Misunderstood the use of GuildMember in Discord.js due to vague documentation, resulting in tipbot accounts being created accidentally due to getting the wrong Snowflake for the user. The function now takes the user.id of the recipient, preformated to match the tipper, with appropriately adjusted references to the user. Hopefully this should fix the issues being had though manual recovery of the currency in the accidentally created accounts will still be required. Sorry for the trouble.
193 lines
5.2 KiB
193 lines
5.2 KiB
'use strict';
const bitcoin = require('bitcoin');
let config = require('config');
config = config.get('lbrycrd');
const lbry = new bitcoin.Client(config);
exports.commands = [
exports.tip = {
usage: "<subcommand>",
description: 'balance: get your balance\n deposit: get address for your deposits\n withdraw ADDRESS AMOUNT: withdraw AMOUNT credits to ADDRESS\n [private] <user> <amount>: mention a user with @ and then the amount to tip them, or put private before the user to tip them privately.\n Key: [] : Optionally include contained keyword, <> : Replace with appropriate value.',
process: async function (bot, msg, suffix) {
let tipper = msg.author.id.replace('!', ''),
words = msg.content.trim().split(' ').filter(function (n) { return n !== ""; }),
subcommand = words.length >= 2 ? words[1] : 'help';
switch (subcommand) {
case 'help': doHelp(msg); break;
case 'balance': doBalance(msg, tipper); break;
case 'deposit': doDeposit(msg, tipper); break;
case 'withdraw': doWithdraw(msg, tipper, words); break;
default: doTip(msg, tipper, words);
function doBalance(message, tipper) {
lbry.getBalance(tipper, 1, function (err, balance) {
if (err) {
message.reply('Error getting balance');
else {
message.reply('You have *' + balance + '* LBC');
function doDeposit(message, tipper) {
if (!inPrivateOrBotSandbox(message)) {
message.reply('Please use <#369896313082478594> or DMs to talk to bots.');
getAddress(tipper, function (err, address) {
if (err) {
message.reply('Error getting deposit address');
else {
message.reply('Your address is ' + address);
function doWithdraw(message, tipper, words) {
if (!inPrivateOrBotSandbox(message)) {
message.reply('Please use <#369896313082478594> or DMs to talk to bots.');
if (words.length < 4) {
var address = words[2],
amount = getValidatedAmount(words[3]);
if (amount === null) {
message.reply('I dont know how to withdraw that many credits');
lbry.sendFrom(tipper, address, amount, function (err, txId) {
if (err) {
else {
message.reply('You withdrew ' + amount + ' to ' + address + ' (' + txLink(txId) + ')');
function doTip(message, tipper, words) {
if (words.length < 3 || !words) {
let prv = 0;
let amountOffset = 2;
if (words.length >= 4 && words[1] === 'private') {
prv = 1;
amountOffset = 3;
let amount = getValidatedAmount(words[amountOffset]);
if (amount === null) {
message.reply('I dont know how to tip that many credits');
if (message.mentions.users.first().id) {
sendLbc(message, tipper, message.mentions.users.first().id.replace('!', ''), amount, prv);
else {
message.reply('Sorry, I could not find a user in your tip...');
function doHelp(message) {
if (!inPrivateOrBotSandbox(message)) {
message.reply('Please use <#369896313082478594> or DMs to talk to bots.');
message.reply('Sent you help via DM!');
message.author.send('**!tip**\n !tip balance: get your balance\n !tip deposit: get adress for your deposits\n !tip withdraw ADDRESS AMOUNT: withdraw AMOUNT credits to ADDRESS\n !tip <user> <amount>: send <amount> credits to <user>');
function sendLbc(message, tipper, recipient, amount, privacyFlag) {
getAddress(recipient, function (err, address) {
if (err) {
else {
lbry.sendFrom(tipper, address, amount, 1, null, null, function (err, txId) {
if (err) {
else {
var imessage =
'Wubba lubba dub dub! <@' + tipper + '> tipped <@' + recipient + '> ' + amount + ' LBC (' + txLink(txId) + '). ' +
'DM me `!tip` for tipbot instructions.'
if (privacyFlag) {
if (message.author.id != message.mentions.users.first().id) {
} else {
function getAddress(userId, cb) {
lbry.getAddressesByAccount(userId, function (err, addresses) {
if (err) {
else if (addresses.length > 0) {
cb(null, addresses[0]);
else {
lbry.getNewAddress(userId, function (err, address) {
if (err) {
else {
cb(null, address);
function inPrivateOrBotSandbox(msg) {
if ((msg.channel.type == 'dm') || (msg.channel.id === '369896313082478594')) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
function getValidatedAmount(amount) {
amount = amount.trim();
if (amount.toLowerCase().endsWith('lbc')) {
amount = amount.substring(0, amount.length - 3);
return amount.match(/^[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?$/) ? amount : null;
function txLink(txId) {
return "<https://explorer.lbry.io/tx/" + txId + ">";