import copy import math import time # Half life in blocks HALF_LIFE = 134 # Decay coefficient per block DECAY = 0.5**(1.0/HALF_LIFE) # How frequently to write trending values to the db SAVE_INTERVAL = 10 # Renormalisation interval RENORM_INTERVAL = 1000 # Assertion assert RENORM_INTERVAL % SAVE_INTERVAL == 0 # Decay coefficient per renormalisation interval DECAY_PER_RENORM = DECAY**(RENORM_INTERVAL) # Log trending calculations? TRENDING_LOG = True def install(connection): """ Install the AR trending algorithm. """ check_trending_values(connection) if TRENDING_LOG: f = open("trending_ar.log", "a") f.close() # Stub CREATE_TREND_TABLE = "" def check_trending_values(connection): """ If the trending values appear to be based on the zscore algorithm, reset them. This will allow resyncing from a standard snapshot. """ c = connection.cursor() needs_reset = False for row in c.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) num FROM claim WHERE trending_global <> 0;"): if row[0] != 0: needs_reset = True break if needs_reset: print("Resetting some columns. This might take a while...", flush=True, end="") c.execute(""" BEGIN; UPDATE claim SET trending_group = 0; UPDATE claim SET trending_mixed = 0; UPDATE claim SET trending_global = 0; UPDATE claim SET trending_local = 0; COMMIT;""") print("done.") def spike_height(trending_score, x, x_old, time_boost=1.0): """ Compute the size of a trending spike. """ # Change in softened amount change_in_softened_amount = x**0.25 - x_old**0.25 # Softened change in amount delta = x - x_old softened_change_in_amount = abs(delta)**0.25 # Softened change in amount counts more for minnows if delta > 0.0: if trending_score >= 0.0: multiplier = 0.1/((trending_score/time_boost + softened_change_in_amount) + 1.0) softened_change_in_amount *= multiplier else: softened_change_in_amount *= -1.0 return time_boost*(softened_change_in_amount + change_in_softened_amount) def get_time_boost(height): """ Return the time boost at a given height. """ return 1.0/DECAY**(height % RENORM_INTERVAL) def trending_log(s): """ Log a string. """ if TRENDING_LOG: fout = open("trending_ar.log", "a") fout.write(s) fout.flush() fout.close() class TrendingData: """ An object of this class holds trending data """ def __init__(self): = {} # Have all claims been read from db yet? self.initialised = False def insert_claim_from_load(self, claim_hash, trending_score, total_amount): assert not self.initialised[claim_hash] = {"trending_score": trending_score, "total_amount": total_amount, "changed": False} def update_claim(self, claim_hash, total_amount, time_boost=1.0): """ Update trending data for a claim, given its new total amount. """ assert self.initialised # Extract existing total amount and trending score # or use starting values if the claim is new if claim_hash in old_state = copy.deepcopy([claim_hash]) else: old_state = {"trending_score": 0.0, "total_amount": 0.0, "changed": False} # Calculate LBC change change = total_amount - old_state["total_amount"] # Modify data if there was an LBC change if change != 0.0: spike = spike_height(old_state["trending_score"], total_amount, old_state["total_amount"], time_boost) trending_score = old_state["trending_score"] + spike[claim_hash] = {"total_amount": total_amount, "trending_score": trending_score, "changed": True} def test_trending(): """ Quick trending test for something receiving 10 LBC per block """ data = TrendingData() data.insert_claim_from_load("abc", 10.0, 1.0) data.initialised = True for height in range(1, 5000): if height % RENORM_INTERVAL == 0:["abc"]["trending_score"] *= DECAY_PER_RENORM time_boost = get_time_boost(height) data.update_claim("abc",["abc"]["total_amount"] + 10.0, time_boost=time_boost) print(str(height) + " " + str(time_boost) + " " \ + str(["abc"]["trending_score"])) # One global instance # pylint: disable=C0103 trending_data = TrendingData() def run(db, height, final_height, recalculate_claim_hashes): if height < final_height - 5*HALF_LIFE: trending_log("Skipping AR trending at block {h}.\n".format(h=height)) return start = time.time() trending_log("Calculating AR trending at block {h}.\n".format(h=height)) trending_log(" Length of trending data = {l}.\n"\ .format(l=len( # Renormalise trending scores and mark all as having changed if height % RENORM_INTERVAL == 0: trending_log(" Renormalising trending scores...") keys = for key in keys: if[key]["trending_score"] != 0.0:[key]["trending_score"] *= DECAY_PER_RENORM[key]["changed"] = True # Tiny becomes zero if abs([key]["trending_score"]) < 1E-9:[key]["trending_score"] = 0.0 trending_log("done.\n") # Regular message. trending_log(" Reading total_amounts from db and updating"\ + " trending scores in RAM...") # Get the value of the time boost time_boost = get_time_boost(height) # Update claims from db if not trending_data.initialised: # On fresh launch for row in db.execute(""" SELECT claim_hash, trending_mixed, (amount + support_amount) AS total_amount FROM claim; """): trending_data.insert_claim_from_load(row[0], row[1], 1E-8*row[2]) trending_data.initialised = True else: for row in db.execute(f""" SELECT claim_hash, (amount + support_amount) AS total_amount FROM claim WHERE claim_hash IN ({','.join('?' for _ in recalculate_claim_hashes)}); """, list(recalculate_claim_hashes)): trending_data.update_claim(row[0], 1E-8*row[1], time_boost) trending_log("done.\n") # Write trending scores to DB if height % SAVE_INTERVAL == 0: trending_log(" Writing trending scores to db...") the_list = [] keys = for key in keys: if[key]["changed"]: the_list.append(([key]["trending_score"], key))[key]["changed"] = False trending_log("{n} scores to write...".format(n=len(the_list))) db.executemany("UPDATE claim SET trending_mixed=? WHERE claim_hash=?;", the_list) trending_log("done.\n") trending_log("Trending operations took {time} seconds.\n\n"\ .format(time=time.time() - start)) if __name__ == "__main__": test_trending()