes) ).fetchall() return def should_single_announce_blobs(self, blob_hashes, immediate=False): def set_single_announce(transaction): now = int(self.time_getter()) for blob_hash in blob_hashes: if immediate: transaction.execute( "update blob set single_announce=1, next_announce_time=? " "where blob_hash=? and status='finished'", (int(now), blob_hash) ).fetchall() else: transaction.execute( "update blob set single_announce=1 where blob_hash=? and status='finished'", (blob_hash,) ).fetchall() return def get_blobs_to_announce(self): def get_and_update(transaction): timestamp = int(self.time_getter()) if self.conf.announce_head_and_sd_only: r = transaction.execute( "select blob_hash from blob " "where blob_hash is not null and " "(should_announce=1 or single_announce=1) and next_announce_time<? and status='finished' " "order by next_announce_time asc limit ?", (timestamp, int(self.conf.concurrent_blob_announcers * 10)) ).fetchall() else: r = transaction.execute( "select blob_hash from blob where blob_hash is not null " "and next_announce_time<? and status='finished' " "order by next_announce_time asc limit ?", (timestamp, int(self.conf.concurrent_blob_announcers * 10)) ).fetchall() return [b[0] for b in r] return def delete_blobs_from_db(self, blob_hashes): def delete_blobs(transaction): transaction.executemany( "delete from blob where blob_hash=?;", ((blob_hash,) for blob_hash in blob_hashes) ).fetchall() return self.db.run_with_foreign_keys_disabled(delete_blobs) def get_all_blob_hashes(self): return self.run_and_return_list("select blob_hash from blob") async def get_stored_blobs(self, is_mine: bool, is_network_blob=False): is_mine = 1 if is_mine else 0 if is_network_blob: return await self.db.execute_fetchall( "select blob.blob_hash, blob.blob_length, blob.added_on " "from blob left join stream_blob using (blob_hash) " "where stream_blob.stream_hash is null and blob.is_mine=? and blob.status='finished'" "order by blob.blob_length desc, blob.added_on asc", (is_mine,) ) sd_blobs = await self.db.execute_fetchall( "select blob.blob_hash, blob.blob_length, blob.added_on " "from blob join stream on blob.blob_hash=stream.sd_hash join file using (stream_hash) " "where blob.is_mine=? order by blob.added_on asc", (is_mine,) ) content_blobs = await self.db.execute_fetchall( "select blob.blob_hash, blob.blob_length, blob.added_on " "from blob join stream_blob using (blob_hash) cross join stream using (stream_hash)" "cross join file using (stream_hash)" "where blob.is_mine=? and blob.status='finished' order by blob.added_on asc, blob.blob_length asc", (is_mine,) ) return content_blobs + sd_blobs async def get_stored_blob_disk_usage(self): total, network_size, content_size, private_size = await self.db.execute_fetchone(""" select coalesce(sum(blob_length), 0) as total, coalesce(sum(case when stream_blob.stream_hash is null then blob_length else 0 end), 0) as network_storage, coalesce(sum(case when stream_blob.blob_hash is not null and is_mine=0 then blob_length else 0 end), 0) as content_storage, coalesce(sum(case when is_mine=1 then blob_length else 0 end), 0) as private_storage from blob left join stream_blob using (blob_hash) where blob_hash not in (select sd_hash from stream) and blob.status="finished" """) return { 'network_storage': network_size, 'content_storage': content_size, 'private_storage': private_size, 'total': total } async def update_blob_ownership(self, sd_hash, is_mine: bool): is_mine = 1 if is_mine else 0 await self.db.execute_fetchall( "update blob set is_mine = ? where blob_hash in (" " select blob_hash from blob natural join stream_blob natural join stream where sd_hash = ?" ") OR blob_hash = ?", (is_mine, sd_hash, sd_hash) ) def sync_missing_blobs(self, blob_files: typing.Set[str]) -> typing.Awaitable[typing.Set[str]]: def _sync_blobs(transaction: sqlite3.Connection) -> typing.Set[str]: finished_blob_hashes = tuple( blob_hash for (blob_hash, ) in transaction.execute( "select blob_hash from blob where status='finished'" ).fetchall() ) finished_blobs_set = set(finished_blob_hashes) to_update_set = finished_blobs_set.difference(blob_files) transaction.executemany( "update