import time
import struct
import sqlite3
import logging
from operator import itemgetter
from typing import Tuple, List, Dict, Union, Type, Optional
from binascii import unhexlify
from decimal import Decimal
from contextvars import ContextVar
from functools import wraps
from itertools import chain
from dataclasses import dataclass

from lbry.wallet.database import query, interpolate
from lbry.error import ResolveCensoredError
from lbry.schema.url import URL, normalize_name
from lbry.schema.tags import clean_tags
from lbry.schema.result import Outputs, Censor
from lbry.wallet import Ledger, RegTestLedger

from lbry.wallet.server.db.common import CLAIM_TYPES, STREAM_TYPES, COMMON_TAGS, INDEXED_LANGUAGES

class SQLiteOperationalError(sqlite3.OperationalError):
    def __init__(self, metrics):
        super().__init__('sqlite query errored')
        self.metrics = metrics

class SQLiteInterruptedError(sqlite3.OperationalError):
    def __init__(self, metrics):
        super().__init__('sqlite query interrupted')
        self.metrics = metrics


    'height', 'creation_height', 'activation_height', 'expiration_height',
    'timestamp', 'creation_timestamp', 'duration', 'release_time', 'fee_amount',
    'tx_position', 'channel_join', 'reposted', 'limit_claims_per_channel',
    'amount', 'effective_amount', 'support_amount',
    'trending_group', 'trending_mixed',
    'trending_local', 'trending_global',

    'name', 'text', 'claim_id', 'claim_ids', 'txid', 'nout', 'channel', 'channel_ids', 'not_channel_ids',
    'public_key_id', 'claim_type', 'stream_types', 'media_types', 'fee_currency',
    'has_channel_signature', 'signature_valid',
    'any_tags', 'all_tags', 'not_tags', 'reposted_claim_id',
    'any_locations', 'all_locations', 'not_locations',
    'any_languages', 'all_languages', 'not_languages',
    'is_controlling', 'limit', 'offset', 'order_by',
    'no_totals', 'has_source'

   'name', 'claim_hash'

class ReaderState:
    db: sqlite3.Connection
    stack: List[List]
    metrics: Dict
    is_tracking_metrics: bool
    ledger: Type[Ledger]
    query_timeout: float
    log: logging.Logger
    blocked_streams: Dict
    blocked_channels: Dict
    filtered_streams: Dict
    filtered_channels: Dict

    def close(self):

    def reset_metrics(self):
        self.stack = []
        self.metrics = {}

    def set_query_timeout(self):
        stop_at = time.perf_counter() + self.query_timeout

        def interruptor():
            if time.perf_counter() >= stop_at:

        self.db.set_progress_handler(interruptor, 100)

    def get_resolve_censor(self) -> Censor:
        return Censor(Censor.RESOLVE)

    def get_search_censor(self, limit_claims_per_channel: int) -> Censor:
        return Censor(Censor.SEARCH)

ctx: ContextVar[Optional[ReaderState]] = ContextVar('ctx')

def row_factory(cursor, row):
    return {
        k[0]: (set(row[i].split(',')) if k[0] == 'tags' else row[i])
        for i, k in enumerate(cursor.description)

def initializer(log, _path, _ledger_name, query_timeout, _measure=False, block_and_filter=None):
    db = sqlite3.connect(_path, isolation_level=None, uri=True)
    db.row_factory = row_factory
    if block_and_filter:
        blocked_streams, blocked_channels, filtered_streams, filtered_channels = block_and_filter
        blocked_streams = blocked_channels = filtered_streams = filtered_channels = {}
            db=db, stack=[], metrics={}, is_tracking_metrics=_measure,
            ledger=Ledger if _ledger_name == 'mainnet' else RegTestLedger,
            query_timeout=query_timeout, log=log,
            blocked_streams=blocked_streams, blocked_channels=blocked_channels,
            filtered_streams=filtered_streams, filtered_channels=filtered_channels,

def cleanup():

def measure(func):
    def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
        state = ctx.get()
        if not state.is_tracking_metrics:
            return func(*args, **kwargs)
        metric = {}
        state.metrics.setdefault(func.__name__, []).append(metric)
        start = time.perf_counter()
            return func(*args, **kwargs)
            elapsed = int((time.perf_counter()-start)*1000)
            metric['total'] = elapsed
            metric['isolated'] = (elapsed-sum(state.stack.pop()))
            if state.stack:
    return wrapper

