# Copyright (c) 2018, Neil Booth # # All rights reserved. # # The MIT License (MIT) # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining # a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the # "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including # without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, # distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to # permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to # the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be # included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, # EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF # MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND # NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE # LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION # OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION # WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. """Classes for JSONRPC versions 1.0 and 2.0, and a loose interpretation.""" __all__ = ('JSONRPC', 'JSONRPCv1', 'JSONRPCv2', 'JSONRPCLoose', 'JSONRPCAutoDetect', 'Request', 'Notification', 'Batch', 'RPCError', 'ProtocolError', 'JSONRPCConnection', 'handler_invocation') import itertools import json import typing import asyncio from functools import partial from numbers import Number import attr from asyncio import Queue, Event, CancelledError from .util import signature_info class SingleRequest: __slots__ = ('method', 'args') def __init__(self, method, args): if not isinstance(method, str): raise ProtocolError(JSONRPC.METHOD_NOT_FOUND, 'method must be a string') if not isinstance(args, (list, tuple, dict)): raise ProtocolError.invalid_args('request arguments must be a ' 'list or a dictionary') self.args = args self.method = method def __repr__(self): return f'{self.__class__.__name__}({self.method!r}, {self.args!r})' def __eq__(self, other): return (isinstance(other, self.__class__) and self.method == other.method and self.args == other.args) class Request(SingleRequest): def send_result(self, response): return None class Notification(SingleRequest): pass class Batch: __slots__ = ('items', ) def __init__(self, items): if not isinstance(items, (list, tuple)): raise ProtocolError.invalid_request('items must be a list') if not items: raise ProtocolError.empty_batch() if not (all(isinstance(item, SingleRequest) for item in items) or all(isinstance(item, Response) for item in items)): raise ProtocolError.invalid_request('batch must be homogeneous') self.items = items def __len__(self): return len(self.items) def __getitem__(self, item): return self.items[item] def __iter__(self): return iter(self.items) def __repr__(self): return f'Batch({len(self.items)} items)' class Response: __slots__ = ('result', ) def __init__(self, result): # Type checking happens when converting to a message self.result = result class CodeMessageError(Exception): @property def code(self): return self.args[0] @property def message(self): return self.args[1] def __eq__(self, other): return (isinstance(other, self.__class__) and self.code == other.code and self.message == other.message) def __hash__(self): # overridden to make the exception hashable # see https://bugs.python.org/issue28603 return hash((self.code, self.message)) @classmethod def invalid_args(cls, message): return cls(JSONRPC.INVALID_ARGS, message) @classmethod def invalid_request(cls, message): return cls(JSONRPC.INVALID_REQUEST, message) @classmethod def empty_batch(cls): return cls.invalid_request('batch is empty') class RPCError(CodeMessageError): pass class ProtocolError(CodeMessageError): def __init__(self, code, message): super().__init__(code, message) # If not None send this unframed message over the network self.error_message = None # If the error was in a JSON response message; its message ID. # Since None can be a response message ID, "id" means the # error was not sent in a JSON response self.response_msg_id = id class JSONRPC: """Abstract base class that interprets and constructs JSON RPC messages.""" # Error codes. See http://www.jsonrpc.org/specification PARSE_ERROR = -32700 INVALID_REQUEST = -32600 METHOD_NOT_FOUND = -32601 INVALID_ARGS = -32602 INTERNAL_ERROR = -32603 QUERY_TIMEOUT = -32000 # Codes specific to this library ERROR_CODE_UNAVAILABLE = -100 # Can be overridden by derived classes allow_batches = True @classmethod def _message_id(cls, message, require_id): """Validate the message is a dictionary and return its ID. Raise an