"use strict"; // P A C K A G E S const decamelize = require("decamelize"); const dedent = require("dedent"); const exists = require("fs-exists-sync"); const fm = require("front-matter"); const fs = require("graceful-fs"); const html = require("choo-async/html"); const local = require("app-root-path").require; const numberRegex = /^[0-9]/g; const md = require("markdown-it")({ html: true, typographer: true }).use(require("markdown-it-sup")) .use(require("markdown-it-anchor"), { slugify: stringToSlugify => { let finalString = stringToSlugify .toLowerCase() .replace(/\s\/\s/g, "-") .replace(/\s/g, "-") .replace(/%/g, "") .replace(/\(/g, "") .replace(/\)/g, "") .replace(/,/g, ""); if (finalString.match(numberRegex)) finalString = `_${finalString}`; return finalString; } }) .use(require("markdown-it-wikilinks")({ makeAllLinksAbsolute: true, baseURL: "/glossary#", uriSuffix: "", htmlAttributes: { class: "wikilink" } })); const raw = require("nanohtml/raw"); // E X P O R T module.exports = exports = () => async state => { const path = state.params.wildcard; if (!fs.existsSync(`./documents/${path}.md`)) { return html`

The page you are looking for does not exist.

`; } const markdownFile = fs.readFileSync(`./documents/${path}.md`, "utf-8"); const markdownFileDetails = fm(markdownFile); const renderedMarkdown = md.render(partialFinder(markdownFileDetails.body)); let pageScript = ""; if (path === "overview") pageScript = ""; if (path === "glossary") pageScript = ""; return html`
${raw(renderedMarkdown)} ${raw(pageScript)}
`; }; // H E L P E R function partialFinder(markdownBody) { const regexToFindPartials = /<\w+\/>/g; const partials = markdownBody.match(regexToFindPartials); if (!partials) return markdownBody; for (const partial of partials) { const filename = decamelize(partial, "-").replace("<", "").replace("/>", ""); const fileExistsTest = exists(`./views/partials/${filename}.js`); // `local` results in error if used here and file !exist if (fileExistsTest) { const partialFunction = local(`/views/partials/${filename}.js`); if (filename === "ecosystem") { const Ecosystem = new partialFunction; markdownBody = markdownBody.replace(partial, Ecosystem.render()); } else markdownBody = markdownBody.replace(partial, partialFunction); } } return dedent(markdownBody); // partials get rendered as code snippets w/o `dedent` }