import os import asyncio import logging from typing import Optional, Tuple, Set, List, Coroutine from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor from lbry.db import Database, trending from lbry.db import queries as q from lbry.db.constants import TXO_TYPES, CLAIM_TYPE_CODES from lbry.db.query_context import Event, Progress from lbry.event import BroadcastSubscription, EventController from lbry.service.base import Sync, BlockEvent from lbry.blockchain.lbrycrd import Lbrycrd from lbry.error import LbrycrdEventSubscriptionError from . import blocks as block_phase, claims as claim_phase, supports as support_phase from .context import uninitialize from .filter_builder import split_range_into_10k_batches log = logging.getLogger(__name__) BLOCKS_INIT_EVENT = Event.add("blockchain.sync.blocks.init", "steps") BLOCKS_MAIN_EVENT = Event.add("blockchain.sync.blocks.main", "blocks", "txs") FILTER_INIT_EVENT = Event.add("blockchain.sync.filters.init", "steps") FILTER_MAIN_EVENT = Event.add("blockchain.sync.filters.main", "blocks") CLAIMS_INIT_EVENT = Event.add("", "steps") CLAIMS_MAIN_EVENT = Event.add("", "claims") TRENDS_INIT_EVENT = Event.add("blockchain.sync.trends.init", "steps") TRENDS_MAIN_EVENT = Event.add("blockchain.sync.trends.main", "blocks") SUPPORTS_INIT_EVENT = Event.add("blockchain.sync.supports.init", "steps") SUPPORTS_MAIN_EVENT = Event.add("blockchain.sync.supports.main", "supports") class BlockchainSync(Sync): TX_FLUSH_SIZE = 25_000 # flush to db after processing this many TXs and update progress CLAIM_FLUSH_SIZE = 25_000 # flush to db after processing this many claims and update progress SUPPORT_FLUSH_SIZE = 25_000 # flush to db after processing this many supports and update progress FILTER_FLUSH_SIZE = 10_000 # flush to db after processing this many filters and update progress def __init__(self, chain: Lbrycrd, db: Database): super().__init__(chain.ledger, db) self.chain = chain = os.getpid() self._on_block_controller = EventController() self.on_block ="blockchain.block", self.on_block) self._on_mempool_controller = EventController() self.on_mempool = self.on_block_hash_subscription: Optional[BroadcastSubscription] = None self.on_tx_hash_subscription: Optional[BroadcastSubscription] = None self.advance_loop_task: Optional[asyncio.Task] = None self.block_hash_event = asyncio.Event() self.tx_hash_event = asyncio.Event() self.mempool = [] self.filtering_channel_hashes = set() self.blocking_channel_hashes = set() async def wait_for_chain_ready(self): while True: try: return await self.chain.ensure_subscribable() except asyncio.CancelledError: raise except LbrycrdEventSubscriptionError as e: log.warning( "Lbrycrd is misconfigured. Please double check if" " zmqpubhashblock is properly set on lbrycrd.conf" ) raise except Exception as e: log.warning("Blockchain not ready, waiting for it: %s", str(e)) await asyncio.sleep(1) async def start(self): self.db.stop_event.clear() await self.wait_for_chain_ready() self.advance_loop_task = asyncio.create_task(self.advance()) await self.advance_loop_task await self.chain.subscribe() self.advance_loop_task = asyncio.create_task(self.advance_loop()) self.on_block_hash_subscription = self.chain.on_block_hash.listen( lambda e: self.block_hash_event.set() ) self.on_tx_hash_subscription = self.chain.on_tx_hash.listen( lambda e: self.tx_hash_event.set() ) async def stop(self): self.chain.unsubscribe() self.db.stop_event.set() for subscription in ( self.on_block_hash_subscription, self.on_tx_hash_subscription, self.advance_loop_task ): if subscription is not None: subscription.cancel() if isinstance(self.db.executor, ThreadPoolExecutor): await async def run_tasks(self, tasks: List[Coroutine]) -> Optional[Set[asyncio.Future]]: done, pending = await asyncio.wait( tasks, return_when=asyncio.FIRST_EXCEPTION ) if pending: self.db.stop_event.set() for future in pending: future.cancel() for future in done: future.result() return return done async def get_block_headers(self, start_height: int, end_height: int = None): return await self.db.get_block_headers(start_height, end_height) async def