def reports_metrics(func):
    def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
        state = ctx.get()
        if not state.is_tracking_metrics:
            return func(*args, **kwargs)
        r = func(*args, **kwargs)
        return r, state.metrics
    return wrapper

def search_to_bytes(constraints) -> Union[bytes, Tuple[bytes, Dict]]:
    return encode_result(search(constraints))

def resolve_to_bytes(urls) -> Union[bytes, Tuple[bytes, Dict]]:
    return encode_result(resolve(urls))

def encode_result(result):
    return Outputs.to_bytes(*result)

def execute_query(sql, values, row_offset: int, row_limit: int, censor: Censor) -> List:
    context = ctx.get()
        rows = context.db.execute(sql, values).fetchall()
        return rows[row_offset:row_limit]
    except sqlite3.OperationalError as err:
        plain_sql = interpolate(sql, values)
        if context.is_tracking_metrics:
            context.metrics['execute_query'][-1]['sql'] = plain_sql
        context.log.exception('failed running query', exc_info=err)
        raise SQLiteOperationalError(context.metrics)

def claims_query(cols, for_count=False, **constraints) -> Tuple[str, Dict]:
    if 'order_by' in constraints:
        order_by_parts = constraints['order_by']
        if isinstance(order_by_parts, str):
            order_by_parts = [order_by_parts]
        sql_order_by = []
        for order_by in order_by_parts:
            is_asc = order_by.startswith('^')
            column = order_by[1:] if is_asc else order_by
            if column not in ORDER_FIELDS:
                raise NameError(f'{column} is not a valid order_by field')
            if column == 'name':
                column = 'normalized'
                f"claim.{column} ASC" if is_asc else f"claim.{column} DESC"
        constraints['order_by'] = sql_order_by

    ops = {'<=': '__lte', '>=': '__gte', '<': '__lt', '>': '__gt'}
    for constraint in INTEGER_PARAMS:
        if constraint in constraints:
            value = constraints.pop(constraint)
            postfix = ''
            if isinstance(value, str):
                if len(value) >= 2 and value[:2] in ops:
                    postfix, value = ops[value[:2]], value[2:]
                elif len(value) >= 1 and value[0] in ops:
                    postfix, value = ops[value[0]], value[1:]
            if constraint == 'fee_amount':
                value = Decimal(value)*1000
            constraints[f'claim.{constraint}{postfix}'] = int(value)

    if constraints.pop('is_controlling', False):
        if {'sequence', 'amount_order'}.isdisjoint(constraints):
            for_count = False
            constraints['claimtrie.claim_hash__is_not_null'] = ''
    if 'sequence' in constraints:
        constraints['order_by'] = 'claim.activation_height ASC'
        constraints['offset'] = int(constraints.pop('sequence')) - 1
        constraints['limit'] = 1
    if 'amount_order' in constraints:
        constraints['order_by'] = 'claim.effective_amount DESC'
        constraints['offset'] = int(constraints.pop('amount_order')) - 1
        constraints['limit'] = 1

    if 'claim_id' in constraints:
        claim_id = constraints.pop('claim_id')
        if len(claim_id) == 40:
            constraints['claim.claim_id'] = claim_id
            constraints['claim.claim_id__like'] = f'{claim_id[:40]}%'
    elif 'claim_ids' in constraints:
        constraints['claim.claim_id__in'] = set(constraints.pop('claim_ids'))

    if 'reposted_claim_id' in constraints:
        constraints['claim.reposted_claim_hash'] = unhexlify(constraints.pop('reposted_claim_id'))[::-1]

    if 'name' in constraints:
        constraints['claim.normalized'] = normalize_name(constraints.pop('name'))

    if 'public_key_id' in constraints:
        constraints['claim.public_key_hash'] = (
    if 'channel_hash' in constraints:
        constraints['claim.channel_hash'] = constraints.pop('channel_hash')
    if 'channel_ids' in constraints:
        channel_ids = constraints.pop('channel_ids')
        if channel_ids:
            constraints['claim.channel_hash__in'] = {
                unhexlify(cid)[::-1] for cid in channel_ids if cid
    if 'not_channel_ids' in constraints:
        not_channel_ids = constraints.pop('not_channel_ids')
        if not_channel_ids:
            not_channel_ids_binary = {
                unhexlify(ncid)[::-1] for ncid in not_channel_ids
            constraints['claim.claim_hash__not_in#not_channel_ids'] = not_channel_ids_binary
            if constraints.get('has_channel_signature', False):
                constraints['claim.channel_hash__not_in'] = not_channel_ids_binary
                constraints['null_or_not_channel__or'] = {
                    'claim.signature_valid__is_null': True,
                    'claim.channel_hash__not_in': not_channel_ids_binary
    if 'signature_valid' in constraints:
        has_channel_signature = constraints.pop('has_channel_signature', False)
        if has_channel_signature:
            constraints['claim.signature_valid'] = constraints.pop('signature_valid')
            constraints['null_or_signature__or'] = {
                'claim.signature_valid__is_null': True,
                'claim.signature_valid': constraints.pop('signature_valid')
    elif constraints.pop('has_channel_signature', False):
        constraints['claim.signature_valid__is_not_null'] = True

    if 'txid' in constraints:
        tx_hash = unhexlify(constraints.pop('txid'))[::-1]
        nout = constraints.pop('nout', 0)
        constraints['claim.txo_hash'] = tx_hash + struct.pack('<I', nout)

    if 'claim_type' in constraints:
        claim_types = constraints.pop('claim_type')
        if isinstance(claim_types, str):
            claim_types = [claim_types]
        if claim_types:
            constraints['claim.claim_type__in'] = {
                CLAIM_TYPES[claim_type] for claim_type in claim_types
    if 'stream_types' in constraints:
        stream_types = constraints.pop('stream_types')
        if stream_types:
            constraints['claim.stream_type__in'] = {
                STREAM_TYPES[stream_type] for stream_type in stream_types
    if 'media_types' in constraints:
        media_types = constraints.pop('media_types')
        if media_types:
            constraints['claim.media_type__in'] = set(media_types)

    if 'fee_currency' in constraints:
        constraints['claim.fee_currency'] = constraints.pop('fee_currency').lower()

    _apply_constraints_for_array_attributes(constraints, 'tag', clean_tags, for_count)
    _apply_constraints_for_array_attributes(constraints, 'language', lambda _: _, for_count)
    _apply_constraints_for_array_attributes(constraints, 'location', lambda _: _, for_count)

    select = f"SELECT {cols} FROM claim"
    if not for_count:
        select += " LEFT JOIN claimtrie USING (claim_hash)"
    return query(select, **constraints)

def select_claims(censor: Censor, cols: str, for_count=False, **constraints) -> List:
    if 'channel' in constraints:
        channel_url = constraints.pop('channel')
        match = resolve_url(channel_url)
        if isinstance(match, dict):
            constraints['channel_hash'] = match['claim_hash']
            return [{'row_count': 0}] if cols == 'count(*) as row_count' else []
    row_offset = constraints.pop('offset', 0)
    row_limit = constraints.pop('limit', 20)
    sql, values = claims_query(cols, for_count, **constraints)
    return execute_query(sql, values, row_offset, row_limit, censor)

def count_claims(**constraints) -> int:
    constraints.pop('offset', None)
    constraints.pop('limit', None)
    constraints.pop('order_by', None)
    count = select_claims(Censor(Censor.SEARCH), 'count(*) as row_count', for_count=True, **constraints)
    return count[0]['row_count']

def search_claims(censor: Censor, **constraints) -> List:
    return select_claims(
        claimtrie.claim_hash as is_controlling,
        claim.claim_hash, claim.txo_hash,
        claim.claims_in_channel, claim.reposted,
        claim.height, claim.creation_height,
        claim.activation_height, claim.expiration_height,
        claim.effective_amount, claim.support_amount,
        claim.trending_group, claim.trending_mixed,
        claim.trending_local, claim.trending_global,
        claim.short_url, claim.canonical_url,
        claim.channel_hash, claim.reposted_claim_hash,
        """, **constraints