blob set status='pending' where blob_hash=?", ((blob_hash, ) for blob_hash in to_update_set) ).fetchall() return blob_files.intersection(finished_blobs_set) return # # # # # # # # # stream functions # # # # # # # # # async def stream_exists(self, sd_hash: str) -> bool: streams = await self.run_and_return_one_or_none("select stream_hash from stream where sd_hash=?", sd_hash) return streams is not None async def file_exists(self, sd_hash: str) -> bool: streams = await self.run_and_return_one_or_none("select f.stream_hash from file f " "inner join stream s on " "s.stream_hash=f.stream_hash and s.sd_hash=?", sd_hash) return streams is not None def store_stream(self, sd_blob: 'BlobFile', descriptor: 'StreamDescriptor'): return, sd_blob, descriptor) def get_blobs_for_stream(self, stream_hash, only_completed=False) -> typing.Awaitable[typing.List[BlobInfo]]: def _get_blobs_for_stream(transaction): crypt_blob_infos = [] stream_blobs = transaction.execute( "select s.blob_hash, s.position, s.iv, b.added_on " "from stream_blob s left outer join blob b on b.blob_hash=s.blob_hash where stream_hash=? " "order by position asc", (stream_hash, ) ).fetchall() if only_completed: lengths = transaction.execute( "select b.blob_hash, b.blob_length from blob b " "inner join stream_blob s ON b.blob_hash=s.blob_hash and b.status='finished' and s.stream_hash=?", (stream_hash, ) ).fetchall() else: lengths = transaction.execute( "select b.blob_hash, b.blob_length from blob b " "inner join stream_blob s ON b.blob_hash=s.blob_hash and s.stream_hash=?", (stream_hash, ) ).fetchall() blob_length_dict = {} for blob_hash, length in lengths: blob_length_dict[blob_hash] = length current_time = time.time() for blob_hash, position, iv, added_on in stream_blobs: blob_length = blob_length_dict.get(blob_hash, 0) crypt_blob_infos.append(BlobInfo(position, blob_length, iv, added_on or current_time, blob_hash)) if not blob_hash: break return crypt_blob_infos return def get_sd_blob_hash_for_stream(self, stream_hash): return self.run_and_return_one_or_none( "select sd_hash from stream where stream_hash=?", stream_hash ) def get_stream_hash_for_sd_hash(self, sd_blob_hash): return self.run_and_return_one_or_none( "select stream_hash from stream where sd_hash = ?", sd_blob_hash ) def delete_stream(self, descriptor: 'StreamDescriptor'): return self.db.run_with_foreign_keys_disabled(delete_stream, descriptor) async def delete_torrent(self, bt_infohash: str): return await, bt_infohash) # # # # # # # # # file stuff # # # # # # # # # def save_downloaded_file(self, stream_hash: str, file_name: typing.Optional[str], download_directory: typing.Optional[str], data_payment_rate: float, content_fee: typing.Optional[Transaction] = None, added_on: typing.Optional[int] = None) -> typing.Awaitable[int]: return self.save_published_file( stream_hash, file_name, download_directory, data_payment_rate, status="running", content_fee=content_fee, added_on=added_on ) def save_published_file(self, stream_hash: str, file_name: typing.Optional[str], download_directory: typing.Optional[str], data_payment_rate: float, status: str = "finished", content_fee: typing.Optional[Transaction] = None, added_on: typing.Optional[int] = None) -> typing.Awaitable[int]: return, stream_hash, file_name, download_directory, data_payment_rate, status, content_fee, added_on) async def update_manually_removed_files_since_last_run(self): """ Update files that have been removed from the downloads directory since the last run """ def update_manually_removed_files(transaction: sqlite3.Connection): files = {} query = "select stream_hash, download_directory, file_name from file where saved_file=1 " \ "and stream_hash is not null" for (stream_hash, download_directory, file_name) in transaction.execute(query).fetchall(): if download_directory and file_name: files[stream_hash] = download_directory, file_name return files def detect_removed(files): return [ stream_hash for stream_hash, (download_directory, file_name) in files.items() if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(binascii.unhexlify(download_directory).decode(), binascii.unhexlify(file_name).decode())) ] def