"use strict"; require("dotenv").config(); require("date-format-lite"); // P A C K A G E S const color = require("turbocolor"); const cors = require("cors"); const dedent = require("dedent"); const fastify = require("fastify")({ logger: { level: "warn", prettyPrint: process.env.NODE_ENV === "development" ? true : false } }); const html = require("choo-async/html"); const local = require("app-root-path").require; const octokit = require("@octokit/rest")(); const redis = require("redis"); const request = require("request-promise-native"); const stringifyObject = require("stringify-object"); // V A R I A B L E S const github = local("/helpers/github"); const log = console.log; // eslint-disable-line const logSlackError = local("/helpers/slack"); const relativeDate = local("/modules/relative-date"); let client; if (typeof process.env.GITHUB_OAUTH_TOKEN !== "undefined") { octokit.authenticate({ type: "oauth", token: process.env.GITHUB_OAUTH_TOKEN }); } else log(`${color.red("[missing]")} GitHub token`); if (typeof process.env.REDISCLOUD_URL !== "undefined") { client = redis.createClient(process.env.REDISCLOUD_URL); client.on("error", redisError => { process.env.NODE_ENV === "development" ? log(`\n${color.yellow("Unable to connect to Redis client.")}\nYou may be missing an .env file or your connection was reset.`) : logSlackError("An error occured with Redis", redisError) ; }); } else log(`${color.red("[missing]")} Redis client URL`); // P R O G R A M fastify.use(cors()); fastify.register(require("fastify-compress")); fastify.register(require("fastify-ws")); fastify.register(require("fastify-helmet"), { hidePoweredBy: { setTo: "LBRY" } }); fastify.register(require("fastify-static"), { root: `${__dirname}/public/`, prefix: "/assets/" }); fastify.register(require("choo-ssr/fastify"), { app: require("./client"), plugins: [ [ require("choo-bundles/ssr"), {} ] ] }); fastify.ready(err => { if (err) throw err; fastify.ws.on("connection", socket => { socket.send(JSON.stringify({ "message": "notification", "details": "Welcome" })); socket.on("message", data => { data = JSON.parse(data); switch(data.message) { case "landed on homepage": generateGitHubFeed(result => { socket.send(JSON.stringify({ "message": "updated html", "html": result, "selector": "#github-feed" })); }); break; case "fetch metadata": fetchMetadata(data.claim, data.method, socket); break; default: log(data); break; } }); socket.on("close", () => log("Client disconnected.")); // TODO: Close socket? }); }); // B E G I N const start = async () => { try { await fastify.listen(process.env.PORT || 8080, process.env.IP || ""); } catch (err) { fastify.log.error(err); process.exit(1); } process.env.NODE_ENV === "development" ? log(`\n— ${color.green("⚡")} ${fastify.server.address().port}\n`) : logSlackError(`Server started at port \`${fastify.server.address().port}\``) ; }; start(); // H E L P E R S function generateGitHubFeed(displayGitHubFeed) { if (typeof process.env.REDISCLOUD_URL !== "undefined") { client.zrevrange("events", 0, 9, (err, reply) => { if (err) return; // TODO: Render a div with nice error message const events = []; const renderedEvents = []; reply.forEach(item => events.push(JSON.parse(item))); for (const event of events) { renderedEvents.push(`

${github.generateEvent(event)} ${event.repo.name} ${relativeDate(new Date(event.created_at))}

`); } // TODO: Update `.last-updated` every minute displayGitHubFeed(dedent`


Last updated: ${new Date().format("YYYY-MM-DD at H:mm:ss A").toLowerCase().replace(/-/g, "·")}
${renderedEvents.join("")} `); }); } } function fetchMetadata(claimAddress, resolveMethod, socket) { if (!claimAddress || !resolveMethod) return; const allowedClaims = [ "5b7c7a202201033d99e1be2930d290c127c0f4fe", "a1372cf5523885f5923237bfe522f02f5f054362", "de7f7fa33e8d879b2bae7238d2bdf827a39f9301", "fbdcd44a97810522d23d5f1335b8ca04be9d776c", "fortnite-top-stream-moments-nickatnyte", "itsadisaster", "six", "unbubbled1-1" ]; const allowedMethods = [ "publish", "resolve", "wallet_send" ]; if (!allowedMethods.includes(resolveMethod)) return socket.send(JSON.stringify({ "message": "notification", "type": "error", "details": "Unallowed resolve method for tutorial" })); if (!allowedClaims.includes(claimAddress)) return socket.send(JSON.stringify({ "message": "notification", "type": "error", "details": "Invalid claim ID for tutorial" })); const body = {}; if (resolveMethod === "publish") { body.bid = 0.001; // Hardcode the publish amount // Fix the internal image path in daemon // body.file_path = process.env.LBRY_DAEMON_IMAGES_PATH + body.file_path; // TODO: needed for step 2, check for `file_path` } body.method = resolveMethod; body.access_token = process.env.LBRY_DAEMON_ACCESS_TOKEN; body.uri = claimAddress; return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { request({ url: "http://daemon.lbry.tech", qs: body }, (error, response, body) => { if (error) { reject(error); logSlackError("[daemon error]\n", "```" + JSON.stringify(error) + "```"); return; } body = JSON.parse(body); if (typeof body.error !== "undefined") { reject(body.error); logSlackError("[daemon error]\n", "```" + JSON.stringify(body.error) + "```"); return; } socket.send(JSON.stringify({ "message": "updated html", "html": html`

Success! Here is the response for lbry://${claimAddress}:

${stringifyObject(body, { indent: "  ", singleQuotes: false })}
`, "selector": "#step1-result" })); }); }); }