export const m = { title: 'title', faq: 'faq', help_lbry: 'help_lbry', save_crypto: 'save_crypto', go_home: 'go_home', og_description: 'og_description', landing_subtitle: 'landing_subtitle', landing_action: 'landing_action', summary_title: 'summary_title', summary_subtitle: 'summary_subtitle', }; const en = { title: 'LBRY, THE SEC, & THE FUTURE OF CRYPTO', faq: 'VIEW FAQ', help_lbry: 'HELP LBRY', save_crypto: 'SAVE CRYPTO', go_home: 'Go Home', og_description: 'The SEC doesn’t understand blockchain. The claims made in SEC vs. LBRY would destroy the United States cryptocurrency industry.', landing_subtitle: 'The SEC doesn’t understand blockchain. The claims made in SEC vs. LBRY would destroy the United States cryptocurrency industry.', landing_action: 'Help us educate the SEC', summary_title: 'What’s the big deal?', summary_subtitle: 'The entire blockchain industry is at risk in the United States. Big tech and Wall St. would have more power and many people could lose their jobs!', }; const es = {}; const languages = { es, }; export function t(string, lang) { let val; if (languages[lang]) { val = languages[lang][string]; } if (val) { return val; } else { return en[string]; } }