update_db_removed(transaction: sqlite3.Connection, removed): query = "update file set file_name=null, download_directory=null, saved_file=0 where stream_hash in {}" for cur in _batched_select(transaction, query, removed): cur.fetchall() stream_and_file = await removed = await self.loop.run_in_executor(None, detect_removed, stream_and_file) if removed: await, removed) def get_all_lbry_files(self) -> typing.Awaitable[typing.List[typing.Dict]]: return async def get_all_torrent_files(self) -> typing.List[typing.Dict]: def _get_all_torrent_files(transaction): cursor = transaction.execute("select * from file join torrent on file.bt_infohash=torrent.bt_infohash") return map(lambda row: dict(zip(list(map(itemgetter(0), cursor.description)), row)), cursor.fetchall()) return list(await def change_file_status(self, stream_hash: str, new_status: str): log.debug("update file status %s -> %s", stream_hash, new_status) return self.db.execute_fetchall("update file set status=? where stream_hash=?", (new_status, stream_hash)) def stop_all_files(self): log.debug("stopping all files") return self.db.execute_fetchall("update file set status=?", ("stopped",)) async def change_file_download_dir_and_file_name(self, stream_hash: str, download_dir: typing.Optional[str], file_name: typing.Optional[str]): if not file_name or not download_dir: encoded_file_name, encoded_download_dir = None, None else: encoded_file_name = binascii.hexlify(file_name.encode()).decode() encoded_download_dir = binascii.hexlify(download_dir.encode()).decode() return await self.db.execute_fetchall("update file set download_directory=?, file_name=? where stream_hash=?", ( encoded_download_dir, encoded_file_name, stream_hash, )) async def save_content_fee(self, stream_hash: str, content_fee: Transaction): return await self.db.execute_fetchall("update file set content_fee=? where stream_hash=?", ( binascii.hexlify(content_fee.raw), stream_hash, )) async def set_saved_file(self, stream_hash: str): return await self.db.execute_fetchall("update file set saved_file=1 where stream_hash=?", ( stream_hash, )) async def clear_saved_file(self, stream_hash: str): return await self.db.execute_fetchall("update file set saved_file=0 where stream_hash=?", ( stream_hash, )) async def recover_streams(self, descriptors_and_sds: typing.List[typing.Tuple['StreamDescriptor', 'BlobFile', typing.Optional[Transaction]]], download_directory: str): def _recover(transaction: sqlite3.Connection): stream_hashes = [x[0].stream_hash for x in descriptors_and_sds] for descriptor, sd_blob, content_fee in descriptors_and_sds: content_claim = transaction.execute( "select * from content_claim where stream_hash=?", (descriptor.stream_hash, ) ).fetchone() delete_stream(transaction, descriptor) # this will also delete the content claim store_stream(transaction, sd_blob, descriptor) store_file(transaction, descriptor.stream_hash, os.path.basename(descriptor.suggested_file_name), download_directory, 0.0, 'stopped', content_fee=content_fee) if content_claim: transaction.execute("insert or ignore into content_claim values (?, ?, ?)", content_claim) transaction.executemany( "update file set status='stopped' where stream_hash=?", ((stream_hash, ) for stream_hash in stream_hashes) ).fetchall() download_dir = binascii.hexlify(self.conf.download_dir.encode()).decode() transaction.executemany( "update file set download_directory=? where stream_hash=?", ((download_dir, stream_hash) for stream_hash in stream_hashes) ).fetchall() await self.db.run_with_foreign_keys_disabled(_recover) def get_all_stream_hashes(self): return self.run_and_return_list("select stream_hash from stream") # # # # # # # # # support functions # # # # # # # # # def save_supports(self, claim_id_to_supports: dict): # TODO: add 'address' to support items returned for a claim from lbrycrdd and lbryum-server def _save_support(transaction): bind = "({})".format(','.join(['?'] * len(claim_id_to_supports))) transaction.execute( f"delete from support where claim_id in {bind}", tuple(claim_id_to_supports.keys()) ).fetchall() for claim_id, supports in claim_id_to_supports.items(): for support