"use strict"; // I M P O R T import html from "choo/html"; // E X P O R T export default state => { state.hideFooter = true; state.lbry = { title: "LBRY Specification", description: "A detailed specification of the LBRY protocol. Learn exactly what LBRY is and how it works!" }; return html` <frame-viewer> <iframe id="spec"></iframe> </frame-viewer> <script> const specDomain = "https://spec.lbry.com"; const spec = document.getElementById("spec"); spec.src = specDomain + window.location.hash; document.querySelector("body").style["overflow-y"] = "hidden"; window.addEventListener("message", event => { if (event.origin !== specDomain || event.source !== spec.contentWindow) // security return; const url = window.location.href.substr(0, window.location.href.lastIndexOf("#")); history.replaceState(null, null, url + "#" + event.data); }); </script> `; };