import sqlite3 import struct from typing import Union, Tuple, Set, List from binascii import unhexlify from torba.server.db import DB from torba.server.util import class_logger from torba.client.basedatabase import query, constraints_to_sql from lbrynet.schema.url import URL, normalize_name from lbrynet.wallet.transaction import Transaction, Output ATTRIBUTE_ARRAY_MAX_LENGTH = 100 def _apply_constraints_for_array_attributes(constraints, attr): any_items = constraints.pop(f'any_{attr}s', [])[:ATTRIBUTE_ARRAY_MAX_LENGTH] if any_items: constraints.update({ f'$any_{attr}{i}': item for i, item in enumerate(any_items) }) values = ', '.join( f':$any_{attr}{i}' for i in range(len(any_items)) ) constraints[f'claim.claim_hash__in#_any_{attr}'] = f""" SELECT DISTINCT claim_hash FROM {attr} WHERE {attr} IN ({values}) """ all_items = constraints.pop(f'all_{attr}s', [])[:ATTRIBUTE_ARRAY_MAX_LENGTH] if all_items: constraints[f'$all_{attr}_count'] = len(all_items) constraints.update({ f'$all_{attr}{i}': item for i, item in enumerate(all_items) }) values = ', '.join( f':$all_{attr}{i}' for i in range(len(all_items)) ) constraints[f'claim.claim_hash__in#_all_{attr}'] = f""" SELECT claim_hash FROM {attr} WHERE {attr} IN ({values}) GROUP BY claim_hash HAVING COUNT({attr}) = :$all_{attr}_count """ not_items = constraints.pop(f'not_{attr}s', [])[:ATTRIBUTE_ARRAY_MAX_LENGTH] if not_items: constraints.update({ f'$not_{attr}{i}': item for i, item in enumerate(not_items) }) values = ', '.join( f':$not_{attr}{i}' for i in range(len(not_items)) ) constraints[f'claim.claim_hash__not_in#_not_{attr}'] = f""" SELECT DISTINCT claim_hash FROM {attr} WHERE {attr} IN ({values}) """ class SQLDB: TRENDING_24_HOURS = 720 TRENDING_WEEK = TRENDING_24_HOURS * 7 PRAGMAS = """ pragma journal_mode=WAL; """ CREATE_CLAIM_TABLE = """ create table if not exists claim ( claim_hash bytes primary key, normalized text not null, claim_name text not null, is_channel bool not null, txo_hash bytes not null, tx_position integer not null, height integer not null, channel_hash bytes, release_time integer, publish_time integer, activation_height integer, amount integer not null, effective_amount integer not null default 0, support_amount integer not null default 0, trending_daily integer not null default 0, trending_day_one integer not null default 0, trending_day_two integer not null default 0, trending_weekly integer not null default 0, trending_week_one integer not null default 0, trending_week_two integer not null default 0 ); create index if not exists claim_normalized_idx on claim (normalized); create index if not exists claim_txo_hash_idx on claim (txo_hash); create index if not exists claim_channel_hash_idx on claim (channel_hash); create index if not exists claim_release_time_idx on claim (release_time); create index if not exists claim_publish_time_idx on claim (publish_time); create index if not exists claim_height_idx on claim (height); create index if not exists claim_activation_height_idx on claim (activation_height); create index if not exists claim_trending_daily_idx on claim (trending_daily); create index if not exists claim_trending_weekly_idx on claim (trending_weekly); """ CREATE_SUPPORT_TABLE = """ create table if not exists support ( txo_hash bytes primary key, tx_position integer not null, height integer not null, claim_hash bytes not null, amount integer not null ); create index if not exists support_txo_hash_idx on support (txo_hash); create index if not exists support_claim_hash_idx on support (claim_hash, height); """ CREATE_TAG_TABLE = """ create table if not exists tag ( tag text not null, claim_hash bytes not null, height integer not null ); create index if not exists tag_tag_idx on tag (tag); create index if not exists tag_claim_hash_idx on tag (claim_hash); create index if not exists tag_height_idx on tag (height); """ CREATE_CLAIMTRIE_TABLE = """ create table if not exists claimtrie ( normalized text primary key, claim_hash bytes not null, last_take_over_height integer not null ); create index if not exists claimtrie_claim_hash_idx on claimtrie (claim_hash); """ CREATE_TABLES_QUERY = ( PRAGMAS + CREATE_CLAIM_TABLE + CREATE_SUPPORT_TABLE + CREATE_CLAIMTRIE_TABLE + CREATE_TAG_TABLE ) def __init__(self, main, path): self.main = main self._db_path = path self.db = None self.logger = class_logger(__name__, self.