in supports: transaction.execute( "insert into support values (?, ?, ?, ?)", ("%s:%i" % (support['txid'], support['nout']), claim_id, lbc_to_dewies(support['amount']), support.get('address', "")) ).fetchall() return def get_supports(self, *claim_ids): def _format_support(outpoint, supported_id, amount, address): return { "txid": outpoint.split(":")[0], "nout": int(outpoint.split(":")[1]), "claim_id": supported_id, "amount": dewies_to_lbc(amount), "address": address, } def _get_supports(transaction): return [ _format_support(*support_info) for support_info in _batched_select( transaction, "select * from support where claim_id in {}", claim_ids ) ] return # # # # # # # # # claim functions # # # # # # # # # async def save_claims(self, claim_infos): claim_id_to_supports = {} update_file_callbacks = [] def _save_claims(transaction): content_claims_to_update = [] for claim_info in claim_infos: outpoint = "%s:%i" % (claim_info['txid'], claim_info['nout']) claim_id = claim_info['claim_id'] name = claim_info['name'] amount = lbc_to_dewies(claim_info['amount']) height = claim_info['height'] address = claim_info['address'] sequence = claim_info['claim_sequence'] certificate_id = claim_info['value'].signing_channel_id try: source_hash = claim_info['value'].stream.source.sd_hash except (AttributeError, ValueError): source_hash = None serialized = binascii.hexlify(claim_info['value'].to_bytes()) transaction.execute( "insert or replace into claim values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", (outpoint, claim_id, name, amount, height, serialized, certificate_id, address, sequence) ).fetchall() # if this response doesn't have support info don't overwrite the existing # support info if 'supports' in claim_info: claim_id_to_supports[claim_id] = claim_info['supports'] if not source_hash: continue stream_hash = transaction.execute( "select file.stream_hash from stream " "inner join file on file.stream_hash=stream.stream_hash where sd_hash=?", (source_hash,) ).fetchone() if not stream_hash: continue stream_hash = stream_hash[0] known_outpoint = transaction.execute( "select claim_outpoint from content_claim where stream_hash=?", (stream_hash,) ).fetchone() known_claim_id = transaction.execute( "select claim_id from claim " "inner join content_claim c3 ON claim.claim_outpoint=c3.claim_outpoint " "where c3.stream_hash=?", (stream_hash,) ).fetchone() if not known_claim_id: content_claims_to_update.append((stream_hash, outpoint)) elif known_outpoint != outpoint: content_claims_to_update.append((stream_hash, outpoint)) for stream_hash, outpoint in content_claims_to_update: self._save_content_claim(transaction, outpoint, stream_hash) if stream_hash in self.content_claim_callbacks: update_file_callbacks.append(self.content_claim_callbacks[stream_hash]()) await if update_file_callbacks: await asyncio.wait(update_file_callbacks) if claim_id_to_supports: await self.save_supports(claim_id_to_supports) def save_claim_from_output(self, ledger, *outputs: Output): return self.save_claims([{ "claim_id": output.claim_id, "name": output.claim_name, "amount": dewies_to_lbc(output.amount), "address": output.get_address(ledger), "txid":, "nout": output.position, "value": output.claim, "height": output.tx_ref.height, "claim_sequence": -1, } for output in outputs]) def save_claims_for_resolve(self, claim_infos): to_save = {} for info in claim_infos: if 'value' in info: if info['value']: to_save[info['claim_id']] = info else: for key in ('certificate', 'claim'): if info.get(key, {}).get('value'): to_save[info[key]['claim_id']] = info[key] return self.save_claims(to_save.values()) @staticmethod def _save_content_claim(transaction, claim_outpoint, stream_hash=None, bt_infohash=None): assert stream_hash or bt_infohash # get the claim id and serialized metadata claim_info = transaction.execute( "select claim_id, serialized_metadata from claim where claim_outpoint=?", (claim_outpoint,) ).fetchone() if not claim_info: raise Exception("claim not found") new_claim_id, claim = claim_info[0], Claim.from_bytes(binascii.unhexlify(claim_info[1])) # certificate claims should not be in the content_claim table if