def _get_referenced_rows(txo_rows: List[dict], censor_channels: List[bytes]):
    censor = ctx.get().get_resolve_censor()
    repost_hashes = set(filter(None, map(itemgetter('reposted_claim_hash'), txo_rows)))
    channel_hashes = set(chain(
        filter(None, map(itemgetter('channel_hash'), txo_rows)),

    reposted_txos = []
    if repost_hashes:
        reposted_txos = search_claims(censor, **{'claim.claim_hash__in': repost_hashes})
        channel_hashes |= set(filter(None, map(itemgetter('channel_hash'), reposted_txos)))

    channel_txos = []
    if channel_hashes:
        channel_txos = search_claims(censor, **{'claim.claim_hash__in': channel_hashes})

    # channels must come first for client side inflation to work properly
    return channel_txos + reposted_txos

def search(constraints) -> Tuple[List, List, int, int, Censor]:
    assert set(constraints).issubset(SEARCH_PARAMS), \
        f"Search query contains invalid arguments: {set(constraints).difference(SEARCH_PARAMS)}"
    total = None
    limit_claims_per_channel = constraints.pop('limit_claims_per_channel', None)
    if not constraints.pop('no_totals', False):
        total = count_claims(**constraints)
    constraints['offset'] = abs(constraints.get('offset', 0))
    constraints['limit'] = min(abs(constraints.get('limit', 10)), 50)
    context = ctx.get()
    search_censor = context.get_search_censor(limit_claims_per_channel)
    txo_rows = search_claims(search_censor, **constraints)
    extra_txo_rows = _get_referenced_rows(txo_rows, search_censor.censored.keys())
    return txo_rows, extra_txo_rows, constraints['offset'], total, search_censor

def resolve(urls) -> Tuple[List, List]:
    txo_rows = [resolve_url(raw_url) for raw_url in urls]
    extra_txo_rows = _get_referenced_rows(
        [txo for txo in txo_rows if isinstance(txo, dict)],
        [txo.censor_id for txo in txo_rows if isinstance(txo, ResolveCensoredError)]
    return txo_rows, extra_txo_rows

def resolve_url(raw_url):
    censor = ctx.get().get_resolve_censor()

        url = URL.parse(raw_url)
    except ValueError as e:
        return e

    channel = None

    if url.has_channel:
        query =
        if set(query) == {'name'}:
            query['is_controlling'] = True
            query['order_by'] = ['^creation_height']
        matches = search_claims(censor, **query, limit=1)
        if matches:
            channel = matches[0]
        elif censor.censored:
            return ResolveCensoredError(raw_url, next(iter(censor.censored)))
            return LookupError(f'Could not find channel in "{raw_url}".')

    if url.has_stream:
        query =
        if channel is not None:
            if set(query) == {'name'}:
                # temporarily emulate is_controlling for claims in channel
                query['order_by'] = ['effective_amount', '^height']
                query['order_by'] = ['^channel_join']
            query['channel_hash'] = channel['claim_hash']
            query['signature_valid'] = 1
        elif set(query) == {'name'}:
            query['is_controlling'] = 1
        matches = search_claims(censor, **query, limit=1)
        if matches:
            return matches[0]
        elif censor.censored:
            return ResolveCensoredError(raw_url, next(iter(censor.censored)))
            return LookupError(f'Could not find claim at "{raw_url}".')

    return channel

CASE WHEN claim.claim_type = {CLAIM_TYPES['repost']}
    THEN claim.reposted_claim_hash
    ELSE claim.claim_hash

def _apply_constraints_for_array_attributes(constraints, attr, cleaner, for_count=False):
    any_items = set(cleaner(constraints.pop(f'any_{attr}s', []))[:ATTRIBUTE_ARRAY_MAX_LENGTH])
    all_items = set(cleaner(constraints.pop(f'all_{attr}s', []))[:ATTRIBUTE_ARRAY_MAX_LENGTH])
    not_items = set(cleaner(constraints.pop(f'not_{attr}s', []))[:ATTRIBUTE_ARRAY_MAX_LENGTH])

    all_items = {item for item in all_items if item not in not_items}
    any_items = {item for item in any_items if item not in not_items}

