import sys from twisted.internet import asyncioreactor if 'twisted.internet.reactor' not in sys.modules: asyncioreactor.install() else: from twisted.internet import reactor if not isinstance(reactor, asyncioreactor.AsyncioSelectorReactor) and getattr(sys, 'frozen', False): # pyinstaller hooks install the default reactor before # any of our code runs, see kivy for similar problem: # del sys.modules['twisted.internet.reactor'] asyncioreactor.install() from twisted.internet import reactor import json import asyncio from aiohttp.client_exceptions import ClientConnectorError from requests.exceptions import ConnectionError from docopt import docopt from textwrap import dedent from lbrynet import __name__ as lbrynet_name from lbrynet.extras.daemon.Daemon import Daemon from lbrynet.extras.daemon.DaemonControl import start as daemon_main from lbrynet.extras.daemon.DaemonConsole import main as daemon_console from lbrynet.extras.daemon.auth.client import LBRYAPIClient from lbrynet.extras.system_info import get_platform async def execute_command(method, params, conf_path=None): # this check if the daemon is running or not api = None try: api = await LBRYAPIClient.get_client(conf_path) await api.status() except (ClientConnectorError, ConnectionError): if api: await api.session.close() print("Could not connect to daemon. Are you sure it's running?") return 1 # this actually executes the method resp = await, params) try: await api.session.close() print(json.dumps(resp["result"], indent=2)) except KeyError: if resp["error"]["code"] == -32500: print(json.dumps(resp["error"], indent=2)) else: print(json.dumps(resp["error"]["message"], indent=2)) def print_help(): print(dedent(""" NAME lbrynet - LBRY command line client. USAGE lbrynet [--conf <config file>] <command> [<args>] EXAMPLES lbrynet start # starts the daemon. The daemon needs to be running for commands to work lbrynet help # display this message lbrynet help <command_name> # get help for a command(doesn't need the daemon to be running) lbrynet commands # list available commands lbrynet status # get the running status of the daemon lbrynet --conf ~/l1.conf # use ~/l1.conf as config file lbrynet resolve what # resolve a name """)) def print_help_for_command(command): fn = Daemon.callable_methods.get(command) if fn: print(dedent(fn.__doc__)) else: print("Invalid command name") def normalize_value(x, key=None): if not isinstance(x, str): return x if key in ('uri', 'channel_name', 'name', 'file_name', 'download_directory'): return x if x.lower() == 'true': return True if x.lower() == 'false': return False if x.isdigit(): return int(x) return x def remove_brackets(key): if key.startswith("<") and key.endswith(">"): return str(key[1:-1]) return key def set_kwargs(parsed_args): kwargs = {} for key, arg in parsed_args.items(): k = None if arg is None: continue elif key.startswith("--") and remove_brackets(key[2:]) not in kwargs: k = remove_brackets(key[2:]) elif remove_brackets(key) not in kwargs: k = remove_brackets(key) kwargs[k] = normalize_value(arg, k) return kwargs def main(argv=None): argv = argv or sys.argv[1:] if not argv: print_help() return 1 conf_path = None if len(argv) and argv[0] == "--conf": if len(argv) < 2: print("No config file specified for --conf option") print_help() return 1 conf_path = argv[1] argv = argv[2:] method, args = argv[0], argv[1:] if method in ['help', '--help', '-h']: if len(args) == 1: print_help_for_command(args[0]) else: print_help() return 0 elif method in ['version', '--version', '-v']: print("{lbrynet_name} {lbrynet_version}".format( lbrynet_name=lbrynet_name, **get_platform() )) return 0 elif method == 'start': sys.exit(daemon_main(args, conf_path)) elif method == 'console': sys.exit(daemon_console()) elif method not in Daemon.callable_methods: if method not in Daemon.deprecated_methods: print(f'{method} is not a valid command.') return 1 new_method = Daemon.deprecated_methods[method].new_command if new_method is None: print(f"{method} is permanently deprecated and does not have a replacement command.") return 0 print(f"{method} is deprecated, using {new_method}.") method = new_method fn = Daemon.callable_methods[method] parsed = docopt(fn.__doc__, args) params = set_kwargs(parsed) loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() loop.run_until_complete(execute_command(method, params, conf_path)) return 0 if __name__ == "__main__": sys.exit(main())