Redirecting you to ${redirectUrl}
${apiDetail.arguments.length ? `Arguments
- ${renderArguments(apiDetail.arguments).join("")}
"use strict"; // I M P O R T S import asyncHtml from "choo-async/html"; import dedent from "dedent"; import got from "got"; // U T I L S import headerBlockchain from "~component/api/header-blockchain"; import headerSdk from "~component/api/header-sdk"; import redirects from "~data/redirects.json"; const blockchainApi = ""; const cache = new Map(); const sdkApi = ""; // E X P O R T export default async(state) => { // below is evil, I just inherited it -- Jeremy const apilabel = state.params.wildcard === "sdk" ? "SDK" : state.params.wildcard.charAt(0).toLocaleUpperCase() + state.params.wildcard.substring(1); state.lbry = { title: apilabel + " API Documentation", description: "See API documentation, signatures, and sample calls for the LBRY " + apilabel + " APIs." }; try { const apiResponse = await parseApiFile(state.params.wildcard); return asyncHtml`
Redirecting you to ${redirectUrl}
${apiDetail.arguments.length ? `${dedent(apiDetailsReturns)}
// example(s) for ${} to come later
// example(s) to come later
return exampleContent;
for (const arg of args) {