not claim.is_stream: raise Exception("claim does not contain a stream") # get the known sd hash for this stream known_sd_hash = transaction.execute( "select sd_hash from stream where stream_hash=?", (stream_hash,) ).fetchone() if not known_sd_hash: raise Exception("stream not found") # check the claim contains the same sd hash if known_sd_hash[0] != raise Exception("stream mismatch") # if there is a current claim associated to the file, check that the new claim is an update to it current_associated_content = transaction.execute( "select claim_outpoint from content_claim where stream_hash=?", (stream_hash,) ).fetchone() if current_associated_content: current_associated_claim_id = transaction.execute( "select claim_id from claim where claim_outpoint=?", current_associated_content ).fetchone()[0] if current_associated_claim_id != new_claim_id: raise Exception( f"mismatching claim ids when updating stream {current_associated_claim_id} vs {new_claim_id}" ) # update the claim associated to the file transaction.execute("delete from content_claim where stream_hash=?", (stream_hash, )).fetchall() transaction.execute( "insert into content_claim values (?, NULL, ?)", (stream_hash, claim_outpoint) ).fetchall() async def save_content_claim(self, stream_hash, claim_outpoint): await, claim_outpoint, stream_hash) # update corresponding ManagedEncryptedFileDownloader object if stream_hash in self.content_claim_callbacks: await self.content_claim_callbacks[stream_hash]() async def add_torrent(self, bt_infohash, length, name): def _save_torrent(transaction, bt_infohash, length, name): transaction.execute( "insert or replace into torrent values (?, NULL, ?, ?)", (bt_infohash, length, name) ).fetchall() return await, bt_infohash, length, name) async def save_torrent_content_claim(self, bt_infohash, claim_outpoint, length, name): def _save_torrent_claim(transaction): transaction.execute( "insert or replace into content_claim values (NULL, ?, ?)", (bt_infohash, claim_outpoint) ).fetchall() await self.add_torrent(bt_infohash, length, name) await # update corresponding ManagedEncryptedFileDownloader object if bt_infohash in self.content_claim_callbacks: await self.content_claim_callbacks[bt_infohash]() async def get_content_claim(self, stream_hash: str, include_supports: typing.Optional[bool] = True) -> typing.Dict: claims = await, [stream_hash]) claim = None if claims: claim = claims[stream_hash].as_dict() if include_supports: supports = await self.get_supports(claim['claim_id']) claim['supports'] = supports claim['effective_amount'] = calculate_effective_amount(claim['amount'], supports) return claim async def get_content_claim_for_torrent(self, bt_infohash): claims = await, [bt_infohash]) return claims[bt_infohash] if claims else None # # # # # # # # # reflector functions # # # # # # # # # def update_reflected_stream(self, sd_hash, reflector_address, success=True): if success: return self.db.execute_fetchall( "insert or replace into reflected_stream values (?, ?, ?)", (sd_hash, reflector_address, self.time_getter()) ) return self.db.execute_fetchall( "delete from reflected_stream where sd_hash=? and reflector_address=?", (sd_hash, reflector_address) ) def get_streams_to_re_reflect(self): return self.run_and_return_list( "select s.sd_hash from stream s " "left outer join reflected_stream r on s.sd_hash=r.sd_hash " "where r.timestamp is null or r.timestamp < ?", int(self.time_getter()) - 86400 ) # # # # # # # # # # dht functions # # # # # # # # # # # async def get_persisted_kademlia_peers(self) -> typing.List[typing.Tuple[bytes, str, int, int]]: query = 'select node_id, address, udp_port, tcp_port from peer' return [(binascii.unhexlify(n), a, u, t) for n, a, u, t in await self.db.execute_fetchall(query)] async def save_kademlia_peers(self, peers: typing.List['KademliaPeer']): def _save_kademlia_peers(transaction: sqlite3.Connection): transaction.execute('delete from peer').fetchall() transaction.executemany( 'insert into peer(node_id, address, udp_port, tcp_port) values (?, ?, ?, ?)', ((binascii.hexlify(p.node_id), p.address, p.udp_port, p.tcp_port) for p in peers) ).fetchall() return await