    any_queries = {}

    if attr == 'tag':
        common_tags = any_items & COMMON_TAGS.keys()
        if common_tags:
            any_items -= common_tags
        if len(common_tags) < 5:
            for item in common_tags:
                index_name = COMMON_TAGS[item]
                any_queries[f'#_common_tag_{index_name}'] = f"""
                    SELECT 1 FROM tag INDEXED BY tag_{index_name}_idx
                    WHERE {CLAIM_HASH_OR_REPOST_HASH_SQL}=tag.claim_hash
                    AND tag = '{item}'
        elif len(common_tags) >= 5:
                f'$any_common_tag{i}': item for i, item in enumerate(common_tags)
            values = ', '.join(
                f':$any_common_tag{i}' for i in range(len(common_tags))
            any_queries[f'#_any_common_tags'] = f"""
                SELECT 1 FROM tag WHERE {CLAIM_HASH_OR_REPOST_HASH_SQL}=tag.claim_hash
                AND tag IN ({values})
    elif attr == 'language':
        indexed_languages = any_items & set(INDEXED_LANGUAGES)
        if indexed_languages:
            any_items -= indexed_languages
        for language in indexed_languages:
            any_queries[f'#_any_common_languages_{language}'] = f"""
                SELECT 1 FROM language INDEXED BY language_{language}_idx
                WHERE {CLAIM_HASH_OR_REPOST_HASH_SQL}=language.claim_hash
                AND language = '{language}'

    if any_items:

            f'$any_{attr}{i}': item for i, item in enumerate(any_items)
        values = ', '.join(
            f':$any_{attr}{i}' for i in range(len(any_items))
        if for_count or attr == 'tag':
            if attr == 'tag':
                any_queries[f'#_any_{attr}'] = f"""
                    ((claim.claim_type != {CLAIM_TYPES['repost']}
                     AND claim.claim_hash IN (SELECT claim_hash FROM tag WHERE tag IN ({values}))) OR
                    (claim.claim_type == {CLAIM_TYPES['repost']} AND
                     claim.reposted_claim_hash IN (SELECT claim_hash FROM tag WHERE tag IN ({values}))))
                any_queries[f'#_any_{attr}'] = f"""
                {CLAIM_HASH_OR_REPOST_HASH_SQL} IN (
                    SELECT claim_hash FROM {attr} WHERE {attr} IN ({values})
            any_queries[f'#_any_{attr}'] = f"""
                SELECT 1 FROM {attr} WHERE
                AND {attr} IN ({values})

    if len(any_queries) == 1:
    elif len(any_queries) > 1:
        constraints[f'ORed_{attr}_queries__any'] = any_queries

    if all_items:
        constraints[f'$all_{attr}_count'] = len(all_items)
            f'$all_{attr}{i}': item for i, item in enumerate(all_items)
        values = ', '.join(
            f':$all_{attr}{i}' for i in range(len(all_items))
        if for_count:
            constraints[f'#_all_{attr}'] = f"""
                SELECT claim_hash FROM {attr} WHERE {attr} IN ({values})
                GROUP BY claim_hash HAVING COUNT({attr}) = :$all_{attr}_count
            constraints[f'#_all_{attr}'] = f"""
                    SELECT count(*) FROM {attr} WHERE
                    AND {attr} IN ({values})

    if not_items:
            f'$not_{attr}{i}': item for i, item in enumerate(not_items)
        values = ', '.join(
            f':$not_{attr}{i}' for i in range(len(not_items))
        if for_count:
            if attr == 'tag':
                constraints[f'#_not_{attr}'] = f"""
                    ((claim.claim_type != {CLAIM_TYPES['repost']}
                     AND claim.claim_hash NOT IN (SELECT claim_hash FROM tag WHERE tag IN ({values}))) OR
                    (claim.claim_type == {CLAIM_TYPES['repost']} AND
                     claim.reposted_claim_hash NOT IN (SELECT claim_hash FROM tag WHERE tag IN ({values}))))
                constraints[f'#_not_{attr}'] = f"""
                    SELECT claim_hash FROM {attr} WHERE {attr} IN ({values})
            constraints[f'#_not_{attr}'] = f"""
                NOT EXISTS(
                    SELECT 1 FROM {attr} WHERE
                    AND {attr} IN ({values})