"use strict";

//  I M P O R T

import html from "choo/html";

//  E X P O R T

export default () => html`
  <div class="component--mission-statement">
    <strong class="component--mission-statement__title">Mission Statement</strong>
    To create a market for accessing and publishing information<sup><a href="#footnote-1" title="First footnote of our mission statement">1</a></sup>
    that is global<sup><a href="#footnote-2" title="Second footnote of our mission statement">2</a></sup>,
    decentralized<sup><a href="#footnote-3" title="Third footnote of our mission statement">3</a></sup>,
    robust<sup><a href="#footnote-4" title="Fourth footnote of our mission statement">4</a></sup>,
    optimal<sup><a href="#footnote-5" title="Fifth footnote of our mission statement">5</a></sup>
    and complete<sup><a href="#footnote-6" title="Sixth footnote of our mission statement">6</a></sup>.