diff --git a/src/qt/bitcoinunits.cpp b/src/qt/bitcoinunits.cpp
index c85f569fd..75e1f9ae7 100644
--- a/src/qt/bitcoinunits.cpp
+++ b/src/qt/bitcoinunits.cpp
@@ -106,10 +106,8 @@ QString BitcoinUnits::format(int unit, const CAmount& nIn, bool fPlus, Separator
     QString quotient_str = QString::number(quotient);
     QString remainder_str = QString::number(remainder).rightJustified(num_decimals, '0');
-    // Use SI-stule separators as these are locale indendent and can't be
-    // confused with the decimal marker.  Rule is to use a thin space every
-    // three digits on *both* sides of the decimal point - but only if there
-    // are five or more digits
+    // Use SI-style thin space separators as these are locale independent and can't be
+    // confused with the decimal marker.
     QChar thin_sp(THIN_SP_CP);
     int q_size = quotient_str.size();
     if (separators == separatorAlways || (separators == separatorStandard && q_size > 4))