error if the message is invalid or the ID is of an invalid type. If it has no ID, raise an error if require_id is True, otherwise return None. """ raise NotImplementedError @classmethod def _validate_message(cls, message): """Validate other parts of the message other than those done in _message_id.""" pass @classmethod def _request_args(cls, request): """Validate the existence and type of the arguments passed in the request dictionary.""" raise NotImplementedError @classmethod def _process_request(cls, payload): request_id = None try: request_id = cls._message_id(payload, False) cls._validate_message(payload) method = payload.get('method') if request_id is None: item = Notification(method, cls._request_args(payload)) else: item = Request(method, cls._request_args(payload)) return item, request_id except ProtocolError as error: code, message = error.code, error.message raise cls._error(code, message, True, request_id) @classmethod def _process_response(cls, payload): request_id = None try: request_id = cls._message_id(payload, True) cls._validate_message(payload) return Response(cls.response_value(payload)), request_id except ProtocolError as error: code, message = error.code, error.message raise cls._error(code, message, False, request_id) @classmethod def _message_to_payload(cls, message): """Returns a Python object or a ProtocolError.""" try: return json.loads(message.decode()) except UnicodeDecodeError: message = 'messages must be encoded in UTF-8' except json.JSONDecodeError: message = 'invalid JSON' raise cls._error(cls.PARSE_ERROR, message, True, None) @classmethod def _error(cls, code, message, send, msg_id): error = ProtocolError(code, message) if send: error.error_message = cls.response_message(error, msg_id) else: error.response_msg_id = msg_id return error # # External API # @classmethod def message_to_item(cls, message): """Translate an unframed received message and return an (item, request_id) pair. The item can be a Request, Notification, Response or a list. A JSON RPC error response is returned as an RPCError inside a Response object. If a Batch is returned, request_id is an iterable of request ids, one per batch member. If the message violates the protocol in some way a ProtocolError is returned, except if the message was determined to be a response, in which case the ProtocolError is placed inside a Response object. This is so that client code can mark a request as having been responded to even if the response was bad. raises: ProtocolError """ payload = cls._message_to_payload(message) if isinstance(payload, dict): if 'method' in payload: return cls._process_request(payload) else: return cls._process_response(payload) elif isinstance(payload, list) and cls.allow_batches: if not payload: raise cls._error(JSONRPC.INVALID_REQUEST, 'batch is empty', True, None) return payload, None raise cls._error(cls.INVALID_REQUEST, 'request object must be a dictionary', True, None) # Message formation @classmethod def request_message(cls, item, request_id): """Convert an RPCRequest item to a message.""" assert isinstance(item, Request) return cls.encode_payload(cls.request_payload(item, request_id)) @classmethod def notification_message(cls, item): """Convert an RPCRequest item to a message.""" assert isinstance(item, Notification) return cls.encode_payload(cls.request_payload(item, None)) @classmethod def response_message(cls, result, request_id): """Convert a response result (or RPCError) to a message.""" if isinstance(result, CodeMessageError): payload = cls.error_payload(result, request_id) else: payload = cls.response_payload(result, request_id) return cls.encode_payload(payload) @classmethod def batch_message(cls, batch, request_ids): """Convert a request Batch to a message.""" assert isinstance(batch, Batch) if not cls.allow_batches: raise ProtocolError.invalid_request( 'protocol does not permit batches') id_iter = iter(request_ids) rm = cls.request_message nm = cls.notification_message parts = (rm(request, next(id_iter)) if isinstance(request, Request) else nm(request) for request in batch) return cls.batch_message_from_parts(parts) @classmethod def batch_message_from_parts(cls, messages): """Convert messages, one per batch item, into a batch message. At least one message must be passed. """ # Comma-separate the messages and wrap the lot in square brackets middle = b', '.join(messages) if not middle: raise ProtocolError.empty_batch() return b''.join([b'[', middle, b']']) @classmethod def