get_best_block_height(self) -> int: return await self.db.get_best_block_height() async def get_best_block_height_for_file(self, file_number) -> int: return await block_phase.get_best_block_height_for_file, file_number ) async def sync_blocks(self) -> Optional[Tuple[int, int]]: tasks = [] starting_height = None tx_count = block_count = 0 with Progress(self.db.message_queue, BLOCKS_INIT_EVENT) as p: ending_height = await self.chain.db.get_best_height() for chain_file in p.iter(await self.chain.db.get_block_files()): # block files may be read and saved out of order, need to check # each file individually to see if we have missing blocks our_best_file_height = await self.get_best_block_height_for_file( chain_file['file_number'] ) if our_best_file_height == chain_file['best_height']: # we have all blocks in this file, skipping continue if -1 < our_best_file_height < chain_file['best_height']: # we have some blocks, need to figure out what we're missing # call get_block_files again limited to this file and current_height chain_file = (await self.chain.db.get_block_files( file_number=chain_file['file_number'], start_height=our_best_file_height+1, ))[0] tx_count += chain_file['txs'] block_count += chain_file['blocks'] file_start_height = chain_file['start_height'] starting_height = min( file_start_height if starting_height is None else starting_height, file_start_height ) tasks.append( block_phase.sync_block_file, chain_file['file_number'], file_start_height, chain_file['txs'], self.TX_FLUSH_SIZE )) with Progress(self.db.message_queue, BLOCKS_MAIN_EVENT) as p: p.start(block_count, tx_count, extra={ "starting_height": starting_height, "ending_height": ending_height, "files": len(tasks), "claims": await self.chain.db.get_claim_metadata_count(starting_height, ending_height), "supports": await self.chain.db.get_support_metadata_count(starting_height, ending_height), }) completed = await self.run_tasks(tasks) if completed: if starting_height == 0: await else: await best_height_processed = max(f.result() for f in completed) return starting_height, best_height_processed async def sync_filters(self): if not self.conf.spv_address_filters: return with Progress(self.db.message_queue, FILTER_INIT_EVENT) as p: p.start(2) initial_sync = not await self.db.has_filters() p.step() if initial_sync: blocks = [0, await self.db.get_best_block_height()] else: blocks = await if blocks != (-1, -1): batches = split_range_into_10k_batches(*blocks) p.step() else: p.step() return with Progress(self.db.message_queue, FILTER_MAIN_EVENT) as p: p.start((blocks[1]-blocks[0])+1) await self.run_tasks([, *batch) for batch in batches ]) if initial_sync: await else: await async def sync_spends(self, blocks_added): if blocks_added: await, blocks_added[0] == 0) async def count_unspent_txos( self, txo_types: Tuple[int, ...], blocks: Tuple[int, int] = None, missing_in_supports_table: bool = False, missing_in_claims_table: bool = False, missing_or_stale_in_claims_table: bool = False, ) -> int: return await q.count_unspent_txos, txo_types, blocks, missing_in_supports_table, missing_in_claims_table, missing_or_stale_in_claims_table, ) async def distribute_unspent_txos( self, txo_types: Tuple[int, ...], blocks: Tuple[int, int] = None, missing_in_supports_table: bool = False, missing_in_claims_table: bool = False, missing_or_stale_in_claims_table: bool = False, ) -> int: return await q.distribute_unspent_txos, txo_types, blocks, missing_in_supports_table, missing_in_claims_table, missing_or_stale_in_claims_table, self.db.workers ) async def count_abandoned_supports(self) -> int: return await async def count_abandoned_claims(self) -> int: return await async def count_claims_with_changed_supports(self, blocks) -> int: return await, blocks) async def count_claims_with_changed_reposts(self, blocks) -> int: return await, blocks) async def count_channels_with_changed_content(self, blocks) -> int: return await, blocks) async def count_takeovers(self, blocks) -> int: return await self.chain.db.get_takeover_count( start_height=blocks[0], end_height=blocks[-1] ) async def sync_claims(self, blocks) -> bool: