# Regtest Setup ## Why use a regtest server A regtest server provides for a way to instantly generate blocks so that transactions can be instantaneous, so ultimately no waiting for confirmations from the blockchain. Also, no problem if you accidentally corrupt your wallet, since no real funds are lost! Delete the files and setup a new one. ## Setup To begin setting up the network, there are a few things you need. You'll need a Linux or a Mac distribution to run all this. A virtual machine is fine. Note: These instructions specifically were tested on Ubuntu version 16.04. ### Virtual Environment First up it's a good idea to create a Python virtual environment. This requires you to have a functional python2.7 setup, with the Python package manager `pip` installed. To create a new virtual environment in a folder `lbry-env`, run this: `virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python2.7 lbry-env` To enter the environment, run: `source lbry-env/bin/activate`. ### lbrycrd You need to download a build of `lbrycrd` from [here](https://github.com/lbryio/lbrycrd/releases/), no installation required. To configure `lbrycrd` you need to create a file at `~/.lbrycrd/lbrycrd.conf`, containing the following. ```ini rpcuser=test rpcpassword=test rpcport=18332 regtest=1 server=1 txindex=1 daemon=1 listen=0 discover=0 ``` ### lbryum-server To install lbryum-server, you first need to install the package `leveldb`. After that, download the source from [here](https://github.com/lbryio/lbryum-server/releases), and run the following _not_ inside the environment. ```bash cd lbryum-server sudo pip2 install -r requirements.txt ``` If you're not running debian/\*buntu or a derivative of those, you need to edit the `configure` file a bit. In line 11, remove the `apt-get` line and manually install the required packages. In line 51, change `adduser` to `useradd` and on the same line, change `--disabled-password` to `-p !`. ```bash sudo ./configure sudo python2 setup.py install ``` The `sudo ./configure` command creates a new user in the system by the name "lbryum", which is the user through which we'll be the running the server. lbryum-server also need W/R access to `/var/lbryum-server` To do that run: ```bash sudo chown -R lbryum /var/lbryum-server ``` When installed, append/use the following config options to the `/etc/lbryum.conf` file. ```ini [lbrycrdd] lbrycrdd_host = localhost lbrycrdd_port = 18332 # user and password from lbrycrd.conf lbrycrdd_user = test lbrycrdd_password = test [network] type=lbrycrd_regtest ``` ### lbryum To install lbryum, first, download the source from [here](https://github.com/lbryio/lbryum/releases). To install it, run the following inside the virtual environment. ```bash cd lbryum pip2 install -r requirements.txt pip2 install -e . ``` After installation completes, you must set the config option for lbryum using: ```bash lbryum setconfig default_servers '{ "localhost": { "t": "50001" }}' lbryum setconfig chain 'lbrycrd_regtest' ``` Alternatively, you can create a file `touch ~/.lbryum/config` and paste the following config: ```json { "chain": "lbrycrd_regtest", "default_servers": { "localhost": { "t": "50001" } } } ``` ### lbry Download source from [here](https://github.com/lbryio/lbry/releases), and run the following inside the environment. ```bash cd lbry pip2 install -r requirements.txt pip2 install -e . mkdir ~/.lbrynet touch ~/.lbrynet/daemon_settings.yml ``` Append the following in the newly created `~/.lbrynet/daemon_settings.yml` file ```yml blockchain_name: lbrycrd_regtest lbryum_servers: - localhost:50001 reflect_uploads: false share_usage_data: false use_upnp: false ``` ### Last step Go to the `lbryum` folder once again and run: ```bash pip2 install -e . ``` This is to ensure that `lbrynet-daemon` uses the correct wallet. ## Firing up the regtest server ### Wallet backup To start off, if you've already used LBRY on your machine, you need to backup the wallet by copying the folders `~/.lbrynet` and `~/.lbryum`, then delete them to start from fresh. Run `mkdir ~/.lbryum` Now it should be all set-up, just execute the commands in the following order, and the regtest server should be good to go. ### 1) lbrycrd To run the `lbrycrd` daemon, run the following in the `lbrycrd` folder. `./lbrycrdd` To generate blocks, run `./lbrycrd-cli generate <num_of_blocks>` You'll need to generate some blocks to get the network going. Start off by generating at least 100. `./lbrycrd-cli generate 173` If you'd prefer a more verbose output from lbrycrdd, run lbrycrd using `./lbrycrdd -printtoconsole` ### 2) lbryum-server To run the server, run: ```bash sudo runuser -l lbryum -c 'lbryum-server --conf=/etc/lbryum.conf' ``` Note: conf flag can be left out if the config is in the default directory(default: `/etc/lbryum.conf`) ### 3) lbryum To run the lbryum, run: ```bash lbryum daemon start ``` Generate some more blocks, get a wallet address by running: `lbryum getunusedaddress` and then send some credits to your wallet by doing `./lbrycrd-cli sendtoaddress <address> <num_of_credits>` ### 4) lbry You can now run `lbrynet-daemon`, and it should connect to the `lbryum`. Now you can use the regtest stack as you would normally use lbryum. ## Shutdown To stop the network, run `lbrynet-cli daemon_stop`, `lbryum daemon stop`, and kill the `lbryum-server` process and stop lbrycrd by `lbrycrdd-cli stop`. If you want to use your wallet and the official servers again, backup the new regtest wallet, and replace it with your own. ## Note 1 You need to generate a few blocks everytime you make a new transaction in the form of send, receive, claim, update, publish, support, tip etc. for it to show up in the daemon and lbryum etc. ## Note 2 If something goes wrong and you get a "Block not found" error, remember to delete `/var/lbryum-server` before trying again. ## Cheatsheet #### Required processes in the correct order ```bash lbrycrdd sudo runuser -l lbryum -c 'lbryum-server --conf=/etc/lbryum.conf' lbryum daemon start lbrynet-daemon ``` #### Generate blocks ```bash lbrycrd-cli generate 5 ``` #### Get a wallet address ```bash lbryum getunsusedaddress ``` #### Send credits from lbrycrd to your wallet ```bash lbrycrd-cli sendtoaddress <address> <num_of_credits> ```