__class__.__name__) def open(self): self.db = sqlite3.connect(self._db_path, isolation_level=None, check_same_thread=False) self.db.row_factory = sqlite3.Row self.db.executescript(self.CREATE_TABLES_QUERY) def close(self): self.db.close() @staticmethod def _insert_sql(table: str, data: dict) -> Tuple[str, list]: columns, values = [], [] for column, value in data.items(): columns.append(column) values.append(value) sql = ( f"INSERT INTO {table} ({', '.join(columns)}) " f"VALUES ({', '.join(['?'] * len(values))})" ) return sql, values @staticmethod def _update_sql(table: str, data: dict, where: str, constraints: Union[list, tuple]) -> Tuple[str, list]: columns, values = [], [] for column, value in data.items(): columns.append("{} = ?".format(column)) values.append(value) values.extend(constraints) return f"UPDATE {table} SET {', '.join(columns)} WHERE {where}", values @staticmethod def _delete_sql(table: str, constraints: dict) -> Tuple[str, dict]: where, values = constraints_to_sql(constraints) return f"DELETE FROM {table} WHERE {where}", values def execute(self, *args): return self.db.execute(*args) def begin(self): self.execute('begin;') def commit(self): self.execute('commit;') def _upsertable_claims(self, txos: Set[Output], header, clear_first=False): claim_hashes, claims, tags = [], [], [] for txo in txos: tx = txo.tx_ref.tx try: assert txo.claim_name assert txo.normalized_name except: #self.logger.exception(f"Could not decode claim name for {}:{txo.position}.") continue claim_hash = sqlite3.Binary(txo.claim_hash) claim_hashes.append(claim_hash) claim_record = { 'claim_hash': claim_hash, 'normalized': txo.normalized_name, 'claim_name': txo.claim_name, 'is_channel': False, 'txo_hash': sqlite3.Binary(txo.ref.hash), 'tx_position': tx.position, 'height': tx.height, 'amount': txo.amount, 'channel_hash': None, 'publish_time': header['timestamp'], 'release_time': header['timestamp'] } claims.append(claim_record) try: claim = txo.claim except: #self.logger.exception(f"Could not parse claim protobuf for {}:{txo.position}.") continue if claim.is_stream and claim_record['release_time'] = claim_record['is_channel'] = claim.is_channel if claim.signing_channel_hash: claim_record['channel_hash'] = sqlite3.Binary(claim.signing_channel_hash) for tag in claim.message.tags: tags.append((tag, claim_hash, tx.height)) if clear_first: self._clear_claim_metadata(claim_hashes) if tags: self.db.executemany( "INSERT INTO tag (tag, claim_hash, height) VALUES (?, ?, ?)", tags ) return claims def insert_claims(self, txos: Set[Output], header): claims = self._upsertable_claims(txos, header) if claims: self.db.executemany(""" INSERT INTO claim ( claim_hash, normalized, claim_name, is_channel, txo_hash, tx_position, height, amount, channel_hash, release_time, publish_time, activation_height) VALUES ( :claim_hash, :normalized, :claim_name, :is_channel, :txo_hash, :tx_position, :height, :amount, :channel_hash, :release_time, :publish_time, CASE WHEN :normalized NOT IN (SELECT normalized FROM claimtrie) THEN :height END )""", claims) def update_claims(self, txos: Set[Output], header): claims = self._upsertable_claims(txos, header, clear_first=True) if claims: self.db.executemany( "UPDATE claim SET " " is_channel=:is_channel, txo_hash=:txo_hash, tx_position=:tx_position," " height=:height, amount=:amount, channel_hash=:channel_hash," " release_time=:release_time, publish_time=:publish_time " "WHERE claim_hash=:claim_hash;", claims ) def delete_claims(self, claim_hashes: Set[bytes]): """ Deletes claim supports and from claimtrie in case of an abandon. """ if claim_hashes: binary_claim_hashes = [sqlite3.Binary(claim_hash) for claim_hash in claim_hashes] for table in ('claim', 'support', 'claimtrie'): self.execute(*self._delete_sql(table, {'claim_hash__in': binary_claim_hashes})) self._clear_claim_metadata(binary_claim_hashes) def _clear_claim_metadata(self, binary_claim_hashes: List[sqlite3.Binary]): if binary_claim_hashes: for table in ('tag',): # 'language', 'location', etc self.execute(*self._delete_sql(table, {'claim_hash__in': binary_claim_hashes})) def split_inputs_into_claims_supports_and_other(self, txis): txo_hashes = set(txi.txo_ref.hash for txi in txis) claim_txo_hashes = set() claims = {} for claim in self.execute(*query( "SELECT txo_hash, claim_hash, normalized FROM claim", txo_hash__in=[sqlite3.Binary(txo_hash) for txo_hash in txo_hashes])): claim_txo_hashes.add(claim[0]) claims[claim[1]] = claim[2] txo_hashes -= set(claim_txo_hashes) supports = {} if txo_hashes: supports = dict(self.execute(*query( "SELECT txo_hash, claim_hash FROM support", txo_hash__in=[sqlite3.Binary(txo_hash) for txo_hash in txo_hashes] ))) txo_hashes -= set(supports) return claims, supports, txo_hashes def insert_supports(self, txos: Set[Output]): supports = [] for txo in txos: tx = txo.tx_ref.tx supports.append(( sqlite3.Binary(txo.ref.hash), tx.position, tx.height, sqlite3.Binary(txo.claim_hash), txo.amount )) if supports: self.db.executemany( "INSERT INTO support (" " txo_hash, tx_position, height, claim_hash, amount" ") " "VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", supports ) def delete_supports(self, txo_hashes: Set[bytes]): if txo_hashes: self.execute(*self._delete_sql( 'support', {'txo_hash__in': [sqlite3.Binary(txo_hash) for txo_hash in txo_hashes]} )) def _update_trending_amount(self, height): day_ago = height-self.TRENDING_24_HOURS two_day_ago = height-self.TRENDING_24_HOURS*2 week_ago = height-self.TRENDING_WEEK two_week_ago = height-self.TRENDING_WEEK*2 self.execute(f""" UPDATE claim SET trending_day_one = COALESCE( (SELECT SUM(amount) FROM support WHERE claim_hash=claim.claim_hash AND height >= {day_ago}), 0 ), trending_day_two = COALESCE( (SELECT SUM(amount) FROM support WHERE claim_hash=claim.claim_hash AND {day_ago} > height and height >= {two_day_ago} ), 0 ), trending_week_one = COALESCE( (SELECT SUM(amount) FROM support WHERE claim_hash=claim.claim_hash AND height >= {week_ago} ), 0 ), trending_week_two = COALESCE( (SELECT SUM(amount) FROM support WHERE claim_hash=claim.claim_hash AND {week_ago} > height and height >= {two_week_ago} ), 0 ) """) self.execute(f""" UPDATE claim SET trending_daily = trending_day_one - trending_day_two, trending_weekly = trending_week_one - trending_week_two """) def _update_support_amount(self, claim_hashes): if claim_hashes: self.execute(f""" UPDATE claim SET support_amount = COALESCE( (SELECT SUM(amount) FROM support WHERE support.claim_hash=claim.claim_hash), 0 ) WHERE claim_hash IN ({','.join('?' for _ in claim_hashes)}) """, claim_hashes) def _update_effective_amount(self, height, claim_hashes=None): self.execute( f"UPDATE claim SET effective_amount = amount + support_amount " f"WHERE activation_height = {height}" ) if claim_hashes: self.execute( f"UPDATE claim SET effective_amount = amount + support_amount " f"WHERE activation_height < {height} " f" AND claim_hash IN ({','.join('?' for _ in claim_hashes)})", claim_hashes ) def _calculate_activation_height(self, height): last_take_over_height = f"""COALESCE( (SELECT last_take_over_height FROM