/* global $, send */ "use strict"; $("#fetch-claim-uri").val(""); // reset $("[data-action]").on("click", event => { event.preventDefault(); const data = event.currentTarget.dataset; switch(data.action) { case "fetch metadata": if (!$("#fetch-claim-uri").val()) return; fetchMetadata($("#fetch-claim-uri").val()); break; case "choose claim": fetchMetadata(data.claimId); break; default: break; } }); function fetchMetadata(metadataId) { send(JSON.stringify({ "claim": metadataId, "message": "fetch metadata", "method": "resolve" })); if (!$("#fetch-claim-uri").val()) $("#fetch-claim-uri").val(metadataId); /** TODO: [ ] Style code with highlightjs [ ] Add copy to explain that the lbry app has to be running in order to follow example */ $("#step1-placeholder").html(` <pre><code class="bash"> # Example code using the daemon curl "http://localhost:5279" --data "{ 'method': 'resolve', 'params': { 'uri': '${metadataId}' } }" </code></pre> <div class="loader" id="temp-loader"></div> <div id="step1-result"></div> `); $("#step1-selections").hide(); } send(JSON.stringify({ "message": "Landed on Tour" }));