delete_claims = takeovers = claims_with_changed_supports = claims_with_changed_reposts = 0 initial_sync = not await self.db.has_claims() with Progress(self.db.message_queue, CLAIMS_INIT_EVENT) as p: if initial_sync: total, batches = await self.distribute_unspent_txos(CLAIM_TYPE_CODES) elif blocks: p.start(5) # 1. content claims to be inserted or updated total = await self.count_unspent_txos( CLAIM_TYPE_CODES, blocks, missing_or_stale_in_claims_table=True ) batches = [blocks] if total else [] p.step() # 2. claims to be deleted delete_claims = await self.count_abandoned_claims() total += delete_claims p.step() # 3. claims to be updated with new support totals claims_with_changed_supports = await self.count_claims_with_changed_supports(blocks) total += claims_with_changed_supports p.step() # 4. claims to be updated with new repost totals claims_with_changed_reposts = await self.count_claims_with_changed_reposts(blocks) total += claims_with_changed_reposts p.step() # 5. claims to be updated due to name takeovers takeovers = await self.count_takeovers(blocks) total += takeovers p.step() else: return initial_sync with Progress(self.db.message_queue, CLAIMS_MAIN_EVENT) as p: p.start(total) if batches: await self.run_tasks([, batch, not initial_sync, self.CLAIM_FLUSH_SIZE) for batch in batches ]) if not initial_sync: await self.run_tasks([, batch) for batch in batches ]) if delete_claims: await, delete_claims) if takeovers: await, blocks, takeovers) if claims_with_changed_supports: await, blocks, claims_with_changed_supports) if claims_with_changed_reposts: await, blocks, claims_with_changed_reposts) if initial_sync: await else: await return initial_sync async def sync_supports(self, blocks): delete_supports = 0 initial_sync = not await self.db.has_supports() with Progress(self.db.message_queue, SUPPORTS_INIT_EVENT) as p: if initial_sync: total, support_batches = await self.distribute_unspent_txos(TXO_TYPES['support']) elif blocks: p.start(2) # 1. supports to be inserted total = await self.count_unspent_txos( TXO_TYPES['support'], blocks, missing_in_supports_table=True ) support_batches = [blocks] if total else [] p.step() # 2. supports to be deleted delete_supports = await self.count_abandoned_supports() total += delete_supports p.step() else: return with Progress(self.db.message_queue, SUPPORTS_MAIN_EVENT) as p: p.start(total) if support_batches: await self.run_tasks([ support_phase.supports_insert, batch, not initial_sync, self.SUPPORT_FLUSH_SIZE ) for batch in support_batches ]) if delete_supports: await, delete_supports) if initial_sync: await else: await async def sync_channel_stats(self, blocks, initial_sync): await, blocks, initial_sync) async def sync_trends(self): ending_height = await self.chain.db.get_best_height() await, ending_height) async def sync_claim_filtering(self): await claim_phase.update_claim_filters, self.blocking_channel_hashes, self.filtering_channel_hashes) async def advance(self): blocks_added = await self.sync_blocks() await self.sync_spends(blocks_added) await self.sync_filters() initial_claim_sync = await self.sync_claims(blocks_added) await self.sync_supports(blocks_added) await self.sync_channel_stats(blocks_added, initial_claim_sync) await self.sync_trends() await self.sync_claim_filtering() if blocks_added: await self._on_block_controller.add(BlockEvent(blocks_added[-1])) async def sync_mempool(self): added = await await self.sync_spends([-1]) await, [-1, -1], True, self.CLAIM_FLUSH_SIZE) await, [-1, -1]) await self.mempool.extend(added) await self._on_mempool_controller.add(added) async def clear_mempool(self): self.mempool.clear() await async def advance_loop(self): while True: try: await asyncio.wait([ self.tx_hash_event.wait(), self.block_hash_event.wait(), ], return_when=asyncio.FIRST_COMPLETED) if self.block_hash_event.is_set(): self.block_hash_event.clear() await self.clear_mempool() await self.advance() self.tx_hash_event.clear() await self.sync_mempool() except asyncio.CancelledError: return except Exception as e: log.exception(e) await self.stop() async def rewind(self, height): await, height)