--- title: Regtest Setup description: Regtest is a parallel testing network for the LBRY blockchain. Learn how to use it in this resource article. --- ## Why Use Regtest A regtest server provides for a way to instantly generate blocks so that transactions can be instantaneous, which ultimately means no waiting for confirmations from the blockchain. Also, it’s not a problem if you accidentally corrupt your wallet, since no real funds are lost! Delete the files and setup a new one. ## Setup To begin setting up the network, there are a few things you need. You'll need a Linux or a Mac distribution to run all this. A virtual machine is fine. Note: These instructions specifically were tested on Ubuntu version 16.04. ### Virtual Environment First up it's a good idea to create a Python virtual environment. This requires you to have a functional python2.7 setup, with the Python package manager `pip` installed. To create a new virtual environment in a folder `lbry-env`, run this: `virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python2.7 lbry-env` To enter the environment, run: `source lbry-env/bin/activate`. ### lbrycrd You need to download a build of `lbrycrd` from [here](https://github.com/lbryio/lbrycrd/releases/), no installation required. To configure `lbrycrd` you need to create a file at `~/.lbrycrd/lbrycrd.conf`, containing the following: ```ini rpcuser=test rpcpassword=test rpcport=18332 regtest=1 server=1 txindex=1 daemon=1 listen=0 discover=0 ``` ### lbryum-server To install lbryum-server, you first need to install the package `leveldb`. After that, download the source from [here](https://github.com/lbryio/lbryum-server/releases), and run the following _not_ inside the environment: ```bash cd lbryum-server sudo pip2 install -r requirements.txt ``` If you're not running debian/\*buntu or a derivative of those, you need to edit the `configure` file a bit. In line 11, remove the `apt-get` line and manually install the required packages. In line 51, change `adduser` to `useradd` and on the same line, change `--disabled-password` to `-p !`. ```bash sudo ./configure sudo python2 setup.py install ``` The `sudo ./configure` command creates a new user in the system by the name "lbryum", which is the user through which we'll be running the server. lbryum-server also needs W/R access to `/var/lbryum-server`. To do that run: ```bash sudo chown -R lbryum /var/lbryum-server ``` When installed, append/use the following config options to the `/etc/lbryum.conf` file: ```ini [lbrycrdd] lbrycrdd_host = localhost lbrycrdd_port = 18332 # user and password from lbrycrd.conf lbrycrdd_user = test lbrycrdd_password = test [network] type=lbrycrd_regtest ``` ### lbryum To install lbryum, first download the source from [here](https://github.com/lbryio/lbryum/releases). To install it, run the following inside the virtual environment: ```bash cd lbryum pip2 install -r requirements.txt pip2 install -e . ``` After installation completes, you must set the config option for lbryum using: ```bash lbryum setconfig default_servers '{ "localhost": { "t": "50001" }}' lbryum setconfig chain 'lbrycrd_regtest' ``` Alternatively, you can create a file `touch ~/.lbryum/config` and paste the following config: ```json { "chain": "lbrycrd_regtest", "default_servers": { "localhost": { "t": "50001" } } } ``` ### lbry Download source from [here](https://github.com/lbryio/lbry-sdk/releases), and run the following inside the environment: ```bash cd lbry pip2 install -r requirements.txt pip2 install -e . mkdir ~/.lbrynet touch ~/.lbrynet/daemon_settings.yml ``` Append the following in the newly created `~/.lbrynet/daemon_settings.yml` file: ```yml blockchain_name: lbrycrd_regtest lbryum_servers: - localhost:50001 reflect_uploads: false share_usage_data: false use_upnp: false ``` ### Last step Go to the `lbryum` folder once again and run: ```bash pip2 install -e . ``` This is to ensure that `lbrynet-daemon` uses the correct wallet. ## Firing up the regtest server ### Wallet backup To start off, if you've already used LBRY on your machine, you need to backup the wallet by copying the folders `~/.lbrynet` and `~/.lbryum` and then deleting them to start from fresh. Run `mkdir ~/.lbryum` Now it should be all set-up. Just execute the commands in the following order, and the regtest server should be good to go. ### 1) lbrycrd To run the `lbrycrd` daemon, run the following in the `lbrycrd` folder: `./lbrycrdd` To generate blocks, run `./lbrycrd-cli generate <num_of_blocks>` You'll need to generate some blocks to get the network going. Start off by generating at least 100. `./lbrycrd-cli generate 173` If you'd prefer a more verbose output from lbrycrdd, run lbrycrd using: `./lbrycrdd -printtoconsole` ### 2) lbryum-server To run the server, run: ```bash sudo runuser -l lbryum -c 'lbryum-server --conf=/etc/lbryum.conf' ``` Note: conf flag can be left out if the config is in the default directory(default: `/etc/lbryum.conf`) ### 3) lbryum To run the lbryum, run: ```bash lbryum daemon start ``` Generate some more blocks, get a wallet address by running: `lbryum getunusedaddress` and then send some credits to your wallet by doing `./lbrycrd-cli sendtoaddress <address> <num_of_credits>` ### 4) lbry You can now run `lbrynet-daemon`, and it should connect to the `lbryum`. Now you can use the regtest stack as you would normally use lbryum. ## Shutdown To stop the network, run `lbrynet-cli daemon_stop`, `lbryum daemon stop`, and kill the `lbryum-server` process and stop lbrycrd by `lbrycrdd-cli stop`. If you want to use your wallet and the official servers again, backup the new regtest wallet, and replace it with your own. ## Note 1 You need to generate a few blocks every time you make a new transaction in the form of send, receive, claim, update, publish, support, tip, etc. for it to show up in the daemon and lbryum, etc. ## Note 2 If something goes wrong and you get a "Block not found" error, remember to delete `/var/lbryum-server` before trying again. ## Cheatsheet #### Required processes in the correct order ```bash lbrycrdd sudo runuser -l lbryum -c 'lbryum-server --conf=/etc/lbryum.conf' lbryum daemon start lbrynet-daemon ``` #### Generate blocks ```bash lbrycrd-cli generate 5 ``` #### Get a wallet address ```bash lbryum getunsusedaddress ``` #### Send credits from lbrycrd to your wallet ```bash lbrycrd-cli sendtoaddress <address> <num_of_credits> ```