encode_payload(cls, payload): """Encode a Python object as JSON and convert it to bytes.""" try: return json.dumps(payload).encode() except TypeError: msg = f'JSON payload encoding error: {payload}' raise ProtocolError(cls.INTERNAL_ERROR, msg) from None class JSONRPCv1(JSONRPC): """JSON RPC version 1.0.""" allow_batches = False @classmethod def _message_id(cls, message, require_id): # JSONv1 requires an ID always, but without constraint on its type # No need to test for a dictionary here as we don't handle batches. if 'id' not in message: raise ProtocolError.invalid_request('request has no "id"') return message['id'] @classmethod def _request_args(cls, request): args = request.get('params') if not isinstance(args, list): raise ProtocolError.invalid_args( f'invalid request arguments: {args}') return args @classmethod def _best_effort_error(cls, error): # Do our best to interpret the error code = cls.ERROR_CODE_UNAVAILABLE message = 'no error message provided' if isinstance(error, str): message = error elif isinstance(error, int): code = error elif isinstance(error, dict): if isinstance(error.get('message'), str): message = error['message'] if isinstance(error.get('code'), int): code = error['code'] return RPCError(code, message) @classmethod def response_value(cls, payload): if 'result' not in payload or 'error' not in payload: raise ProtocolError.invalid_request( 'response must contain both "result" and "error"') result = payload['result'] error = payload['error'] if error is None: return result # It seems None can be a valid result if result is not None: raise ProtocolError.invalid_request( 'response has a "result" and an "error"') return cls._best_effort_error(error) @classmethod def request_payload(cls, request, request_id): """JSON v1 request (or notification) payload.""" if isinstance(request.args, dict): raise ProtocolError.invalid_args( 'JSONRPCv1 does not support named arguments') return { 'method': request.method, 'params': request.args, 'id': request_id } @classmethod def response_payload(cls, result, request_id): """JSON v1 response payload.""" return { 'result': result, 'error': None, 'id': request_id } @classmethod def error_payload(cls, error, request_id): return { 'result': None, 'error': {'code': error.code, 'message': error.message}, 'id': request_id } class JSONRPCv2(JSONRPC): """JSON RPC version 2.0.""" @classmethod def _message_id(cls, message, require_id): if not isinstance(message, dict): raise ProtocolError.invalid_request( 'request object must be a dictionary') if 'id' in message: request_id = message['id'] if not isinstance(request_id, (Number, str, type(None))): raise ProtocolError.invalid_request( f'invalid "id": {request_id}') return request_id else: if require_id: raise ProtocolError.invalid_request('request has no "id"') return None @classmethod def _validate_message(cls, message): if message.get('jsonrpc') != '2.0': raise ProtocolError.invalid_request('"jsonrpc" is not "2.0"') @classmethod def _request_args(cls, request): args = request.get('params', []) if not isinstance(args, (dict, list)): raise ProtocolError.invalid_args( f'invalid request arguments: {args}') return args @classmethod def response_value(cls, payload): if 'result' in payload: if 'error' in payload: raise ProtocolError.invalid_request( 'response contains both "result" and "error"') return payload['result'] if 'error' not in payload: raise ProtocolError.invalid_request( 'response contains neither "result" nor "error"') # Return an RPCError object error = payload['error'] if isinstance(error, dict): code = error.get('code') message = error.get('message') if isinstance(code, int) and isinstance(message, str): return RPCError(code, message) raise ProtocolError.invalid_request( f'ill-formed response error object: {error}') @classmethod def request_payload(cls, request, request_id): """JSON v2 request (or notification) payload.""" payload = { 'jsonrpc': '2.0', 'method': request.method, } # A notification? if request_id is not None: payload['id'] = request_id # Preserve empty dicts as missing params is read as an array if request.args or request.args == {}: payload['params'] = request.args return payload @classmethod def response_payload(cls, result, request_id): """JSON v2 response payload.""" return { 'jsonrpc': '2.0', 'result': result, 'id': request_id } @classmethod def error_payload(cls, error, request_id): return { 'jsonrpc': '2.0', 'error': {'code': error.code, 'message': error.message}, 'id': request_id } class JSONRPCLoose(JSONRPC): """A relaxed version of JSON RPC.""" # Don't be so loose we accept any old message ID _message_id = JSONRPCv2._message_id _validate_message = JSONRPC._validate_message _request_args = JSONRPCv2._request_args # Outoing messages are JSONRPCv2 so we give the other side the # best chance to assume / detect JSONRPCv2 as default protocol. error_payload = JSONRPCv2.error_payload request_payload = JSONRPCv2.request_payload response_payload = JSONRPCv2.response_payload @classmethod def response_value(cls, payload): # Return result, unless it is None and there is an error if payload.get('error') is not None: if payload.get('result') is not None: raise ProtocolError.invalid_request( 'response contains both "result" and "error"') return JSONRPCv1._best_effort_error(payload['error']) if 'result' not in payload: raise ProtocolError.invalid_request( 'response contains neither "result" nor "error"') # Can be None return payload['result'] class JSONRPCAutoDetect(JSONRPCv2): @classmethod def message_to_item(cls, message): return cls.detect_protocol(message), None @classmethod def detect_protocol(cls, message): """Attempt to detect the protocol from the message.""" main = cls._message_to_payload(message) def protocol_for_payload(payload): if not isinstance(payload, dict): return JSONRPCLoose # Will error # Obey an explicit "jsonrpc" version = payload.get('jsonrpc') if version == '2.0': return JSONRPCv2 if version == '1.0': return JSONRPCv1 # Now to decide between JSONRPCLoose and JSONRPCv1 if possible if 'result' in payload and 'error' in payload: return JSONRPCv1 return JSONRPCLoose if isinstance(main, list): parts = {protocol_for_payload(payload) for payload in main} # If all same protocol, return it if len(parts) == 1: return parts.pop() # If strict protocol detected, return it, preferring JSONRPCv2. # This means a batch of JSONRPCv1 will fail for protocol in (JSONRPCv2, JSONRPCv1): if protocol in parts: return protocol # Will error if no parts return JSONRPCLoose return protocol_for_payload(main) class JSONRPCConnection: """Maintains state of a JSON RPC connection, in particular encapsulating the handling of request IDs. protocol - the JSON RPC protocol to follow max_response_size - responses over this size send an error response instead. """ _id_counter = itertools.count() def __init__(self, protocol): self._protocol = protocol # Sent Requests and Batches that have not received a response. # The key is its request ID; for a batch it is sorted tuple # of request IDs self._requests: typing.Dict[str, typing.Tuple[Request, Event]] = {} # A public attribute intended to be settable dynamically self.max_response_size = 0 def _oversized_response_message(self, request_id): text = f'response too large (over {self.max_response_size:,d} bytes' error = RPCError.invalid_request(text) return self._protocol.response_message(error, request_id) def _receive_response(self, result, request_id): if request_id not in self._requests: if request_id is None and isinstance(result, RPCError): message = f'diagnostic error received: {result}' else: message = f'response to unsent request (ID: {request_id})' raise ProtocolError.invalid_request(message) from None request, event = self._requests.pop(request_id) event.result = result event.set() return [] def _receive_request_batch(self, payloads): def item_send_result(request_id, result): nonlocal size part = protocol.response_message(result, request_id) size += len(part) + 2 if size > self.max_response_size > 0: part = self._oversized_response_message(request_id) parts.append(part) if len(parts) == count: return protocol.batch_message_from_parts(parts) return None parts = [] items = [] size = 0 count = 0 protocol = self._protocol for payload in payloads: try: item, request_id = protocol._process_request(payload) items.append(item) if isinstance(item, Request): count += 1 item.send_result = partial(item_send_result, request_id) except ProtocolError as error: count += 1 parts.append(error.error_message) if not items and parts: protocol_error = ProtocolError(0, "") protocol_error.error_message = protocol.batch_message_from_parts(parts) raise protocol_error return items def _receive_response_batch(self, payloads): request_ids = [] results = [] for payload in payloads: # Let ProtocolError exceptions through item, request_id = self._protocol._process_response(payload) request_ids.append(request_id) results.append(item.result) ordered = sorted(zip(request_ids, results), key=lambda