'use strict'; const bitcoin = require('bitcoin'); let config = require('config'); let spamchannel = config.get('sandboxchannel'); let lbrycrdConfig = config.get('lbrycrd'); const lbry = new bitcoin.Client(lbrycrdConfig); const helpmsg = { embed: { description: '__**TIPS**__\n\n' + '**Balance**: `!tip balance`\n' + '**Deposit Address**: `!tip deposit`\n' + '**Withdraw**: `!tip withdraw
`\n' + '**Private Tip**: `!tip private `\n\n' + '__**ROLE TIPS**__ Use this to tip everyone in a role.\n\n' + '**Role Tip**: `!roletip `\n' + '**Private Role Tip**: `!privatetip `\n\n' + '__**MULTI TIPS**__ Use this to tip multiple people at once.\n\n' + '**Multi Tip**: `!multitip `\n' + '**Private Multi Tip** `!multitip private `\n' + '**Note**: Multi tips can contain any amount of users to tip.\n\n' + '__**FURTHER INFORMATION**__\n\n' + '**Help**: `!tip help` *Get this message.\n' + 'Read our [Tipbot FAQ]() for more details', color: 1109218 } }; exports.commands = ['tip', 'multitip', 'roletip', 'tips']; exports.tip = { usage: '', description: 'Tip a given user with an amount of LBC or perform wallet specific operations.', process: async function(bot, msg, suffix) { let tipper = msg.author.id.replace('!', ''), words = msg.content .trim() .split(' ') .filter(function(n) { return n !== ''; }), subcommand = words.length >= 2 ? words[1] : 'help', channelwarning = 'Please use <#' + spamchannel + '> or DMs to talk to bots.', MultiorRole = false; switch (subcommand) { case 'help': privateOrSandboxOnly(msg, channelwarning, doHelp, [helpmsg]); break; case 'balance': privateOrSandboxOnly(msg, channelwarning, doBalance, [tipper]); break; case 'deposit': privateOrSandboxOnly(msg, channelwarning, doDeposit, [tipper]); break; case 'withdraw': privateOrSandboxOnly(msg, channelwarning, doWithdraw, [tipper, words, helpmsg]); break; default: doTip(bot, msg, tipper, words, helpmsg, MultiorRole); } } }; exports.multitip = { usage: '', description: 'Tip multiple users simultaneously for the same amount of LBC each.', process: async function(bot, msg, suffix) { let tipper = msg.author.id.replace('!', ''), words = msg.content .trim() .split(' ') .filter(function(n) { return n !== ''; }), subcommand = words.length >= 2 ? words[1] : 'help', channelwarning = 'Please use <#' + spamchannel + '> or DMs to talk to bots.', MultiorRole = true; switch (subcommand) { case 'help': privateOrSandboxOnly(msg, channelwarning, doHelp, [helpmsg]); break; default: doMultiTip(bot, msg, tipper, words, helpmsg, MultiorRole); break; } } }; exports.roletip = { usage: '', description: 'Tip all users in a specified role an amount of LBC.', process: async function(bot, msg, suffix) { let tipper = msg.author.id.replace('!', ''), words = msg.content .trim() .split(' ') .filter(function(n) { return n !== ''; }), subcommand = words.length >= 2 ? words[1] : 'help', channelwarning = `Please use <#${spamchannel}> or DMs to talk to bots.`, MultiorRole = true; switch (subcommand) { case 'help': privateOrSandboxOnly(msg, channelwarning, doHelp, [helpmsg]); break; default: doRoleTip(bot, msg, tipper, words, helpmsg, MultiorRole); break; } } }; exports.tips = { usage: '', description: 'Lists all available tipbot commands with brief descriptions for each command.', process: async function(bot, msg, suffix) { msg.reply(helpmsg); } }; function privateOrSandboxOnly(message, wrongchannelmsg, fn, args) { if (!inPrivateOrBotSandbox(message)) { message.reply(wrongchannelmsg); return; } fn.apply(null, [message, ...args]); } function doHelp(message, helpmsg) { message.author.send(helpmsg); } function doBalance(message, tipper) { lbry.getBalance(tipper, 1, function(err, balance) { if (err) { message.reply('Error getting balance.').then(message => message.delete(5000)); } else { message.reply(`You have *${balance}* LBC`); } }); } function doDeposit(message, tipper) { getAddress(tipper, function(err, address) { if (err) { message.reply('Error getting your deposit address.').then(message => message.delete(5000)); } else { message.reply(`Your address is ${address}`); } }); } function doWithdraw(message, tipper, words, helpmsg) { if (words.length < 4) { return doHelp(message, helpmsg); } let address = words[2], amount = getValidatedAmount(words[3]); if (amount === null) { message.reply('Invalid amount of credits specified... Cannot withdraw credits.').then(message => message.delete(5000)); return; } lbry.sendFrom(tipper, address, amount, function(err, txId) { if (err) { return message.reply(err.message).then(message => message.delete(5000)); } message.reply(`${amount} LBC has been withdrawn to ${address}. ${txLink(txId)}`); }); } function doTip(bot, message, tipper, words, helpmsg, MultiorRole) { if (words.length < 3 || !words) { return doHelp(message, helpmsg); } let prv = false; let amountOffset = 2; if (words.length >= 4 && words[1] === 'private') { prv = true; amountOffset = 3; } let amount = getValidatedAmount(words[amountOffset]); if (amount === null) { return message.reply('Invalid amount of credits specified...').then(message => message.delete(5000)); } if (message.mentions.users.first() && message.mentions.users.first().id) { return sendLBC(bot, message, tipper, message.mentions.users.first().id.replace('!', ''), amount, prv, MultiorRole); } message.reply('Sorry, I could not find the user you are trying to tip...'); } function doMultiTip(bot, message, tipper, words, helpmsg, MultiorRole) { if (!words) { doHelp(message, helpmsg); return; } if (words.length < 4) { doTip(bot, message, tipper, words, helpmsg, MultiorRole); return; } let prv = false; if (words.length >= 5 && words[1] === 'private') { prv = true; } let [userIDs, amount] = findUserIDsAndAmount(message, words, prv); if (amount == null) { message.reply('Invalid amount of credits specified...').then(message => message.delete(5000)); return; } if (!userIDs) { message.reply('Sorry, I could not find the user you are trying to tip...').then(message => message.delete(5000)); return; } for (let i = 0; i < userIDs.length; i++) { sendLBC(bot, message, tipper, userIDs[i].toString(), amount, prv, MultiorRole); } } function doRoleTip(bot, message, tipper, words, helpmsg, MultiorRole) { if (!words || words.length < 3) { doHelp(message, helpmsg); return; } let isPrivateTip = words.length >= 4 && words[1] === 'private'; let amountOffset = isPrivateTip ? 3 : 2; let amount = getValidatedAmount(words[amountOffset]); if (amount === null) { message.reply("I don't know how to tip that amount of LBC...").then(message => message.delete(10000)); return; } let roleToTip = message.mentions.roles.first(); if (roleToTip !== null) { let membersOfRole = roleToTip.members.keyArray(); if (membersOfRole.length > 0) { let userIDs = membersOfRole.map(member => member.replace('!', '')); userIDs.forEach(u => { sendLBC(bot, message, tipper, u, amount, isPrivateTip, MultiorRole); }); } else { return message.reply('Sorry, I could not find any users to tip in that role...').then(message => message.delete(10000)); } } else { return message.reply('Sorry, I could not find any roles in your tip...').then(message => message.delete(10000)); } } function findUserIDsAndAmount(message, words, prv) { let idList = []; let amount = null; let count = 0; let startOffset = 1; if (prv) startOffset = 2; let regex = new RegExp(/<@!?[0-9]+>/); for (let i = startOffset; i < words.length; i++) { if (regex.test(words[i])) { count++; idList.push(words[i].match(/[0-9]+/)); } else { amount = getValidatedAmount(words[Number(count) + 1]); break; } } return [idList, amount]; } function sendLBC(bot, message, tipper, recipient, amount, privacyFlag, MultiorRole) { getAddress(recipient.toString(), function(err, address) { if (err) { message.reply(err.message).then(message => message.delete(5000)); } else { lbry.sendFrom(tipper, address, Number(amount), 1, null, null, function(err, txId) { if (err) { message.reply(err.message).then(message => message.delete(5000)); } else { let tx = txLink(txId); let msgtail = ` DM me with \`!tips\` for all available commands or read our Tipbot FAQ for more details`; if (privacyFlag) { let usr = message.guild.members.find('id', recipient).user; let authmsg = `You have sent a private tip to @${usr.tag} with the amount of ${amount} LBC. ${tx}${msgtail}`; message.author.send(authmsg); if (message.author.id !== usr.id) { let recipientmsg = `You have just been privately tipped ${amount} LBC by @${message.author.tag}. ${tx}${msgtail}`; usr.send(recipientmsg); } } else { let generalmsg = `just tipped <@${recipient}> ${amount} LBC. ${tx}${msgtail}`; message.reply(generalmsg); } } }); } }); } function getAddress(userId, cb) { lbry.getAddressesByAccount(userId, function(err, addresses) { if (err) { cb(err); } else if (addresses.length > 0) { cb(null, addresses[0]); } else { lbry.getNewAddress(userId, function(err, address) { if (err) { cb(err); } else { cb(null, address); } }); } }); } function inPrivateOrBotSandbox(msg) { return msg.channel.type === 'dm' || msg.channel.id === spamchannel; } function getValidatedAmount(amount) { amount = amount.toLowerCase().replace('lbc', ''); return amount.match(/^[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?$/) ? amount : null; } function txLink(txId) { return ''; }