# The location of your hosted daemon, sans protocol (so, daemon.your.site instead of https://daemon.your.site) # HTTPS is assumed for security reasons DAEMON_URL= # These are for powering the LBRY Developer Program # /developer-program GITHUB_APP_ID= GITHUB_APP_SECRET= REWARD_URL= # https://developer.github.com/apps/building-oauth-apps/creating-an-oauth-app # We use this to show the GitHub feed on the homepage GITHUB_OAUTH_TOKEN= # You can use openssl to generate impossible to guess tokens # Ideally you would have a reference to this on your daemon so make sure that server is secure! # openssl rand -hex 32 || openssl rand -base64 32 LBRY_DAEMON_ACCESS_TOKEN= # Absolute path to the images folder you want the daemon to use on its server LBRY_DAEMON_IMAGES_PATH= # Usually 443 # This is commented-out for local development PORT= # https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/rediscloud REDISCLOUD_URL= # https://api.slack.com/incoming-webhooks # We get notified when issues with this app happens, directly in Slack SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL=