diff --git a/depends/Makefile b/depends/Makefile
index 50cc77dde..dc2a1e626 100644
--- a/depends/Makefile
+++ b/depends/Makefile
@@ -192,4 +192,6 @@ download-win:
 	@$(MAKE) -s HOST=x86_64-w64-mingw32 download-one
 download: download-osx download-linux download-win
+$(foreach package,$(all_packages),$(eval $(call ext_add_stages,$(package))))
 .PHONY: install cached clean clean-all download-one download-osx download-linux download-win download check-packages check-sources
diff --git a/depends/funcs.mk b/depends/funcs.mk
index 2ec8e4771..fbefc890e 100644
--- a/depends/funcs.mk
+++ b/depends/funcs.mk
@@ -213,6 +213,14 @@ $(1): | $($(1)_cached_checksum)
+stages = fetched extracted preprocessed configured built staged postprocessed cached cached_checksum
+define ext_add_stages
+$(foreach stage,$(stages),
+          $(1)_$(stage): $($(1)_$(stage))
+          .PHONY: $(1)_$(stage))
 # These functions create the build targets for each package. They must be
 # broken down into small steps so that each part is done for all packages
 # before moving on to the next step. Otherwise, a package's info