#!/usr/bin/env python # # This library is free software, distributed under the terms of # the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 3, or any later version. # See the COPYING file included in this archive import unittest import lbrynet.dht.encoding class BencodeTest(unittest.TestCase): """ Basic tests case for the Bencode implementation """ def setUp(self): self.encoding = lbrynet.dht.encoding.Bencode() # Thanks goes to wikipedia for the initial test cases ;-) self.cases = ((42, 'i42e'), ('spam', '4:spam'), (['spam',42], 'l4:spami42ee'), ({'foo':42, 'bar':'spam'}, 'd3:bar4:spam3:fooi42ee'), # ...and now the "real life" tests ([['abc', '', 1919], ['def', '', 1921]], 'll3:abc9:')) # The following test cases are "bad"; i.e. sending rubbish into the decoder to test what exceptions get thrown self.badDecoderCases = ('abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz', '') def testEncoder(self): """ Tests the bencode encoder """ for value, encodedValue in self.cases: result = self.encoding.encode(value) self.failUnlessEqual(result, encodedValue, 'Value "%s" not correctly encoded! Expected "%s", got "%s"' % (value, encodedValue, result)) def testDecoder(self): """ Tests the bencode decoder """ for value, encodedValue in self.cases: result = self.encoding.decode(encodedValue) self.failUnlessEqual(result, value, 'Value "%s" not correctly decoded! Expected "%s", got "%s"' % (encodedValue, value, result)) for encodedValue in self.badDecoderCases: self.failUnlessRaises(lbrynet.dht.encoding.DecodeError, self.encoding.decode, encodedValue) def suite(): suite = unittest.TestSuite() suite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(BencodeTest)) return suite if __name__ == '__main__': # If this module is executed from the commandline, run all its tests unittest.TextTestRunner().run(suite())