t: t[0]) ordered_ids, ordered_results = zip(*ordered) if ordered_ids not in self._requests: raise ProtocolError.invalid_request('response to unsent batch') request_batch, event = self._requests.pop(ordered_ids) event.result = ordered_results event.set() return [] def _send_result(self, request_id, result): message = self._protocol.response_message(result, request_id) if len(message) > self.max_response_size > 0: message = self._oversized_response_message(request_id) return message def _event(self, request, request_id): event = Event() self._requests[request_id] = (request, event) return event # # External API # def send_request(self, request: Request) -> typing.Tuple[bytes, Event]: """Send a Request. Return a (message, event) pair. The message is an unframed message to send over the network. Wait on the event for the response; which will be in the "result" attribute. Raises: ProtocolError if the request violates the protocol in some way.. """ request_id = next(self._id_counter) message = self._protocol.request_message(request, request_id) return message, self._event(request, request_id) def send_notification(self, notification): return self._protocol.notification_message(notification) def send_batch(self, batch): ids = tuple(next(self._id_counter) for request in batch if isinstance(request, Request)) message = self._protocol.batch_message(batch, ids) event = self._event(batch, ids) if ids else None return message, event def receive_message(self, message): """Call with an unframed message received from the network. Raises: ProtocolError if the message violates the protocol in some way. However, if it happened in a response that can be paired with a request, the ProtocolError is instead set in the result attribute of the send_request() that caused the error. """ try: item, request_id = self._protocol.message_to_item(message) except ProtocolError as e: if e.response_msg_id is not id: return self._receive_response(e, e.response_msg_id) raise if isinstance(item, Request): item.send_result = partial(self._send_result, request_id) return [item] if isinstance(item, Notification): return [item] if isinstance(item, Response): return self._receive_response(item.result, request_id) if isinstance(item, list): if all(isinstance(payload, dict) and ('result' in payload or 'error' in payload) for payload in item): return self._receive_response_batch(item) else: return self._receive_request_batch(item) else: # Protocol auto-detection hack assert issubclass(item, JSONRPC) self._protocol = item return self.receive_message(message) def raise_pending_requests(self, exception): exception = exception or asyncio.TimeoutError() for request, event in self._requests.values(): event.result = exception event.set() self._requests.clear() def pending_requests(self): """All sent requests that have not received a response.""" return [request for request, event in self._requests.values()] def handler_invocation(handler, request): method, args = request.method, request.args if handler is None: raise RPCError(JSONRPC.METHOD_NOT_FOUND, f'unknown method "{method}"') # We must test for too few and too many arguments. How # depends on whether the arguments were passed as a list or as # a dictionary. info = signature_info(handler) if isinstance(args, (tuple, list)): if len(args) < info.min_args: s = '' if len(args) == 1 else 's' raise RPCError.invalid_args( f'{len(args)} argument{s} passed to method ' f'"{method}" but it requires {info.min_args}') if info.max_args is not None and len(args) > info.max_args: s = '' if len(args) == 1 else 's' raise RPCError.invalid_args( f'{len(args)} argument{s} passed to method ' f'{method} taking at most {info.max_args}') return partial(handler, *args) # Arguments passed by name if info.other_names is None: raise RPCError.invalid_args(f'method "{method}" cannot ' f'be called with named arguments') missing = set(info.required_names).difference(args) if missing: s = '' if len(missing) == 1 else 's' missing = ', '.join(sorted(f'"{name}"' for name in missing)) raise RPCError.invalid_args(f'method "{method}" requires ' f'parameter{s} {missing}') if info.other_names is not any: excess = set(args).difference(info.required_names) excess = excess.difference(info.other_names) if excess: s = '' if len(excess) == 1 else 's' excess = ', '.join(sorted(f'"{name}"' for name in excess)) raise RPCError.invalid_args(f'method "{method}" does not ' f'take parameter{s} {excess}') return partial(handler, **args)