claimtrie WHERE claimtrie.normalized=claim.normalized), {height} ) """ self.execute(f""" UPDATE claim SET activation_height = {height} + min(4032, cast(({height} - {last_take_over_height}) / 32 AS INT)) WHERE activation_height IS NULL """) def _perform_overtake(self, height, changed): constraint = f"normalized IN ({','.join('?' for _ in changed)}) OR " if changed else "" overtakes = self.execute(f""" SELECT winner.normalized, winner.claim_hash, claimtrie.claim_hash AS current_winner FROM ( SELECT normalized, claim_hash FROM claim WHERE {constraint} normalized IN (SELECT normalized FROM claim WHERE activation_height={height}) ORDER BY effective_amount, height, tx_position DESC ) AS winner LEFT JOIN claimtrie USING (normalized) GROUP BY winner.normalized HAVING current_winner IS NULL OR current_winner <> winner.claim_hash """, changed) for overtake in overtakes: if overtake['current_winner']: self.execute( f"UPDATE claimtrie SET claim_hash = ?, last_take_over_height = {height} " f"WHERE normalized = ?", (sqlite3.Binary(overtake['claim_hash']), overtake['normalized']) ) else: self.execute( f"INSERT INTO claimtrie (claim_hash, normalized, last_take_over_height) " f"VALUES (?, ?, {height})", (sqlite3.Binary(overtake['claim_hash']), overtake['normalized']) ) self.execute( f"UPDATE claim SET activation_height = {height} WHERE normalized = ? " f"AND (activation_height IS NULL OR activation_height > {height})", (overtake['normalized'],) ) def _copy(self, height): if height > 50: self.execute(f"DROP TABLE claimtrie{height-50}") self.execute(f"CREATE TABLE claimtrie{height} AS SELECT * FROM claimtrie") def update_claimtrie(self, height, changed_names, amount_affected_claim_hashes, timer): binary_claim_hashes = [ sqlite3.Binary(claim_hash) for claim_hash in amount_affected_claim_hashes ] r = r(self._calculate_activation_height, height) r(self._update_support_amount, binary_claim_hashes) r(self._update_effective_amount, height, binary_claim_hashes) r(self._perform_overtake, height, list(changed_names)) r(self._update_effective_amount, height) r(self._perform_overtake, height, []) if not self.main.first_sync: r(self._update_trending_amount, height) def advance_txs(self, height, all_txs, header, timer): insert_claims = set() update_claims = set() delete_claim_hashes = set() deleted_and_inserted_names = set() amount_affected_claim_hashes = set() insert_supports = set() delete_supports = set() body_timer = timer.add_timer('body') for position, (etx, txid) in enumerate(all_txs): tx = Transaction, etx.serialize(), height=height, position=position ) spent_claims, spent_supports, spent_other = self.split_inputs_into_claims_supports_and_other, tx.inputs ) body_timer.start() delete_claim_hashes.update(spent_claims.keys()) deleted_and_inserted_names.update(spent_claims.values()) amount_affected_claim_hashes.update(spent_supports.values()) delete_supports.update(spent_supports) for output in tx.outputs: if output.is_support: insert_supports.add(output) amount_affected_claim_hashes.add(output.claim_hash) elif output.script.is_claim_name: insert_claims.add(output) try: deleted_and_inserted_names.add(output.normalized_name) except: self.logger.exception( f"Could not decode claim name for claim_id: {output.claim_id}, " f"txid: {}, nout: {output.position}.") print(output.script.values['claim_name']) continue elif output.script.is_update_claim: claim_hash = output.claim_hash if claim_hash in delete_claim_hashes: delete_claim_hashes.remove(claim_hash) update_claims.add(output) amount_affected_claim_hashes.add(claim_hash) body_timer.stop() r = r(self.delete_claims, delete_claim_hashes) r(self.delete_supports, delete_supports) r(self.insert_claims, insert_claims, header) r(self.update_claims, update_claims, header) r(self.insert_supports, insert_supports) r(self.update_claimtrie, height, deleted_and_inserted_names, amount_affected_claim_hashes, forward_timer=True) def get_claims(self, cols, **constraints): if 'order_by' in constraints: sql_order_by = [] for order_by in constraints['order_by']: is_asc = order_by.startswith('^') column = order_by[1:] if is_asc else order_by if column not in self.ORDER_FIELDS: raise NameError(f'{column} is not a valid order_by field') if column == 'name': column = 'normalized' sql_order_by.append( f"claim.{column} ASC" if is_asc else f"claim.{column} DESC" ) constraints['order_by'] = sql_order_by ops = {'<=': '__lte', '>=': '__gte', '<': '__lt', '>': '__gt'} for constraint in self.INTEGER_PARAMS: if constraint in constraints: value = constraints.pop(constraint) postfix = '' if isinstance(value, str): if len(value) >= 2 and value[:2] in ops: postfix, value = ops[value[:2]], int(value[2:]) elif len(value) >= 1 and value[0] in ops: postfix, value = ops[value[0]], int(value[1:]) constraints[f'claim.{constraint}{postfix}'] = value if 'is_controlling' in constraints: if {'sequence', 'amount_order'}.isdisjoint(constraints): constraints['claimtrie.claim_hash__is_not_null'] = '' del constraints['is_controlling'] if 'sequence' in constraints: constraints['order_by'] = 'claim.activation_height ASC' constraints['offset'] = int(constraints.pop('sequence')) - 1 constraints['limit'] = 1 if 'amount_order' in constraints: constraints['order_by'] = 'claim.effective_amount DESC' constraints['offset'] = int(constraints.pop('amount_order')) - 1 constraints['limit'] = 1 if 'claim_id' in constraints: constraints['claim.claim_hash'] = sqlite3.Binary( unhexlify(constraints.pop('claim_id'))[::-1] ) if 'name' in constraints: constraints['claim.normalized'] = normalize_name(constraints.pop('name')) if 'channel' in constraints: url = URL.parse(constraints.pop('channel')) if constraints['channel_id'] = else: constraints['channel_name'] = if 'channel_id' in constraints: constraints['channel_hash'] = unhexlify(constraints.pop('channel_id'))[::-1] if 'channel_hash' in constraints: constraints['channel.claim_hash'] = sqlite3.Binary(constraints.pop('channel_hash')) if 'channel_name' in constraints: constraints['channel.normalized'] = normalize_name(constraints.pop('channel_name')) if 'txid' in constraints: tx_hash = unhexlify(constraints.pop('txid'))[::-1] nout = constraints.pop('nout', 0) constraints['claim.txo_hash'] = sqlite3.Binary( tx_hash + struct.pack(' Tuple[List, int, int]: assert set(constraints).issubset(self.SEARCH_PARAMS), \ f"Search query contains invalid arguments: {set(constraints).difference(self.SEARCH_PARAMS)}" total = self.get_claims_count(**constraints) constraints['offset'] = abs(constraints.get('offset', 0)) constraints['limit'] = min(abs(constraints.get('limit', 10)), 50) if 'order_by' not in constraints: constraints['order_by'] = ["height", "^name"] txo_rows = self._search(**constraints) return txo_rows, constraints['offset'], total def resolve(self, urls) -> List: result = [] for raw_url in urls: try: url = URL.parse(raw_url) except ValueError as e: result.append(e) continue channel = None if url.has_channel: matches = self._search(is_controlling=True, ** if matches: channel = matches[0] else: result.append(LookupError(f'Could not find channel in "{raw_url}".')) continue if url.has_stream: query = if channel is not None: query['channel_hash'] = channel['claim_hash'] matches = self._search(is_controlling=True, **query) if matches: result.append(matches[0]) else: result.append(LookupError(f'Could not find stream in "{raw_url}".')) continue else: result.append(channel) return result class LBRYDB(DB): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.sql = SQLDB(self, 'claims.db') def close(self): super().close() self.sql.close() async def _open_dbs(self, *args, **kwargs): await super()._open_dbs(*args, **kwargs)