var SlackBot = require('slackbots'); var request = require('request'); var fs = require('fs'); var path = require('path'); ['SLACK_TOKEN', 'RPCUSER', 'RPCPASSWORD', 'MONGODB_URL'].forEach(function (envVar) { if (!process.env[envVar]) { throw new Error(envVar + ' env var required'); } }); var slackbot = new SlackBot({ token: process.env.SLACK_TOKEN, name: 'wunderbot' }); function sendWelcomeMessage(user) { fs.readFile(path.join(path.dirname(require.main.filename), ''), {encoding: 'utf-8'}, function (error, data) { if (!error) { slackbot.postMessage(user, data); } }); }; var tipbot = require('./bots/tipbot'); tipbot.init(process.env.RPCUSER, process.env.RPCPASSWORD); var hashbot = require('./bots/hashbot'); hashbot.init(slackbot, process.env.MINING_CHANNEL); var claimbot = require('./bots/claimbot'); claimbot.init(slackbot, process.env.CLAIMS_CHANNEL, process.env.RPCUSER, process.env.RPCPASSWORD, process.env.MONGODB_URL); slackbot.on('start', function() { slackbot.on('message', function(data) { if (data.type == 'team_join') { setTimeout(function() { sendWelcomeMessage(; }, 2000); //Delay because of slow slack api updates which sometimes does not send msg. } if (data.text) { // gifbot.handle_msg(data.text,; var command = data.text.trim().split(' ')[0]; if (command === '!help') { var helpMsg = "I'm Wunderbot, LBRY's slackbot. Here's what I can do:\n" + '`!help` shows this message\n' + '`!tip` sends LBC tips to others, and withdraws and deposits credits into the your tipping wallet\n' + '`!hash` reports on the LBRY blockchain\n' + '_type any of the above commands for more info_\n' + '\n' + 'I also update <#C266N3RMM|content> anytime new content is published on LBRY\n' + '\n' + 'My code is at I love learning new tricks.\n'; slackbot.postMessage(, helpMsg, {icon_emoji: ':bulb:'}); } if (command === hashbot.command) { hashbot.respond(slackbot, data); } if (command === tipbot.command) { tipbot.respond(slackbot, data); } } }); });