var XMLHttpRequest = require('xmlhttprequest').XMLHttpRequest; var slackbot; var imgur; var cache = {}; var cache_timeout = 3600; // 1h var output_dir = 'files'; module.exports = { init: init, handle_msg: handle_msg }; function init(_slackbot, imgur_client_id) { slackbot = _slackbot; imgur = require('imgur'); imgur.setClientId(imgur_client_id); } function jsonrpc_call(method, params, callback) { var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest; xhr.addEventListener('load', function() { var response = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText); callback(response); }); xhr.addEventListener('error', function (e) { callback({error: e}) });'POST', 'http://localhost:5279/lbryapi', true); xhr.send(JSON.stringify({ 'jsonrpc': '2.0', 'method': method, 'params': [params], 'id': 0 })); } function handle_msg(msg, channel) { var words = msg.trim().split(' '); words.forEach(function(word) { if (word.lastIndexOf(' handle_url(word, channel); } }); } function check_url(url, callback) { jsonrpc_call('resolve_name', {'name': url}, function(response) { if (response.error) { callback(response.error); return; } var resolved = response.result; if (!resolved) { callback(false); return; } if (resolved.fee) { callback(false); return; } var meta_version = resolved.ver ? resolved.ver : '0.0.1'; var field_name = (meta_version == '0.0.1' || meta_version == '0.0.2') ? 'content-type' : 'content_type'; var content_type = resolved[field_name]; callback(content_type == 'image/gif'); }); } function handle_url(url, channel) { console.log('Detected URL', url, 'on channel', channel); if (!cache[channel]) { cache[channel] = {}; } var now = new Date().getTime() / 1000; if (cache[channel][url]) { var elapsed = now - cache[channel][url]; if (elapsed < cache_timeout) { console.log(url, 'is cached for this channel, ignoring...') return; } } cache[channel][url] = now; check_url(url, function(valid) { if (valid) { console.log('Fetching', url); fetch_url(url, channel); } else { console.log('Ignoring', url); } }); } function fetch_url(url, channel) { jsonrpc_call('get', {'name': url, 'download_directory': output_dir}, function(response) { var result = response.result; if (!result) { console.warn('Failed to fetch', url); console.warn(response); slackbot.postMessage(channel, 'Unable to fetch URL [' + url + ']. Insufficient funds?'); return; } var filename = result.path; console.log('Uploading', filename); imgur.uploadFile(filename).then(function(uploaded) { var link =; console.log(link); var attachments = [{image_url: link, title: url}]; slackbot.postMessage(channel, null, {attachments: attachments}) }).catch(function(err) { console.error(err.message); }); }); }